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Offline Inccubus

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What I think I really want...
« on: June 04, 2012, 10:04:41 PM »
All this LoS stuff has got me thinking of what I would like to see if LoS2 is really it for this reboot.
And what that is, is a final super bad-ass reboot staring Simon with the same premise as the original game but in epic proportions.

I'm thinking of a trek through Dracula's (massive) Castle in Transylvania with all the modern sensibilities of LoS and the movie monster through back cheese that was the original. However, I want to see truly epic battles against the bosses with all of there over powered glory in the vain of Imhotep in The Mummy. I'd like to see the original movie monsters stand toe-to-toe with a Simon with equally epic presentation as Gabriel got in LoS. And a new spin on the Demon Castle premise something sort of like the shifting stages in DMC would be a good start. Perhaps also a branching story line  with a good and bad ending. Keep Simon's rage attitude and perhaps have one ending be caused by him succumbing to it and the good of course being his overcoming his all consuming emotions.

That is what I wish.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2012, 10:10:54 PM by Inccubus »
"Stuff and things."

