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Great news! Now I'll be able to try this, if it's not so hot, can trade it in, and if I like it, I'll keep it!!   ;D

Bethesda have clarified Zenimax's original statement was incorrect - the game does NOT need a key to use and the media can be resold. ""The physical console version of The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited does not require a one-time game code, as with any other boxed PS4 / Xbox One game only the game disc is needed for verification," Bethesda said in a statement this afternoon. "Any previous statements counter to this were incorrect."

EDIT: This post has been edited to include the correct information on this question:

The physical console version of The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited does not require a one-time game code. As with any other boxed PS4 / Xbox One game only the game disc is needed for verification.

the 2nd era

Freedom and Choice

ESO with friends and strangers

Tamriel Unlimited major updates

Character Progression: Be Who You Want to Be (informative examples of skills and builds)

The Elder Scrolls Online: Character Creation

Some PC veterans that like it share their insight.

    Just wondering why people are complaining this much.

    I play this game in 3rd person(in hectic battles) but mostly in first person with my FOV slider all to the max.
    And i must say it works really well.

    How can people say this game doesn't feel like an elder scrolls game?
    Maybe they should play in first person more (might be a bit getting used to)
    but i feel that it draws you into the experience much more.

    With the loss of subsciption fees and the justice system (with stealing and all).
    Its a really great game. I've played Guild Wars 1+2 and WoW for some time. But ESO is keeping my interest and fun factor much higher then those other 2.

    Especially the combat in this is great.
    I must admit i play this mostly solo but because of that it doesn't feel much different then a skyrim. (im playing ebonheart pact).
    But once i see a stranger i work together with them most of the time while in dungeons.

    People complain because their only impression of the game comes from either the Beta or the first month and because some Youtube reviewers don't understand that you don't review a game the moment it comes out, especially if it's an MMO because there are always teething issues with them.

I'm with you TC. I do find this rather enjoyable. If you actually play, you find most people in game are enjoying it. It's the people sitting back not playing or trying it that do most of the trash talk.

Glad you are having fun. I'm there with you.

This game had a lot of negative press on release (both deserved and undeserved). Most of that has stayed with it. Personally I'm with you on it feeling like a TES game, and I play exclusively in third person. There's just no mistaking that art style or character design, and the adult lean is much appreciated after WoW's Disneyland motif.

To be fair, the combat was rather wonky when it first came out. The core was there, but the animations could be weird, light/heavy attacks weren't incorporated as well, few other things. It's much improved now. Also, quests really were glitchy, to the point where it seriously affected progression - I remember one quest in the last zone, name escapes me now, but it was one of the last in the main story and it glitched so hard some people couldn't finish it at all. Plus several dozen minor example of the same.

It was also a sub game during a time when the general consensus of the industry was subs were gone for good, and "subscription mmo" was a curse. That feeling doesn't seem so prevalent anymore, but the fact that it went b2p after less than a year doesn't help its perception any.

This is the core of the reason. The game came out of beta into full launch, still in beta. Maybe even alpha. The game at launch was a bug filled, glitched up, half broken, and for a lot of people unplayable, mess. Add to that that it was an MMO that had significant problems with co-oping things, a very static and lifeless world (this is the area that's had the most improvement imho) and the fact they had the gall to not only charge full price for that mess, but demand a monthly sub on top of it.

The game now, that it's had nearly a year of work put into it post launch mess, is actually pretty great. As someone who played the first few months post launch, and have recently came back with the sub removal, I can say without a doubt if THIS is the way the game launched, that negative rep it has wouldn't be there.

    skyrim bored me and i couldnt get into it at all.

    but im loving this been playing the last few days and its great fun feels so much better since launch and the combat feels much more solid and fluid.

performance has definitely improved that's for sure

And reading up on some console beta impressions, and they are overall positive too.   :) 
This could be better than a TES VI for some open world fans. 

 While I play FFXIV, I see FFXIV's flaws and shortcomings, while ESO is looking to be more my kind of mmorpg.
It doesn't have things like housing, but still the pros outnumber the minor things. 

And I look forward to the unique experience because while it doesn't have text chat, I have seen in FFXIV how text chat can hurt a community and break immersion more than help it.

 Especially with all the arguments, immature and dumb things said in the party chat and shout chat,
the clash between casuals and RPers,
the Gold Sellers spamming advertisements every day through the chat window and invites.
the drama that can break and ruin parties based on text conversations itself.

Even in FFXIV, the majority of the content can be beaten without communication,  so I don't mind playing ESO
mostly solo since that is closer to TES style anyways. They just gotta make sure there's at least some option
or way to play ESO without hearing voice chat, because that can be annoying too.   Without chat, people can
concentrate more on the world and what's going on around them.  Though I understand chat is what's going to
make Guilds. markets and perhaps PVP more organized.   ;D

  I'll still play Heavensward for the story, but I'll play ESO for the overall personal experience and more RP friendly atmosphere.

One of the huge things I'm liking about ESO style, is the more flexible class system that lets you build your class
more how you want, and can fit into different roles instead of the class defining your role.  And creative builds can
still be viable without needing to be min/max tier.   and any class can use any type of weapon/armor.  combine that
with unique race traits, crafting, skills, passives, and more, and there's a lot more depth and freedom than the cookie cutter archetypes of other mmorpgs.

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One of the huge things I'm liking about ESO style, is the more flexible class system that lets you build your class
more how you want, and can fit into different roles instead of the class defining your role.

This character element was how it was in Skyrim. There was no class. instead you just added perk points into whatever you wanted to up in order to get better at. I'm still very on the fence with ESO. To me The Elder Scrolls is a single player game that immerses you in its many different worlds. I think a lot of the bad hype during it's release is well justified and it should serve as a warning to other companies about what NOT to do for future MMO games or just games in general. However if ESO is now becoming this fantastic, immersive world with lot's of options and character building, then I might be tempted to check it out when the PS4 version comes out.
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well mmorpgs have shown that they can be even more immersive, unpredictable, and lively than single player open world rpgs, but yes, we will see how ESO console version develops.

I will be positive, but if it isn't so great, there's still FFXIV to play,  though I really think ESO could be
the better mmorpg in some ways with its exclusive advantages. 

FFXIV is overall great and very polished, but at the sametime it's very strict, segmented, semi automated,
 and linear in its nature.  I'm also getting miffed by how long and often I hold R2 just to do the usual 3 attack combo rotation. there is also toggle mode for cross hotbar, but don't feel comfortable with that.

So glad ESO doesn't go the theme park route like WoW and FFXIV.

Oh yes before release, a sweepstakes is going on for a free PS4, there will be 10 winners among those that preorder
on PSN Store

I'm getting physical version, anyways those sweepstakes are almost like the lottery.   ;D

A demo will be streamed on June 4

Next Thursday, June 4th at 4:00PM EDT, we’ll be hosting our next bi-weekly Twitch show, ESO Live. During that show, we’ll be joined by Console Executive Producer Erich Waas, and doing a live demo of console gameplay (including showing off the Quick Chat system).

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So glad ESO doesn't go the theme park route like WoW and FFXIV

Can explain more about this part, please?
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I Think affinity is referring to the quality of the graphical realism shown in-game. FFXIV and WoW both have bright colors and an almost cartoony stylization to the characters. ESO is like it's predecessors where the colors are more akin to realism, as well as the graphics themselves. TES series is still a fantasy world, but it's more in reality-like then WoW or FFXIV. Mind you this is not counting the first two games in the series (Arena and Daggerfall.)
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Oh so thats it then, thanks X.
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That's what we're here for  ;)
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well not only in art direction.  but wow and ffxiv theme park design is.... well its hard to explain but it really stands out
if you played mmorpgs outside of that, like FFXI Online, which is a more hardcore and immersive world.
yeah in theme park mmorpgs, they have this kind of "structure" to them that artificially makes the things like travel
and access to content too easy and give too much shortcuts to do anything.

 like packing dungeons into menu launched instances instead of their own public zones you travel to and share with
other independent adventurers.

as well as fast travel everywhere even within the cities themselves.   well yes ESO has fast travel also, but the
oversimplifying is not to the degree that mmorpgs like ffxiv do it.

Well here's a cool stream that shows some of the console interface


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You really seem to love MMOs :P
Which ones you play right now? You know if they already have plans to shutdown FFXI? I've always wanted to give it a try but I was unemployed and now I think that everyone migrated to XIV :(
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think they are moving FFXI to mobile.

well if you wanna count mmos, then stuff like PSO might count too,
but the only mmorpgs I played are FFXI, DCUO, FFXIV and going to play ESO. 
though I didn't like DCUO, but I knew it wasn't gonna be all that.

I don't really play a lot of mmorpgs.  Just the greatest of the greatest that are right for me.  ;D

I think like any genre I just select the greatest out of that genre I'm interested in. 

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DCUO is really horrible IMO, its hard to even have a decent conversation in this game. I've played it for some hours in 3 days and then never came back.
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Picked up ESO for my PS4 and I'm actually enjoying it. Bathesda is right about no passwords and stuff and it definitely feels like an Elder Scrolls game. The only real thing bothering me is this: The game seems crowded with all the players being in the same world as you. What would make this game far more immersive (at least to me) would be to only have you (the player) running around in the world doing things rather then seeing everyone running around in the same world, doing the same thing you are. That kinda feels immersion-breaking. The character creation menu is definitely far superior to Skyrim's. Unless you play a Modded game like I do. I was able to create a character of my liking to run around with (although there's still a lack of hairstyles but I can let that slide for now). Another thing I like is that you cannot collide with other players. You can see them but not "physically" bump into them. This is a relief considering there some areas that are just too tight for more then one player to traverse at a time. One other thing that isn't really elder scrolls-ish is that only some enemies~not all of them~will you be able to loot from. In every other ES game you killed an enemy and you could take from them. Didn't matter what you killed, you got their stuff, even if they had nothing you could still interact with the corps. Not the case with ESO sadly. But overall I'm enjoying playing it. But hopefully in the near future Bathesda will make another ES game that isn't an MMO, that's doesn't require the Steam website to run, and is far superior to Skyrim.
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ESO is more incredible than I expected, though it is annoying that I have to use a PC to register my email account.  have about 5 days to verify the email but doing it through the PS4 browser, it keeps loading the log in screen after inputting a account name and pressing enter.   So got to use a PC to verify and register my account I guess.   I'm only level 10 and in my opinion, even with just what I experienced so far, ESO world is more fascinating than any open world before it!!!!    :)      Everything just feels so much better than all the open world and mmorpgs I played before this.   and I'm okay with the crowded cities, the lag is easy to get used to and I really like the unpredictable happenings and activities the communities are contributing to the atmosphere. 

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Well it's not the cities that bothers me so much as it is doing quests. For instance: If you want to play a thief character~doing assassinations and sneaking past the enemy, how do you go about doing it when others are in the same environment as you? This is perhaps one of the fundamental problems with trying to adapt a game like elder scrolls into an MMO. It would be better if the game was designed so that only you were in the world itself; you can't see the other players and they can't see you. They can't interact in your world and you can't interact with theirs. And if you wanted to join other parties or have people join your party there would be a special registry booth for just such an option. I guess you'd call it the Fighter's Guild. This is what I like about Champions Online. When you were doing missions in buildings or other enclosed environments you were the only one there. They should have done that with ESO as well. It would make the game just that much more immersive. There is another plus-side to ESO. Like in Dragon Age Inquisition you can have the option to visually remove headgear so that you can still see your character's head even though they are wearing a helmet.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2015, 10:01:38 AM by X »
"Spirituality is God's gift to humanity...
Religion is Man's flawed interpretation of Spirituality given back to humanity..."

