Castlevania Dungeon Forums

Off Topic => Off Topic => Topic started by: Abnormal Freak on March 27, 2010, 06:36:30 AM

Title: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on March 27, 2010, 06:36:30 AM
This isn't a favorite music thread or anything like that—just curious what everyone has been enjoying recently (and maybe that includes some of your favorites).

For me, I've been on a bit of a David Bowie kick, and in particular have been listening to the albums Diamond Dogs and Iggy Pop's The Idiot (which Bowie produced and co-wrote). Really excellent stuff, so immersive (; sounds that are dark, a little unsettling, and quite innovative, especially that Iggy album, which had to have been a heavy influence on post-punk and some industrial bands. The songs "Funtime (" and "China Girl (" particularly excite me a whole helluva lot.

From playing through Thief: Deadly Shadows a second time (cool game, but pales in comparison to the first two, which are some of my favorite games ever), I've been on a dark ambient kick. Downloaded its soundtrack—great stuff ( by Eric Brosius—and, since Coil's music has always reminded me of Thief (it ought to be the other way around, since Coil came much sooner; but since I discovered Thief first, Coil music will always "remind me of Thief music"), I've been listening to a lot of their musick lately: Black Antlers (, Worship the Glitch, The Remote Viewer (, Born Again Pagans ("pHILM #1" is such a wonderful track), and so many others.

Also, my dark ambient kick has reminded me of the excellent music by Aubrey Hodges ( for DOOM 64 and the PlayStation DOOM ports. Really good, dark, scary-sounding ambience.

What else? Currently listening to the Doubting Thomas album The Infidel. They were a rad Skinny Puppy side project. Cool industrial sounds ( and compositions.

Yeah, I think that's all I've been playing on repeat lately. There's lotsa other stuff here and there I've been digging, but nothing I spin repeatedly.

How 'bout you?
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on March 27, 2010, 06:58:22 AM
Oh yeah, there's also Pentagram ( Been listening to some of their stuff in anticipation for their show this Tuesday. One of the earliest heavy metal bands, right there with Black Sabbath and the like.

Then there's Frankmusik (, ha ha. I listen to some of his songs regularly. Really enjoy this video ( It's the happiest thing of ever; I like this version ( of the song more, though.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mobius on March 27, 2010, 08:56:21 AM
Peter Gabriel's "Shock the Monkey." Don't ask why. You're all seriously better off not knowing.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Raphael Belmont on April 21, 2010, 12:32:50 PM
Pearl Jam - Oceans... i love this music....a lot....
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on April 21, 2010, 02:26:29 PM
Been on a bit of a Type O Negative kick lately. It's strange: I actually had the urge to listen to them on the day Peter died, hours before the rumors of his death had been going around the Internet.

Listening to "Bloody Kisses (A Death in the Family) (" right now. One of my favorite songs of theirs.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gunlord on April 23, 2010, 02:26:41 AM
I've been listening to this song a lot:

Along with other assorted anime OPs. 8)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: PFG9000 on April 23, 2010, 08:21:39 AM
I've been listening to a lot of Neil Young lately.  Mostly because I'm too lazy to take the disc out of my CD player.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Eric Roman on April 23, 2010, 05:46:29 PM
I've recently caught the rest of the Thunder Force IV soundtrack off Galbadia and I've just been rocking out.  It's got to be one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard off the Genesis.  That stuff just rocks.  Dwelling of Duels ( needs to get on this one STAT.

(This is also my first time experiencing the rest of the music in its true form; outside of hit-or-miss emu sound and the noisy Mono imposed by my RF Switch and Sega Genesis II.)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on April 27, 2010, 03:02:30 AM
I've been listening to Arsis a lot lately. I bought their album We Are the Nightmare, and I can't stop listening to it. It's technical death metal, but it doesn't sound much like death metal at all. They've got an excellent sense of melody, the the drums are relentless (and the drummer uses 4 snares, which is kind of distracting at first), the vocals are clear and sharp (and reminiscent of Jeff Walker from Carcass). People accuse the band of too much "guitar wankery," but I really enjoy stuff like that. Any fan of extreme metal should listen to it.

I'm really digging The Black Dahlia Murder, too. They're quickly becming one of my favorite bands. Another heavy band with a great sense of melody (and an actual sense of humor...just watch their videos). They made a song (and early demo) titled What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse, and no, that's not a coincidence, either: it was inspired by Castlevania. I have all four of these guys' full albums, and I love them all.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dark Nemesis on April 27, 2010, 05:02:01 AM
I've been listening a lot to Crematory. They have really nice melodies and lyrics!!!!!
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on April 27, 2010, 03:24:04 PM
Arsis are pretty sweet, but their debut, A Celebration of Guilt, is far better than anything else they've ever done, IMO. They started out with a bit of a focus on melody and brutality, but have since (well, after their A Diamond for Disease EP, I should say) become far too wrapped up in technicality. Most people I know who are big fans of their debut aren't too fond of their later albums.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on April 28, 2010, 03:28:17 AM
I keep hearing the same about them. Everyone seems to like their debut, and the general consensus is that each album was progressively less enjoyable (until the newest one). I had just heard them after I dl'ed a Nuclear Blast had the songs We Are the Nightmare and Shattering the Spell on it. I was blown away. I do really need to check out their debut for comparison's sake. I have a feeling I'll end up getting all of them, though.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on April 28, 2010, 08:42:58 AM
I haven't heard the newest one. I've been kind of bored of metal for the past two years or so. I keep thinking one day I'll get back into it in a big way, but I'm still waiting for that day, ha ha. In the meantime, I keep fighting off the urge to sell all my CDs, 'cos one day I just might miss them.

Certain bands still entertain me, though. Strapping Young Lad and Devin Townsend, mostly. Devin's just got something about him whether he's doing extreme metal or his solo stuff that intrigues my brain.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Juno106 on May 05, 2010, 08:04:20 AM
Nothing much...bits of stuff here and there

But I have been rediscovering something I've listened to for many years. A pair of obscure records from the mid 70s by a duo of sorts called Wavemaker, comprising of a classical composer: John Lewis and an original Dr Who sfx man: Brian Hodgson.
Primitive sounding at first but it's actually very sophisticated.

They do look kind of gay in this pic though  ;D


Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on May 28, 2010, 05:40:05 PM
Spiralling by Keane.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 28, 2010, 08:47:04 PM
Juno, sir. Good to see you still lurk about.

I've been digging this song ( by NIN, which is the theme for Tetsuo: The Bullet Man played during the end credits. Looking forward to this film even more now; Tetsuo: The Iron Man is one of my absolute favorite films, and Tetsuo II: Body Hammer is pretty darn cool as well.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: shelverton. on June 02, 2010, 06:25:58 AM

I'm currently digging the new Band of Horses album, and also the new album by canadian band Broken Social Scene.
Btw, are people using Spotify here, or is it a european thing only?
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Juno106 on June 06, 2010, 10:06:47 AM
Looks like Spotify, which I never heard of before, is for some Europeen countries only.

What exactly does it do?
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on June 15, 2010, 02:26:31 AM
Just bought A Natural Death by Horse the Band and I love it. I had heard a small handful of their songs before, and surprisingly enjoyed it. With the exception of the filler tracks, this entire album is very enjoyable. I think I'll be buying more of their stuff.  :D
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: shelverton. on June 15, 2010, 07:29:31 PM
Looks like Spotify, which I never heard of before, is for some Europeen countries only.

What exactly does it do?

Spotify let's you instantly stream music for free. The library of available music is very impressive. From the biggest mainstream artists to small and obscure ones. There are commercial breaks sometimes, but nothing too bad. Also, for a small fee you can get rid of the ads. I think they're launching Spotify in the US soon. There's a Spotify app for iPhone too. I like it a lot.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on June 16, 2010, 01:16:49 AM
I don't stream music unless you count watching music videos on YouTube. I just listen to my AAC rips of the CDs I buy.

Lately I've been digging the first Cowboy Bebop OST, and just ordered the second and third, as well as the soundtrack for Tetsuo: The Bullet Man. I love the first two Tetsuo films, and their music by Chu Ishikawa. Well, the third film (which I'm definitely looking forward to) also features tunes by Chu, as well as an end credits theme by Nine Inch Nails. It's freaking awesome ( I hadn't even known NIN was going to be providing a song, so it came as a surprise when the song was released a couple weeks ago.

Oh, and I've kind of slowly been getting back into metal and playing some Nasum ( lately. Awesome grindcore. Which puts me on a mini-rant: I hate how "fauxcore," as I call it, is so popular these days. It has nothing to do with real hardcore music, has no musical ties to punk whatsoever—the terms "hardcore," "emo," "screamo," "post-hardcore," etc. have all been hijacked by these shitty bands made my moronic teens and twerps in their early 20s who wear girl jeans and style their hair real obnoxiously.


I hate these bands so much. Even the term "metalcore" has been hijacked; current metalcore bands, or most of 'em at least (maybe there still are real metalcore bands about), sound nothing like the punk-and-metal-fused real metalcore bands like Botch, Drowningman, early Cave In, and so on. Instead, it sounds like a watered-down version of melodic death metal with really bad breakdowns and Disney Sing Along Song choruses. This garbage just reeks, and it's popular with all the kids, and I hate it.

Anyway, where I'm going with this is: Nasum, an actual "-core" band, shit all over these wimpy bands.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on September 24, 2010, 01:02:34 AM
Songs I'm really feeling right now:

download - message from gort (

Prick: "Riverhead" (

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Pizza Power (

Filter - Consider This (

Download's "bEll Ringoor" would also be posted if it were available on YooToobz or anywhere else streaming.

The Prick song is from one of my absolute favorite albums, their '95 self-titled. I recommend it with all my being.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gecko on October 03, 2010, 09:36:19 AM
Halford - The Mower (

I've been REALLY loving the new album from Halford, Rob Halford of Judas Priest's solo band. The above song is called "The Mower", and is the heaviest song on the record.

Then there's great empowering songs like this one, "Like There's No Tomorrow".

Robert Halford - Like there`s no tomorrow (

Rob is my favorite singer. He has a beautiful midrange voice, and a powerful, amazing high range. He is known for changing his singing style throughout his career with Priest. On the new Made of Metal album, he shows this off by switching between three or four of them. A very colorful voice.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: thernz on October 03, 2010, 09:41:05 AM
I've been listening to some 70's prog like Bacamarte and Goblin.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on October 05, 2010, 11:17:14 AM
Recently discovered an Alison Krauss tune called Jacob's dream. WARNING! Don't listen to it unless you wanna cry really badly. The song's based on a true story.  :'(

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dracgou on October 08, 2010, 11:30:26 PM
right now i am listen to again from  FMA: Brotherhood

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Alutwon on October 13, 2010, 07:30:22 PM
Chromeo - Don't Turn The Lights On (official video) ( shit blows my mind
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on October 14, 2010, 01:28:52 AM
I need more Technotronic and Ya Kid K in my life.

Technotronic Ft Ya Kid K Rockin Over The Beat (

Technotronic Feat Ya Kid K - Pump Up The Jam (

Hi Tek 3 - Spin That Wheel (original 1989 video) (

Ya Kid K Totally Awesome You're My Hero Technotronic VTS_22_1.VOB (

And really, just more house, hip-hop, and "hip house" in general.

That they used some model (who couldn't even speak English) in the promotional video for "Pump Up the Jam" just isn't cool.

Technotronic - Pump Up The Jam (

I don't find her nearly at all as attractive as seeing Ya Kid K herself MCing the songs.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: DragonsAndCarpetBags on October 14, 2010, 02:59:35 AM
Underground and obscure Electronic music. Lots of Italio Disco/Electro stuff lately.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dracgou on October 14, 2010, 04:30:00 AM

listing to Splatterhouse 2 and 3 tracks

Splatterhouse2 soundtrack - The final fight (

splatterhouse 2  final fight

Splatter House 3 Stage6:The mask Boss music (

battle with the terror mask

Splatterhouse 3 Music (Sega Genesis) - Complete OST Part 1 (

various tracks from part 3

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: kadosho on October 14, 2010, 01:12:41 PM
An awesome original tune made by some of our friends from OCR.
Draconator with Zircon  "Just Hold On" (

Electro Freakz vol 2 (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: DragonsAndCarpetBags on October 14, 2010, 01:45:19 PM
I dont usaly like Trance but that was pretty nice.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dracgou on October 15, 2010, 12:59:08 PM
The Terminator (Sega-CD) soundtrack

The Terminator (Sega-CD) Music - Future Shock (

The Terminator (Sega-CD) Music - Destinations Unknown (

The Terminator (Sega-CD) Music - Taking to the Air (

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: OmegaDL50 on October 15, 2010, 01:34:06 PM
I mostly have my mp3 player on random.

Got into a discussion earlier with my friend on some of the longest songs we ever heard from a metal band that are comparable to Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" that isn't DragonForce.

He picked Shattered Fortress from Dream Theater (which really isn't a Metal Band but anyways)

And I picked Avenged Sevenfold's "Save Me"

A longer song exists out there somewhere. I could probably could have easily found something from Tool that would fit. There is probably other underground bands I'm not aware of that have comparable length songs.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dracgou on October 15, 2010, 11:48:35 PM
metal movie covers

James Bond Theme Metal Version by Sylvain Cloux (

Back to the future theme Metal Version by Sylvain CLoux (

Indiana Jones Theme Metal Version by Sylvain Cloux (

Gonna Fly Now Metal Version by Sylvain Cloux (

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on October 16, 2010, 02:26:54 PM
Here's some stuff I've been listening to a lot for the past few weeks or so:

King Of Asgard - Einharjar (

LMFAO - Lil Hipster Girl [ New Video + Download ] (

The Black Dahlia Murder - "Necropolis" Metal Blade Records (
(Awesome video, too)

HORSE The Band - Desperate Living(TitleTrack) (
(Right before the 2-minute mark is where the song is freakin' awesome)

Mastodon-Capillarian Crest Live Off Unholy Alliance Tour (
(Really gets good at about 2:00)

THE 69 EYES - Dead Girls Are Easy (

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: LoneChild on October 18, 2010, 06:34:05 PM
Some New Model Army (Pretty good stuff, hear it if you didn't know them)

New Model Army - Vagabonds (

NEW MODEL ARMY - "One of the Chosen" (

and some Killing Joke

Killing Joke - The Death and Resurrection Show ( I'm in some kind of post-punk mood lately I guess.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on November 15, 2010, 11:13:24 PM
I've been really liking raw, old-school black metal lately:

Thorns - Stellar Master Elite (

Satanic Warmaster-Eaten by Rats (
Satanic Warmaster is a pure cheese name, but I love what I've heard so far...

Behemoth - Rising Proudly Towards The Sky (


Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on December 21, 2010, 01:25:57 AM
Somehow, after all these years of listening to Danzig and a little bit of Misfits, I've only recently heard Samhain. AND I LOVE THEM. Got their box set from ebay.

A few favorites:
Samhain-Black Dream (

Samhain - Moribund (

Samhain-Let The Day Begin (

(And to think, my interest in Danzig has been brought back after witnessing the current Misfits put on a horrible, horrible live show before Thanksgiving...) 
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on December 21, 2010, 03:10:52 AM
metal movie covers

Awesome! Also, I like Limp Bizkit's Take a Look Around, nice cover of the original Mission Impossible theme.

Also, this is cheesy as hell, a metal cover of the cheesiest action/comedy series of our childhood, which had the cheesiest ever theme song.

Have you guessed yet?

Buckethead - Power Rangers Theme (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: ganonfloyd on December 21, 2010, 02:35:13 PM
Samhain stuff

Oh yes. Oh yes indeed. Samhain rules.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on December 21, 2010, 10:29:40 PM
Took my obsession with Iggy Pop's The Idiot and expanded it into Lust for Life and the first three Stooges albums. Best rock music ever.

Also been listening to a lot of Kraftwerk recently. And Chu muthafuggin' Ishikawa; Tetsuo Complete Box is a feast to the ears and mind.

Chu Ishikawa - TD (full theme w/ intro; Tetsuo Complete Box) (

Chu Ishikawa - SK (Tetsuo Complete Box) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: DragonsAndCarpetBags on December 27, 2010, 09:05:10 PM
Chu Ishikawa Nice!
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on January 01, 2011, 01:24:21 AM
Booty Luv - Shine (Moto Blanco Remix).

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on January 07, 2011, 03:01:01 PM
Been listening to Solefald's newest a lot lately. Wish the quality on this upload of my favorite song from it ( were of better quality, but you get the gist of it.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on February 14, 2011, 01:56:36 PM
I've still been on a huge Glenn Danzig kick lately. That also includes shameless ripoffs, like the singer for this band:
Zombeast - Wolfskin Killer (

Some other stuff I've been liking lately:
Salt the Wound- Better Than This (

Marduk - Baptism By Fire (

One of my all-time favorite songs from one of my all-time favorite games:
Double Dragon M1 Jam (

Complimented by the Mission 2 music (NES) from Double Dragon II  ;)
Phil Collins: Easy Lover (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Wallachia on February 14, 2011, 03:16:59 PM




TRON LEGACY Soundtrack
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Wallachia on February 14, 2011, 03:48:08 PM
I like that ARSIS track.. thanks!

Heres a good TRON tune:
Daft Punk-Tron Legacy Theme-End Of Line (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Wallachia on February 14, 2011, 03:49:44 PM
and the timeless, King Night

Salem - King Night (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Wallachia on February 14, 2011, 04:01:25 PM
speaking of Danzing, big ups for those of you that know about this album (and Black Aria 2)

Overture of the Rebel Angels (

The Morrigu (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dark Nemesis on February 15, 2011, 01:26:32 AM
Eisenfunk - Korobeinki (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Asgardwolf on February 21, 2011, 06:58:23 AM
I just can't stop listening Arch Enemy - Anthems Of Rebellion... And i just can't wait Khaos Legions comes out in May

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on February 21, 2011, 06:35:33 PM
"I can't Drive 55" by Sammy Hagar. First heard it on Back to the Future 2.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on February 23, 2011, 03:01:34 AM
Can I some more!!!!!

Son of Aurelius - Facing the Gorgon (
Man, I really, really love the guitar work on this one.

Flight of the Conchords - Too Many Dicks on the Dance Floor (
The thing I love about these guys is how funny their songs can be, but they're always incredibly catchy. Same thing with some of The Lonely Island's songs.

BarnBurner - Holy Smokes (
Not usually my type of thing, I guess, but I heard this on a Metal Blade sampler and loved it. Love the guitars.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on February 23, 2011, 03:03:46 AM
speaking of Danzing, big ups for those of you that know about this album (and Black Aria 2)

I never did get around to listening to this one all those years, same with Black Aria 2. I'll have to buy them someday...I've always been curious to how they turned out.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: shelverton. on February 23, 2011, 08:49:15 AM

I saw Crystal Castles in Stockholm a few months ago. It was kinda awesome!

Anyway, I've been listening to the Archie Bronson Outfit lately. They're a bit garagey, which I like.

Archie Bronson Outfit - Magnetic Warrior (Coconut Version) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Einzige on February 23, 2011, 02:25:32 PM
Mercyful Fate - "Welcome Princess of Hell" (

- One of my all-time favorite songs by one of my favorite metal bands. I've got it spinning right now.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: A vicar in a tutu on March 06, 2011, 02:40:15 AM
Lots of Twin Shadow and The Radio Dept.
Probably lots of Girls too.

Oh, and Talking Heads.
I'm lovin' them.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on March 06, 2011, 03:29:27 PM
1: 'Who's that Man' by The Magnetic AKA.

2: 'Here we go!' by Notorious.

3: 'One Dream' by The Lou Gramm Band.

All three of these songs are from the exceptionally rare Highlander 2: The Quickening soundtrack. After thirteen years of scouring the net I've finally got them!

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Grim_Creeper on March 06, 2011, 06:05:27 PM
I've been playing and replaying a classical version of bloody tears lately.

Also, I heard that mercyful fate album a LONNNNNNNG time ago if its the one I think it is, what label are they signed to?
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: danceofgold on March 06, 2011, 07:02:36 PM
I've been playing and replaying a classical version of bloody tears lately.

Where did you find it?
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Grim_Creeper on March 06, 2011, 08:52:42 PM

Castlevania II - classical rendition of "bloody tears" (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on March 09, 2011, 03:52:44 AM
Hypocrisy - Solar Empire (
I always like it better when the vocalist for these guys uses a more gutteral voice, but this song is so damn catchy. I've always loved how Hypocrisy always has good melodies and stays somewhat heavy.

White Zombie - Creature of the Wheel (
Oldie but a goodie. I love slow, grinding stuff like this during workouts. Just seems to fit well, for some reason.

Morticians - Deathstars (
I heard this one back when Audiogalaxy was still around. It was awesome, because you could sign up to music groups and people would just put random, unknown stuff in your queue (even though they weren't supposed to). It was an awesome way to discover new music and it's how I found this. I miss Audiogalaxy. :(
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Neo on March 09, 2011, 06:39:22 AM
Where did you find it?

I got it through iTunes lol

But i've been listening to children of bodom's newest album recently. Came out Monday/Tuesday
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Slayer on March 09, 2011, 01:48:29 PM
On second thought, maybe I shouldn't post Yonkers...
Here's something else I've been digging.
Conception: A Million Gods (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on March 09, 2011, 11:23:48 PM
Conception: A Million Gods

I've been thinking, why does that remind me of Kamelot this much? And then I realized the vocalist is Roy Khan.
Roy khan is an amazing singer, Kamelot kicks ass, and now that I listened to this band, I must say it's great as well.

The Silent Hill soundtracks are some of the best I've heard in a video game ever, thanks to the composer Akira Yamaoka, and the songs in the games are much more than "video game music". They are great songs, which could really be played on the radio or on TV.
I've been wondering who does the vocals for the songs, and found Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (aka Melissa Williamson), amazed by the fact she's not most famous for a singing career.

Her singing talent is like a hidden pearl, known only to Silent Hill fans. Incredible.
Melissa Williamson - I want love (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on March 10, 2011, 01:40:56 AM
Saw the White Zombie mention. I've been listening to some of their stuff recently, but not the later metal era, but the older noise rock stuff.

White Zombie - Gentleman Junkie (

White Zombie - Shack of Hate (

Also still been digging the hell out of Iggy Pop as well as The Stooges. The latter are so great and are like the innovators of noise rock, as far as I can tell. Well, maybe Velvet Underground were, but I haven't listened to much of their stuff (yet).

The Stooges - T.V. Eye (

The Stooges - I Wanna Be Your Dog (

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell ( (had to post this Rhapsody link for the tune 'cos YouTube doesn't have the original Bowie mix uploaded to it, just the inferior and ear-shattering Iggy remix)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Slayer on March 10, 2011, 10:40:02 AM
"Well, maybe Velvet Underground were, but I haven't listened to much of their stuff (yet)."
Oh man, one of my favorites!

The Velvet Underground - Heroin (song only) (

The Velvet Underground - White Light/White Heat (

The Velvet Underground - Lady Godiva's Operation (

I wouldn't call them noise rock. It's hard for me to put a label on them, but damn, they were awesome.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Slayer on March 10, 2011, 10:49:57 AM

A longer song exists out there somewhere. I could probably could have easily found something from Tool that would fit. There is probably other underground bands I'm not aware of that have comparable length songs.
"Dopesmoker" by stoner-metal band Sleep is about over an hour. Here's part 1

Sleep - Dopesmoker (Part 1/7) (

[sorry for double post]
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on March 10, 2011, 09:55:29 PM
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeit, them's some good tunes. High time I get some Velvet Underground. Suppose I should start with the first two albums, eh?

I listened to Reed's Transformer like ten years ago when I was first getting into Bowie, and at the time, without giving it much of a listen, thought it was kinda "eh...this just sounds like Ziggy Stardust." May have to give that one a re-listen after all these years, but from the sound of things, I may like Metal Machine Music a lot more.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Juno106 on March 15, 2011, 11:57:57 PM
One year later (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on March 23, 2011, 02:23:17 PM

Chrome - T.V. As Eyes (

Chrome - Heart Beat (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on March 27, 2011, 01:58:31 AM
I picked up the Silent Hill soundtrack box (despite owning almost everything already, HA!), and my goodness, this song is amaaaaziiiiiing.

Silent Hill Sounds Box - Extra Music From Disc 8 -Track 29 - Recorder 2007 From The Arcade (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Successor The Cruel on March 27, 2011, 02:27:25 AM
Ahh hell, man.  I think this Prince video is just about the greatest thing I've ever, ever seen and heard:
Raspberry Beret (

One of my favorite musicians is Eric Johnson.  He's an incredibly talented man, and a big influence on me, personally, as a guitar player and musician.  I'm afraid that he's one of those musician's musicians, though.  That is, I think a huge, huge chunk of his audience are guitar geeks and not so much, uh... regular people, for lack of a better term.

Eric Johnson - Cliffs of Dover - live 1990 (

Speaking of musician's musicians, Jimmy Chamberlin, former drummer of The Smashing Pumpkins, and my favorite member of that act.  God, he freaking kills it!  I love this dude.

Jimmy Chamberlin Complex : Streetcrawler (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on March 29, 2011, 03:46:01 AM
My first response to this was laughter. But it's actually awesome, in a really weird way...(but still funny)
Castlevania 2 - Bloody Tears (rap remix) w/2pac (

I'm not too familiar with Dillinger Escape Plan, and what little I've heard is vastly different than this one, but I love this friggin' song.

Try as I may, I can't get this one out of my head. Belphegor are kind of hit-and-miss for me, but their good stuff, is really, really fun to listen to.
Belphegor - Veneratio Diaboli I Am Sin (

This song cracks me up. The drumming sounds sloppy as hell, the vocals are really unintelligible (though the vocalist has a cool sound to his voice), and the song itself just sounds like your run-of-the-mill, generic old-school thrash song. But I absolutely love it! I'm really not entirely sure why. I like the old-school production on it, too...I'm a sucker for underproduced (but not muddy) albums.
Merciless Death - Death Warriors (

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Zobias on March 29, 2011, 11:07:25 PM (
Adam Lambert - Sleepwalker

[url=]The Sisters of Mercy -- Lucretia, My Reflection (
Sisters of Mercy - Lucretia, My Reflection

[url=]Dead Can Dance - The Host Of Seraphim (
Dead Can Dance - The Host of Seraphim

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dark Nemesis on March 30, 2011, 02:47:00 AM
Nachtmahr - Deus ex machina (xotox remix) (

Wumpscut - Black Death (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Eric Roman on April 04, 2011, 10:07:11 PM
Disc 2 of the EVANGELION: 2.0 YOU CAN [NOT] ADVANCE soundtrack.

'specially these parts:

Keep Your Head Above the Mayhem (

The Final Decision We All Must Take (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on April 05, 2011, 02:39:03 AM
I bought tickets to see Danzig in May. Hopefully he'll be playing this:
Danzig - Hammer of the Gods (
Rumor is he regained some of his singing voice by cutting back on dairy products, lol.

I really need to check out more of these guys. I'm really surprised with the diversity of their Black Album, especially since these guys were supposed to be a punk band. My 2 favorites:
The Damned - Wait For The Blackout (
The Damned - Lively Arts (

EDIT - Wow, that picture for Danzig is hideous. Self-aware he is not.  :)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on April 07, 2011, 02:35:27 AM
Last few things I've been listening to are:

Stampin' Ground - Officer Down (
Stampin Ground - Officer Down

Cro-Mags - We Gotta Know (
Cro Mags - We Gotta Know

Book Of Black Earth - May Your God Deny You (
Book Of Black Earth - May Your God Deny You

Iskra - My Country Tis of thy People are dying (
Iskra - My Country Tis Of Thy People Are Dying

and of course...

Team Fortress 2 - Yeah Toast! (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on April 21, 2011, 12:23:48 PM
Been digging the new Felix da Housecat. Only available with the April issue of the British magazine Mixmag, but Barnes & Noble thankfully carries it, so I was able to pick it up yesterday.

Felix Da Housecat - Don't Stand... (Dance If You Want To) (

Felix Da Housecat - Wargames (

It's nice 'cos it's got quite a variety of electronic styles. Some of it's reminiscent of his earliest work, some's altogether new for the guy.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Successor The Cruel on May 08, 2011, 07:42:59 AM
On a whim, I decided to revisit some of the Nu-Metal bands that were popular when I was like... 13, or something.  For the most part, I hate Nu-Metal.  I like to play and listen to Shred Metal, and with Nu-Metal's rap styling and lack of virtuosity, it doesn't really hold much respect with me, but I think there were a few decently legit artists of the genre.  Here are some.

Sevendust - Denial (

Kittie - Brackish (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 09, 2011, 01:07:35 AM
lol. Man. Nu-metal. Sevendust's "Bitch" is a bitchin' song, though. Can't believe I admitted to that.

Lately been digging Drew Neumann's Eye Spy: Declassified, Freedom of Information Act. It's a remastered, expanded version of Eye Spy – Ears Only: Confidential, the soundtrack for the TV show Æon Flux. Sadly, right now it's only available in MP3 format; hoping for a CD release someday.

OH, AND NEW ohGr COMES OUT THIS WEEK SO EXCITED except having bought it from Amazon using the free Media Mail shipping option I won't see it for like another week or so.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Successor The Cruel on May 10, 2011, 08:53:41 AM
I was saying other music, but I'll trim it down to this pretty shoegaze instrumental by The Smashing Pumpkins.  This is actually really, really nice. This stuff reminds me why I love this band and good Alternative Rock.  Very creative people.
Smashing Pumpkins - Feelium (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on May 13, 2011, 10:06:55 AM
I remember Kittie.... they were certainly popular among the 'spooky kids' of Cork City here in Ireland. Also remember enjoying their debut, and then hearing their next album and thinking 'That destroys the last one...'. Oracle was a lot more aggressively focused. But by then I'd got more into heavier stuff like Pantera and Fear Factory - and on from there to Napalm Death, Kreator, US and UK hardcore punk/metalcore etc.

While on the subject of numetal --- Whatever happened to Limp Bizkit? And who even listens to them these days?
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 13, 2011, 05:18:41 PM
New ohGr is yum.

Ohgr 101 (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on May 14, 2011, 02:41:49 AM
I liked that one.

The Black Dahlia Murder - Moonlight Equilibrium (
While I don't think they'll ever come out with anything as good as Miasma again, this is pretty good. Looking forward to the new album...not buying the ridiculous collector's edition, though.

Bypass - Cyberia (Deep Trance Mix) |||From Tiesto's Forbidden Paradise 6|||  (
I very rarely listen to dance/techno stuff, but this is one of those that I heard (from an Ebaum's World clip several years ago, of all places) and instantly liked.

TEAM - Držím ti miesto (
I heard this song from renting Hostel when it first came out on DVD and immediately went to find out what it was. Still love it.

The Berzerker - Compromise [HQ]  (
This whole album is excellent. It still amazes me how fast their drummer could blast, and could even do it faster on No One Wins. I like this song better because of the catchier riffs, though. I just wish that the drums weren't mixed quite so loud...the blast parts start to drown the guitar out.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dracula9 on May 14, 2011, 07:37:54 AM
The Mamas & The Papas - Creeque alley (
I have, according to people of my generation, strange taste in music. I think they're high. 8) Cue the tape.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Successor The Cruel on May 19, 2011, 07:05:24 AM
Someone asked me to recommend a cheesy 80s pop song to them, and I suggested this one. Pretty song. One of those ones that kind of sticks with you even if you don't listen to it regularly.  It's the kind you go back to after a long while and it hits you with some wistful feeling.

The Jets - You Got It All Over Him (

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 26, 2011, 02:50:55 AM
List'nin' to Fear Factory's Demanufacture album at the mome'. First time I've heard it in I don't know how many years. Still a rad album; bought this beeitch when I was 16. It was actually while driving home tonight (well, real early morning) along the same route coming home from the store those years back that triggered the desire, ha.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gunlord on May 27, 2011, 01:30:01 PM
Fractals with Chi Mai (Ennio Morricone) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on May 28, 2011, 04:01:45 AM
List'nin' to Fear Factory's Demanufacture album at the mome'. First time I've heard it in I don't know how many years. Still a rad album; bought this beeitch when I was 16. It was actually while driving home tonight (well, real early morning) along the same route coming home from the store those years back that triggered the desire, ha.

I still can't believe how much they changed between that one and Soul of a New Machine. H-K is excellent.

Vision of Disorder - Living to Die (
I've always found a kind of haunting quality to this guy's voice on this album...kind of similar to the vocalist for Acid Bath...but in a different way, I guess. I know Tim Williams is in Bloodsimple now, but this is much better for me.

Samhain - Mother of Mercy (
I know I can't shut up about Glenn Danzig, but he's always in my playlist. This one is just one of his best songs in one of his most unheard of band. I still can't get over how I've never listened to Samhain until the last year or so...maybe that explains their crazy appeal to me.

GWAR - I Love the Pigs (
Good to hear an old band actually getting heavier as the years go by...kinda like Testament. I've always loved these guys' music, although I've always heard they're nothing but a live show. Only seen them live once...and I definitely like their music better than their theatrics. I'm just weird, I guess.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Red Successor on May 30, 2011, 05:18:55 AM
I'm a big fan of Southern California style Surf Rock. A lot of it reminds me of old game music... I'm not sure why... Here's an idea of a tune that kind of does:


Dick Dale. Heralded as the King of Surf and one of my favorite guitar players. Some wicked drumming on this, too:

Dick Dale- Hava Nagila (

Now, The Shadows weren't technically a part of the Southern California movement, but many, many, MANY surf aficionados love them, myself included. This band also features another one of my favorite guitarists - Hank Marvin. Hank wouldn't play crazy or fast or anything, but his choice of notes was always perfect. Both Dale and Marvin are true legends of the Stratocaster:

THE SHADOWS- wonderful land (

The Eliminators, Dawn Patrol!:

The eliminators Dawn Patrol (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Odile Kuronuma on June 16, 2011, 04:25:04 PM
Salif Keita-Tomorrow
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on June 18, 2011, 05:41:11 AM
Been ripping my 2000+ music collection at the moment (mostly metal of varying types) - still on the A's - and I have mostly been listening to Anthrax. I Am The Law, Caught In A Mosh, Among The Living, Antisocial, In My World... the old Anthrax had so many good tunes. The later lineup was just not good enough. And then around 2006 or so they got together again with Joey Belladonna - and split again. Don't know what they're doing now.

Anthrax - I Am The Law (
Anthrax - Madhouse (
Anthrax - Caught In A Mosh (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gunlord on June 18, 2011, 01:30:35 PM
Ninja Gaiden 2 - The Dark Sword of Chaos (NES) Music - Prologue Theme (

I'll be damned if Ninja Gaiden didn't have some good music.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on June 19, 2011, 07:47:32 AM
If we're here for game soundtracks, some of the most depressing and scary music ever... This needs no explanation.
Diablo I & II Soundtrack - Tristram Village (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on July 08, 2011, 03:52:55 AM
I dunno if any'a y'all listen to Devin Townsend, but hot damn, I am enjoying the peup out of his two new albums—Ghost and Deconstruction. Artistically, this guy can do no wrong.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Pemburu Vampir on July 08, 2011, 04:27:23 AM
MISIA Hoshi no you ni.. (Mega Monster Battle Ultra Galaxy Legend The Movie) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Slayer on July 08, 2011, 05:24:25 AM
I've been listening to a lot of Comus. They're a progressive rock band with strong folk vibes. Released in 1971, their debut, First Utterance, was way ahead of it's time. A very beautiful album, an unsung classic.
Comus - The Herald (Full) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on July 08, 2011, 11:36:07 AM
Wild Side by Motley Crue.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: OdenAndEvil on July 08, 2011, 01:45:59 PM
SuidAkrA - Rise Of Taliesin live (

im into rock, metal folk etc.
so for them, who are interested.

Suidakra --> Its a German Band. Leadsinger is Marcel. One of the best voices ive ever heard. Such as pouwerful and clear..
Song name is "Rise of a Talisin" from the DVD "15 years of celtic wartunes" Live cut.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Wallachia on July 08, 2011, 05:40:20 PM
Suidakra sounds awesome!

see if you like my band, LAGUNA SUNRISE:
'Nocturne' "Nocturne" Music by Laguna Sunrise (
'Alchemy' Alchemy (
'Screaming Dreams' Laguna Sunrise Live@ The Hemlock Tavern ( (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Pemburu Vampir on July 11, 2011, 03:40:14 AM
D'masiv - Jangan Menyerah (with Lyric) (

The song that always gave me strength whenever I'm down.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on July 11, 2011, 05:12:06 AM
This recently turned my ear.... and me never having heard of them though they live on the same spot of land. From native Wicklow in Ireland, Shattered Skies. If you dig Soilwork, you'll dig these guys. Check their song Beneath The Waves out. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on July 11, 2011, 11:37:04 AM
This recently caught my ear: Aliens Vs. Predator (AvP Rap) by TEAMHEADKICK (

AvP Rap song  8)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on July 11, 2011, 04:23:42 PM
Finally picked up some of the rarer PIG CDs, one of which is the remastered A Poke in the Eye...with a Sharp Stick from Japan. (Already owned the original German CD.) As such, I've been listening to the song "Scumsberg" a lot.

Pig : Scumsberg (1988) (

Suuuuch good hooks in this track. "I've gotta fight and I've gotta win you'll never believe this-a mess I'm in"
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: chaosgod66 on July 19, 2011, 08:59:46 AM
Dead:Fles and the power it holds .
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Slayer on July 20, 2011, 09:27:04 AM
I've been on a Godspeed You! Black Emperor kick these past few days.
Godspeed You Black Emperor - The Dead Flag Blues (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gunlord on July 20, 2011, 01:11:59 PM
I've been listening to the Magic Knight Rayearth OP all day: (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on July 21, 2011, 03:42:20 AM
Just bought a few albums:

Hour of Penance - Misconception (
I dl'ed a song from this album off of almost a year ago, and I'm kind of surprised I just now bought this. Excellent stuff. Their sound reminds me a little of Cannibal Corpse, and a little more of Nile. I really like how this one was produced, especially how they made the drums sound.

Salt the Wound - To the Top (
I know current metalcore and deathcore are considered the asscrack of all metal right now, but this is one of the several of these bands that I really enjoy. The other two being Rose Funeral, who are horrible in every sense but pretty catchy to me, and The Black Dahlia Murder, who are either metalcore or really just melodic death metal (depending on whether you like them or not I guess, because I have no clue how to nitpick this stuff). Anyway, I like these guys' sense of melody, even though all the riffs do sound a little similar after a while.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: OdenAndEvil on July 21, 2011, 08:57:13 AM
Just bought a few albums:

Hour of Penance - Misconception (
I dl'ed a song from this album off of almost a year ago, and I'm kind of surprised I just now bought this. Excellent stuff. Their sound reminds me a little of Cannibal Corpse, and a little more of Nile. I really like how this one was produced, especially how they made the drums sound.

Salt the Wound - To the Top (
I know current metalcore and deathcore are considered the asscrack of all metal right now, but this is one of the several of these bands that I really enjoy. The other two being Rose Funeral, who are horrible in every sense but pretty catchy to me, and The Black Dahlia Murder, who are either metalcore or really just melodic death metal (depending on whether you like them or not I guess, because I have no clue how to nitpick this stuff). Anyway, I like these guys' sense of melody, even though all the riffs do sound a little similar after a while.

This is some nice s*** u bought there! Two new bands for me i can listen to. thx (:
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on July 23, 2011, 10:13:36 AM
I know current metalcore and deathcore are considered the asscrack of all metal right now, but this is one of the several of these bands that I really enjoy.

The problem with the term metalcore is that these days it's got very far from what it was originally about....
It used to be stuff like DRI and Cryptic Slaughter, and bands like Siege and Deep Wound were metalcore (or preferred at the time, crossover)... then in the 90s stuff like Earth Crisis, Snapcase, Refused and Integrity were making waves with a different take on metallic hardcore. Later, other bands like Botch, Burnt By The Sun, Turmoil and Converge were also expanding on the sound and creating noisecore... fairly acquired taste but very good and challenging form of metalcore.
Nowadays, it seems to be the consensus that if you stick a band in a room with some Cannibal Corpse/At The Gates and some Biohazard/Killswitch Engage albums, they think they can stick the two together and come up with something different - which doesn't work. Guilty Parties: As I Lay Dying, Bring Me The Horizon, Annotations Of An Autopsy, etc.

The Red Chord, though while being lumped in with said bunch, are the exception - a deathcore band that rises above the morass of cookie-cutter pseudo-ATG-Suffocation-core bands. Also, All Shall Perish, The Black Dahlia Murder, Heaven Shall Burn are all very good latter day metalcore now known as deathcore.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Aridale on July 23, 2011, 10:26:50 AM
Fleet Foxes - Mykonos (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Flame on August 07, 2011, 12:27:07 AM
What the future will hold (

Syrsa - Yluxa (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Green Stranger on August 07, 2011, 07:52:24 AM
Ghost is well worth checking out.

Ghost - Genesis (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Slayer on August 07, 2011, 05:32:26 PM
Ghost is well worth checking out.
I like you.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Green Stranger on August 08, 2011, 02:29:02 AM
I like you.

It's the best find I've had in a while. Their remake of "Here Comes the Sun" is also a must hear.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on August 08, 2011, 08:12:29 AM
Been listening to some early Pitch Shifter. Total Godflesh ripoff but still good.

PitchShifter - Landfill (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on August 12, 2011, 09:19:29 PM
Pitchshifter tune's pretty swell. It's a band I've known about forever but never really checked out. Also haven't really heard Godflesh much aside from a track or two.

I actually ordered the remastered version of Streetcleaner recently from Willowtip, but the distributor Tipton ordered from goofed up and sent him copies of the original release, so I canceled. Although maybe the remaster blows loads (remasters sometimes/often do) and I'm better off with the original.

Anyway, it's time for some Iggy Pop & James Williamson Kill City, mmm.

03. Beyond the Law - Iggy Pop & James Williamson (Kill City, 1977) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gecko on August 16, 2011, 09:26:30 AM
Ghost is well worth checking out.

I've been listening to some of their material lately. They're really good and catchy.

Anyway, I've just learned to play this on my bass. It's one of my favorite Priest songs, and apparently one of the two or three songs of their catalogue with gay lyrics from Rob. According to Rob Halford it's about a guy going to a gay bar getting drunk and a little too frisky then getting booted out of the place at the end. "I'm going, no loss. Nightmare, just a bunch of goddamn, rotten, steaming, raw deal".

Judas Priest - Raw Deal (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on August 16, 2011, 09:51:59 AM
Been ripping my collection over a number of months now.... have got to the T's. Where I found a band I had forgot about - maybe for a reason. Throwdown - utter meatcore (meaning meat-headed hardcore. Not that any of these guys have anything to do with meat, as they're vegan, and straightedge). For your listening pleasure/displeasure, here is Raise Your Fist. Now get some beers in and eat a large t-bone.

Throwdown-"Raise Your Fist" (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on August 16, 2011, 01:04:45 PM
I recently listened to Iced Earth's 1992 album Night of the Stormrider.

Iced Earth - Travel In Stygian (

Here I was, listening to the great songs, and I wondered: Hey, that vocalist kicks ass. How come they didn't stick with him in the band? The guy's Halford-style singing is fantastic.
And then I tried to look him up and found nearly nothing. Apparently he never was in any big band apart from IE. And he was kicked out of the band after one album because of some radical racist views he expressed.
Such a shame how talents are wasted.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on August 16, 2011, 01:24:00 PM
I recently listened to Iced Earth's 1992 album Night of the Stormrider.

Iced Earth - Travel In Stygian (

Here I was, listening to the great songs, and I wondered: Hey, that vocalist kicks ass. How come they didn't stick with him in the band? The guy's Halford-style singing is fantastic.
And then I tried to look him up and found nearly nothing. Apparently he never was in any big band apart from IE. And he was kicked out of the band after one album because of some radical racist views he expressed.
Such a shame how talents are wasted.

Stormrider was a great album, soaring thrash vocals... but I didn't know that John Greely was a racist knobend. Oh well.

Any Iced Earth album (at least up to when Ripper Owens joined) is a good one. Pure power thrash. I have a definite love for Horror Show myself. Dracula is an excellent tune - taking it's lyrical cue from the Francis Ford Coppola film version of Drac. Also Wolf, Jack (The Ripper), Jeykll And Hyde, Damien (inspired by The Omen), and a great cover of Iron Maiden's Transylvania.
Here's Dracula.
Iced Earth - Dracula (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gecko on August 16, 2011, 04:34:11 PM
YAY ICED EARTH DISCUSSION! They're also one of my favorite bands. Didn't know much about that vocalist though. My favorite IE albums are a tie between Night of the Stormrider and Burnt Offerings. I like all their albums though, including the ones with Ripper Owens. Musically they aren't as interesting overall though as previous albums, I have to admit that. The Crucible of Man was great with the return of the now again retired Matt Barlow. I look forward to seeing what they come up with with that new Stu Block character.

Anyway, here's possibly the most positive IE song ever recorded. It pretty much says we're all screwed, but that if someone is willing to stand up and change the world we still have a chance.

Iced Earth - Come what May (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dark Nemesis on August 16, 2011, 05:05:39 PM
Iced Earth is one of my favorite all time bands, that i'm listening to!!!

Iced Earth-Melancholy (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gunlord on August 17, 2011, 02:45:07 AM
59. Space Cobra / 甘い出来事 (Saxophone orchestra 未発表) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Neobelmont on August 17, 2011, 09:26:22 PM
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Deko21 on August 18, 2011, 02:50:32 AM
Excel Saga - Opening - Ai (Chuuseishin) [Full Version! English Translation!] (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Successor The Cruel on August 18, 2011, 07:22:17 AM
Iced Earth did this really cool song about my favorite battle in history. It's pretty awesome : p

Gettysburg (1863) - Hold At All Costs (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Green Stranger on August 18, 2011, 07:36:11 AM
So there's a healthy amount of metal heads here from what I can gather. Can any of you share some good remakes/covers done by metal bands? The other day I heard Dream Theater's cover of Perfect Strangers by Deep Purple and it was quite impressive. I can't believe I hadn't heard it till now! Dimmu Borgir's and Bruce Dickinson's version was good too.

Here's a couple I recommend:

Testament - Sails of Charon   --- Scorpions
Opeth - Remember Tommorrow --- Iron Maiden
Ghost - Here Comes the Sun --- Beatles
Lacuna Coil - Enjoy the Silence  --- Depeche Mode
Yngwie Malmsteen/Dio - Dream On --- Areosmith
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on August 18, 2011, 10:15:10 PM
Can any of you share some good remakes/covers done by metal bands?


You must have hit the spot here, because about a year ago, good-old master Freddy here not only hunted high and low the whole internet for those, he actually made a CD out of the best o' them.


1. Avantasia - Lay All Your Love On Me.mp3
2. Gamma Ray - It's a Sin.mp3
3. Guano Apes - Big In Japan.mp3
4. Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams.mp3
5. Doro - White Weddings.mp3
6. Turisas - Rasputin.mp3
7. Firewind - maniac.mp3
8. To Die For -  In The Heat Of The Night.MP3
9. HIM - Wicked Game.mp3
10. Ozzy Osbourne - Stayin Alive.mp3
11. Black Messiah - Moskau.mp3
12. Hammerfall - My Sharona.mp3
13. Megaherz - Rock Me Amadeus .mp3
14. Dungeon - Call Me.mp3
15. Northern Kings - Hello.mp3
16. Twilight Guardians - La Isla Bonita.mp3
17. Lacuna Coil -  Enjoy the Silence.mp3
18. Edguy - Hymn.mp3
19. Avantasia - Dancing With Tears In My Eyes.mp3
20. Yngwie Malmsteen - Gimme, Gimme, Gimme.mp3
21. Iron Savior - Crazy .mp3
22. Paradise Lost - Small Town Boy.mp3
23. Wise Crack - Come Undone.mp3
24. Dungeon - Hold the Line.mp3

Of course not all of those are by metal bands by definition, and there are dozens more I didn't include because I didn't like 'em. Some of those covers became classics by their own right.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on August 19, 2011, 09:08:27 PM
I like Graveworm's cover of Pet Shop Boys' "It's a sin". Although the original rules supreme. PSB 4 life.

It's a sin- Graveworm (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gecko on August 20, 2011, 02:18:29 PM
Since we're talking covers,
Avantasia's cover of "In My Defense" by Freddie Mercury is fantastic.

Also, it almost doesn't need to be said from me, but Judas Priest's covers of songs tend to become the most recognized versions of songs because they're so well done and properly mixed the original song with their own style. Songs like "Green Manalishi (With the Two-Pronged Crown)" originally from Fleetwood Mac, "Better By You, Better Than Me" from Spooky Tooth and "Diamonds and Rust" from Joan Baez are recognized as Priest classics. We don't talk about the "Jonny B. Goode" cover though.

Oh, and Iced Earth's cover of "Transylvania" is great.

Anyway, here's what I'm listening to. Incidentally another cover.
Skid Row - C'mon & Love Me (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Slayer on August 20, 2011, 07:21:27 PM
The best cover ever is unquestionably Blinded by the Light as played by Manfred Mann's Earth Band. I mean, how many people even know this was a Bruce Springsteen song? But EVERYONE knows this rendition.
Manfred Mann's Earth Band- Blinded by the Light (
Nothing against Bruce though. He made Jungleland. I mean, yeah.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gecko on August 21, 2011, 03:36:48 PM
Well now I've found my Skid Row bass tabs book, and am picking up where I left off learning this song. Obviously I'm giving it many a listen to practice alongside it and get my pacing right. It's fairly complicated, but muscle memory should get me through it once it's all figured out. It's a really beautiful song, and the bass part to it alone sounds just a beautiful as the whole thing. Seriously, playing parts of this without accompaniment just sounds really nice.

Skid Row - Quicksand Jesus (music video) HQ (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Successor The Cruel on August 22, 2011, 08:27:59 AM
Tosin Abasi from Animals as Leaders playing Wave of Babies. He's one of the great virtuosos of our day.

Tosin Abasi Performs "Wave of Babies" Live at EMG Studios (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Green Stranger on August 23, 2011, 11:17:20 AM

You must have hit the spot here, because about a year ago, good-old master Freddy here not only hunted high and low the whole internet for those, he actually made a CD out of the best o' them.


1. Avantasia - Lay All Your Love On Me.mp3
2. Gamma Ray - It's a Sin.mp3
3. Guano Apes - Big In Japan.mp3
4. Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams.mp3
5. Doro - White Weddings.mp3
6. Turisas - Rasputin.mp3
7. Firewind - maniac.mp3
8. To Die For -  In The Heat Of The Night.MP3
9. HIM - Wicked Game.mp3
10. Ozzy Osbourne - Stayin Alive.mp3
11. Black Messiah - Moskau.mp3
12. Hammerfall - My Sharona.mp3
13. Megaherz - Rock Me Amadeus .mp3
14. Dungeon - Call Me.mp3
15. Northern Kings - Hello.mp3
16. Twilight Guardians - La Isla Bonita.mp3
17. Lacuna Coil -  Enjoy the Silence.mp3
18. Edguy - Hymn.mp3
19. Avantasia - Dancing With Tears In My Eyes.mp3
20. Yngwie Malmsteen - Gimme, Gimme, Gimme.mp3
21. Iron Savior - Crazy .mp3
22. Paradise Lost - Small Town Boy.mp3
23. Wise Crack - Come Undone.mp3
24. Dungeon - Hold the Line.mp3

Of course not all of those are by metal bands by definition, and there are dozens more I didn't include because I didn't like 'em. Some of those covers became classics by their own right.

Those were some great tracks there. Avantasia's remake of Lay All Your Love on Me was very good. I heard a lot these but you refreshed me with a couple of new and interesting ones. Thanks.

Gotta love these two. This is a more than worthy tribute of the greatest instrumental of all time.

Rodrigo y Gabriela- Orion (Full song no video) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: crisis on August 24, 2011, 03:41:31 PM
no one on the corner got swagger like US

M.I.A. - Paper Planes (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on August 24, 2011, 06:22:22 PM
Been listening to this song for a while now. Just cause I find it so entertaining  ;D

Corky And The Juicepigs-Gay Eskimo (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on August 25, 2011, 03:15:00 AM
OK.... this is fricking awesome. Melodic Death Metal gods At The Gates' Binded By Fear demade into a excellent rollicking bluegrass tune.

Slaughter of the Bluegrass - Blinded by fear (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on August 25, 2011, 03:46:07 AM
Heh...that's pretty cool.

The first 30 seconds or so of this is a great example of why I hate most of the later Gorgoroth stuff. But then is goes into a sweet riff, and the rest of the song rules.
Gorgoroth - Destroyer (

I remember someone posted this one on this forum some years back. Still love the chorus on this song. Still wanna try to find the full album one of these days.
Serpent - Cradle of Insanity (

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Successor The Cruel on August 27, 2011, 09:42:02 AM
I'm a huge Malice Mizer fan.

Gardenia. One of my favorites. Powerful, souring vocals, lovely piano, and awesome drumming and bass playing.
Malice Mizer- Gardenia (

Dance of Death ~A Romance of the Cendrillion~ Dark, elegant, and catchy.
Malice Mizer - Shi no bûto ~a romance of the Cendrillion~ (

Premier Amour. One of those great songs with a bittersweet feeling. It's happy-ish, but there's this tinge of sadness lurking behind everything.
Malice Mizer Premier Amour full ver. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on August 29, 2011, 09:30:27 AM
Been playing Iggy Pop & James Williamson's Kill City on repeat lately. Such a good one.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Neobelmont on August 31, 2011, 12:35:56 AM
Played this on my I-pod before my history class

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gunlord on August 31, 2011, 06:48:40 AM
織田哲郎 & 近藤房之助-BOMBER GIRL (

Gimme gimme kiss for my bomber girl~~8) 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Wallachia on August 31, 2011, 04:03:54 PM
Meshuggah, so incredible.. love how bold they are with their time signatures:
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on September 01, 2011, 05:10:12 AM
Meshuggah, so incredible.. love how bold they are with their time signatures:

I see your Bleed video, and I raise you the video to New Millennium Cyanide Christ.... utter hilarity and awesomeness.

MESHUGGAH - New Millenium Cyanide Christ (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on September 01, 2011, 05:15:58 AM
Actually Meshuggah have just put me in mind of another excellent technical death band - Decapitated, and their song Day 69. Crushing.

Decapitated - Day 69 (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on September 01, 2011, 11:34:42 AM
Ah, Bleed and Day 69 are both excellent songs. Two of my favorites of each band.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gambit Belmont on September 03, 2011, 01:02:27 PM
Party Rock Anthem (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Neobelmont on September 04, 2011, 01:15:17 PM
The world god only knows Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai Full opening (

Trace Adkins - Honky Tonk Badonkadonk (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gunlord on September 05, 2011, 07:04:27 PM
Santa Ana Wind - Lawson Rollins, guitar (

The playing of the guitar is almost as good as the music itself. God damn, look at his fingers go...
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Vampire Killer on September 06, 2011, 02:41:59 AM
Blindside - Our Love Saves Us (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: SenileSnake on September 08, 2011, 01:10:28 AM
it's old but i really like this

Coolio- Gangster's Paradise (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: KaZudra on September 08, 2011, 01:39:56 AM
hide - Tell Me (
Art Cube - 花陽影~Petal~ (
B'z - Long Time No See (
 X Japan - Jade  (
 Közi - Honey Vanity (

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dark Nemesis on September 09, 2011, 02:12:49 PM
Ys1-2 ED-Endless History (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gecko on September 11, 2011, 10:27:09 AM
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath. (

I challenge every one of you to listen to this song turned up loudly at night with all lights off and no one else around.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Neobelmont on September 12, 2011, 10:24:31 PM
Truth of Edge - Saiga Magoichi's Theme (

Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams OST / 02 - Blue Oni Prologue ~ Blue Oni Theme (

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Successor The Cruel on September 14, 2011, 09:30:35 AM
Listening to more So Cal Surf Music. I'm a huge fan of this stuff.

King of Surf, Dick Dale and the song Mexico. This song is awesome!
Dick Dale - Mexico (

The Astronauts and their song Baja. This song is also really cool!
The Astronauts - Baja (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Successor The Cruel on September 16, 2011, 11:20:10 AM
Wait, one more surf tune and then I'm done. I've been on a real surf kick lately.
The Surfites, Space Mover : o

The Surfites "Space Mover" (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dracula9 on September 16, 2011, 02:56:09 PM
Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dani California.
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dani California [Official Music Video] (
She's my priestess, man. 8)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gecko on September 16, 2011, 09:10:51 PM
Listened to this today on my way back to the apartment from school today. I get to see them live again in exactly a month from now too! I can't wait.

Judas Priest - Sinner (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on September 19, 2011, 02:43:00 AM
Love this one. It's your typical metal video for meatheads (and I think the lead singer could be Bud Bundy's little brother), but the song is great. If the rest of the album is like this, I may have an album to buy this week.  :)

Lazarus A.D. - Absolute Power (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Inccubus on September 19, 2011, 12:11:25 PM (

Been listening to this almost non-stop since I decided to be Shredder for Halloween.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on September 21, 2011, 08:07:32 AM
Been rocking this the last while.... people here probably know all about it, but I only found it about a couple of months ago.

Basically take Bloody Tears, add an assload of death metal ala Carcass, The Black Dahlia Murder, and you come up with - Cursed Bloodline. Awesome.

OCR01317: Castlevania II 'Cursed Bloodline' OC ReMix [Bloody Tears] (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: crisis on September 22, 2011, 02:08:37 PM
shout-out to all my Americans

Miley Cyrus - Party In The USA &+ Lyrics (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gunlord on September 22, 2011, 06:39:35 PM
(VGM) Ys Origin - Genesis Beyond The Beginning (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: crisis on September 23, 2011, 10:40:30 PM
Vanilla Ice - Ninja rap (Go ninja go) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: crisis on September 27, 2011, 02:06:44 PM
yello music video- oooooh yeah (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Slayer on October 02, 2011, 07:11:59 PM
Listening to this amazing album called Deathconsciousness. It's by a completely self-produced group called Have a Nice Life, and they play a style reminiscent of Joy Division, My Bloody Valentine and Sunn O))), if you can wrap your head around that (gothic doomgaze-core?) Thing is, it works. Definitely in my top 10 fave albums of all time.

Have A Nice Life - Bloodhail (

Have a Nice Life - Deep, deep (

Have a Nice Life - Earthmover (

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: OdenAndEvil on October 14, 2011, 01:52:26 PM
Twilight Guardians - La Isla Bonita (Madonna Cover)

Rock/metal version.

Twilight Guardians - La Isla Bonita (

Found that an hour ago. i like it alot. his clean voice got me.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: snappleman on October 17, 2011, 02:08:11 AM
Been rocking this the last while.... people here probably know all about it, but I only found it about a couple of months ago.

Basically take Bloody Tears, add an assload of death metal ala Carcass, The Black Dahlia Murder, and you come up with - Cursed Bloodline. Awesome.

OCR01317: Castlevania II 'Cursed Bloodline' OC ReMix [Bloody Tears] (

You should listen to more Snappleman remixes. I hear he's good... 8)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on October 17, 2011, 04:01:18 AM
Fuck that SnappleMan guy. He does incredibly shitty remixes like this hairy bullfuck here:

CONTRA 4 rocked 'n' loaded - stage.1 - jungle (metal version) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: A-Yty on October 19, 2011, 07:43:46 AM
Bankai - Faun (

I love this guy's stuff.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Munchy on October 20, 2011, 12:31:20 AM
The music in the first part of this video.

gorge bush is a Great ape from the Zoo (

It's so fucking terrible, but in a good way. Here's a link to download it: (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on October 20, 2011, 03:21:55 AM
Trying to get into the new Black Dahlia Murder. Still kind of boring to me, and not much like their other stuff at all. Still, this one is a fantastic track (although that opening riff is goddamn impossible to get out of your head):

The Black Dahlia Murder - Carbonized In Cruciform (

Also, a pretty spiffy 8-bit version:

The Black Dahlia Murder - Carbonized In Cruciform 8-Bit (

First comment that shows up on the Youtube page said it (the 8-bit one) could be a Castlevania track. I think that's totally wrong, but it does have a pretty cool horror sound to it, I guess. 
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on October 29, 2011, 04:34:16 AM
Reduced To The Failure Of Prayer - Forever Abomination - Studio Version (

Just got this album and Son of Aurelius the other day. About 30 seconds in is one of the coolest riffs I've heard from this band. It's good to hear them focus more on melody again, too, since the album before this almost seemed like it tried too hard to be heavy.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: crisis on October 29, 2011, 07:07:44 AM
Batman Forever Music Video Seal Kiss from the Rose (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Super Waffle on October 30, 2011, 11:15:07 AM
Jack Sparrow (feat. Michael Bolton) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Flame on October 31, 2011, 09:52:49 PM
Nadia Ali - Rapture (Avicii Remix) Official Music Video [Full HD] (



Oh- the music is nice too.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on November 03, 2011, 10:11:09 AM
"Disco connection" by Issac Hayes and "Who's making love" by The Blues Brothers.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on November 10, 2011, 03:09:08 AM
Dancing Dildoes (

Other than that, I've really been digging Skinny Puppy's hanDover. "Gambatte" is boner-worthy.

Skinny Puppy - Gambatte (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dark Nemesis on November 10, 2011, 07:56:58 AM
Dancing Dildoes (

Fantastic video!!!! ;D
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Pemburu Vampir on November 14, 2011, 06:28:15 PM
Ultraman 40 Years mix MV (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Opium on November 15, 2011, 07:33:47 AM
The Legendary Pink Dots - Scarlet Wish (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on November 15, 2011, 10:10:53 AM
Been revisiting Nine Inch Nails recently... they sure had some tunes:

Nine Inch Nails - March Of The Pigs (Unclean Live) (

Nine Inch Nails - Wish (

Nine Inch Nails - Closer - 1080p (

Nine Inch Nails - Starfuckers, Inc (Full) - 720p (

Nine Inch Nails - Dead Souls (Joy Division cover) (
(Yeah it's cover of Joy Divison, but still good)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on November 15, 2011, 03:37:40 PM
I wish Trent would release more Downward Spiral demos. Three just isn't enough. I think I like the "Heresy" demo even more than the final song.

Nine Inch Nails - "Heresy" (Original Demo) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on November 15, 2011, 04:06:04 PM
^ That's just..... filthy. I like.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on November 18, 2011, 05:49:11 AM
I just recently beat Brutal Legend, and man, I am seriously digging some of the songs from this game. Really loved the Angel Witch song, which led me to this song on YouTube:

Angel Witch - Frontal Assault (
I don't think I've heard a bad song from these guys yet. Love them!

Another one that caught my ear right off the bat:

Crimson Glory - Queen of the Masquerade (
That's a great opener right there. Always thought higher notes done like that sound really cool. I've heard some other good ones from this band since this song, too.

Had a blast playing the game, and it was mostly the music. This game kind of opened up a world of older stuff that I never knew I liked. 

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Slayer on November 18, 2011, 06:48:46 PM
I just recently beat Brutal Legend, and man, I am seriously digging some of the songs from this game. Really loved the Angel Witch song, which led me to this song on YouTube:

Angel Witch - Frontal Assault (
Angel Witch is fucking awesome ;)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Opium on November 19, 2011, 11:20:30 AM
Hatred Copter - Dethklok

Metalocalypse AMV - Hatredcopter (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on November 19, 2011, 02:44:32 PM
Thing I hate about the first Dethklok album is the sound quality is really awful. I have a sampler that features three songs from the album, and they all sound way better than on the actual album. Something went completely amiss during the mastering process...
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gecko on November 20, 2011, 08:29:51 AM
"Disco connection" by Issac Hayes and "Who's making love" by The Blues Brothers.

Tha BLUES BROTHAHS?! They still owe you money fool!

Black sabbath - War Pigs - with lyrics (

BLACK SABBATH IS BACK TOGETHER!! I'll finally get to see them live for myself.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Think Tank on November 20, 2011, 03:40:37 PM
This video is pretty damn amazing.

Liars - Scissor (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: crisis on December 10, 2011, 10:07:26 AM
Katy perry - Last Friday Night(T.G.I.F) with lyrics in HD (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on December 11, 2011, 11:16:28 PM
Someone posted a link to a blog in another thread on here, and I found these guys (although it was a different song). May have to pick them up if the rest of their songs sound this good:
Evil Army-Edge of Destruction/Evil Army (

Here's another one I liked from Brutal Legend. I never took the time to listen to any of Ministry's pre-Psalm 69 stuff (besides the song Every Day is Halloween), but I'm liking this song and this album:
Ministry - Thieves (

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: cmdood on December 12, 2011, 03:17:01 AM
Dschinghis Khan - Moskau (

no clue why...
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Phil Belmont on December 12, 2011, 06:25:12 AM
If you are fans of Death Metal, I do these videos to promote new bands ;)

Top 15 Death Metal 40th (

You can also take a look at my youtube Channel, It's Metal / Castlevania Videos  :) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on December 12, 2011, 08:05:36 AM
Someone posted a link to a blog in another thread on here, and I found these guys (although it was a different song). May have to pick them up if the rest of their songs sound this good:
Evil Army-Edge of Destruction/Evil Army (

Here's another one I liked from Brutal Legend. I never took the time to listen to any of Ministry's pre-Psalm 69 stuff (besides the song Every Day is Halloween), but I'm liking this song and this album:
Ministry - Thieves (

That Evil Army tune is pure crossover retrothrash. Excellent stuff.... strap on your Suicidal Tendencies headscarf and your Sacred Reich tee.

And Ministry are always awesome.

The new Decapitated album sounds pretty damn good, if very Meshuggah-nated, but they were heading in that direction with Organic Hallucinosis anyway. Check this, and play loud:

Decapitated - 404 ( Lyrics ) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on December 12, 2011, 09:42:48 AM
Took an interest to these two songs:

Ellie Goulding - Lights (

Highwayman - Johnny Cash (the highwaymen) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on December 17, 2011, 04:00:01 AM
I never took the time to listen to any of Ministry's pre-Psalm 69 stuff

Maaaaan, you gotta look into The Land of Rape and Honey. Favorite of mine.

Ministry - I Prefer (

Been listening to I, Parasite's On This Cold Floor lately.

I, Parasite - Spoke (

Also been revisiting my old haloblack CDs. :funkyhell: is such a masterpiece. Too bad Minneapolis never really had a booming industrial scene; had there been more artists like hb, it would've been amazing.

haloblack - funky hell - 07 - fragment (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on December 17, 2011, 04:19:58 AM
Hell, 'long as I'm posting indoostrail toonz, might as well post a kickin' Babyland song from their debut. Haven't exactly been listening to them recently, but have had a craving, so consider this a precognitive "recently been digging."

Babyland - Logans Run (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on December 17, 2011, 06:49:24 AM
Don't miss Nightwish's new album. It's that Finnish magic once again unlike anything else.

Nightwish - Storytime (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on December 27, 2011, 12:50:08 AM
The new Decapitated album sounds pretty damn good, if very Meshuggah-nated, but they were heading in that direction with Organic Hallucinosis anyway. Check this, and play loud:

Decapitated - 404 ( Lyrics ) (

Wow, that does sound a lot like Meshuggah. But I agree; it definitely sounds like a logical progression from their last one.

Maaaaan, you gotta look into The Land of Rape and Honey. Favorite of mine.

Ministry - I Prefer (

Awesome! I'll definitely check this album out. I guess looking at stuff online, I now realize that I've heard the song Stigmata. I know I saw the movie Hardware when I was a kid, but that song sounds really familiar, so I've probabaly heard it somewhere since.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dark Nemesis on January 21, 2012, 05:39:55 AM
Eisenfunk - Pong (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: crisis on January 21, 2012, 01:26:36 PM
Mozart - Rondo Alla Turca (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Odile Kuronuma on January 22, 2012, 02:54:58 PM
Hietsuki Bushi (Full Version) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on January 23, 2012, 03:05:57 PM
Eisenfunk - Pong (

lol. So fargin' terrible. It amuses me so.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Pemburu Vampir on February 08, 2012, 12:10:16 AM
Unmei No Shizuku~Destiny's Star ~ by GIRL NEXT DOOR - (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Keldor on February 08, 2012, 07:34:45 AM
I've been listening to a lot of Eve 6 as of late. They're gonna be releasing their first new album in almost nine years this april. I can't wait.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on February 08, 2012, 03:12:48 PM
Bought the Sonic the Hedgehog 1&2 Soundtrack 3-CD set a couple weeks ago. Been listening to that a sheeeeetload.

Best part is the second disc containing all of Masato Nakamura's demos. It's always fun to hear chiptunes the way they were before they were programmed as chiptunes.

Sonic the Hedgehog 1&2 Soundtrack: Chemical Plant Zone ~Masa's Demo Version~ (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Husky on February 09, 2012, 06:08:42 AM
I've been Digging a Japanese Taiko group called KODO, as of late

This song is my favorite though
KODO - Strobe Nanafushi (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: crimsonmist on February 11, 2012, 02:32:50 PM
I've recently caught the rest of the Thunder Force IV soundtrack off Galbadia and I've just been rocking out.  It's got to be one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard off the Genesis.  That stuff just rocks.
so true. 8) (
feel that awesome power? an instant sign that the game's totally epic.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dark Nemesis on February 15, 2012, 12:10:10 PM
Lana Del Rey - "Video Games" [HQ SOUND QUALITY] (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on February 15, 2012, 12:50:48 PM
^^^but whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lumi Kløvstad on February 15, 2012, 03:33:12 PM
Been diving into my massive collection of E Nomine of late.

E Nomine - Mitternacht [Offizielles Video] (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on February 15, 2012, 11:19:49 PM
Tonight's jam:

Units - I-Night (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mcchiggen on February 17, 2012, 04:46:23 PM
I've been listening to a lot of Kendrick Lamar lately.

His new track cartoons & cereal is amazing!
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on February 24, 2012, 05:36:13 AM
Last while I have been listening to Faith No More... awesome, awesome band.

Faith No More - From Out Of Nowhere (First Version) (

Faith No More - The Gentle Art of Making Enemies (

Faith No More - Epic (

Faith No More - Falling To Pieces (

Faith No More - Midlife Crisis (

Faith No More - Ricochet (

Faith No More - Evidence (

faith no more easy (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lumi Kløvstad on February 24, 2012, 03:14:31 PM
I blame you guys for this one. You know who you are, and I know you're cackling in your seat in front of your monitor shouting "DANCE PUPPETS, DANCE!"

DOOM 3DO Soundtrack: E1M1: At Doom's Gate (

Also, did I mention I am a MAJOR Genki Rockets fan?

"Heavenly Star" by Genki Rockets 元気ロケッツ (

"Breeze" by Genki Rockets 元気ロケッツ (

10 Fly! (

Genki Rockets - Wonderland / 元気ロケッツ Album Version (new song) (

Genki Rockets - Make Believe HD (

Genki Rockets - Curiosity HD (

元気ロケッツ - Star Line HD (

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on February 24, 2012, 05:46:15 PM
Been listening to BlutEngel a bit recently. I don't really dig them. Part of it is trying to understand my ex-fiance's taste in music. ... My theory is she's just an idiot. But for the life of me I cannot get their song "Uber den Horizont" out of my head for some reason. It's not that it's making me feel suicidal and it's good suicide music, it's just so damn catchy. Considering most of their songs make me scratch my head and wonder why anyone even likes them, UDH is like a diamond in a basket of cubic zirconium.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dark Nemesis on February 25, 2012, 03:12:05 AM
Been listening to BlutEngel a bit recently. I don't really dig them. Part of it is trying to understand my ex-fiance's taste in music. ... My theory is she's just an idiot. But for the life of me I cannot get their song "Uber den Horizont" out of my head for some reason. It's not that it's making me feel suicidal and it's good suicide music, it's just so damn catchy. Considering most of their songs make me scratch my head and wonder why anyone even likes them, UDH is like a diamond in a basket of cubic zirconium.

  I like blutengel, but to make you understand what i mean, it's like 2 songs from each album, that i like, with the exception of one album, that it has many catchy songs.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on February 26, 2012, 12:06:10 AM
So far Schwarzes Eis is my "album", although I don't relaly like that many songs on it, it's just catchy and I can stand listening to every song on it while playing games. The only song on it I really really like is Dancing In The Light, as opposed to Tranenherz's three or four songs. The problem with Tranenherz is it has the slower, darker songs whereas Schwarzes Eis has more dance beats. Easier to kill people to dance beats.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dark Nemesis on February 26, 2012, 08:26:53 AM
So far Schwarzes Eis is my "album", although I don't relaly like that many songs on it, it's just catchy and I can stand listening to every song on it while playing games. The only song on it I really really like is Dancing In The Light, as opposed to Tranenherz's three or four songs. The problem with Tranenherz is it has the slower, darker songs whereas Schwarzes Eis has more dance beats. Easier to kill people to dance beats.

Dancing In The Light is one of my most favorites, you should try Demon kiss album. For me it's one of the best albums they have and my most favorite.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on February 26, 2012, 12:18:43 PM
Also, did I mention I am a MAJOR Genki Rockets fan?

They're pretty rad. Been considering getting the second album. The tick-tock motion she does in the "Curiosity" video is like the cutest thing ever and I will fight thernz to the death to win her hand.

Genki Rockets - Curiosity PV (

I've been enjoying this tune a lot lately:

Throbbing Gristle - What a Day (

And relatedly, I just bought one of the last copies ( of Electric Sewer Age's In Final Phase, which is Peter Christopherson and Danny Hyde's finale to Coil's Moon's Milk series which was intended for the CD re-release that never happened before Peter's passing. (Since there are maybe two people who pop on this board who are probably familiar with Coil and company.) Looking forward to getting it.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Pemburu Vampir on February 29, 2012, 06:42:17 AM
Behold! The best MMX track.

Megaman X6 Soundtrack- Infinity Mijinion (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gecko on March 09, 2012, 02:05:17 PM
I heard this on classic rock stations all the time growing up, and it popped into my head today!

Enjoy a classic: 8)
Ram Jam - Black Betty 1977 (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Neobelmont on March 22, 2012, 01:33:47 AM
Samurai x Rurouni kenshin music is always incredible should be more popular I tell ya.

るろうに剣心 : 明治剣客浪漫譚 追憶編 OST ~ IN MEMORIES KO-TO-WA-RI 岩崎琢 (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on March 22, 2012, 03:53:30 AM
Been listening to this recently... made around the time of Dubya's presidency. Ministry had a habit of Bush-baiting.... for at least three albums. I'm not complaining, all those albums were awesome, if short on lyrics that weren't about Bush.

Ministry - No W (music video) (

Also, this. Metalcore done right. Totally brutal and tinged with melodic death. Shame the band who played this split in 2008.

Sunrise - Cursed (

And while the last track was tinged, this is pure melodeath. Stands up as well as anything In Flames or Dark Tranquillity have done IMO.

Ablaze My Sorrow - Where the Strong Live Forever (w/lyrics) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gecko on March 23, 2012, 08:19:01 AM
For the last couple of days, I've been rocking the Taken By Force album by the Scorpions. Uli Jon Roth was great in this band! There's not a bad or boring track to be heard. I fully recommend it to anyone who's liked previous posts I've made in this topic.

Sample song from this album: We'll Burn the Sky
We'll burn the sky - Scorpions (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on March 24, 2012, 07:20:19 AM
I made this after watching Apocalypse Now.

Sodom - Napalm in the morning.wmv (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Flame on March 26, 2012, 11:20:59 PM
Eisenfunk - Pong (
Man I love Eisenfunk.

Super Space Invaders was pretty damn amusing.

Nina Hagen - So Bad (

Savlonic : The Driver (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dark Nemesis on March 27, 2012, 05:43:17 AM
Awesome track!

Ron van den beuken- overdrive (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Ring_of_Varda on March 27, 2012, 08:12:31 AM
some pretty awesome tunes posted in this thread! lately 80-90% of my listening has been black metal. but this band is so amazing i just cant stop listening to it!

Inquisition - The Initiation (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dark Nemesis on March 30, 2012, 11:53:53 AM
this is pure epicness!!! :o

Armin Van Buuren - Orbion (
Armin Van Buuren - Mirage (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on March 30, 2012, 01:32:14 PM
some pretty awesome tunes posted in this thread! lately 80-90% of my listening has been black metal. but this band is so amazing i just cant stop listening to it!

Inquisition - The Initiation (

Can't say I enjoy the vocal style that much, but that song is pretty awesome regardless.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on March 30, 2012, 01:54:20 PM
I ordered Sigh's latest, In Somniphobia from Amazon, which means I'll receive it in a million years. BUT WHEN I FINALLY DO, I guarantee you I'll be digging that a bunch. From what I've heard, it sounds a little more in line with what they were doing on Imaginary Sonicscape, which is their pinnacle IMO.

Sigh - The Transfiguration Fear (new song) (

Though I fecking hate Dr. Mikannibal's backup vocals.

I might be more inclined to accept her if she'd get full-on naked for the camera


but even then I don't want her in the band except doing some radsome saxophonin'—she's good at that at least.

Still, she should quit with the teasing and just gimme da n00dz already.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Sindra on March 31, 2012, 05:28:06 PM
Trash80 - Missing You (HQ) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Neobelmont on April 01, 2012, 02:43:33 AM
Doom E1M1 - At Hell's Gate (Doom 95 Version) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on April 07, 2012, 11:39:43 AM
My friend showed me this video. My jaw fucking dropped.

Skindred - Nobody (Good quality) (

I've seen satanic shit before, but mixing metal with... reggae? Mankind's salvation is not far now.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on April 07, 2012, 01:23:32 PM
My friend showed me this video. My jaw fucking dropped.

Skindred - Nobody (Good quality) (

I've seen satanic shit before, but mixing metal with... reggae? Mankind's salvation is not far now.

Yep.... I remember those guys, at the forefront of the wave of British Nu-Metal that was happening around 1998 or so (Like many musical trends, America set the standard, others followed and maybe some innovated (though probably not many in numetal). Thought they were decent enough then - wouldn't bother now.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on April 07, 2012, 02:27:56 PM
The funny thing about nu-metal is while most of it was really shitty, I'd take any of it any day over most if not all of the modern faux-metalcore swimming around that's popular with the kids today.

Fucking kids oughta listen to Botch and stop labeling the real metalcore "mathcore," which is a piss-poor attempt to make what currently passes off as metalcore look like something other than the watered-down pap it is.

Botch - C. Thomas Howell as the 'Soul Man' (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on April 07, 2012, 03:02:03 PM
The funny thing about nu-metal is while most of it was really shitty, I'd take any of it any day over most if not all of the modern faux-metalcore swimming around that's popular with the kids today.

Fucking kids oughta listen to Botch and stop labeling the real metalcore "mathcore," which is a piss-poor attempt to make what currently passes off as metalcore look like something other than the watered-down pap it is.

Botch - C. Thomas Howell as the 'Soul Man' (

Goddamn are you right. I loved those guys along with Converge, Burnt By The Sun, Knut, Cave In, early Dillinger Escape Plan and other lesser known but still awesome bands of that ilk like Britain's bands Beecher, Canvas and Medulla Nocte.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on April 07, 2012, 03:07:42 PM
An album that I feel gets overlooked is Drowningman's Rock and Roll Killing Machine. Classic.

Drowningman "When People Become Numbers" (

These bands actually sounded like metal fused with hardcore, instead of the cheap imitation melodeath bands with Disney sing-along choruses.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on April 07, 2012, 04:43:40 PM
Continuing this line of questioning metalcore's/hardcore's limitations, here's a few of the bands I mentioned earlier:

Knut - Whacked Out (
Canvas - Hail the sky (
Medulla Nocte - Twice The Trauma (
BEECHER - dead for weeks (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on April 07, 2012, 06:02:33 PM
I remember years ago a friend had me order some Beecher albums online for him. Never really listened to 'em but I'm sure I still have the AAC rips I made before giving them to him.

Mathcore, lol. Dammit...

I'll check all dem bands out when I've got my 'phones on.

Speaking of kinda metalcore-y type stuff, I really like SikTh. They're kinda more tech metal with some 'core and a little nu-metal influence, but they're pretty ace whatever they are.

Sikth - Summer Rain + Lyrics (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on April 08, 2012, 02:27:01 AM
Saw Sikth twice live - once in Britain when I lived there for 6 months, and once when they came over to Ireland. Both times were spot-on, they pulled off what they do on record very well. I guess to do that kind of music takes a certain amount of control and thought.... and force, of course.

Now this band here is a different kettle of fish - they in no way take themselves seriously, but - well see for yourself. Corporate grindcore at it's best.

He Who Corrupts - Master of Profits (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on April 08, 2012, 08:06:40 AM
Trash80 - Missing You (HQ) (

Was too bad I was on my shitty old laptop when I was listening to that. :(

Found out just a couple days ago (I'm a tad slow) that Genki Sudo released a new song and music video. I'd gotten so used to the Related Lists on YouTube for his music videos that I noticed right away something was out of place. ... That's pretty sad, ain't it?
(Funny how we go from nu-metal to this)

須藤元気(Genki Sudo)「WORLD ORDER」の "2012" (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on April 11, 2012, 06:38:41 AM
Been looking back at these guys - haven't listened to The Haunted for a while but goddamn if they weren't better with Marco Aro than with Peter Dolving.

The Haunted - Trespass (

Of course they still aren't a patch on their predecessors At The Gates...

At The Gates - Blinded By Fear (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Green Stranger on April 12, 2012, 01:23:50 AM
Testament - Return to Serenity (Acoustic Version) (
This made my ear spew jizz everywhere.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on April 12, 2012, 08:44:26 PM
The main reason I play this game every day (literally):

Advance Wars - Dual Strike: Tag Power Theme (

Even when I have my 3DS muted, I still turn the volume up or plug in my headphones for this song, then take my time finishing my turn. The best song on the game (even better than the ending).
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on April 13, 2012, 02:24:14 AM
Testament - Return to Serenity (Acoustic Version) (
This made my ear spew jizz everywhere.

One of my fave bands. Haven't heard this, but it comes as no surprise to find it's awesome. Alex Skolnick is a great guitarist.

A couple more TestAmenT tunes...

One along the lines you posted...
Testament - Trail of Tears (

And one a little closer to what they usually play.
Testament - Dog Faced Gods (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on April 14, 2012, 07:30:33 PM
Type O Negative - White Slavery (

I play this song every so often, likely my favorite TON track. Was diggin' it just a few days ago. Was just brought to my attention that Peter Steele died two years ago today. As a Christian, I couldn't be happier that one of the musical idols from my teenhood and a lifelong atheist became a Christian shortly before he died.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Green Stranger on April 15, 2012, 03:17:52 PM
One of my fave bands. Haven't heard this, but it comes as no surprise to find it's awesome. Alex Skolnick is a great guitarist.

A couple more TestAmenT tunes...

One along the lines you posted...
Testament - Trail of Tears (

And one a little closer to what they usually play.
Testament - Dog Faced Gods (
I hear ya man, Testament is a long time favorite thrash band for me. I've been following them since The Legacy and are they one of the more dynamic and melodic thrash bands out there. Alex Skolnick is indeed a beast and was awesome in Savatage too. Good tunes you got there. Trail of Tears was also redone in acoustic on that same Live at the Fillmore album.
Trail of Tears in acoustic. The the female backing vocals were an especially nice touch in these acoustic versions.
Testament - Trail of Tears (Acoustic version) (
Another classic.
Testament - Alone In The Dark (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on April 16, 2012, 01:17:42 AM
Since I've fried my soundcard, i've been rocking this old box alot lately. It's near identical to the FM hardware of arcade/X68000 machines (8 multitimbral voices) and I've been having much fun listening to NES music with my own patches using the nsf2midi prog too.


Juno, I've always loved your love of old synths and sound cards and the like, ha ha. Keep posting.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Neobelmont on April 17, 2012, 02:03:32 AM
Dragon Quest II SNES OST Distant Journey (

Dragon Quest III - Bouken no Tabi (Voyage of Adventure) - World Map Theme W/ vocals (

I freaking love DW at the moment  ;D

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on April 18, 2012, 02:56:47 AM
Listening to samplers on amazon right now, and I'm instantly in love with this one:

Woods of Ypres - Lightning & Snow (

The clean vocal part is pretty hilarious ("there was a flash of lightning/followed by snow"), but I totally dig this song. I'm gonna have to search out more of this band.

Free samplers are fucking awesome. When they're good.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on April 18, 2012, 02:17:50 PM
For those of you who do not turn away from Black metal, and want to hear something original, there is Melechesh, strong oriental influences in their music. Lots of similar Israeli bands.

Melechesh - Sacred Geometry (

I kinda feel bad for liking this song. The riff is so simple, but goddamn slayer knows how to kick ass while keeping simple.
Slayer - Bloodline (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on April 19, 2012, 03:35:47 AM
For those of you who do not turn away from Black metal, and want to hear something original, there is Melechesh, strong oriental influences in their music. Lots of similar Israeli bands.

Ah, I remember hearing them. The only song of theirs I have is Deluge of Delusional Dreams. Pretty good stuff. Another band I've been meaning to check out more of, but never got around to.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dark Nemesis on April 20, 2012, 12:34:10 PM
For the metal lovers!!!!

Super Mario Bros Castle Theme Metal Remix Cover - Nylithia Guitar, Drums, Bass Bowser (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dark Nemesis on May 15, 2012, 02:46:07 AM
This video is epic!!!

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Neobelmont on May 15, 2012, 10:28:09 PM
Beat A Nail With Your Hammer! ENGLISH LYRICS! (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on May 16, 2012, 09:01:14 AM
This is an edit of a longer original song. The original song was a love song about sex and stuff. This edit was used in a certain popular cult classic movie. If you don't know the movie the song was from, then YOU SUCK!
 ... you can probably just look at the related videos if you want to cheat.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: GuyStarwind on May 16, 2012, 12:13:21 PM
This music I ALWAYS dig.

Stars - Philip Quast - Les Misérables - 10th Anniversary Concert (

Les Misérables " One Day More " (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Ratty on May 20, 2012, 08:47:24 PM
This music I ALWAYS dig.
planet smashers unstoppable (
The Planet Smashers - Missionary's Downfall (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Green Stranger on May 22, 2012, 01:03:05 AM
Some classics from Cathedral.
Cathedral - Ride (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on May 22, 2012, 01:58:12 AM
Don't know how many of you are into hardcore or it's variants like metalcore..... but here's a few I dig.

Snapcase - Caboose (

Refused - New Noise (video) (

Converge - Eagles Become Vultures (


botch - frequency ass bandit (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on May 22, 2012, 05:44:39 AM
Also these guys... Dublin City Irish Death Metal.

Warpath(ire)- Infectors (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Ratty on May 23, 2012, 04:22:49 AM
Now I really really want to see that movie. Vincent Price is always so fun to watch in his genre films. His character could be the most evil bastard alive and he's still got that glint in his eye like "They're paying me to do this? Alright!"

I've been listening a bit to an old punk band I remembered from my early teens. They were in the news recently because the lead singer came out as transgendered, which surprised me a lot at first but in retrospect there were indicators. Was glad to hear her wife understood and is staying with her. "Against Me!" have changed a lot over the years from acoustic-only dedicated anarchists to professionals. Good stuff.

Against Me! - "I Was A Teenage Anarchist" HD [Official Video] (
Against Me!- Cavalier Eternal (

Also these guys... Dublin City Irish Death Metal.
You say Irish music and it just reminds me of Flogging Molly. XD Strange how that brand of metal vocals seems custom made to cover up any kind of accent though.
Flogging Molly - Salty Dog (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 23, 2012, 05:39:13 AM
Witchfinder General is an all right flick. Only seen it once, thinking of selling it if it doesn't grab me a second time through. Think there's a pretty funny Black Sabbath-esque band that goes by the name. Remember downloading a few albums years back when I was on a "listen to everything that sounds like early Sab" kick (Pentagram, sHEAVY, Witchcraft, etc.).

Speakin'a selling... Been in El Purgo mode lately, thinking I'll ditch a bunch of my CDs. Even though I'm still fond of, say, the metal I used to be into, I don't really listen to it anymore and it's taking up space. If you folks are into owning CDs (I'll still have a ton after the sale), you could buy 'em off me cheap. Dunno yet the asking price, but probably $3-5. I keep that shiz in good condition, by the way, unless I bought used and were already bad.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on May 23, 2012, 07:27:22 AM
Remember downloading a few albums years back when I was on a "listen to everything that sounds like early Sab" kick (Pentagram, sHEAVY, Witchcraft, etc.).

If you dig Sabbath style music, you can't really go wrong with Orange Goblin. Great band. Myself, I dig a lot of Stoner/Doom, though more the Sludge end of things - but Orange Goblin and Electric Wizard are two awesome rock 'n roll-based Doom bands.

Orange Goblin - Scorpionica (

Electric Wizard - Funeralopolis (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Green Stranger on May 23, 2012, 03:50:24 PM
Now I really really want to see that movie. Vincent Price is always so fun to watch in his genre films. His character could be the most evil bastard alive and he's still got that glint in his eye like "They're paying me to do this? Alright!"
Yeah Vincent Price is a trip. Watch the movie The Fall of The House of Usher and you'll have a laugh at his performance.

If you dig Sabbath style music, you can't really go wrong with Orange Goblin. Great band. Myself, I dig a lot of Stoner/Doom, though more the Sludge end of things - but Orange Goblin and Electric Wizard are two awesome rock 'n roll-based Doom bands.

I remember first hearing Orange Goblin back in high school. Good stuff. This track in particular was always one of my favorites along with blue snow. As for sludge metal my favorite has to be Corrosion of Conformity. Don't know if you've heard them before but take the liberty to have a listen.
2. Albatross (
Corrosion Of Conformity - Over Me (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 23, 2012, 04:13:23 PM
Never dug too deeply into the whole stoner rock thing, but Corrosion of Conformity is damn good. Even though I don't really listen to much metal anymore, I'd never get rid of my Deliverance and Wiseblood CDs. Damn good tuneage.

corrosion of conformity -the door (


I've got Electric Wizard's Dopethrone. Some good tunes on there though I'm almost never in the mood to hear it.

As for sludge, got Acid Bath's two albums but considering maybe getting rid of 'em as I never listen to them. Damn good albums, just...never listen to them. Just not into the whole metal thing much anymore, save for classic Sab and a few others. (Spun Solefald's In Harmonia Universali the other day and it's still exciting, one of the best.)

SOLEFALD - Mont Blanc Providence Crow (OFFICIAL VIDEO) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 23, 2012, 05:07:27 PM
I suppose that was probably Pepper Keenan's fault, heh. I never listened to much of their earlier stuff, but it was cool and I always found the extreme change fascinating.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Green Stranger on May 23, 2012, 07:42:41 PM
It's good to see that a lot of you have great taste in music. This is probably favorite thread to revisit.
As for these guys below, I recommend the Tygers of Pan Tang for some good classic rock with comical lyricals that are worth a laugh.
Tygers of Pan Tang - Euthanasia (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Ratty on May 23, 2012, 11:55:36 PM
Hm never was a huge metal fan myself. I like it alright but there's only a few bands I dig a lot. Other than Iron Maiden those are mostly power metal acts.

AMV 08th MS Team Nightwish - Tenth Man Down (
Nightwish, if there's a better Symphonic Power Metal band I don't know of them. Though they've sadly gotten a bit more generic in sound since they changed lead singer. The newer one, bless her, doesn't have nearly the range Tarja did. She really struggled on the older songs when I saw them live.
Nightwish - Amaranth (
She even had some trouble delivering on the range in this song, which was basically her debut anthem. To be fair it might have just been an off night for her.

Helloween - Halloween Full Song [HD] (
Helloween, classic Power Metal.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 24, 2012, 02:09:04 AM
Been listening to Stabbing Westward's debut, Ungod, quite a bit lately. Solid album...shame they'd never do another like it. The newer stuff, while I like to an extent, is pretty much teeny bopper fluff, while the debut is a good industrial rocker.

Also, despite my love of Filter's Short Bus, I find it a little frustrating that Stuart Zechman isn't listed as a songwriter on "Hey Man Nice Shot", since he apparently wrote the guitar line in the chorus. It's used on the "Ungod" title track and that album came out in 1994 (Filter's '95), and during recording he played live for both bands, so unless he stole the line from Richard Patrick...

By the way, John Fryer is a great producer.

Stabbing Westward - Ungod (

Filter - Hey Man, Nice Shot (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on May 24, 2012, 02:21:19 AM
A little different... I always dug NIN, and therefore back in the day tried to track down bands like them. Little did I know that Gary Numan existed in this genre - I thought the only thing he did was Cars...

Gary Numan - RIP (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 24, 2012, 02:26:15 AM
Dunno if you were aware, but Sulpher worked heavily on Gary Numan's Pure album, where that track is taken. He basically heard Sulpher and said, "Holy shit we gotta do a Nine Inch Nails tribute."

Never really listened to Sulpher. I should someday. Listened to Pure a ton when I got it in 2001 or something.

Numan's excellent, by the way. Strangely, "Cars" is one of my least favorite tracks on The Pleasure Principle. It's an awesome song, just that "Metal", "M.E.", "Films", and so many others are so much better.

Fuckin' A, "M.E.", man... Best song ever to employ Moog synthesizers, IMO.

Gary Numan - M.E. (

Numan dabbled with industrial sounds in the '80s. Metal Rhythm has moments of industrial, and my favorite song from the album (and the most industrial, IMO) is "Voix". So moody.

Gary Numan - Voix (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on May 24, 2012, 05:57:02 AM
Dunno if you were aware, but Sulpher worked heavily on Gary Numan's Pure album, where that track is taken. He basically heard Sulpher and said, "Holy shit we gotta do a Nine Inch Nails tribute."

I know them. As far as I know they only released one album - which was, as you say, extremely NIN. Not bad at all though - but they do wear their influences very much in the open, that the album could almost be Broken part 2.

01 - Sulpher - Scarred (

Also, there's Killing Joke - great stuff. Definitely the band Ministry took their cue from.

Killing Joke - The Wait (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Ratty on May 25, 2012, 05:55:18 AM
Just been listening to a lot of Reel Big Fish lately, they're my favorite band. Too bad they've lost the rights to most of their original recordings and more recently their original bass player and long-time backup singer. At least they're still going though, don't think anyone expected them to live past the 90s.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 25, 2012, 02:47:33 PM
So I'm going through a bunch of my metal CDs, deciding what to sell and keep. I'm almost embarrassed by a lot of the tech death and other stuff I was really into; it just doesn't thrill me anymore. Kinda embarrassed by my little metalcore binge, too.

But some metalcore CDs I'm keeping are all of Botch, and I can't part with my Cave In stuff. Thought I'd be getting rid of On Broken Wings, but damn...Some of Us May Never See the World is just too good an album to ditch. I almost forgot how good and punchy this is. Some nice experimentalism with samples and keys and that, too.

On Broken Wings - Maybe The Earth Is Flat (

I remember downloading their next album when it came out and being really disappointed. Some of the songs they re-recorded (one for like the third time on an album) were nowhere near as good, and the new tunes didn't interest me. One of those one-hit wonders, I guess.

On Broken Wings - Giving Up the Ghost (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 26, 2012, 12:22:26 AM
Actually, screw it, I don't want the OBW album anymore, lol. Getting rid of so much of my metal it's ridiculous.

Don't really want my Cave In stuff either. I listened to Cave In enough in a three-year span to last me a lifetime.

Listened to Front Line Assembly's Tactical Neural Implant for the first time since I was probably 17 (almost a decade). Don't think I ever quite realized how amazing that album is; was so wrapped up in Skinny Puppy at the time, seeing FLA as the poor man's version and not really appreciating just how kick-ass of a thing Bill Leeb and Rhys Fulber had going. Definitely have to get me more of their albums posthaste.

Front Line Assembly - Final Impact (

By the way, Cyberaktif is an excellent collaboration between cEvin Key, Dwayne Goettel, and Leeb. Skuppy meets FLA.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 26, 2012, 05:34:25 AM
Speaking of metal that DOES kick ass (holy triple post), I just found out maybe an hour ago that !T.O.O.H.! (which stands for !The Obliteration of Humanity!) have reformed, and they've gone back to the core duo lineup. For their major label release, Order and Punishment (released by Earache), they were a four-piece band, and the album had a fully fleshed out sound and it was great, but I like the more punk, DIY sound of their earlier work more.


!T.O.O.H.! - Aura & Ziata (

!T.O.O.H.! - Analyza Záhnědy (

That second track officially translates to "Analysis of the Shitstain", by the way. Fu.Cking.Righteous.

By the way, despite how kick-ass their last album was, Earache fucking dropped the band on their ass almost right away and the album went out of print within a couple months. Balls bogus, my friends.

So they fell apart and were silent for several years, but now they've reformed, and I couldn't be more excited. New album in the works with six or seven tracks done, promise of merch (T-shirts, hopefully reprints of past albums, dildos, etc.), and a "by the end of the year—hopefully" release, and I am one happy camper.

To make things like five billion times better, they go and release the most amazing promo pic ever made.


Love these dorks. Can't wait. They should do a synth pop album next.

Oh yeah, and if I weren't already nerdgasming enough, they upload a previously unreleased demo with exclusive songs that are super badass, and they also uploaded all the previous demos in high quality with good scans of the artwork, all linked from their Facebook page. (

And their artwork—oh fuck, THEIR ARTWORK! The painting for the Pod vládou biče ("Under the Reign of the Whip") album is a spectacle.

NSFW, kiddies. (

Bliss. I want to own the original piece, buy a nice ritzy house, and then hang this in my living room in the most prominent, eye-catching place.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on May 26, 2012, 07:57:25 AM
If there's a band in metal that's not afraid to change their sound while still staying true to their roots, it's Napalm Death.

Sure their progression has come 360 degrees back to what they were doing, but it's still good IMO.

Starting with blazing grindcore...
Napalm Death - Unchallenged Hate (

Moving to a more death metal oriented sound...
Napalm Death - Unfit Earth (

Expanding on their core sound, with some subtle changes...
Napalm Death Twist the knife slowly (

Experimenting with industrial music...
Napalm Death - Greed Killing (

Moving back to grindcore...
Napalm Death- Constitutional Hell (

One of the most consistently great bands in extreme music IMO.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 26, 2012, 02:39:21 PM
I love Diatribes. Not sure that I'd ever want to pick up any more albums by the band (maybe Scum and From Enslavement to Obliteration), but they're certainly a kick-ass band I can appreciate.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 26, 2012, 04:41:22 PM
Carcass are better anyway. :p

Been debating whether I should get the remasters. I really should try and download them to see how they sound. The production on the original Reek of Putrefaction album is so filthy, I'd hate to hear them try to clean it up or make it more audible—and worse still if they crank the levels up to make it really punchy.

Carcass - Genital Grinder (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Green Stranger on May 29, 2012, 06:58:43 PM
Ah good old Carcass. Loved Heartwork myself. Saw them in the last days of Headbanger's Ball:(
Some of my favorites from Amorphis.
Amorphis - Alone {High Quality} {With Lyrics} (
Amorphis - Better Unborn (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Johnny on June 09, 2012, 12:41:07 PM
Dead Kennedys: Soup Is Good Food (

lard - i wanna be a drug-sniffing dog (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on June 09, 2012, 11:43:27 PM
lulz, been thinking lately how I'd like to check out some Lard. Been on a bit of a "Ministry and related projects" kick lately.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Neobelmont on June 10, 2012, 01:04:47 AM
This has been my favorite show on toonami currently the melody is just so placid you know and makes the point when it needs to with the music I have no idea what they are saying, but the music covers it well in my opinion the feeling I get from it, I just feel it.   :)

Casshern Sins Opening Full With Lyrics! (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on June 10, 2012, 01:47:26 AM
Speaking of Carcass, the intro to Symposium of Sickness was pretty cool. 

Some of my favorites from Amorphis.
Amorphis - Alone {High Quality} {With Lyrics} (

I keep forgetting that I need to get this album again...don't know what happened to the copy I had.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on June 11, 2012, 01:13:40 AM
All day at work, this kept going through my head:

Mister Rogers Remixed | Garden of Your Mind | PBS Digital Studios (

And of course like every song that's in my head long enough, I start to mix up the lyrics. "It's good to be furious while jacking off to porn," "Did you ever see a brown eye leak a fart?" etc.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Ratty on June 15, 2012, 03:25:10 PM
Just some Jonathan Coulton classics.
"I Feel Fantastic" music video (

MC Lars & YTCracker - Do The Bruce Campbell (
This one has been a nice guilty pleasure for years.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Neobelmont on June 16, 2012, 01:51:26 PM
tales of music  ;D

Flying by Garnet Crow (

Tales of destiny
DEEN / 夢であるように (   

Tales of Vesperia ~ Ring a Bell (

Tales of Vesperia - Fury Sparks Arrangement (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: crisis on June 17, 2012, 06:17:39 PM
Mark Morrison Return of the Mack (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: GuyStarwind on June 17, 2012, 08:35:56 PM
I also have been digging this recently too.
Harry Chapin - W.O.L.D. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Aridale on June 17, 2012, 08:47:48 PM
Mark Morrison Return of the Mack

Lol!!!!!!! I thought I was the only person on the planet that remembered that song!
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Neobelmont on June 17, 2012, 09:00:11 PM
Right now I am listening to some irony of fate or victim of fate

the one I am currently hearing right now while typing is

Leon ~Victim of Fate~ (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on June 19, 2012, 05:06:25 AM
Been re-listening to these guys recently.... pure hardcore anger.

One from back in the day.
Vision Of Disorder - Suffer (

One from a few years ago.
Vision of Disorder "Element" (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Green Stranger on June 20, 2012, 11:05:05 PM
Memories of some of the nightclubs in Chihuahua before they burned down and beheaded people. Thanks a lot drug cartel >:(
Benny Benassi - California Dreaming remix (
Armin Van Buuren feat Kerli Walking On Air DJTB 06 20 HD (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on June 23, 2012, 11:08:16 PM
Not sure if you could call this "digging", but... Meh, just another day in my forays into YouTube.

Nina Hagen - Naturträne (Rockpalast) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Flame on June 24, 2012, 12:09:05 AM
Etostone ft. Carlos Galavis - For Eternity (Official Video, HD) (

(and if you're interested, the awesome cover art by the awesome Genzoman (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lucius J. Belmont on June 24, 2012, 12:46:58 AM
Morcheeba - Blindfold (Official Video) (
The Avalanches - 'Frontier Psychiatrist' (
The Black Ghosts - Anyway You Choose to Give it (
Red Wire Black Wire - Reverse Tinman ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

I find I'm a lot less of a metal-head than most CV fans. But I like some of everything.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on June 24, 2012, 02:13:39 AM


It's a nice tune, but then again, anything that has "partizani" in it would work for me.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on June 24, 2012, 03:24:47 AM
Been on a Misfits and Danzig kick for a bit...

The Misfits-Die Die My Darling (
The Misfits- Death Comes Ripping (
The Misfits - All Hell Breaks Loose (

Danzig-Twist of Cain (lyrics) (
Mother - Danzig (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Green Stranger on June 24, 2012, 10:46:11 PM
If you like the Misfits you might like these decent Psychobilly tunes as well....
Nekromantix - Nice Day For A Resurrection (
Nekromantix - Subcultural Girl (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on June 25, 2012, 03:28:06 AM
Yeah, those guys are pretty good. Think I heard of them before... they're on Fat Wreck Chords, yeah?

Another band I dug, AFI, did the Misfits thing pretty well too. Too bad when Decemberunderground hit they went a bit meh.

AFI - Triple Zero (

The Lost Souls - AFI (

God Called in Sick Today - AFI (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dark Nemesis on June 25, 2012, 10:18:50 AM
Globus - Europa (Instrumental Version) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Neobelmont on July 04, 2012, 09:45:16 PM
Not going to lie this song makes me cry hard :-[

David Ball Riding With Private Malone (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on August 17, 2012, 04:14:03 PM
I hope the metalheads here are able to appreciate this.


Got this bad boy in the mail today. Been wanting the album forever, enjoying the hell out of the MP3s I downloaded a long time ago, but it's been out of print. Just found out this week that it had been reissued with two bonus tracks. Perfect time to spring for it.

Dunno whether the original came in this kinda packaging or a standard jewel case, but it's badass. I have a DVD that came in a similar kinda hard plastic case, except it's the same dimensions as a standard DVD case.

Also nabbed DHG's next album, Supervillain Outcast finally since that also got reissued (as a two-disc set). It's considerably different from 666 International but still really good and experimental, just the way I like my metal to be; the standard "guitar/drum/bass" stuff rarely interests me anymore. Give me keys and hard programming and other oddness.

4 Regno Potiri 1999 (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on September 08, 2012, 06:23:20 PM
This here is also for the metalheads out there... particularly the ones who've missed Pantera.

There's this jam session for metal luminaries called the Metal Masters set in New York... This one consisted of Philip Anselmo (DOWN, ex-PANTERA), Kerry King (SLAYER), Dave Lombardo (SLAYER), Scott Ian (ANTHRAX), Charlie Benante (ANTHRAX), Frank Bello (ANTHRAX) and newly added masters Billy Sheehan (MR. BIG, DAVID LEE ROTH) and Gary Holt (EXODUS, SLAYER). It's fucking awesome.

Go here for near two hours of professional head-rattling. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gecko on September 09, 2012, 11:45:22 AM
... Billy Sheehan ...

All right, you have my attention. I'll be checking this out.

Anyway, I'm enjoying some David Bowie while I do my Logic and Argument homework. Particularly the Space Oddity album.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on September 09, 2012, 08:10:19 PM
Had a few albums on repeat the last few days: PWEI's "Dos Dedos Mis Amgos", SYL's "Heavy as a Really Heavy Thing", and Devin Townsend's "Physicist". Lotsa grand guitar+synth goodness there. Just gotta figure out a cheap and easy way to listen to my iPod when I make deliveries early mornings; currently tune-free when driving, which is miserable.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on September 12, 2012, 01:11:42 AM
For your listening pleasure (or displeasure if you are not into this type of metal)... The Year Of Our Lord. Really ripping early Dark Tranquillity/Dissection-type melodic black/death band. Never really listened to them before, but this stuff is great.

the year of our lord - porcelain (

The Year Of Our Lord - Nightlark (

the year of our lord seasons of suffocation (

The Year Of Our Lord - The Hollowing Of A Quiet Man (

The Year Of Our Lord - Dead To You (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on September 12, 2012, 01:30:18 AM
TYOOL's fecking awesome. Picked up their self-titled a long time ago and was pleased when they announced and eventually released the Dead to You compilation, which has their EP and LP (the latter remixed and remastered, dunno about the former) plus some new tracks. Was hoping they'd come back together, but I think they said they weren't interested.

This track is where it's friggin' at:

The Year Of Our Lord - Manchild In The Promised Land (

(If you can hear past the awful YouTube compression.)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lelygax on September 18, 2012, 06:29:50 AM
 I love Pit Fighter, I played it in SNES and its very hard, never finished it.

 Im hearing this (If you intend to play this game or watch the anime, doesnt search for the others Umineko Motion Graphics since they contain spoilers):
Umineko Motion Graphic vol 1 w/ FULL English translation (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Justo on October 01, 2012, 10:34:27 AM
The Year Of Our Lord - Dead To You
this is actually pretty good. almost reminds me of insomnia!

i've been digging ne obliviscaris a lot lately. very progressive australian metal band. two vocalists, a violinist as one of the main members, the drummer won fastest drummer in australia and it often blends a myriad of different musical styles together, anything from jazz, to flamenco, to black metal, to melodic death.

Ne Obliviscaris - And Plague Flowers The Kaleidoscope (
Ne Obliviscaris - And Plague Flowers the Kaleidoscope

Ne Obliviscaris - Of The Leper Butterflies (
Ne Obliviscaris - Of the Leper Butterflies
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on October 18, 2012, 06:37:11 AM
I recently came across this video from 1983 and shed tears of joy while watching it. I wasn't even born in 1983 and yet I felt immense nostalgia.

I mean, look at it. It's a cheesy 80's rock song, and the video is probably the cheesiest music video ever made:
A band lip dubbing while making random movements in some hangar, and a random attractive girl thrown in just for sake of having a pretty girl in the video. The whole thing probably didn't take more than a couple of hours to film and cost nearly nothing. 

I love it. The simplicity and spontaneity of the video make it cheesy, but not cheesy as in "what the heck" but in a "I miss those times" kind of way. Such a video would never make it on TV today.

Journey - Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: BMC_War Machine on October 18, 2012, 06:55:45 AM
This one goes out for the metalheads as well, its my band Black Mass Confession.  If you guys dig BLS, Megadeth, Pantera, Sabbath and some AIC then it should be right up your alley!  But be gentle, im no recording engineer lol, i've written and recorded all the music and lyrics to every single song on my CD.  Lol did it in my garage with a 60 dollar program and a 100 dollar interface so my "recording studio" leaves much to be desired!  Hope you guys enjoy!  8) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on October 18, 2012, 07:58:11 AM
It sounds really good BMC! Sure needs a cleaner sound and I'm no expert on recording so can't say much more.
Your sound has a lot of Pantera in it and I heard something quite grungy and similar to Soundgarden, maybe Korn, but hell, why didn't you mention Alice in Chains? I'll be damned if your music hasn't got the Chains' dark sound all over it.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: BMC_War Machine on October 18, 2012, 09:00:49 AM
Hahaha, thanks man glad you dug it! And "didnt mention Alice in Chains????.......thats what i meant when i said "AIC". lmao.  Yeah the recordings could really use some fine tuning and at this point i have gotten very good at recording compared to when i cut that CD, plus i got some new equipment to make it sound even better.  I've been debating on remixing the entire CD again, but then again I got my band rolling again and i may just hold off until i can get in a legit studio.  Thanks for the words dude, i appreciate it!  8)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on October 19, 2012, 10:32:53 PM
Been on a Devin Townsend kick, listening to all my CeeDeez. Just been so re-in love with his music lately.

Finally broke down and bought the SYL remasters since they're going OOP and they've got liner notes and such. Not terribly pleased that the remastering wasn't done by Devin himself, since he produces and engineers all his albums, but they sound pretty good save for a few track indexing problems. ("Detox" does NOT begin with the riff, dammit.) The redone artwork kinda sucks compared to the original CDs, especially City, but hey, Heavy as a Really Heavy Thing has printed lyrics now, and that's awesome.

Funny to read Devin's thoughts on HAARHT. "Basically two good songs and a bunch of demos." He even specifically shits on "Cod Metal King", which is too bad 'cos it's honestly my favorite song on the album.

GOAT! *cue shitty but supremely awesome sounding drum machine followed by repetitive groove track with superb ambience*

Cod Metal King (

Also grabbed the 1994–2006 Chaos Years CD. Compilation albums really aren't my thing, but I never knew before that the album contained a DVD with live performances and all their music videos, plus a booklet with track-by-track commentary by the band, and also each track was remastered by Devin Townsend (with "Detox" properly beginning with that cool crashing sound). So those were great reasons to grab the album finally.


Love the industrial metal leanings of these two albums. Shame Dev never did more.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Green Stranger on October 20, 2012, 10:52:04 PM
Two nights ago I had myself a fantastic evening with with my old Pharmacology classmate Michelle. Here is part of the soundtrack of that night. Good for that sort of situation. Wolfsheim has that effect. Damn it's good being single again. ;D

"Find You're Here" & "Find You're Gone" (

Wolfsheim Wundervoll (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on October 23, 2012, 05:26:06 AM
I don't like all his music because he's too much like U2 in some ways. But I'm now of the impression that if you weren't born before 1960, you can't actually write good music. Pop stars born after that might be able to right catchy music, but everyone from the 80s teen pop and later just drops off the face of the earth, I swear. The older guys like Sir Paul, Sir John, Bono, and Joachim are still around making music that hits the charts even when they should be in retirement homes. :D

Joachim Witt -- Gloria (Offizielles Musikvideo) (
Joachim Witt's newest music video. It's a tad disturbing but very beautiful.

Joachim Witt - Herbergsvater (
The first vid that got me into Joachim.

Joachim Witt - Supergestört und superversaut (
The first song that got me into Joachim.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on October 24, 2012, 08:39:17 AM
Refused. Keep coming back to them. Just one of the best hardcore punk bands ever... their progression is stunning, going from straight up hardcore...

Refused - Pump The Brakes (

.... to something with a bit more verve...

Refused- Circle Pit (

to this...

Refused - Rather be dead (

to THIS.

Refused - New Noise (video) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on October 24, 2012, 05:32:00 PM
D'oh! Can't believe I forgot this video of Herr Witt's too.
Joachim Witt - Goldener Reiter 2007 (

His voice isn't what it used to be... Used to sing in a smooth, fluid tenor. Now he sounds like he's been smoking too much over the years. Or maybe German beer does that to a guy's voice.

The good era of music is gone...
Falco - The Sound of Musik (

Oh, just found out today GWAR is performing near where I live. ... I won't get to go. :(
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on October 26, 2012, 01:48:26 AM
Joachim Witt - Herbergsvater (
The first vid that got me into Joachim.

Out of the singles/videos of Witt's I've heard, this is the only one that ever stuck with me. Hypnotic song and visual performance. All the newer stuff from like the past decade or whatever just doesn't sound interesting to me. What's especially weird are the songs where he apparently wants to sound like Rammstein.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Successor The Cruel on October 27, 2012, 12:43:12 PM
Masaki Endoh's GaoGaiGar theme sets my spirit afire. Here is a live version of it, and afterward, some guy has the balls to do a vocal cover :o (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on October 28, 2012, 09:58:53 PM
Yeah he's toned down quite a bit. Super Gestoert Und Super Versaut was a collaboration with Oomph!, hence his Rammstein-ish sound there. Not sure who remixed Goldener Reiter. Herbergsvater definitely is memorable and it's what got me hooked on him initially. I love his "dance" style. Even as an old man he still dances that way to some extent. It's nice to see him acting a bit in his videos, though. It's a change from most other artists who just stand there singing, dance like sluts, or ham it up. His later songs aren't memorable, I'll admit, but his directors make beautiful music vids now. Fur Den Moment is another beautiful music vid of his, although the song's forgettable.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Green Stranger on November 14, 2012, 09:54:07 PM
Kingpin had a great soundtrack. Here's a few.

This Perfect World - Freedy Johnston (

Electric Light Orchestra - Showdown [HQ] (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on November 19, 2012, 03:11:46 AM
Isis. Such a brilliant band.... the whole of Oceanic is one long amazing journey. And heeeeeeere it is.

Isis - Oceanic (Full Album) (

Also Isis's Panopticon album.

Isis - Panopticon [2004] [Full Album] [320] (

.... and one of the inspirations behind Isis, the art metal collective Neurosis with their full DVD album of A Sun That Never Sets. Awesome - grab a few beers or a large J, and watch the whole of this.

Neurosis - a sun that never sets (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on November 19, 2012, 05:24:36 AM
Green Stranger just reminded me of this, although it can't really be called "digging lately" because I've been listening to the album and watching the video for years and years.

DAICON IV opening animation with remastered stereo audio (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Neobelmont on November 19, 2012, 08:24:03 PM
tokimeki memorial

Tokimeki Memorial OST - Jumping Smile (Yuko's Theme) - SFC version (

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on November 20, 2012, 12:19:28 AM
DAICON IV opening animation with remastered stereo audio (

Too bad this wasn't included on the Otaku no Video DVD.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on November 20, 2012, 08:32:26 AM
I have that copied onto VHS (the VHS version, not the DVD version). But you kinda gotta like how Gonzo's staff included numerous references to Daicon IV in Densha Otoko (TV).
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Successor The Cruel on November 23, 2012, 11:09:37 PM
I'm listening to Laughter, from Phantasy Star: The End of the Millennium. It's a super boss theme that plays when you battle Zio and Lassic. I love this track. It's repetitive and simple but it's sinister and intense. Some Genesis FM music at its best, in my opinion. (

This is a cool arrangement that showcases some of the battle. I always thought it was cool that when you fight Zio, it looks like you're fighting him in Jehovah's throne room or something, and you can see the massive incredible evil looking Dark Falz entity hovering over him, giving him power. Dude is tough and powerful. I remember having some viscous battles with him. (

The original Dark Falz theme is really evil and distressing sounding to me, too. I always admired Sega's ability to make sinister and catchy themes for Phantasy Star. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on December 01, 2012, 10:01:03 PM
My newest song like:

Megaherz - Himmelfahrt (

The song is hardly old -- it was from 2000 or so. I think this was from the first iteration of the band, but I'm not sure. I haven't delved too deeply into their make-up (they changed singers). I didn't know the lyrics until I googled them, but I'm happy I knew enough German to get the gist of the song. Here are the lyrics in English for those of you that don't know German either:

What a sky
Do you see that light
Finally it's time
Do you hear the thunder
It echoes through the night
Now our time is come
Soon now it will be finished

Do you feel the storm
What a divine wind
Tell me, do you feel the power
That sweeps through your soul
You know the way and
I am the pilot
On this razor-thin path
Between Life and Death

Come with
We're making an ascent
Tonight we'll break through
The ice that surrounds us
Give me your hand
And come with me on the ascent
We'll climb higher than
The strongest bird flies

Breathe in deeply
What a feeling
Soon now we'll flee
We'll follow the wind
That promises us freedom
No matter where it bears us
Climb aboard, or else
It will be too late

What a storm
What a divine wind
Say one last prayer
Our journey is beginning
Hold on tight
When the propeller turns
Tell me, do you feel the power
that lifts us from the ground

Come with
We're making an ascent
With my axe I've
Cut through the hawser
Give me your hand
And look forward to our ascent
Soon you'll see how hot
The sun really burns

We're making an ascent
Tonight we'll both forget
That we're mortal
Don't worry
Come with me on the ascent
Before the world around us
Sinks into the sea

Do you feel the storm
What a divine wind
Tell me, do you feel the power
That sweeps through your soul
Hold on tight
When the propeller turns
Tell me, do you feel the power
that lifts us from the ground

You know the way and
I am the pilot
On this razor-thin path
Between Life and Death
Between Life and Death
Come with me on the ascent...
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Successor The Cruel on December 09, 2012, 10:31:37 AM
A new Romancing SaGa arrange album came out. And guess what!? It's arranged by Kenji Ito himself (original composer). A really cool track is a medley of the regular battles themes from RS 1, 2, 3, and Minstrel Song. When they swing into the Minstrel Song part (Prelude to Battle), I almost completely lose it  ;D

The Minstrel Song part starts at about 3:34
01 Battle 1 Medley - from R. SaGa 1.2.3, Minstrel Song ~ Re:Birth II / Romancing SaGa Battle Arrange (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on December 12, 2012, 07:59:48 AM
I made this list. WHADDAYA THINK?

Top Ten Speed Metal Albums .wmv (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Green Stranger on December 12, 2012, 09:52:56 PM
I think I might have to agree with the title.

Jorn - Perfect Strangers -BEST COVER- (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on December 15, 2012, 02:42:35 AM
Life. Sex, and Death - Jawhol Asshole (
Man, this song and Tank are both pretty awesome. I remembered Tank from Beavis and Butthead. These guys had a gimmick where the vocalist was supposed to be homeless. o_O

Balzac - The Scare (
I've seen the name of this band floating around, I just hadn't heard them until recently. I'm trying to find a song of theirs I don't like. Love what I've heard so far.

Zombeast - Devilock (
Between this and Balzac, I guess I've been in somewhat of a horrorpunk mood lately. This cover is amazing, and not at all what I would've expected.

Obscura - Celestial Spheres (
Another band I just heard recently for the first time. Them and Gorod are kind of the same for me: they have melodic songs I absolutely love, but the rest of their songs kind of bore me.  :-\ At least what I've heard so far, anyway.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Annamery_Auditore on December 17, 2012, 09:26:23 AM
well i have been listening to a lot of music. but mostly legend of Zelda sound track that came with my skyward sword game. and it is awesome!
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Green Stranger on December 23, 2012, 02:44:25 AM
Gabage's The World Is Not Enough was my favorite James Bond intro but this new one is pretty damn sweet.

Adele - Skyfall (Lyric Video) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on December 26, 2012, 06:12:44 PM
This song has popped into my head a lot the past few weeks. I'm not much an Acumen Nation fan, but man I love this track.

Acumen Nation - Just A Bastard (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on December 27, 2012, 12:15:29 PM
Gabage's The World Is Not Enough was my favorite James Bond intro but this new one is pretty damn sweet.

My favorite is Chris Cornell's You Know My Name. "Arm yourself because no one on else here will saaaave you... The odds will betray you, and I will replace youuuu!"  8)

Not a big "industrial" fan but this is a nice tune.

Jack chases Wendy while I play unfitting music.wmv (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gecko on December 28, 2012, 07:52:54 PM (

I've been listening to this band, Clatter. They're a two-piece band with just drums and bass. I found out about them through an article on No Treble, an online magazine for bass players like myself. They sound really full for a two-piece. It helps that the bass player has a bunch of effect pedals.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on December 30, 2012, 11:07:10 AM
The Grandmaster bringin' it old school. Had this blasting on my virtual car radio on GTA San An.

Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five - The Message (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on December 30, 2012, 11:55:09 AM
Been listening to so much cEvin Key music lately. Been going through my Download, platEAU, Cyberaktif, Doubting Thomas, etc. CDs as well as his solo work. I learned that bananaSLOTH and Involution are two other projects of his so I picked up those CDs and finally got around to getting his first solo album. Slowly completing my Skinny Puppy side project collection; just gotta fill the gaps in my Download collection and pick up the Doubting Thomas remaster when it's re-released next month. (I missed out on the limited Subconscious Communications version some years ago and have been dying to have it since, so I'm glad Metropolis Records picked it up.)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dark Nemesis on December 31, 2012, 01:02:22 PM
AND ONE - Zerstörer (Official Music Video) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Weiss Belmont on January 06, 2013, 04:42:57 PM
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Soundtrack. It's been a long time since I've played a game with such powerful music. Even more importantly the pieces perfectly mix with every event and area in the game.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Soundtrack - 01. Icarus - Main Theme (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on January 06, 2013, 05:20:18 PM
Don't know if people know this one, but I reckon it's a masterstroke of genius:

Complete History Of The Soviet Union, Arranged To The Melody Of Tetris (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dark Nemesis on January 07, 2013, 07:27:21 AM
AND ONE - Zerstörer (Official Music Video) (
AND ONE - Killing The Mercy (Official Music Video) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Ratty on January 07, 2013, 08:12:43 AM
Queen - 'Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy' (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Laina on January 13, 2013, 02:13:52 PM
Castlevania Meets Metal (

2PM - Take Off [Original] [HD] (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Laina on January 21, 2013, 12:34:15 AM
Panty And Stocking OST- Fly Away (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Neobelmont on January 29, 2013, 10:35:41 AM
Jam Project - Genkai Battle ( +lyrics ) (

Jam project rocks
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on January 29, 2013, 12:37:07 PM
I've recently discovered that "aggrotech" stuff. I was never into electronic music, being a metalhead, but when I heard a couple of tracks I knew this is the true sound of cyberpunk.

Psyborg Corp. - Technocracy (

Grendel : Timewave Zero (Official Music Video) (

Detroit Diesel - Serenade [HD] (

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on January 29, 2013, 01:07:39 PM
Decapitated - Spheres of Madness (Clarinet Cover)  (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on January 29, 2013, 02:02:16 PM
I've been listening to a bunch of video game OSTs. Been looking for high quality CD rips of Donkey Kong Country 2 for ages and somebody provided FLACs of it. ;D Very nostalgic; I knew right away what the next track would be 'cos my brother owned the cassette and I had my own copy of it.

The Japanese OST for the first game is tits, by the way. All these cool arranged versions; we got gypped. Japanese OST for the third was also mastered for OPTIMAL CD LISTENING, so the levels are all boosted and it sounds nice.

Aaaaand, Bandcamp is tits. Enjoying all this Aubrey Hodges music and also the remastered Killer Instinct tunes done by Graeme Norgate; now Robin Beanland needs to get on Bandcamp and release his tunes, heh. The remixes that Norgate did sound nicer than the versions that wound up on the Killer Cuts CD, which were produced by an outside studio. Only problem with his little soundtrack is there are audio glitches all over the freagin' place...
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Laina on January 29, 2013, 08:52:49 PM
I've been listening to a lot of the Silent Hill 1-3 OST's again lately. It's fantastic stuff. Oh, and this too-

[HQ] "I Want You" - Theme for Scanty and Kneesocks Henshin - PSG OST - Teddyloid (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Slayer on February 03, 2013, 02:08:58 PM
new you - m b v - my bloody valentine (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on February 03, 2013, 03:16:29 PM
Stendal Blast & Blutengel - Mein Babylon (

Literally on loop on my phone
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on February 03, 2013, 03:18:02 PM
I've been listening to this song a lot: (

Along with other assorted anime OPs. 8)

Oooh, i loved this song so much! Reminded me of speed metal. :3
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on February 03, 2013, 09:08:05 PM
So new My Bloody Valentine is out and I grabbed it late Saturday night before the server crash apparently, finally got around to listening and I really like it a lot. A lot of people hate the latter section because it's heavy on the beat and isn't as sing-songy but I think it's great so whatever.

Kinda wish I'd grabbed the 24 bit WAVs, though. Not that I can hear above 198kbps, but considering I paid so much for the CD, I shoulda gotten the most out of the included download by getting something higher than CD quality. Oh well.

Maybe I can email them and say I made a mistake and get a new DL code.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Slayer on February 04, 2013, 10:05:52 AM
So new My Bloody Valentine is out and I grabbed it late Saturday night before the server crash apparently, finally got around to listening and I really like it a lot. A lot of people hate the latter section because it's heavy on the beat and isn't as sing-songy but I think it's great so whatever.
I got mine as soon as I could. I kicked myself over not grabbing Loveless in vinyl when it was reprinted, so I made sure not to make the same mistake with this one. Shame it's going to be like April when the thing arrives.

I'm really digging this, though. The first three are like the Loveless style of shoegaze, then it starts getting pretty intense towards the end, especially wonder 2. Both sides are pretty awesome.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on February 04, 2013, 06:36:13 PM

Just watched it this weekend. That's the one girl android that fights by doing flips and cartwheels. Same hair color, same make-up, and same outfit!
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on February 13, 2013, 07:00:20 PM
UK hardcore/metalcore for maximum carnage.

Underule - Dark
Dark.wmv (

Stampin Ground - Officer Down
Stampin' Ground - Officer Down (

Knuckledust - Dust To Dust
Knuckledust - Dust To Dust (w/ lyrics!!) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on February 21, 2013, 11:07:56 AM
This one here, guys:

Holocaust - alexander (

I think it's a very intelligent work they did, specially speaking for John Mortimer, their frontman, vocalist AND guitarist.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on March 02, 2013, 02:46:40 PM
Before Ministry were polemically-inclined Industrial Metal rabble-rousers, they were..... a synthy gothy New Wave band. This was a surprise.

Ministry - "Over The Shoulder" (
Ministry - Revenge (1983) [HQ] (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on March 03, 2013, 01:07:46 PM
Well hey, don't forget that The Land of Rape and Honey was pretty much devoid of metal. Best Ministry album, by the way.

I love early Ministry ("Over the Shoulder" there is my favorite chune off Twitch), but not so much With Sympathy. "Revenge" is a pretty good single but as a fan of synth pop I find the rest pretty uninteresting. I don't doubt Jourgensen when he says the album was largely studio-controlled, because the stuff he did before and right after is all much more interesting.

Too bad he has yet to put a high quality recording of his first (unreleased, 1982) single on any format. I dig this weird tune:

Ministry - Same Old Madness (

Also, from perusing Wikipedia, I just learned that the video for "Over the Shoulder" was directed by Peter Christopherson. No wonder I like it so much. Dude was not only an amazing electronic musicmaker but a very good moozik video director as well. Love his kinetic "March of the Pigs" video, and this unreleased version is pretty unusual and also cool:

Nine Inch Nails - March Of The Pigs (Unreleased Version) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gecko on March 03, 2013, 01:24:38 PM
Looks like David Bowie finally came out of his nearly decade-long retirement with some cool new material! I really like this new video. It's also cool that he got the actress who many people (myself included) have always thought looks like David Bowie's female twin, Tilda Swinton, to be in the video.

David Bowie - The Stars (Are Out Tonight) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on March 03, 2013, 01:31:39 PM
Got my pre-order in for the new album. Apparently you can stream it on iTunes, but I think I'll wait.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on March 04, 2013, 10:23:34 PM
I have kind of a mixed, wide-varied taste, but well, i'm showing you some:

Holocaust - in the dark places of the earth (

This is one of my favorite songs. Besides, i'm quite experimental in my taste, too. I like new things sometimes; sometimes i like taking back some things from the past. In this case, this is a NWOBHM video.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lelygax on March 05, 2013, 03:39:01 AM
Higurashi Motion Graphic vol.4 - Rinne no Yume to... (English Subbed) (

Umineko Motion Graphic vol 6 w/ FULL English Translation (

Yeah, maybe these When They Cry's Motion Graphics the only things that I've heard again and again for almost a year. They refresh my life and calms down my day.

I've found this remix now:

この愛を継ぐ arrange mix ver (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on March 05, 2013, 11:19:00 AM

Just watched it this weekend. That's the one girl android that fights by doing flips and cartwheels. Same hair color, same make-up, and same outfit!

That's a really cool video, so perhaps it was intentional. If you listen carefully, the song includes some quotes from sci-fi movies like The Thirteenth Floor and Dark City.

-Each night we revise it, refine it, in order to learn.
-Learn what?
-About you and your fellow inhabitants. What makes you human.

They also have a song called "New Flesh" which has a quote from Ghost in the Shell 2, I believe: "The notion that nature can be calculated leads to the inevitable conclusion that humans too can be reduced to basic mechanical parts."
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Ratty on March 05, 2013, 02:19:06 PM
Not as good as the original recording but still good.
Samiam - Sunshine (Complete Control Sessions) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on March 05, 2013, 02:22:57 PM
Hmm, this:

Holocaust - missing presumed dead (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lelygax on March 14, 2013, 03:10:47 AM
↑The Game of Life↓ [Hatsune Miku] English Subs (

Kagamine Rin - Demon Girlfriend (English Subbed) (

Kagamine Rin - Chronophobia (English Subbed) (

[Hatsune Miku] moonlit bear (English Subs) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on March 14, 2013, 10:44:40 PM
Loving this song right now. I gotta check out more of these guys.

Black Breath - Virus (

Anyone who doesn't comment on the fat kid gets a punch in the face.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Flame on March 14, 2013, 11:48:32 PM
Darksiders 2 soundtrack, War vs Death. (The Crowfather) (

Fuck this is epic. Just as epic as the boss fight it comes from.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Sumac on March 15, 2013, 01:46:47 PM
I will post here some of my favorite tracks, not just the ones I like right now:
Gotye 'Hearts a Mess' By Gotye (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on March 15, 2013, 11:53:39 PM
Sorry, you guys. But i just couldn't let these last three videos pass me by so easily. Cause they're so fucking great! :D

Loving this song right now. I gotta check out more of these guys.

Black Breath - Virus (

Anyone who doesn't comment on the fat kid gets a punch in the face.

Man, this song is trash metal, isn't it? Very cool!! I just liked it! +1 :D

He's not playing the song, is he? I really thought he was the drummer. LOL XD

Darksiders 2 soundtrack, War vs Death. (The Crowfather) (

Fuck this is epic. Just as epic as the boss fight it comes from.

Hey, this was fucking epic, indeed!! +1 :D
I heard about this game from a collegemate. They said it was cool. But i never had a chance to play it before... :/
Tell me, is it really time-worthy? :)

I will post here some of my favorite tracks, not just the ones I like right now:

Gotye 'Hearts a Mess' By Gotye (

Man, this song sounded so different, never heard of it before.. But it's cool, indeed. And it's a very interesting video in there, with those black figures walking around. It's something very cool, i liked that. +1 :)

Sooo, time for MEEE to post something back. Guess what it is? Holocaaauuussst!!! ;D

Holocaust - by the waterside (

Hope you enjoy this video, guys! ^^
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Sumac on March 16, 2013, 07:24:12 AM
Earthworm Jim 2 Soundtrack - Anything But Tangerines (
While I haven't played Earthworm Jim much, and I never have completed any of the games in this series, I still now how awesome it's soundtrack is.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on March 16, 2013, 07:58:26 AM
I decided to listen to Depeche Mode's Personal Jesus and ponder about the lyrics' meaning.

Depeche Mode- "Personal Jesus" HQ + Lyrics ( (

It's interesting how different people's interpretation of the lyrics are. I used to think the lyrics are about the commercialization of religion in the late 20th century. About how religion in the New World has become simplistic and accessible to anyone, and all you have to do is call a number on the phone in order to "touch faith" and have your own "personal Jesus" in the age of individualism, as opposed to the "Collective Jesus" that the Church used to be ages ago.

Apparently it was not the meaning the band had in mind. Their meaning of the song was that a "personal Jesus" is some one who cares about you and loves you.
I still like my explanation better.
What's your opinion?
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on March 16, 2013, 05:57:31 PM
Earthworm Jim 2 Soundtrack - Anything But Tangerines (
While I haven't played Earthworm Jim much, and I never have completed any of the games in this series, I still now how awesome it's soundtrack is.

Wam, you know Earthworm Jim?
Man, i remember i saw this game for Super Nintendo! Yeah, i think i played it but SN games sound tricky, so i just gave up... :/
Good to hear it tho', is there some of this game for other platforms?
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dark Nemesis on March 17, 2013, 05:32:53 AM
Wam, you know Earthworm Jim?
Man, i remember i saw this game for Super Nintendo! Yeah, i think i played it but SN games sound tricky, so i just gave up... :/
Good to hear it tho', is there some of this game for other platforms?

Of course, one that comes right now in my mind, is game boy, but there are others platforms too.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Sumac on March 17, 2013, 09:17:48 AM
Yello Featuring Shirley Bassey - The Rhythm Divine (
One of my most favorite songs.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on March 17, 2013, 07:41:34 PM
Of course, one that comes right now in my mind, is game boy, but there are others platforms too.

Gameboy? :/
Hmmm, do you have any rules against discussing about emulators here on the forums?
Besides, isn't there another platform for this game, like PS2?
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lelygax on March 17, 2013, 07:56:07 PM
No, since emulation is legal. Acquiring ROMs that you dont possess a real cartridge and stay with them in your PC for more than 24 hours is.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Laina on March 17, 2013, 07:57:32 PM
Interstella 5555:The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem (FULL) [1080p HD] (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on March 17, 2013, 08:08:04 PM
No, since emulation is legal. Acquiring ROMs that you dont possess a real cartridge and stay with them in your PC for more than 24 hours is.

You mean downloaded roms? Are they illegal?
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lelygax on March 17, 2013, 08:50:20 PM
Interstella 5555:The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem (FULL) [1080p HD] (
Where did you find this? Its an actual clip? Please fill me completely about that. :P

You mean downloaded roms? Are they illegal?

If you dont possess the actual cartridge, the "real game", then yes. But you can download it if you have the actual game or if you delete it after 24 hours.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Laina on March 17, 2013, 08:53:15 PM
Where did you find this? Its an actual clip? Please fill me completely about that. :P

That's the full album, Discovery, by Daft Punk. I just found it the other day by accident on youtube. So happy!
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lelygax on March 17, 2013, 09:03:32 PM
Pretty cool, I've never seen a clip for a entire album nor that long before.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Laina on March 17, 2013, 09:14:36 PM
Pretty cool, I've never seen a clip for a entire album nor that long before.

They went all out for the videos on this one. They're broken into separate vids also, just they were intended to be one long film.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lelygax on March 17, 2013, 09:17:43 PM
Now that seems more normal to me, but the idea still rocks.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Sumac on March 19, 2013, 08:22:56 AM
Gabriel Mann - My Little Box (LYRICS) (
Now, movie Ghost Ship is not the most interesting flick in the world, but the moment, when the culprit behind the murders on the ship was revealed, was awesome.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on March 19, 2013, 02:38:49 PM
If you dont possess the actual cartridge, the "real game", then yes. But you can download it if you have the actual game or if you delete it after 24 hours.

Weird... Why would someone want to download a game even having the cartridge already?

Pretty cool, I've never seen a clip for a entire album nor that long before.

There's another one right here:

Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lelygax on March 19, 2013, 02:48:01 PM
For backup reasons, the law lets you have a backup of a game and use this backup instead of your original game and/or after this game doesn't works anymore.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Neobelmont on March 19, 2013, 02:51:11 PM
Toshiro Mifune: How You Like Me Now? (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on March 19, 2013, 02:51:43 PM
For backup reasons, the law lets you have a backup of a game and use this backup instead of your original game and/or after this game doesn't works anymore.

Okay, I got it.

Interstella 5555:The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem (FULL) [1080p HD] (

....okay. o_o
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Sumac on March 20, 2013, 09:46:04 AM
Tanz Mit Laibach (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on March 20, 2013, 08:24:27 PM
Trivium - Down From The Sky (

This reminded me of how i loved metal. METAL FOR-EVER!! <3
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Sumac on March 21, 2013, 11:46:38 AM
cbc band - tinh yeu tuyet voi.wmv (
Vietnamese rock? Vietnamese rock!!
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on March 21, 2013, 09:22:40 PM
Oasis-Wonderwall Lyrics (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Sumac on March 22, 2013, 12:29:04 PM
DREAM A LITTLE DREAM OF ME - Ozzie Nelson - 1931 (
Thank you MAFIA game for introducing me to the wonderful world of the music of 30s!!
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on March 23, 2013, 01:09:04 AM
This wouldn't be a Castlevania Dungeon music topic if not with a Castlevania soundtrack:

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Dracula's Castle [Song] (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on March 23, 2013, 11:34:16 PM
*Vocaloid music videos*

Some of those immediately reminded me of this video.
Circle You, Circle You with English Sub - Miku & Luka - かこめかこめ - sm6107122 - HQ (

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lelygax on March 23, 2013, 11:47:42 PM
Thanks Theou, you made my day.

"Cuando la cigarra rie". (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on March 24, 2013, 05:43:14 PM
Thanks Theou, you made my day.

"Cuando la cigarra rie". (

Maaaannn..... That wasn't cool, oh my gooooooddd....... Aaaahhh, my head!!! DX
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on March 27, 2013, 02:20:45 AM
Vietnamese rock? Vietnamese rock!!

All I can think about while looking at the album cover and the music is "me love you long time" and "Every minute I stay in this room, I get weaker... every minute Charlie squats in the bush, he gets stronger."
I'm fucked up.  :P

The lyrics of this song are so beautiful it brings me to manly tears:

Motörhead - I Don't Believe A Word (

Don't talk to me, I don't believe a word
Don't try to make me feel alright
All the love in all the world
Is not enough to save my soul tonight
Don't be my friend I'm not a fool
Don't talk of things that we cannot see
When all the ones that sing the blues
Sometimes I think of how it used to be
I have seen the Devil laugh
I have seen God turn his face away
I have nothing left to lose
I have nothing left to say
I have seen the sky turn black
I have seen the seas run dry
I have nothing that is yours
I have nothing now that is not mine

Don't look at me your eyes are cold & hard
Don't wonder that I turn to you
All the grief in all the world
Is not enough to make me comfort you
Don't tell me lies, I'm not a dog,
Don't talk of love it seems to me
All the people that we rob
Sometimes I think of how they used me

I have seen the fires of Hell
I have seen Angels with flaming swords
I have nothing that is mine
I have much that could be yours
I have seen the eye of God
I have heard lies that are true
I have nothing for myself
I have nothing I would give to you

Don't say that word, I know it's only fools
Who do not know their fate is just
All the justice in the world
Is not enough to buy my faith & trust
Don't make that face I won't be pleased
Don't make a sideshow of yourself
All the people we released
Sometimes I think you're someone else

I have been where none have been
In the empty howling rooms
I have everything I need
I have everything you stand to lose
I have seen the diamond worlds
I have seen the shape of space
I have nothing but the world
I have nothing to take its place
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on March 27, 2013, 12:21:33 PM
Joy Division - 04 - Insight (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on March 27, 2013, 10:28:30 PM
Not sure why this suddenly popped into my head, but I couldn't let a thread about music go without some Hotei!
(He's the guy that composed "Battle Without Honor Or Humanity" used in the movie Kill Bill)

.HoteiTomoyasu バンビーナ. (

Hotei vs Char - Stereocaster (

hotei save me (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on March 28, 2013, 01:42:18 AM
Rain - Age of Empires - 07 - (HQ) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on March 29, 2013, 11:37:46 AM
Year of Desolation - Forged in the Flames of Malcontent (

Just got this gem from amazon. Really like the intensity they maintain throughout the album, and their sense of melody. No real standout tracks, but they're all pretty damn good.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on March 29, 2013, 02:48:16 PM
Year of Desolation - Forged in the Flames of Malcontent (

Just got this gem from amazon. Really like the intensity they maintain throughout the album, and their sense of melody. No real standout tracks, but they're all pretty damn good.

Mmm.... By the look, i would say it's either Melodic Death/Thrash Metal or Metalcore..
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: GuyStarwind on March 29, 2013, 08:07:04 PM
Once again this is music I always dig but I thought I'd share.

Verdi - Requiem: Dies Irae (Claudio Abbado, Berlin Philharmonic (2002)) (

Antonio Vivaldi Gloria RV 589. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on March 29, 2013, 10:05:21 PM
The Marked - Christmas Song (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lelygax on March 30, 2013, 12:34:58 AM
Hanyuu - Nano Desu ! (

Dear you -hope- ~ Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on March 30, 2013, 01:44:07 AM
Joy Division - Atmosphere (Video) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on March 30, 2013, 02:38:56 AM
Been playing this a lot lately. Didn't even know it existed until I got it from the NIN remix site.

Nine Inch Nails - A Warm Place (Illum Tangendo) (

I've always liked Stella Soleil's backing vox on select industrial tracks, so to hear her doing a Nine Inch Nails song is pretty eargasmic. Pretty cool backstory, too:

Originally, I wanted to sign a record deal with Nothing Records, which was owned by Trent Reznor and his ex-manager John Malm. I wanted to do this because, I was a huge NIN fan, but most importantly because I wanted Trent to produce my record. John Malm told my manager at the time, "Trent Reznor will never work with Sister Soleil. Stella is too pop for him." I was devastated. When I signed with Universal Records, Trent's manager had come out to Chicago, invited especially so that Universal could try to convince him to re-consider. Again, I was told I was too 'pop' for Trent. I did something really stupid and risky then. I took the instrumental track of "a warm place" on the actual release of 'A Downward Spiral' and brought it to Chicago Trax Recording studios and dumped it into pro-tools. I had written lyrics and melody to it, and i just, really wanted to see if it would work. I didn't want anything to jeopardize the possibility of this working (for instance, if my lyrics really were "too pop"), so i broke the words up into a kind of code, pronouncing the wrong syllables, etc. I had been listening to a lot of Hildengard Von Bingen's "A Feather on the Breath of God". A lyric that had stuck with me, on that recording, was "illum tangendo' which is a very old form of Latin for the phrase "touching Him". Without permission, I recorded vocals on top of Trent's release. I didnt play it for anyone, until Bud Carr (the music supervisor for the Stigmata soundtrack) called me asking for submissions for the movie he was working on. I think I just wanted somebody to acknowledge that, working with Trent, could still happen (even though, everyone, was telling me to forget it. i could not forget it.) I submitted 5 tracks to Bud. Ofcourse, he called me enthusiastic about 1 track, "a warm place'. I got scared. I explained that I did not get permission to do this, it was only a kind of test for myself, it was stupid, etc....Bud insisted that he would get it to Trent and he would like it. I got a phone call about a week later, from John Malm saying that Trent wanted to speak to me. It did not sound good. I instantly regretted trying to go around him. About another week after that, Trent called me, and I remember spilling an entire gallon of milk on myself and the hardwood floors in my friend's apartment as I braced for what could have been, and rightfully so, a very bad response. He said "I'm usually an asshole about people trying to use my music, but I was pleasantly suprised when I heard this. Did you want to come to New Orleans to re-cut this?". I spent about 4 days at his studios. I met a really cool guy named "rave" that engineered this version. Trent produced it. I had a blast. I stayed at the famous Pontchatrain Hotel, which sadly, I think, was washed away with Katrina. I cried when I left, but not until I was out of sight. It was a kind of victory and a dream, all rolled into one. A couple years ago, someone told me that he posted it onto his remix site on Now that was the coolest thing ever. I think he talks a little about what happened to the track there.

a warm place/ illum tangendo lyrics

water rolls down the skin like tiny beads.
eyes close so that they might see.
illum tangendo.
this sun is a star in someone else's sky.
illum tangendo.
this moon is making someone cry.
illum tangendo.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on March 31, 2013, 04:00:35 AM (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lelygax on March 31, 2013, 08:45:22 AM
Vocaloid Eight - Bad∞End∞Night (

Shikata Akiko - Umineko no naku koro ni (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gecko on April 01, 2013, 04:06:17 PM
Dezperadoz Riders Of The Storm (

I've been rocking to Dezperadoz! I haven't listened to these albums in a few years. I have The Legend and the Truth, and An Eye for an Eye, and it looks like they've come out with some new material since. They're a spaghetti-western themed metal band from Germany. They always do one or two cover songs on every album, and this one is my favorite.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on April 02, 2013, 02:20:26 AM
30 Seconds to Mars: The Story (

This song is nostalgic to me for some reason.. <3
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Ratty on April 03, 2013, 12:03:30 PM
Aquaman's Lament (

Aquaman gets a lot of undeserved hate.

PS- Also watched SLAYERS: The Motion Picture for the first time in years. Fell in love with the themesong "Midnight Blue" and listened to it so many times I got sick of it.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lelygax on April 03, 2013, 07:22:09 PM
Dark Woods Circus [VOCALOID] Eng Sub (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lelygax on April 06, 2013, 06:58:50 PM
Super Nazi Science: Übermensch Edition (

This almost "alien" remix of Guile theme with JoJo is perfect. :D
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on April 08, 2013, 04:30:03 PM
Dayum, Overkill are awesome. Welcome to Thrasher's Heaven.

Overkill - Elimination (

Overkill - Thanx for Nothing (

Overkill - Rotten To The Core (

OverKill- W.F.O. -Where It Hurts (

Overkill - God-Like (Lyrics).wmv (

Overkill-Shred (

Overkill - Raise the Dead (HQ) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on April 12, 2013, 08:11:24 PM
I didn't like their "5" album at first, but now I'm absolutely hooked on Gott Sein '04 and Augenblick. Gott Sein'04 is soooo much better than the original Gott Sein! The choral harmonics fucking own the song!

Megaherz - Gott sein 04 (

God, you who are in Heaven
I know what torments you
God, you who are in Heaven
I know what you're missing
God, you who are in Heaven
Come, don't leave us alone
Forgive us of our fault
Try to pardon us
God, you who are in Heaven
you have given us
your own flesh and blood
but what was that good for

Your kingdom does not come
and your will is not done
Not in Heaven and
of course not on Earth
It is not easy to be a god

God, you who are in Heaven
I know it is not easy
God, you who are in Heaven
I know you've had enough
God, you who are in Heaven
I know what moves you
Try to forgive us
Or is it already too late

I confess to God the almighty
and to all brothers and sisters
that I have refrained from good
and have done evil
I have sinned in
thoughts, words, and deeds
by my fault
by my own most grievous fault
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Trevor Belmondo on April 15, 2013, 11:31:20 AM
"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" soundtrack by Trent Reznor.
I love to just chill out to moody, dark and horror-styled music like this.
Some of it is actually quite beautiful really.
Why, one song almost makes me want to cry as it reminds me of some dark times of my life that I somehow managed to escape from...
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on April 17, 2013, 09:23:04 PM
Super Nazi Science: Übermensch Edition (

It reminds me of something.... Oooooooh!!!

Guile Theme SNES (

This almost "alien" remix of Guile theme with JoJo is perfect. :D

Damn you, Lel! I didn't read this part. X|
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lelygax on April 17, 2013, 10:01:26 PM
Damn you, Lel! I didn't read this part. X|

Why? It have a alien-ish/ufo-ish effects. lol
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on April 17, 2013, 11:44:35 PM
Why? It have a alien-ish/ufo-ish effects. lol

Lel... You fucked up my realization that it was Guile's theme. lol :P
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on April 20, 2013, 10:07:35 PM
Let's play a game, metalheads. The game is called: Guess the band.
The song structure should give you a hint.  :P

[angry intro riff]
[melodic chorus] Unhappilly descending into a nightmare of my own distress, Seeing how I escape this cave into a place of nothingness...
[guitar solo]
[angry thrash riff]
[chorus] Why am I fated to be such a woeful entity, Reviving the nature of abnormality...

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on April 20, 2013, 11:38:07 PM
Dunno what it is.. :P

Btw, GOTHIC METAL!!!!!! XD (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: son_the_vampire on April 25, 2013, 11:55:43 AM
Dunno how popular it is in Braśil but I've been working out to some Sergio Mendes. That timeless album is pretty tight
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Ratty on April 26, 2013, 02:25:05 AM
Jonathan Coulton w/ John Roderick - Nemeses (Official Video) (

Listened to this about a dozen times yesterday. Too bad it doesn't really fit with Dracula and the Belmonts, it's more a James Bond/Villain duet.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gaawa-chan on April 26, 2013, 02:50:57 AM
The band Live really went downhill, but I like their old albums.  I've been listening to Throwing Copper a lot lately: (
Pillar of Davidson is my favorite song from the album.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on April 26, 2013, 03:32:16 AM
Been jammin' out to this a lot the past few months:

Slick Idiot - Pulse (

Clearly, En Esch and Guenter took all the fun of KMFDM with them. Shame they're not making tunes with Sascha though 'cos none of them are as good as when they're together.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Neobelmont on April 26, 2013, 04:43:33 PM
[Persona 3] Kimi no Kioku [ENG subtitles] (

Persona 3 Kimi No Kioku [Kita Shuuhei Version] (

1. I want to be able to come up with a beat like this one day
2. I want to be able to draw like this one day as well(both)
3.Love the lyrics.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Ratty on April 27, 2013, 09:35:37 AM
Been re listening to Permanent Revolution by Catch 22. It's better than I remembered. A concept album based around the life of Leon Trotsky ( a Russian revolutionary and first leader of the Red Army. (He was represented by the character of "Snowball (" in Animal Farm if any of you have read that.) He fled the Soviet Union when Stalin came to power but like most of Stalin's critics/(ideological) rivals he was eventually assassinated. In his case it was via an icepick-like axe to the head. Ouch.

Catch 22 - Party Song (1917) (
A song about the 1917 revolution from Trotsky's point of view.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on April 28, 2013, 02:53:58 AM
Full Castlevania: Symphony of the Night OST (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on April 28, 2013, 09:57:39 AM
I found this little jem yesterday. It's the Prometheus trailer theme remastered by someone named Jaurhead. And he did an awesome job! (

And here's where you can download it. Enjoy! I know I did (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on April 28, 2013, 04:54:53 PM
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on April 29, 2013, 11:26:41 PM

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Shiroi Koumori on April 30, 2013, 02:32:02 AM
Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 1000%
Then season 2 ups the ante! Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 2000%
Those opening concerts. Those dance moves! hehehehe.  ;)
~~ ♪♫♪ ~~~Happy Happy~~ ♪♫♪ ~~~

Oh and that anime is aimed for women, just so you know.
So I won't put any clips here.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on April 30, 2013, 02:50:45 AM
Been on a Bowie kick. Really liking the new album, hope it isn't ten or even five years before he does another.

Also been getting into Station to Station, which was kind of hard to get into at first but now it's one of my favorites. The opening title track sets the mood perfectly: long, repetitive, trance-inducing funk tracks, with some truly amazing sing-along bridges and choruses. '70s rock at its apex.

Station To Station - David Bowie (

Glad that Bowie stuck with the same core band (Carlos Alomar, guitar; George Murray, bass; Dennis Davis, drums) from '76 to '81—even enlisting them for Iggy Pop's The Idiot, which is my favorite of Bowie's works—because these guys slay and I've no doubt their contributions were immense.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on April 30, 2013, 03:51:24 AM
Been re listening to Permanent Revolution by Catch 22.

Marxist ska? Badass! ;D
Something completely different, but that reminded of Kalmah's songs. They're a brutal melodeath band and many of their lyrics seem to be about politics. One From the Stands is about how people (apparently, in democratic states) couldn't care less about what is happening to people in authoritarian countries and close their eyes to atrocities. The growling in the song is very unclear, though.  :P

Kalmah - One From The Stands Cover (

A condemned man in a prison cell charged with a crime he has done
He draws a picture on the wall a symbol of victory
He clothed peoples thoughts in words declared peace and liberty
The iron fist clenching his throat depriving humanity

A political prisoner a propagandistic weapon
Of the proletarian dictature against the other world
After he has been released
Got his name on the paper
A part of a macabre tradition
Released as a gift
And we´re all staring at the news
Nodding our heads in approval
We think that the the world is better now
Although he is already dead

A condemned man in a prison cell charged with a crime he has done
He draw a picture on the wall a symbol of victory
He clothed peoples thoughts in words declared peace and liberty
The iron fist clenching his throat depriving humanity

A political prisoner a propagandistic weapon
Of the proletarian dictature against the other world

We don´t give a damn
He is not one of us just one from the stands
And afterwards we have cleared ourselves
Justice has done

Soon another one will come declares peace and liberty
Speaks the words want to be heard words of alteration
But he will be arrested he will be condemned
But never mind there are more in the stands
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: son_the_vampire on April 30, 2013, 05:35:14 AM
I'm a longtime fan of Daft Punk. They have a new song featuring Pharrell called "Get Lucky". It's good to see some crazy instrumentalists collaborate!
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on April 30, 2013, 09:35:53 AM
Do you have the TRON: Legacy soundtrack? I never knew Daft Punk did that till someone told me. Also this tune is awesome.

TRON: Legacy Soundtrack - 13 Derezzed - Daft Punk (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on April 30, 2013, 06:00:03 PM
Ultraman Mebius Theme (2006-2007) (

I sing along to dat shit, yo!
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Neobelmont on April 30, 2013, 08:36:31 PM
Ultraman Mebius Theme (2006-2007) (

I sing along to dat shit, yo!

mhhh...this lacks that fire to me.

Choujuu Sentai Liveman Full Opening (

Heavy Armor B-Fighter(Juukou B-Fighter Full Opening) (

Kamen Rider Black opening theme FULL + lyrics by Tetsuo Kurata (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: son_the_vampire on May 01, 2013, 05:27:32 AM
Do you have the TRON: Legacy soundtrack? I never knew Daft Punk did that till someone told me. Also this tune is awesome.

TRON: Legacy Soundtrack - 13 Derezzed - Daft Punk (
Well since you just made me aware of this and the song, i need to definitely give it a listen! And apparently the song Get Lucky is #1 in the UK... Huge in an Electronica standpoint (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lelygax on May 01, 2013, 09:19:09 PM
Did someone mentioned... Kamen Rider?! :D

Kamen Rider Decade Opening (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Shiroi Koumori on May 01, 2013, 09:58:55 PM
Did someone mentioned... Kamen Rider?! :D

Gackt!  ;D

Well, i also liked "Supernova" from Kamen Rider Decade.
I'm currently on mobile so i can't upload a youtube link.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: son_the_vampire on May 02, 2013, 12:57:27 PM
Hey Shiroi, where could i watch these episodes with subs? I remember someone telling me about this way back and I love digging up treasure.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dark Nemesis on May 02, 2013, 02:12:44 PM
I love digging up treasure.

Don't tell me that you are Skroutz?  :o
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on May 02, 2013, 04:24:07 PM
Jeff Hanneman of Slayer died today at the age of 49. Goddamn. :( He was an excellent guitarist, and much of the music I've listened to over the years has been influenced by Slayer and his riffs. RIP Jeff.


Slayer ~ Angel of Death (Lyrics) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Shiroi Koumori on May 03, 2013, 08:11:33 AM
Hey Shiroi, where could i watch these episodes with subs? I remember someone telling me about this way back and I love digging up treasure.

Youtube. If the episodes are incomplete, do some googling.

Uta☆Pri... What have you done to me...? Sigh, songs are stuck in my head.
Fangirl mode on. Oh boy, i wish i were in Tokyo right now, all those Uta☆Pri festivals... Waaaah... I need those goods.... /sob
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on May 03, 2013, 10:26:41 PM
Evanescence - Hello (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Neobelmont on May 03, 2013, 11:27:29 PM
Did someone mentioned... Kamen Rider?! :D

Kamen Rider Decade Opening (

darn right I did  ;D 

Now it's time for this crazy guy

Kamen Rider Amazon Theme Song (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on May 04, 2013, 03:04:21 AM
Asian rock? Sure!
It's like the Chinese Eye of the Tiger, from one of Jackie Chan's best movies.  ;)

Police Story Extended Japanese Outtakes (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on May 05, 2013, 06:19:54 PM
The Cure - Untitled Subtitulada en Español (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Neobelmont on May 05, 2013, 10:18:15 PM
Antonin Dvorak - Symphony No.9- Largo 1/2 (

This is the song for my finals in piano class I'm in beginners so I do have  a q or two for the teacher
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lone Wolf on May 05, 2013, 10:33:29 PM
The Cure - Prayers For Rain Subtitulada en Español (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: son_the_vampire on May 07, 2013, 05:11:11 AM
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on May 07, 2013, 09:37:42 AM
I've recently discovered this song and it's been in my head for a few days now.

RIP Teena Marie I Need Your Lovin (1981) (

Wow. I had no idea she past away...
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on May 30, 2013, 09:10:17 PM
Rummelsnuff - Bratwurstzange (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on May 30, 2013, 09:59:25 PM
Fook yeah Germans and sausages!  ;D The only thing that beats that are Finns and woodcutting.

KORPIKLAANI - Metsamies (

Seriously though, you want it all but you can't have it.

Faith No More - Epic (Official Promo Video) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on May 31, 2013, 03:41:24 PM
I don't like Korplikaani but I did share a bunch of their songs on Facebook cuz I liked their message.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 31, 2013, 04:17:36 PM
I've been going through my CDs and sellin 'em en masse, heh. Hanging on to the essentials. So much stuff on my shelves I haven't touched in years, and it's gotta go, even if it is good music. I've got the AAC rips, good enough for me.

The new Skinny Puppy's pretty awesome.

Skinny Puppy Weapon 02 illisiT (HD/HQ) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on May 31, 2013, 10:37:59 PM
Was planning on just using this as background music while I hacked the evil sun's code from Super Mario Bros. 3. Instead I spent the last hour and a half transfixed throughout the entire concert recording. I don't like the style of music, but holy crap these guys are incredible to watch. Very similar to Blue Man Group, but without all the theatrics. If you can force yourself to sit through the whole concert, it's pretty damned good. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on June 07, 2013, 09:14:06 AM
Like the top comment on the page says, there's something incredibly disturbing in a satanic band covering an optimistic Beatles song. It turns it around, making it seem like it's about the coming of Satan, or to me, more like the coming of the bomb that ends it all.  :P

Ghost - Here Comes the Sun (The Beatles cover) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: PyramidHead on June 07, 2013, 07:09:37 PM
Tony is awesome...

Tony Macalpine-The Violin Song (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on June 14, 2013, 05:42:56 PM
For all you Daft Punk fans out there this tune recently caught my attention.

Daft Punk - Get Lucky (Full Video) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: crisis on June 14, 2013, 06:08:56 PM
I've been wondering what band sang that song, X! thnx
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Sindra on June 14, 2013, 06:17:51 PM
Listened to this album today while trudging through work. Can't love it enough.

Danimal Cannon & Zef - Glitch ( (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Laina on June 14, 2013, 08:54:39 PM
Listened to this album today while trudging through work. Can't love it enough.

Danimal Cannon & Zef - Glitch ( (

Rad. To me, it would be fitting for a boss battle in Streets of Rage.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on June 15, 2013, 02:37:44 AM
Annihilator's Alice In Hell is just awesome.

Annihilator-Alice In Hell[FULL ALBUM 1989] (

Also Exodus' Fabulous Disaster is a damn crunchy thrash album.

Exodus-Fabulous Disaster (Full Album) 1989 (

Entombed Wolverine Blues is an essential album for death metal, as it brought in a ton of balls out rock to DM.

Entombed - Wolverine Blues (Full album) (

Dead Blue Sky were a metalcore band like no other, being firmly rooted in black metal.

dead blue sky - beneath the autumn sun (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Shiroi Koumori on June 16, 2013, 06:21:37 AM
Ahahahaha! I should have watched Polar Bear Cafe when it was shown last year. Oh well...
Here's Mr. Llama's song. Oh boy Daisuke Ono!
Ahahahahaha! I can't stop imagining Sebastian (from Black Butler) singing this (same voice actor).

Well, you can just ignore this.

Shirokuma Cafe Ending 8 Lama-san no Lama Mambo (full) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Inccubus on June 16, 2013, 06:40:18 AM
Blondie-Call Me (

I blame Just Dance and the fact I was born in the late 70's.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Pemburu Vampir on June 21, 2013, 04:07:57 AM
Mostly Kamen Rider music. Especially Journey Through The Decade by Gackt and Tetra Fang's Supernova.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Shiroi Koumori on June 21, 2013, 05:25:30 AM
Mostly Kamen Rider music. Especially Journey Through The Decade by Gackt and Tetra Fang's Supernova.

Oh yay! I love those 2 songs as well!

It is sad that Tetra Fang dissolved after the end of Kamen Rider Kiva.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: son_the_vampire on June 21, 2013, 07:54:15 AM
I absolutely can't get enough of the album Acid Rap. The mans' gotta way with words for real!
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on June 21, 2013, 12:29:35 PM
This song makes me want to grab an AK47 and travel to lead a coup d'etat in a random Latin American state.  :P

Nathalie Cardone Comandante Che Guevara Hasta Siempre (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on June 29, 2013, 03:24:38 AM
Got some new albums from old(ish) favorites:

Phantom Limb Masturbation (
This one's off the new Black Dahlia Murder album. I've been listening to this album nonstop for the past's incredible. Much better than their last one. The chorus on this song is friggin' awesome, and the lyrics make me cringe. I don't know who uploaded this, but the constant stream of pictures of the same girl...kinda disturbs me for some reason.

Wasn't sure how their new one would turn out, but I'm really liking it. They've gotten heavier again, but the riffs still aren't quite as memorable as on their debut. Really into this album, but the new BDM kinda stole its thunder. Also, Sunglasses at Night is a pretty stupid song for a death metal band to cover, but I actually like what they did with it.

Hypocrisy - United We Fall ( 2013 ) (
A great song on an ultimately disappointing album. It's not bad, but it's not A Taste of Extreme Divinity, either. Goddamn...that album was great. This one just sounds too plain by comparison, and while they have some catchy riffs on this one, it just doesn't come close to the infectiousness they had with Divinity, IMO.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on June 30, 2013, 10:05:09 AM
Just listened to this - New material from one of the godfathers of grindcore, Carcass.

Carcass - Captive Bolt Pistol NEW SONG 2013) (

Pretty cool stuff, somewhere between Necroticism:Descanting The Insalubrious and Heartwork. All in all, good thrashy grindy death metal action.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Ratty on June 30, 2013, 11:50:13 AM
With the defeat of the "Defense" of Marriage Act (DOMA) here in the States we're drawing to the close of what has been a pretty darn good LGBT Pride month. We've still got a long way to go in the US and especially as a global community, but it's encouraging that we've come this far. I believe the pieces below are appropriate to close out the month.

Elton John & RuPaul - Don't Go Breaking My Heart [HQ] (

Too camp? What can I say they're both too adorable in this version for me to not love it.

Judas Priest - United (with Lyrics) (

All-time classic. Rob Halford risked his career coming out and his acceptance was a credit to the metal community. Which demonstrated that metalheads are not as bigoted as many outsiders no doubt assumed they were.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on June 30, 2013, 10:40:01 PM
It's really absurd to think that Elton John ever pretended to be straight. I mean you have this beautiful cold war love song and all I can think about is "there's no way that East German / Soviet girl could even like such an odd-looking, weirdly-dressed fat guy in a red convertible".  ;D

NIKITA Elton John Nikita /Pacuła ``*•.¸♥ Joanna Pacula (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on July 02, 2013, 12:51:59 AM
My Newest purchase (it's a 5CD collection)

( (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on July 02, 2013, 06:29:59 AM
My Newest purchase (it's a 5CD collection)

Hell yeah, Suicidal is the biz. Great crossover thrash. They may have left the gate open for nu-metal, but some good bands came out of that scene as well IMO.

Also, been listening to these lately, the Judgement Night soundtrack was class in it's own way.

Judgement Night - Faith No More and Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E - Another Body Murdered (
Judgement Night - Biohazard and Onyx - Judgement Night (
Judgement Night - Helmet and House Of Pain - Just Another Victim (
SLAYER & ICE T - Disorder (Judgement Night O.s.t.) 1993 (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on July 05, 2013, 02:10:30 AM
My Newest purchase (it's a 5CD collection)

( (

Did you trade your shirt for it?
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Shiroi Koumori on July 05, 2013, 06:25:31 AM
Boku ni Invitation
(opening song of Shirokuma Cafe)

This is a really happy warm song. Good for drives.
Boku Ni Invitation - Shirokuma Cafe Opening Full Song w/ Lyrics (sub) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on July 05, 2013, 07:16:38 AM
The new Nine Inch Nails song "Came Back Haunted". Can't wait for the new album!
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dark Nemesis on July 05, 2013, 01:46:16 PM
Therion - the beauty in black (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Ratty on July 05, 2013, 06:00:29 PM
Flogging Molly - Requiem for a Dying Song (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on July 05, 2013, 10:18:05 PM
I heard this song for the first time just moments ago and am already on my fourth listening.

Thighpaulsandra - Paralysed (

Can't believe I waited so long to check out Thighpaulsandra, who worked on numerous Coil albums, and Sion Orgon, whose vocals are really beautiful here.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on July 23, 2013, 04:03:55 AM
Really liked a couple songs I heard while playing Sleeping Dogs:

Machine Head - Be Still and Know (

Best thing I've heard from Machine Head in a while. Blackening was a good album, but didn't really grab me like this song does.

Soulfly - World Scum (Official Video) (

Hearing this song makes me feel like I've been living under a rock for 10 years. When did Soulfly become heavier and more old-school? Last album of theirs I heard was Primitive, and that was definitely worlds apart from this. Loving this one.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on July 26, 2013, 01:29:45 AM
I've had the latest Pet Shop Boys album on repeat. Finally they've made a four-on-the-floor dance album. Last time they did that was all the way back in '93 (Relentless), and that was sort of a secondary EP to the main album Very, packed in a special edition.

Favorite track's the last one, and I love the video, too:

Pet Shop Boys - Vocal (

Super old school rave.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on July 26, 2013, 07:00:32 AM
First I was all ( But than I was ( and (

Busta Rhymes - Woo Ha! Original (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on July 31, 2013, 08:07:12 AM
The Russian vocalist of Korean origin Victor Tsoi, from St. Petersburg, is known as possibly the greatest rock musician ever in Russia.
He became incredibly popular during Gorbachev's Perestroika, his songs becoming a voice for change and young people taking things into their own hands. Tsoi wrote about ordinary people's lives and troubles and while some of his songs were revolutionary, other were very melancholic, about the limits of man, suffering, and the cruelty of fate. This made his songs emotional and easy to relate to.

Ironically enough, the melancholia in his songs was quite prophetic: he was killed in an accident at the very hight of his career, in 1990, aged 28. (

This is one of my favorite songs by him, "A Star Called Sun". With lyrics translated to English.

White snow and black ice
On the cracked earth.
As a patchwork blanket lays on it -
And this city is in the road loop.
Floating clouds over the city,
Closing the heavenly light.
Over the town - yellow smoke
And the city two thousand years old,

Lived under the light of a star named the Sun

And for two thousand years there is war,
War without special reasons.
War is a matter of the young,
İt's a medicine against wrinkles.
The red, red blood -
In an hour is simply earth,
And after two on it is flowers and grass,
And after three it is alive again

And warmed by the rays of star called the Sun

And we know that it has always been,
That the fate would like special ones,
Those who lives by the other rules and laws ,
And who were born to die young.
He did not know the words "yes" and "no"
He did not know the orders and ranks,
And he was able to reach the stars,
He did not think it was a dream.

And he fell scorched by a star called Sun....

Виктор Цой - Звезда по имени солнце (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: son_the_vampire on August 05, 2013, 04:31:46 AM
This past weekend I went on a House from Ibiza binge. It was worth it especially driving to the beach =)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on August 10, 2013, 03:11:27 AM
DOOM ZX Spectrum Soundtrack (

Kinda makes me wonder what other Spectrum games had good music.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on August 18, 2013, 12:35:54 PM
Perhaps the best album to come out of the post-hardcore movement ever.

Fugazi - 13 Songs (Full Album) (

Perhaps the best hardcore album ever... possibly Damaged by Black Flag comes close.

Minor Threat - Complete Discography (FULL) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on August 31, 2013, 09:53:26 AM
It's been ten years, and I still like the band. Sure they became popular by being played to death on MTV and on parties but they are one band which I like nevertheless. Maybe they are a bit overrated by teen groupies in the 2000's but that does not mean they did not make cool music.

Linkin Park - Somewhere I Belong (Official Music Video) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on August 31, 2013, 12:30:22 PM
Sadistic Ritual- Hellish Mercenary (
Heard that these were the guys that Evil Army stole equipment from (WTF?). Decided to check them out...they sound pretty good.

Lack Of Oxygen by Abominable Putridity with lyrics (
This is one of the examples that some dork on YouTube used in his video argument that brutal death metal/deathcore/etc. isn't music. Heard of these guys, but never heard any of their songs until then.

Killer7 OST "Sweet Blue Flag - AYAME BLACKBURN" (
My favorite track from this game. There was another really cool one from the Dominican Republic level, but I can't find it.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on September 01, 2013, 01:11:37 AM
The soundtrack for killer7 is boss. I wonder what Masafumi Takada has been up to? I knew Akira Yamaoka joining Grasshopper Manufacture would mean Takada's departure, which on the one hand makes me sad, but on the other, Yamaoka is much better off with SUDA51 than the now-dead-and-completely-shitty Silent Hill series.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on September 02, 2013, 03:23:33 AM
This album is just perfect with respect to it's genre - scathing, yet poetic lyrics... a musical storm that is harsh, savage yet also capable of emotion. One of the best metalcore bands ever - yet only a few know about them. Undying. (

Undying - The Whispered Lies Of Angels CD (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on September 03, 2013, 02:53:53 AM
Listening to the new NIN. By ordering through their store you can get an "audiophile mastered version" for download. It sounds loads better than the album they released commercially and I'm confused as to why it's not the one they put out. Denser bass, better dynamics, and that's just from listening through headphones on an iPod. It's really pummeling my eardrums in the best way with those beats.

A lot of people can't seem to accept NIN as a more straight-up electronic band with a happier vibe, but I love it.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on September 04, 2013, 10:45:54 PM
Yesterday I discovered 2 Unlimited, and as a fan of Eurodance (shhh! It's a secret for a metalhead) I must say I remember some of their songs from the 90's but not the band itself. Looking 20 years later, it looks really damn cheesy. But it's still cool music.

The keyboard in the begging of this song kinda reminds me of Castlevania.

2 Unlimited - The Real Thing (1994) HD (

And this one inspired the Mortal Kombat theme.

2 Unlimited - Twilight Zone (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on September 08, 2013, 08:32:54 PM
New Nine Inch Nails baby! YeeeeeeeHaaaa!

Nine Inch Nails - Hesitation Marks (Official) FULL ALBUM + FREE DOWNLOAD [HD] (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lelygax on September 08, 2013, 08:51:49 PM
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on September 16, 2013, 02:54:28 PM
Feel the chunk. FEEL IT.

People from Killswitch Engage and Shadows Fall created this monstrosity back in 2000 - lethal stuff.

Aftershock - Through The Looking Glass | Full album | HD (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Johnny on September 21, 2013, 09:01:52 PM
Blue Meanies - The Noise of Democracy (

Voodoo Glow Skulls - El Coo Cool (

The Suicide Machines- S.O.S (

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on September 28, 2013, 09:25:39 PM
Really liking some songs from both of these bands lately:

Serpenteens - Satana (
I think this version is a demo, since it sounds different than the version I have...this one doesn't sound as retro, and the pitch is lower. Kinda wish someone had put Hell California on youtube, b/c that one's amazing. And it's a Western song, at that.  :P

Crimson Ghosts - The Reek (
Really dig these guys' mix of horrorpunk and metal. I just wish that some of their songs (such as this one) weren't so friggin' impossible to get out of your head.

Also, a few more to add...

Gargoyle Sox Carnivore (
Stuff like this is completely new to me (kind of stumbled upon some death rock bands, I guess), but holy crap, these guys were incredible. It's too bad they don't have any mp3s available. In fact, it looks like this album's only available on vinyl. Shit.  :'(

45 Grave - Evil (
I dig this. I think Gargoyle Sox kinda blew my mind, but this is pretty good, too.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on September 30, 2013, 06:36:16 AM
Carcass - are - BAAAACKKKK! This album is a total blast(beat).

CARCASS - Surgical Steel (full album) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on October 12, 2013, 10:51:50 PM
Sweet fudge brownie supreme do I love this:

Gatekeeper - Visions (

It's like early Skinny Puppy meets Italo-disco meets Italian horror film scores of the '80s and '90s. Synthesizers rock my teeny peen.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on October 13, 2013, 02:45:12 AM
Christian Death - Face (

Really liking this song. The rest of this album really doesn't interest me at all, but damn, this one is good.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lelygax on October 14, 2013, 09:49:17 AM
Team Nekokan - Yuki Hana (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on October 17, 2013, 06:58:27 PM
Bought two Daft Punk albums on the weekend. I had absolutely no idea that the Album 'Discovery' actually consists of anime music videos. And what makes it even more interesting in my opinion is that it's classic anime. Here's my two favorite songs from Discovery;

Daft Punk - High Life (

Daft Punk Face to Face HQ (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on October 17, 2013, 10:22:28 PM
Not music videos per se, but the album has a whole movie with a story dedicated to it--and for one with no dialog, it's incredibly compelling.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: St.Tweeter on October 19, 2013, 05:59:06 PM
Fat of the Land. 8)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on November 16, 2013, 12:46:54 PM
This man is a hero. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheRetroArtist on November 30, 2013, 10:16:08 AM
For the past few weeks I've been listening to Spin Doctors. They're pretty dang good. I also bought a lot of classic rock songs on iTunes such as Life's Been Good by Joe Walsh, Fool In the Rain by Led Zeppelin, and Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison. So yeah I've been digging a lot of music lately. :)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Think Tank on March 30, 2014, 09:51:50 PM
Darkside has been creeping under my skin lately. This whole album is brilliant, but in this link: ( I skipped ahead to where the beat starts to come in, and it gets really groovy around the 6 min mark. Pretty chill and haunting stuff.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: PyramidHead on March 31, 2014, 02:40:13 AM
This: (

Pink, stupid, epic! ;D
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on April 02, 2014, 09:38:23 AM
The most psychedelic music video I've seen in a while. Going to attend their concert tomorrow, EXCIIIIITED   8) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: ganonfloyd on April 03, 2014, 10:21:27 AM
Monolord - "Empress Rising" audio video (

A blog that I hold in high esteem gave these guys a big shout out so I of course checked them out. Interesting stuff, and an impressive studio debut from what I've heard. Doom has a special place in my heart in general, but I like the sound these guys have. I'm hoping they ride this wave to bigger things like Windhand seems to be doing.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on May 04, 2014, 12:56:51 PM
Maybe not techni enough for some people, but I really really really love the bitpop band Welle:Erdball's latest album. As in I will walk for 4 hours and have it on loop.

This song I will loop 3 or 4 times just itself. Plastique is so hot! And yes, that is the Close Encounters riff. (

This vid will probably bring a smile to your face...Until it males you squirm. (

The first song of W:E I liked. Nice to see a Commodore get some love (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Nail_Bombed on May 06, 2014, 02:21:47 PM
THIS........ is god.
( (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: KaZudra on May 07, 2014, 01:30:51 AM
Short Story,
I got tired of having a majority of non-english music. So I went searching for some English music. Pandora search: Red Hot Chili Peppers

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Venice Queen (

Jimmy Eat World - A Praise Chorus (

Third Eye Blind - Jumper (Complete Official Music Video) (

Moon Taxi - Mercury (


Child of Light Soundtrack - Pilgrims on a Long Journey (

Child of Light has amazing music.

Alice Nine Supernova [ SHORT ] (

Alice Nine is awesome, I call their music "Cosmic Rock"

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 09, 2014, 05:57:14 PM
This song's been stuck in my head all day thanks to this totally amazing video.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on May 12, 2014, 02:34:14 AM
Don't really get into much power metal, but these guys seem like a pretty solid band...or at least this album anyway...
Lonewolf - Words Of The Witch (Lyrics) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Eric Roman on June 19, 2014, 02:36:59 PM
The Meganeko EP (  It's like chiptune, dubstep, and cutesy anime sensibility came together in an extremely satisfying orgy. 
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on June 29, 2014, 12:30:49 AM
I finally remembered the name of this ridiculous-ass band. This isn't good, but here's the video for the lulz.

Mudvayne - Dig (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on June 29, 2014, 12:54:50 AM
While recently watching The Expendables I got quite the jive listening to the movie's theme song. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on November 28, 2014, 10:32:36 AM
Yngwie Malmsteen made me buy that album. He said it's the best album in the universe.

( (

Seriously though, it's an excellent album. Those of you who dig classic metal / rock, it's one of the best.
"Odyssey" by Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force, with legendary vocals by Joe Lynn Turner.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on December 02, 2014, 10:27:59 PM
Been listening to Front Line Assembly in prep for them opening the Skinny Puppy show next week. Never got terribly into them when I was discovering all of Puppy's music because I felt like they were Puppy Lite, but now all these years later I'm digging their sound more and seeing its unique qualities. So I'm educating myself on more of their albums. Gonna be a killer show.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on December 02, 2014, 11:44:56 PM
Been listening to some interesting Pre-Hispanic music whilst playing a modified version of Skyrim called Tropical skyrim. Here's one of the tracks: (

Also found an awesome track from a band called Slayer: (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on December 03, 2014, 12:53:50 AM

Also found an awesome track from a band called Slayer: embraced the mind blowing epicness of the debut album by MOTHAFU**ING SLAYEEEEEER and nearly bled to death by headbanging too much. (


Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on December 03, 2014, 10:11:22 AM
@Mooning Freddy:

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Chernabogue on December 03, 2014, 10:22:18 AM
Alestorm - 1741 (the battle of cartagena) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Anglachel on January 26, 2015, 06:53:52 PM (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Laina on February 15, 2015, 07:53:56 AM
Just the SH2 sound track...good old (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on February 15, 2015, 11:50:51 AM
Here's one of the tracks I listen to in Saints Row 4. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: GuyStarwind on February 15, 2015, 01:37:30 PM
Not new to me but still stuff I enjoy (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: zaxiou on March 06, 2015, 03:21:01 AM
Silent hill 2 tracks as of late. Yamaoka is so good. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on March 09, 2015, 03:19:34 AM
Man, I've been getting really bored with music least 90% of what I listen to is some form of metal, and I haven't really been able to find anything new that I like.

I decided to check out more death rock/post-punk/goth/whatever instead, and both of these songs instantly caught my ear:

Veda - Whiplash (

Former Humans - Heaven's Gate (

Also found out that I can actually purchase (remastered) Gargoyle Sox CDs online, and other stuff that the two guys of the group have come out with since then. Gargoyle Sox was absolutely amazing. It's a shame there's barely any info about them online.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on March 09, 2015, 03:23:27 AM
Alestorm - 1741 (the battle of cartagena) (

Oh man, I forgot about those guys. I like Over the catchy.

Heh, now I want to check out some more Running Wild, too.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Chernabogue on March 12, 2015, 02:44:31 AM
Iced Earth 2013 Dante's Inferno live (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on March 12, 2015, 01:23:53 PM
Former Humans - Heaven's Gate (

Interesting. Don't believe I've ever heard anything like this.

I've been getting into Paradise Lost lately. Listening to all of their albums to get a sense of their style.
The band has altered its style incredibly through their career, so I guess you really have to be very open minded in music to appreciate everything they did. By experimenting with all styles of sound, they did what no other metal band dared before- went from extreme metal to gothic rock to synthpop and back to metal.
But, after listening to all of their albums, you do feel that it's the same band even though the musical genres are different.
Those are some of my favorites:

True Belief (Icon)- The album is defined as gothic metal, but this sounds so much like some Metallica or Testament, I'd prefer to define this as melodic thrash metal.

Paradise Lost - True Belief (

Say Just Words (One Second)- Gothic rock / metal, very different, and this is great too.

Paradise Lost - Say Just Words (

Permanent Solution (Host)- All the way into Depeche-Mode style Synthpop, and I love it. (

Erased (Symbol of Life)- Back to the gothic rock sound.

paradise lost Erased (

Faith Divides Us Death Unites Us- This is a sort of fuse of their past sounds, gothic metal, heavy but dark as well.

PARADISE LOST - Faith Divides Us Death Unites Us (OFFICIAL Video) (

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on May 16, 2015, 09:49:18 AM
It's been only 2 months since the last post and I think it's 3 months for the maximum limit before it is considered necromancy for a thread. So, apologies but these few tunes are too good not to put up for your ears. I've been listening to several tunes done by a guy who goes by Vector Hold on his album covers. These are some of his tracks; one of which is featured on that game demo preview Flame showed us in Hardcore gaming 101.

This last track sounds like an ode to the original Mad Max;
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Aridale on May 16, 2015, 11:10:20 AM (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on May 16, 2015, 12:40:23 PM (

Bad. Ass.

Eat this: (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on May 16, 2015, 10:35:43 PM
It's been only 2 months since the last post and I think it's 3 months for the maximum limit before it is considered necromancy for a thread. So, apologies but these few tunes are too good not to put up for your ears. I've been listening to several tunes done by a guy who goes by Vector Hold on his album covers. These are some of his tracks; one of which is featured on that game demo preview Flame showed us in Hardcore gaming 101. ( ( (

This last track sounds like an ode to the original Mad Max; ( (

Dude, you buys just made my night. Awesome!

Now I'm remember the stealth music from Blood Dragon that, for some reason, wasn't included in the soundtrack release:
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon First Hostage Rescue (Stealth) (
It sucked...that was my favorite song for the game. It's the reason I bought the soundtrack in the first place, only to discover that it was omitted. Eh, oh well...Power Core and the Blood Dragon Theme made up for it.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 16, 2015, 11:17:24 PM
Been listening to Sigh's latest a lot. It might be their best since Gallows Gallery as it reminds me a lot of that album plus The Holy Trinity of Sigh: Hail Horror Hail, Scenario IV: Dread Dreams, and their masterpiece, Imaginary Sonicscape.

It sounds a lot better mixed than pretty much all the albums they've done since 2001, but still a little poorly mixed. My other criticism is the new guitarist has some silly power metal twiddling or something, but I don't dislike it, it's just not Shinichi at his best—who, by the way, banged out some amazing riffs on their first six albums, but I feel was never quite suited for the faster, more aggressive sound they started with Hangman's Hymn. The whole band should have probably never gone in that direction and stuck to Mirai on vox/keys/bass, Shinichi on guitar, and Satoshi on drums (who got relegated to bass in 2005 to account for the faster playing style, lame), the original lineup that made their absolute best albums.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Laina on May 23, 2015, 07:56:37 PM
I really miss Darkstalkers...but Eikichi Yazawa is some comfort at least. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on June 12, 2015, 10:42:24 PM
I'm seriously in love with this album. It has a hypnotic quality and lots of great layered sound.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on July 10, 2015, 10:49:32 PM
Just got this tune stuck in my head. Enjoy. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TatteredSeraph on July 11, 2015, 04:44:07 AM
I've been really digging some of Miracle of Sound's stuff, especially his Witcher 3 songs 'Wake the White Wolf', and 'Lady of the Worlds', along with his Assassin's Creed song for Ezio.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: theplottwist on August 06, 2015, 03:27:55 PM
To set a theme to this whole pachinko fever, this awesome remix from Contra's Energy Zone used on the Contra pachinko. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Super Waffle on August 07, 2015, 07:11:48 AM (

The only music you'll ever need.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on August 07, 2015, 08:05:17 AM
Joe Hisaishi, Trent Reznor, Wojciech Kilar, and Masanori Adachi.

These guys are my spirit animals.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Shiroi Koumori on August 08, 2015, 03:32:38 AM

Fangirling over KAITO's voice provider Naoto Fuuga covering KAITO Songs.
Wow his Life is Showtime (Kamen Rider Wizard) cover is awesome!
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: BMC_War Machine on August 11, 2015, 06:27:41 PM
I've recently found out how to get my guitar setup to go direct to my PC and get studio quality results, great thing for me :) lol no more sweating my nards off in the garage and cranking the amp up to full blast, running back up to mix etc, just direct recording into my preamp and it's a done deal, i've found out how to use IR Impulses which is basically mic'd speakers with certain mic's, cabs, mic positions etc so you get the legit tone you would get from the real thing.  Ok, I'm done being a guitar nerd lol, check this out and give me some feedback  8)

Truth's in the Lie (new song, no lyrics...just yet lol) (

One More Time: (this one is definitely a different style for me, but i figured what the hell? i wrote the lyrics and recorded them just a little bit ago :) ) (

To give a little backstory for "One More Time", i got the vibes of writing something in the vein of perseverance, kind of like a telling of what i am trying to do with my music, and no matter what happens along the way, no matter how many hurdles and roadblocks stand in the way, i'll have to give it a go, at least "One More Time"....get it? lol

Hope you all dig it! \m/
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on August 12, 2015, 12:55:50 AM
One of my wife's friends introduced me to Nekrogoblikon, and now I'm in love with this band. Just bought Stench off of Amazon.

Nekrogoblikon - No One Survives [OFFICIAL VIDEO] (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: theANdROId on September 05, 2015, 07:48:48 PM
At the moment, I'm particularly loving the Jet Force Gemini soundtrack.  I need to find and get a better working controller for my N64 and start it up again...give this game another playthrough.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Aridale on September 05, 2015, 08:56:48 PM
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Laina on March 20, 2016, 09:40:01 AM
I got the okay from Jorge for this. It needed to be brought back. There're a lot of good songs/videos posted here, so I didn't want to lose them by starting a new thread. I'm always for expanding people's horizons, yo. ????

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on March 21, 2016, 03:22:47 PM
Subscribed to this youtube channel called "Stoned meadow of doom". The channel is all about doom/stoner/psychodelic rock and metal. They introduced me to a Texas band called Wo Fat.

And boy, that sound is phat. Really, really heavy and phat. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on March 22, 2016, 02:58:31 AM
I missed this topic.

I've been getting into some weird stuff lately (well, weird for a diehard metalhead, I guess).Mostly darker synth/deathrock stuff, like this:

Perturbator - "Humans Are Such Easy Prey" ( (Warning: buttcheeks)
The Terminator sound clip just sets the perfect tone for this. I've only heard a bit of retro wave stuff (mostly Mega Drive and Lazerhawk), but none of it that sounds so...mean. Great song.

Most of their other stuff is more synth-heavy than this. This is actually from their EP, In the Bat Haus, despite the album cover shown. Their 2 full-length albums are pretty awesome, too.

This is actually a precursor to the Vanishing, with one of its members coming from this group. This album is hit-or-miss, but it's got several great songs. Really like the sax in both bands, but especially here.

Love the album that this song is from...almost every track is great. These guys just have this sinister vibe to most of their songs, especially Frozen Energy. This stuff makes me feel grimy just listening to it.

LOVE this song. I remember it from Beavis and Butthead, but I never realized how great it was until now (although the rest of the album really isn't for me, though). My wife looked at me like I was crazy when she saw me listening to it. I thought it was because she thought it was shit (turns out she likes it, too), but really it was because it's so far removed from my standard fare.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Green Stranger on March 22, 2016, 03:27:39 PM (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Flame on March 23, 2016, 10:41:08 PM
Ive been on a 90's dance music bender for a while

classic shit, like (

and (

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: zangetsu468 on March 24, 2016, 05:54:16 AM
Nujabes, that is all :)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Dracula9 on March 24, 2016, 05:30:06 PM
Been on a Concrete Blonde bender the last few days. I blame Johnette Napolitano's sensual velvet of a voice.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Laina on March 25, 2016, 07:49:42 PM
Ive been on a 90's dance music bender for a while

classic shit, like (

and ( (

Nice, nice. I stand behind these. I would also like to add:


Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on March 25, 2016, 08:05:28 PM
Two words. The. Shit. (

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: zangetsu468 on March 25, 2016, 09:36:40 PM

Love it. I used to watch the bollocks out of Fatal Fury in high school. Some really good tracks for 90's anime.

Krauser's theme always got me feeling so Castlevania
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Crying Freeman on March 26, 2016, 01:13:12 PM (

80s and 90s anime credits and opening themes have taken over my cars stereo lately
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Laina on March 26, 2016, 07:24:59 PM
Yeah, yeah...these are all hot tracks. I'm digging this.

Love it. I used to watch the bollocks out of Fatal Fury in high school. Some really good tracks for 90's anime.

Krauser's theme always got me feeling so Castlevania

Kindred spirits, brah. BURN KNUCKLE! Or BAHN NA-KU! if you wanna be Japanese about it. :3

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Laina on March 26, 2016, 10:02:56 PM
Terry Bogard is my husbando & has been such since I was 9 years old.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Laina on March 27, 2016, 08:47:30 AM
Danny Sexbang is also my husbando. I've got quite a nice little harem going on actually, but that's another topic for another day.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Aridale on March 27, 2016, 09:52:30 AM
that... was awesome
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Laina on March 27, 2016, 10:57:05 AM
that... was awesome

So's this:

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TatteredSeraph on March 27, 2016, 04:51:13 PM
I'm currently hooked on German musicals.  Tanz der Vampire, Romeo und Juliet, and Elisabeth.  I'm blaming discovering the Takarazuka Revue's performances of the latter, and so the German versions.  I love Marc Siebert as Der Tod, he's got an amazing voice, and definitely conveys the menace that Death should have.  I've heard he's also played Graf vin Krolok in Tanz- a role I'd love to see him in. ( (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lumi Kløvstad on March 27, 2016, 10:27:53 PM
I've been reacquainting myself with the works of Alizeé.

I've loved her stuff since I first heard her album Mes courantes electriques back in 2005, but I kind of drifted away. Then Spotify recommended her most recent album, Blonde, to me based on my recent tracks, and it got me back in the habit and revisiting her stuff.

Slightly addicted.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: zangetsu468 on March 29, 2016, 08:44:48 AM
Terry Bogard is my husbando & has been such since I was 9 years old.

Keep on Calling always reminds me of the deleted scene with Joe vs Big Bear.

As strange as it is I don't believe that Big Bear and Raiden are the same characters in the anime films even though in the series' canon they actually are. Big Bear doesn't have the same voice in FF the motion picture.

My favourite track is Fly Away (Lily's song)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on March 29, 2016, 01:17:36 PM
Ive been on a 90's dance music bender for a while

classic shit, like (

and (

Oh boy. Love 90's dance. How about some 2 Unlimited? They were the shit when I was a toddler. (
I've been reacquainting myself with the works of Alizeé.

Ah, she's so cute. And I love My Lolita  ;D
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Laina on March 30, 2016, 08:51:55 PM
It's like it's 1996 all over again.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on March 31, 2016, 01:18:36 AM
I've been blasting a lot of KMFDM at work lately, mostly their album Naïve (original version with "O Fortuna" sample intact). I think it's becoming my favorite album of theirs; I like that the guitars are less riffy and more there just to accentuate the electronics.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on March 31, 2016, 08:10:45 PM
How to Destroy Angels

I love the way this builds... (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Laina on April 08, 2016, 04:33:59 PM
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Laina on April 10, 2016, 12:25:40 PM
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on April 15, 2016, 10:15:10 AM
Ah, Babymetal. The proof that nothing is safe from horrid Japanesation. Even death metal.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on April 15, 2016, 01:34:23 PM

This is great! I Can't believe I haven't heard of them.

Getting album now.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Shiroi Koumori on April 20, 2016, 03:00:57 AM
I'm feeling trance-y today....

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TatteredSeraph on April 20, 2016, 02:47:39 PM
I'm rather liking the closing theme for Sailor Moon Crystal season III:

I'm less keen on the opening theme, it's weaker than Moon Pride.

As for Baby Metal... I'm really not keen.  There's somethign a bit off and a bit creepy about it all, especially with some of teh reports I've heard about some of their fanbase.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on May 04, 2016, 10:31:21 PM
Just got my hands on The tails from the Boarderlands game. Now I got this song stuck in my head. Not like it's a bad thing... (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Ratty on May 11, 2016, 08:18:40 PM
Had this song stuck in my head for a couple days. It's about the infamous Countess Elizabeth Bathory, who legends say killed hundreds of young women to bathe in their blood in an attempt to stay young. She was also referenced, or possibly made an appearance (in the original Japanese naming) in "Castlevania Bloodlines" in the character of Elizabeth Bartley.

~Bathory in the castle of your death~
~You're still alive Elizabeth~

So catchy.

Hmm wonder if we should make a "songs about Castlevania-related subjects" thread.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on May 11, 2016, 11:45:05 PM
I now got this song stuck in my head. And that was well before I ever saw the music vid for it.  :-[ (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on June 07, 2016, 12:48:32 AM
I've been really into Carpenter Brut lately and the Trilogy compilation of all his EPs. It's a splendid mix of John Carpenter, Italo-disco, Italian horror film composers like Fabio Frizzi, and video game chiptunes.

I love how this video takes all the best parts from the not so good movie, Murder Rock and edits them into an awesome music video. (Warning: bare-ass boobies present.)

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on June 07, 2016, 03:12:44 AM
I've been madly in love with Radiohead's new album, a moon shaped pool.

But this song musically sounds like it could have been from a pirate ship level in Castlevania or something. At least to me it sounds that way.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Eric Roman on June 07, 2016, 08:54:57 AM
I can see how that track sounds like we're on a CastleVania boat, but is there anything to fight on it?  Seems like more of a dreary calm. 

These weeks I've mostly been grooving supercell- Juuzoku Ningen (! 
Just some rocking J-Pop with a rapid groove and a chick who sounds like she's really enjoying herself, especially near the middle.   

(It appears to be a criticism of conformity ( o_o)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: KaZudra on June 07, 2016, 10:53:00 AM

Some good Simpsonwave

And Some amazing ToS tracks
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on June 07, 2016, 01:56:46 PM
Re: Castlevania soundalikes and to pimp Carpenter Brut further, I think this track has a bit of Castle Dracula appeal. It's more similar to Claudio Simonetti's film scores, but I've always felt those were a huge inspiration on Castlevania music in ways, so in a roundabout way this track's similar to the more club-oriented tracks from select CV games.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on June 08, 2016, 01:02:25 PM
I can see how that track sounds like we're on a CastleVania boat, but is there anything to fight on it?  Seems like more of a dreary calm. 

These weeks I've mostly been grooving supercell- Juuzoku Ningen (! 
Just some rocking J-Pop with a rapid groove and a chick who sounds like she's really enjoying herself, especially near the middle.   

(It appears to be a criticism of conformity ( o_o)

It would a be a dreary calm like you say. A seemingly abandoned, lost ship. But then at about 3 minutes in, the player opens a door and is surprise attacked by the ghost of a hungy vampire!

Something like that. I love that song. It has peace within the longing of desperation.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on June 19, 2016, 12:43:36 AM
Been listening to quite a bit of electronic stuff lately:

Enjoying Suicide Commando quite a bit...a lot of it seems either excellent or meh, not really much in between. But man...when it's good, it's damn good.

Enjoying Nachtmahr a lot, from what little I've heard. Though I have to admit, an Austrian group wearing military uniforms kind of made me wonder what they were going for at first...great stuff, though.

I went back and checked out more of Electric Hellfire Club's stuff before they went full-on metal, and I'm liking it a lot more than the aforementioned. Personally, it's the same way with them for me as it is with Suicide Commando: their songs are either great or kind of boring.

This one really grew on me...this usually isn't my sort of thing, but damn if this song isn't catchy.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on June 19, 2016, 09:49:11 AM
Recently discovered this track. Nice beat to it. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on July 04, 2016, 12:16:03 AM
Just recently got a hankerin' for ol' Judy:

I really have a soft spot for the more "evil" Judas Priest songs, like this and Love Bites (my dad listened to that one a lot when I was a kid). Rob Halford can be sinister as hell when he wants to be, and it's always a lot of fun to hear. He's the man!

This song and Leather Rebel are what turned me to this album in the first place. I loved those songs when I played Brutal Legend about 5 or so years back, and I never got around to listening to them again until now. Great stuff...I never knew the Painkiller album was so good.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on July 11, 2016, 09:01:03 AM
"Elizabeth" has a strong King Diamond / Mercyful Fate sound to it. It's very clearly built like one of King's songs.

Painkiller.... Ah..... This album is insane. It's basically Judas Priest saying - we invented Heavy Metal back in the seventies and there's no way we're gonna let them kids like Metallica say they're heavier than us!
If you're talking about their evil songs... Where's Touch of Evil?

I love Halls of Valhalla from their last album. It's that Painkiller sound all over again. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on July 12, 2016, 12:42:23 AM

If you're talking about their evil songs... Where's Touch of Evil? (

Touch of Evil is okay, but I really like the vicious vibe that they had with stuff like Nightcrawler and (especially) Love Bites.

What did you think of the sound that they had on Jugulator? I bought that one way back...didn't even realize Halford wasn't with the group at that point until I listened to it. I kind of had the same reaction you were describing when I first heard it, like..."THIS is Judas Priest?" Pretty heavy sound for Priest, although Painkiller is still the better album.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on July 12, 2016, 05:06:46 AM
Jugulator is heavy as hell, but it's not as crazy as Painkiller. It's thrashier, but Painkiller is faster, has catchier riffs and solos.

The only song that I like off Jugulator is Burn in Hell. I like how it starts off light, and only after two minutes the guitar kicks in. This is also the song in which Ripper Owens is the best at being Halford. He manages to hit his famed high notes in yellling "BURN IN HELL!!".... Even Halford himself said, "when I saw him, I thought - that's me".  8)

A more fitting sequel to the sound of Painkiller is Halford's Resurrection album.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on July 30, 2016, 05:38:54 PM
Maybe it's because of all the hateful things I've heard lately from the emboldened mouths of biggots and racists who now have a horrible man running for president to rally behind...

But something about the lyrics of this beautiful song by Bjork seem ever more pertinent.

I was listening to her album Homogenic after being stuck in a room with a rotten person who was trying to push Trump on me. The lyrics almost brought a tear to my eye.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TatteredSeraph on September 02, 2016, 03:38:38 AM (

DragonForce's Symphony of the Night.  How the heck did it take me a couple of years to find out about this song?
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: The Bizarre Trooper on September 05, 2016, 10:04:36 PM
I recently listened to some Visual Kei music such as Insanity Injection B.R.N. and Dadaroma Risley Circus.

All i can say is HOLY F**K!!! WHERE WAS THIS STYLE OF MUSIC MY WHOLE LIFE!!!! both songs are awesome both visualy and audio-wise!
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on September 13, 2016, 01:33:47 AM
Been getting back into metal, and the new Carnifex has really caught my ear:

Yeah, it's deathcore, but it's done really well. I really like the melody that they've incorporated into this album, and the lead guitar solos are nice. The solos are different enough from the rest of the music add to the songs, but not so different that they sound out of place. *cough*RyanKnightofBlackDahliaMurder*cough* I've heard a few Carnifex songs in the past, but nothing like this.

The lyrics, to me, are really nothing special at all, but the singer has a good voice. It's nice hearing well-done screams and being able to completely understand them.

I also really dig Infant Annihilator - Motherless Miscarriage, but I'm...uh...not so sure I should link the video here.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TatteredSeraph on September 13, 2016, 10:42:02 AM
I recently listened to some Visual Kei music such as Insanity Injection B.R.N. and Dadaroma Risley Circus.

All i can say is HOLY F**K!!! WHERE WAS THIS STYLE OF MUSIC MY WHOLE LIFE!!!! both songs are awesome both visualy and audio-wise!

VK is a huge amount of fun.  There are lots of different substyles within it.  Malice Mizer, Versailles, X Japan (the original founders of the genre, look up the Live performance of Art of Life), are all amazing.  I've seen Versailles Live twice, and their lead singer on a solo tour once.  There's loads of bands.  Matenrou Opera (Helios is a great song), Megaromania, Akira....
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on October 23, 2016, 10:33:55 PM
I have Deadpool rap going through my head  ;D (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: zangetsu468 on October 24, 2016, 11:18:39 PM
Been listening to 90's hip hop and R&B lately. Deathrow had its golden age then for sure. This type of music is not the same anymore.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on October 26, 2016, 05:12:24 AM
Been listening to 90's hip hop and R&B lately. Deathrow had its golden age then for sure. This type of music is not the same anymore.

I agree...around the time No Limit Records got big, it just wasn't the same for me, in a general sense.

I posted this theme in the video games forum, but I'm totally hooked on this song because of Pinball Arcade. I vaguely remember the campy vocals from seeing this machine as a kid, but holy balls, that's an awesome song. Stuff like this is what made the 80's great (though it came at the very end of the decade, but...uh...shut up).
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: zangetsu468 on October 27, 2016, 07:27:28 PM
I agree...around the time No Limit Records got big, it just wasn't the same for me, in a general sense.

Some used to call them "No Talent Records".

I always remember my brother getting Deathrow's Greatest Hits. Killer double album.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on October 31, 2016, 06:30:45 PM
Been Listening to Slash - Standing in the sun. Good tune  8) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Laina on January 19, 2017, 11:47:06 PM
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Shiroi Koumori on January 20, 2017, 12:55:34 AM
Been listening to the FFXV soundtrack and Noctis' Theme is stuck in my head for the longest time.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Aridale on January 21, 2017, 10:07:03 AM
Ive been going between the Donkey Kong Country soundtrack and SV4. Outside the house its my radio station based on Mega Drive on google play music
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lumi Kløvstad on January 21, 2017, 10:31:29 AM
My best answer to this thread is Spotify playlists. If y'all got Spotify accounts, tune in.
Here's the ones I have recently posted (and consequently have been listening to a LOT)

A Pacific Girl ( (Sort of a Pacific Coast indie sound, but there's bigger artists on there as well where the sound fits)

Upon Those Rings We Named Forever ( (Cosmic Chillout music)

FUCK YEAH DARKSTALKERS ( (Darkstalkers soundtracks. Nuff said)

There may be some SLIGHT drops... ( (Dubstep for when I'm working and need to drown out my own busy brain noises)

The Original Boulder ( (50's and early 60's Rock n' Roll)

I have over a hundred playlists at this point across most genres, so if anyone ever needs a music recommendation, just ask. I will hook you up with the good stuff.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on January 28, 2017, 09:54:46 AM
I remember that vid! Not sure what anime was used though.

With all the crap going on in american politics I've been listening to a lot of modern protest music. This one from Rage against the machine: (

And this one as well by Michael Franti. Rock the nation: (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on January 28, 2017, 01:08:04 PM
Have you heard of Prophets of Rage?
That's one EPIC supergroup and seems like they're here when we need em most. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on January 31, 2017, 06:13:48 AM
Every time I see a news headline I suddenly hear this blasting in my head.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TatteredSeraph on January 31, 2017, 02:26:09 PM
I'm currently on a bit of a Versailles / Kamijo binge listen atm, while gutted that I haven't been able to make it to my country's leg of the current Versailles European tour.  I'm busy with my work at this time of year, and can't really go either for health reasons.  I've been hearing reports that they're back on top form again as well.  I really hope that they return to Europe again soon, and at a better time of year for me (Winter is bad).

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Shiroi Koumori on February 01, 2017, 09:39:53 PM
Oh my gosh... the FFXV piano collection samples are heavenly. (

A few more days of waiting for the whole tracks to be available.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on February 02, 2017, 10:38:40 PM
Had to go and find some more music lately, just out of pure boredom:

I'm not very familiar with grindcore/deathgrind/etc, so I don't often find stuff from that part of metal that I really like, but when I do, it usually ends up being something I like a lot (like this band called Infectious Catheter Therapy, they kick ass). I'm in love with this song. I'm almost hesitant to check out the rest of this album, out of fear that it won't live up to my expectations, because this song is amazing to me.

I usually just have to play the first 20 seconds of the song a few times before playing it all the way through. Love the opening.

Just bought America Must Be Destroyed again after all these disk was just way too scratched to rip to mp3s, or to listen to at all. Hearing this is like remembering a lost time in my teenage years, haha. One of the heaviest songs GWAR's ever made, in my opinion.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TatteredSeraph on February 05, 2017, 05:02:19 AM
During last night's Dark Heresy game, I was introduced to this rather fun song, Children of the Dark, which is a collaboration between Mono Inc. and a few others. 

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TatteredSeraph on March 16, 2017, 08:44:10 AM
I've been really digging some of X Japan's stuff just lately, and I've come across Rose of Pain, which strikes me as being a bit of a Castlevania-esque song.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: BLOOD MONKEY on March 16, 2017, 03:28:34 PM
Pretty much anything by FUN. Also been digging the Weeknd.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on March 16, 2017, 08:18:40 PM
Pretty much anything by FUN. Also been digging the Weeknd.

Nice! I've been digging Starboy by The Weeknd big time man. Been listening to that and Daft Punk a lot.

Have you heard the new singer called H.E.R.? Excellent r&b. She's got a new EP that's worth checking out.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: BLOOD MONKEY on March 17, 2017, 05:57:19 AM
Have you heard the new singer called H.E.R.? Excellent r&b. She's got a new EP that's worth checking out.

No, I'll have to check her out. Thanks!
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TatteredSeraph on March 17, 2017, 03:38:41 PM

Someone on my fb friends list just had to go and post a video of Sarah Brightman and Antonio Banderas singing Phantom's Theme.  Cue me going and watching this, my ultimate Christine and Phantom.  I am so sad I never got to see these two perform together Live.  I was gutted that despite being in London the weekend of the 25th Anniversary performance at the Royal Albert Hall I was unable to go to that as tickets were crazily expensive for decent seats.  I've been a Phantom Phan for most of my life.  This is now setting me off on a Phantom binge methinks....
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on March 17, 2017, 06:26:53 PM
God I love the Phantom. It's so beautiful the whole way through.

But Emmy Rossum will always be my Christine. I was working on music one night and my wife was watching a show and I turned my head and was like "holy shit"! It was Emmy Rossum in Shameless. I was a little shocked. Lol

I still have to see a live show of Phantom though.

It's so interesting that it's based on a true story too.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lumi Kløvstad on March 17, 2017, 09:30:43 PM
God I love the Phantom. It's so beautiful the whole way through.

But Emmy Rossum will always be my Christine. I was working on music one night and my wife was watching a show and I turned my head and was like "holy shit"! It was Emmy Rossum in Shameless. I was a little shocked. Lol

I still have to see a live show of Phantom though.

It's so interesting that it's based on a true story too.


Second: The story is "based" on real events in a peculiar way. It's an amalgam of various things that were not really connected in any way that Gaston Leroux had read about/encountered over his life up to that point that he sort of found fantastical and couldn't forget. Eventually, he linked these things together in the serial novel we know today as "Phantom of the Opera". But almost every part of the novel is based in a true thing that played out during Leroux's lifetime. The story however was entirely his invention.

Also: watch the French dub of the film of the musical. Christine's dub in particular is magical, though Raoul is hilariously slightly off. Everyone else is good to great.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TatteredSeraph on March 18, 2017, 02:42:00 AM
I aore the musical, but don't love the movie version of it so much.  I think that Emmy's vocal type wasn't quite right for Christine, I found her singing voice a bit nasal and just didn't have the right colour to it.  Gerard Butler was wonderful eye candy (I love him in Dracula 2000), but he wasn't experienced enoug a singer, so I can tell where they had to digitally tweak/extend his notes with the autotune.  I thought Minnie Driver was hilarious as Charlotta, but they snubbed the lady a lot who'd provided Charlotta's singing voice aferwards, which wasn't good.  I also disliked that they trimmed Phantom's Theme in the film, and downplayed Erik's disfigurement to the point where it barely looked like the big issue it was meant to be, over how monstrous he looked.  That said, I love it that a movie was made of the ALW musical.  I have a lot of love for Phantom films in general.  Dario Argento's 'horror' version is hilarious, especially as Erik isn't disfigured physically, he's just completely off his rocker and insane after being raised by rats.  Has anyone seen Love Nnever Dies, either the original production or the reworked Australian production that was released on dvd?  As much as I love Ramin and Sierra as Erik and Christine, and I love how much more skeletal they made Erik's disfigurement look, the soundtrack cd I found painful to listen to in places because of the wording.  It was bad.  The Australian reworking was so much better, but still it's not a patch on Phantom.  The Phantom of Manhatten book that LND shares a source with is equally bad.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lumi Kløvstad on March 18, 2017, 01:59:09 PM
Speak not of Love Never Dies. I deny that it ever happened.

If anyone asks, it was ALMOST made, and then Lloyd Webber had a change of heart before release day and called the whole thing off.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TatteredSeraph on March 18, 2017, 03:24:03 PM
LMAO!  Yeah, pretty much.  Or that it's a fanfic equivalent of a musical that was made.  The whole Gustave turns out to have been Erik's all along after all no-one never saw coming. 
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on March 22, 2017, 03:19:19 PM
They get a little off from each other right at the end. But holy hell this is a good performance of All I Ask of You.

Who woulda thought Josh and Kelly?
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Jay-cross on March 23, 2017, 10:45:58 PM
Been listening to newsted lately, theyre quite good and get me in the mood
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on March 24, 2017, 01:28:57 PM
This song off the new Goldfrapp album is fantastic and exceptionally moody, and I can't help but ask, "Why couldn't this have been Depeche Mode??" Someone on YouTube commented that they can hear Dave Gahan's voice singing this, and I totally can as well.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: zangetsu468 on March 27, 2017, 07:02:31 AM
Been checking out a fair bit of Lofi lately and random instrumental mixes... Some are beautiful. Stumbled across this tonight
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Mooning Freddy on April 01, 2017, 12:18:49 PM
I'm addicted to this (relatively) new song from Ghost (B.C.).

Just heard that they're headlining this year's Bloodstock metal festival in Derbyshire, England, and I've got a ticket!  8)
Not just Ghost, but also Amon Amarth, Megadeth, Kreator, Annihilator, Testament, Wintersun, Skindred, Soilwork...
Boy, that festival is going to rock! (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on May 02, 2017, 03:21:46 PM
My wife and I got tickets to see Phantom when it comes to the Orpheum theatre in Minneapolis this December! It was expensive but we got good seats.

I'm so excited!

I'm gonna cry during the "All I Ask of You" duet. That song just latches on to my heart.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TatteredSeraph on May 03, 2017, 11:29:05 AM
My wife and I got tickets to see Phantom when it comes to the Orpheum theatre in Minneapolis this December! It was expensive but we got good seats.

I'm so excited!

I'm gonna cry during the "All I Ask of You" duet. That song just latches on to my heart.

Oooohhhh, congrats! :D  I hope that it's a good performance, and all that you hope it to be.  It's Phantom's Theme and the climax of Down Once More that get me going, along with some performances of Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 05, 2017, 12:43:57 AM
My wife and I got tickets to see Phantom when it comes to the Orpheum theatre in Minneapolis this December!

I don't know if you're into industrial music much, but PIG is playing the Amsterdam Bar in St. Paul on July 1st, and I think it's the first time they've ever played here solo and not just as support for KMFDM (i.e. a few PIG songs amidst the KMFDM set). I'm not sure if En Esch and Guenter Schulz will be performing like on the last tour, but I hope so.

And if you don't know PIG, perhaps it's time you get acquainted.

(Note this is mislabeled: it's actually the original album version, not LeBlanc's remix.)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on May 12, 2017, 06:42:18 PM
I don't know if you're into industrial music much, but PIG is playing the Amsterdam Bar in St. Paul on July 1st, and I think it's the first time they've ever played here solo and not just as support for KMFDM (i.e. a few PIG songs amidst the KMFDM set). I'm not sure if En Esch and Guenter Schulz will be performing like on the last tour, but I hope so.

And if you don't know PIG, perhaps it's time you get acquainted.

(Note this is mislabeled: it's actually the original album version, not LeBlanc's remix.)

Haha oh my god I shouldn't have turned that on when my kid was in the room. Had to plug headphones in quick. Yeah not bad!

Cornelius has a new album coming out!

He's a musical legend from Japan. For some ridiculous reason he only has 6k subscribers on his YouTube! Wtf?

Please everyone who is a fan of music. Enjoy this brilliant artist and subscribe.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Ratty on June 07, 2017, 03:04:50 PM
Recently discovered this somewhat obscure* metal band. Their best album is the first in my opinion, but these tracks from their 2nd and 3rd album just make me imagine what Castlevania would look like had it been released as a cheesy 1980s horror comedy and it's glorious.

*Somewhat obscure from a casual metal fan's perspective. I'm not a metalhead but when I do headbang it's to old school metal or power metal. I think these guys were somewhat better known in the metal scene at large. Though they only released 3 albums originally and are apparently best known for being mocked on Beavis & Butt-head
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on June 10, 2017, 12:14:34 AM

Forgot about this song for years...the Mollusk was a pretty disappointing album for me, because at the time I was expecting something more like Pure Guava or The Pod, but this was the one I really liked back then...still holds up really well.

If there was one thing I liked about Mega Man 10, this was it. Didn't like the game much at all, but this song is pure joy to my ears.

Been on a big John Bush-era Anthrax kick lately, especially the White Noise and Stomp albums. Bush is probably one of my favorite vocalists in metal. Also, it only took me like 24 years to realize how cool that opening bass line is.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on November 11, 2018, 12:04:13 AM
Just got the new cEvin Key compilation CD in the mail, goooooood stuff.

And Carpenter Brut continues to put out some pretty boss videos (NSFW, boobies):

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Aridale on November 11, 2018, 11:42:40 AM
good stuff! Love Carpenter! Him and Dance with The Dead are 2 of my favs
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: TheouAegis on November 11, 2018, 10:50:49 PM
By now it's all "old" stuff, but whatevs. I got my fiance turned on to Faderhead, even though my roommates hate him. lol She likes "Dirtygrrrlz/Dirtybois" the most, but for immature reasons she also shares an interest with me in "Fistful Of Fuck You". She just likes shouting "with a fistful of fuck you!", but I like the music video.

The one song my roommates, fiance, and I all really liked -- to the point I got sick of it and regret introducing them to it -- is "Scum" by Santa Hates You. We have this little thing where we all take turns picking music videos on YouTube to watch/listen, and one of them always picks "Scum". *sigh*

My go-to music video on said YouTube nights is now "Fish On" by Lindemann (Till Lindemann of Rammstein and Peter Tägtgren of PAIN). (Very NSFW and funny as shit every time I watch it)

Also introduced my fiance to Covenant with "Bullet". She's not as into them as I am, but YouTube insists on playing it for me every day and I still haven't gotten sick of it yet. (Family-friendly music song and video lol)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on November 11, 2018, 11:39:55 PM
good stuff! Love Carpenter! Him and Dance with The Dead are 2 of my favs

I'm not familiar with the other band. I came across Brut almost by accident, but I instantly became attached to his mixture of industrial, synth pop, Italo-disco, video game music, John Carpenter, and Italian horror movie soundtracks. It's a unique blend that even dudes like Perturbator don't do as well, IMO, and is pretty unusual for the whole "synthwave" thing.

Got to see him and his band live a few months ago and it was awesome. Lots of total geeks in the crowd, from rivetheads to metalheads (it's cool Brut has managed to draw both crowds), it was great, and the Fist of the North Star anime movie was playing at the bar and in the bathroom.

Carpenter Brut kind of reminds me of another band I sorta dig but haven't looked into much, called Gatekeeper. They sound sorta like mid '80s era Skinny Puppy fused with Italo-disco, lots of movie samples and everything.

Brut is like 5x more awesome with better production values, but I still like these guys.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: KaZudra on November 16, 2018, 12:07:14 AM

This legitimately brought me to tears, all these years of ignoring and say the Beatles were "overrated", little did I know...
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on November 16, 2018, 02:45:06 PM

This legitimately brought me to tears, all these years of ignoring and say the Beatles were "overrated", little did I know...

Yeah man luckily it happened to me when I was a teenager but this song is what won me over too.

I saw Paul play this live like 5 years ago at the target field in MN. It was spectacular.

I've been digging the new Smashing Pumpkins album. Just came out today. Saw them live on the current tour and it was insanely good
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on November 16, 2018, 03:44:16 PM
I've never been able to get over the disappointment that none of The Beatles' other songs are as good as "I Am the Walrus". The whole of that album is pretty good, in fact; it was the mixture of their experimental side while also having the sing-songy backbone of their earlier work.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on November 26, 2018, 12:53:57 AM
Sigh released their new album and it's sounding pretty good so far. I like that they got Maor Appelbaum to master the CD. Sigh's albums have sounded pretty bad in the US ever since Gallows Gallery shat into our ears, so it's nice to see them get it right the first time so that I don't gotta spend more money on importing. BTW, Japan's Graveward sounds best (mastered by the guitarist, You Oshima), Maor's remastering on the Chinese Scenes from Hell kicks the shit out of the original, and Blood Music's remastering of Gallows Gallery completely rips apart the Candlelight and The End masters. Now if only someone would redo Hangman's Hymn, then we can finally say goodbye to James Murphy's legacy of terror mastering.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on November 26, 2018, 02:33:43 AM
Yup, this new album is definitely a return to what made them so great during the Hail Horror Hail/Scenario IV/Imaginary Soniscape days (just without Shinichi's awesome riffing), and makes up for how mediocre In Somniphobia is. Graveward from a few years back is fun but doesn't have a terrible lot of staying power, I find. Hopefully Heir to Despair will hold up, because this is some damn good stuff.

Even that cover art is better than anything they've done in a long time.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: zangetsu468 on November 30, 2018, 02:19:02 PM
Been getting into City Pop recently. I find it helps lift my mood slightly and takes me back to a time when things were simpler.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on November 30, 2018, 03:52:56 PM
I'm loving this new Grimes song!

And the Samus zero suit is bad ass!
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on March 08, 2019, 07:13:43 PM
Listening to the new Download album that just came out today, called Unknown Room. The band started out in the mid '90s as a side-project by cEvin Key and Dwayne Goettel of Skinny Puppy with Mark Spybey and Phil Western; for the past 20 years, however, it (along with its more mellow companion, platEAU) has been a duo between cEvin and Philth. They've been one of my favorite bands for a long time.

Phil Western passed away a month ago from an accidental fentanyl overdose (something that's become all too common) and it's super damn tragic. This song from the album was written as a tribute to Goettel who died in 1995, but now it's also been released in remembrance of Western. Barring any unreleased material, I'm sad we'll never get any new Download or platEAU music, or any of Western's excellent solo work.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on March 14, 2019, 09:40:49 PM
I've never really been very much into power metal, but I'm really digging Powerwolf right now:

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on August 05, 2019, 07:42:46 AM
It's so wonderful finally having Tool's full library on streaming services.

Just wanted to say that in case there are other Tool fans here who didn't know.

Oh yeah. And the new album Fear Inoculum comes out August 30th!

Planning on seeing them for the 5th time as soon as a I get a chance!

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on August 07, 2019, 07:40:08 AM
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Aridale on August 07, 2019, 11:02:23 AM
Sweet! I didn't know they had everything on streaming now. That new song is pretty damn good too. Not really my kinda music these days but I can, for sure, appreciate the new stuff and added lots of old stuff to my spotify playlist
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Super Waffle on August 27, 2019, 05:29:40 PM
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on September 23, 2019, 05:22:35 PM
Rediscovering my teenage love of Type O Negative. Holy shizzlenit, October Rust is such a perfect album. Heavy nostalgia with this one, glad I never got rid of it during The Great CD Purge of 2013.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on October 26, 2019, 10:39:51 PM
Broz, it's 2003 all over again. I've bought more music in one day this weekend than I have in a long, long time.

Started by going to Electric Fetus in Minneapolis since I was really jonesin' for some tactile CD goodness. Stores like Best Buy and Target barely carry CDs anymore so I figured I'd better go to an actual record store and support local business. Super great place, found some stuff I wanted.

Babymetal - Metal Galaxy
Front Line Assembly - Wake Up the Coma
OOMPH! - Unrein
Popol Vuh - Nosferatu the Vampyre Original Soundtrack

I've been on a big FLA kick lately and the new album is badass. I really dig this track with the dude from Paradise Lost:

Then I got some digital download bullshit 'cos hey, it's cheap and convenient and it's all getting loaded onto my new 256GB iPod touch anyway.

The Birthday Massacre - Walking with Strangers
Boris - New Album
Boris - Attention Please
Boris - Heavy Rocks 2011
Jakalope - Born 4

And right now I'm finally ripping my 3-CD expanded version of Nurse with Wound's Soliloquy for Lilith, so yeeeeaaaaah. Good stuff.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on October 04, 2020, 11:03:17 AM
This might be the first time Necro-bumping a thread. But I guess since it's about music then.. :-\

Anyways, been listening to a lot of old school tunes lately (70s 80s stuff).

We can start off with this: (

Followed by this (It kinda sounds like it came from a video game)  ;) (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on October 18, 2020, 01:50:17 AM
I've been listening to a ton of Benighted lately. I can't believe I've never heard of them until about a year ago...they've been around since '98. Great band from France...death metal and grindcore.

I really love the range of their vocalist. He's got like a dozen different voices, it seems like. Drums are great, riffs are interesting, and melodic every once in a while. I just can't get enough of this band.

I've really liked the handful of covers they've done, too. Like this cover of Slaughter of the Soul, one of my favorite melodic death metal songs. And what they did to it is fantastic, especially the crazy part toward the end. They have a really good Marduk cover too, with some great vocals.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Shiroi Koumori on October 21, 2020, 11:07:10 PM
Yuki Hayashi's works (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on January 12, 2021, 08:58:31 PM
Revisiting some industrial favorites tonight. Chemlab's debut full-length is SO DAMN GOOD.

Also, Alexi Laiho (Children of Bodom) died and that's some mad bullshit. Dude was so young, only 41. Hatebreeder is one of my all-time favorite metal albums with its alluring blend of power metal wankery and melodeath catchiness. Super ball suckingly bad that he's gone. RIP

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: PFG9000 on March 07, 2021, 02:25:37 PM
Most of the music I'm into is old, so it's rare that I discover a new band.  But lately I've been loving an old French-Canadian folk-prog band named Harmonium.  They're fantastic.  I don't speak French, so I can't understand anything they sing, but it doesn't matter.  It's beautiful music.  Their second and third albums are some of that rare breed of music that elevates me to a higher place and becomes an obsession. (

EDIT:  For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to get those snazzy embedded YouTube links like ya'll are using.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on March 07, 2021, 10:45:51 PM

but with brackets [ ]

I think the trick is using the shortened URL which you get by clicking YouTube's share button, rather than copying the address bar.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on March 08, 2021, 10:58:54 PM

I've been totally obsessed with this band since I first heard them several weeks ago. It's like black metal and punk, with a bit of surf rock and some psychedelic sounds, among other things. The album art is perfectly fitting for how this sounds. That lead guitar tone is just amazing. I love what they've done with the sound production. They have a demo and an EP that has a more stripped-down production, and seems a bit faster overall, and it sounds pretty good, too. This band led me to find Cape of Bats, as well, which is good, but I'm just trying to get used to the vocalist in that band. But Devil Master has totally blown me away.

Just discovered this one-man band about a week ago. Some of their songs sound a lot like a blackened Motorhead to me, in a way. I think the only one-man groups I've heard other than this are Midnight and Burzum, so I wasn't prepared for the tightness and the ability on this one. Sounds pretty slick to me.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Holy Diver on March 09, 2021, 07:25:17 AM
Some nice stuff you're posting.

Lately I've kind of gotten back into some EX-YU stuff.
Točak is probably the best guitarist we've had in our region, even if that's not saying much. Most of their stuff is pretty straightforward rock, though there are some prog inffluences and heavier sounds here and there:

Metal-ish prog with a non standard power trio(cello instead of bass methinks):

Blackened death or something. Pretty underrated band:

Have only heard a few of their songs, but I'm getting Muse vibes but without having to subject yourself to Matt Bellami's voice. At least in the sound, song structure is more straightforwatd:

Edit: Actually, calling them Muse-esque is a pretty big strech, but I'll take a chance to shit on Bellami any day.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on March 10, 2021, 09:22:39 PM
That Heretical Sect song is pretty awesome. Really digging the vocals, too.

And Guano Apes! Haven't heard that song for a while! Definitely a great song. I remember when WWE used to play songs on Heat (I think?) and that was my first exposure to Open Your Eyes. I think I went out and bought the CD that same week, lol. But...also...they introduced me to Crazy Town, as well. Ugh. That was definitely a weird time for music, lol.

Also, Alexi Laiho (Children of Bodom) died and that's some mad bullshit. Dude was so young, only 41. Hatebreeder is one of my all-time favorite metal albums with its alluring blend of power metal wankery and melodeath catchiness. Super ball suckingly bad that he's gone. RIP

Damn, I didn't realize he was still that young. That album probably had the best sound production of them all, IMO. Gave it kind of a nice vintage sound. I liked how Something Wild and Follow the Reaper sounded, too, but Hatebreeder sounded great. Although Black Widow being the first song of theirs I heard may have had something to do with that, too.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on April 01, 2021, 09:16:50 PM
Damn, I didn't realize he was still that young.

Finding out his age was definitely one of those sobering "Wait, he was only a few years older than me and I've accomplished nothing with my life" kind of moments.

Been jamming out to some old industrial favorites. Wax Trax! has revived and are remastering/re-releasing some catalog classics. Picked up TKK's Confessions of a Knife since I'd long sold my old copy.

They've got a remaster of Love's Secret Domain by Coil coming out and I cannot wait for that, especially since I don't have an original CD, only the crap remaster from the early or mid 2000s. The recent Coil remasters by Dais Records have all been excellent and LSD is being done by the same guy.

New Kanga came out, it's good. If the world ever returns to normal and bands tour again, I'd love to go see her live.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Holy Diver on April 02, 2021, 01:24:42 AM
Found these guys by chance. Some obscure croatian tech
thrash band. Music-wise, they seem to be pretty influenced by Vektor:

Damn, I didn't realize he was still that young. That album probably had the best sound production of them all, IMO. Gave it kind of a nice vintage sound. I liked how Something Wild and Follow the Reaper sounded, too, but Hatebreeder sounded great. Although Black Widow being the first song of theirs I heard may have had something to do with that, too.
Speak of the devil:

Been jamming out to some old industrial favorites. Wax Trax! has revived and are remastering/re-releasing some catalog classics. Picked up TKK's Confessions of a Knife since I'd long sold my old copy.

You seem to know a lot of industrial shit and I so far only know of Rammstein and Fear Factory. You got any recomendations or favourite bands in that genre?
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on April 02, 2021, 10:15:36 AM
You seem to know a lot of industrial shit and I so far only know of Rammstein and Fear Factory. You got any recomendations or favourite bands in that genre?

Speaking of Ramstein I heard this one not too long ago. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on April 07, 2021, 02:35:21 AM
You seem to know a lot of industrial shit and I so far only know of Rammstein and Fear Factory. You got any recomendations or favourite bands in that genre?

KMFDM's Nihil album is a good'un for that industrial metal sound.

My favorite industrial band's Skinny Puppy. They're a bit on the weird side and very horror-themed.

They've done everything from dancy synth pop styled music...

to multi-layered ambient freakouts.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Jazz Paladin Productions on April 07, 2021, 11:31:59 AM
Wild Arms 1 ost, never get tired of it
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Holy Diver on April 07, 2021, 12:37:50 PM
Damn, Mirror Saw is fucking awesome. Not sold on KMFDM but I'll give 'em a chance. Thanks dude!
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on April 08, 2021, 09:25:43 PM
So Cancerslug is very hit/miss with me, but damn, their songs that I like, I really, REALLY like:

The lyrics are nihilistic and I wouldn't even disagree if someone called them juvenile. But I can relate with the "fed up with everything" attitude this song has. And I just really dig Alex Story's voice. He made the only werewolf song (Shapeshift) I can remember that sounds absolutely chilling.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on April 08, 2021, 10:59:18 PM
Damn, Mirror Saw is fucking awesome.

I recommend SP's Too Dark Park and Last Rights albums. They both have a similarly dense sound, TDP being more accessible while LR goes into some pretty weird territory.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Holy Diver on May 30, 2021, 04:10:06 PM
I've found these guys lately, they're prog/tech death, although a bit more grounded. Think more like later Death and early Cynic stuff rather than say Obscura and other similiar wanky tech death bands. While I'm not into all of their stuff atm, these two songs are really doing it for me, especially The Stranger, it's kinda uplifting in a way:

This thing here arguably drags on a wee bit(by which I mean it could be like 5 mins shorter and it wouldn't hurt the song, quite the opposite), but I can manage, as it's a rather calming song:

It's fucking Dio. Nuff said:
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on June 13, 2021, 06:33:36 PM
Speaking of Cynic, these guys kinda remind me of 'em and they are tiiiiight.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gunlord on June 13, 2021, 07:47:33 PM
The Last Spell is a GREAT game on Steam and its OST is SOOOOO GOOD. The composer, The Algorithm, would do a great job for a Bloodstained game IMO: (

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on June 14, 2021, 08:18:48 PM
Oh cack, that Inanna upload sounds like balls. Best to listen to it on Bandcamp if anybody does check it out.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on July 04, 2021, 07:35:52 AM
The new Fear Factory's sounding delicious (haven't heard anything of theirs since Obsolete), ordered a CD copy on the strength of the first two tracks. Hope the rest doesn't disappoint. Sucks I couldn't just walk into a Target or Best Buy to buy it.

Apparently this is the last album to have Burton C. Bell. Le suq.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on July 04, 2021, 10:47:36 AM
Been enjoying this song from the Breakfast Club. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Holy Diver on July 05, 2021, 01:58:22 PM
The new Fear Factory's sounding delicious (haven't heard anything of theirs since Obsolete), ordered a CD copy on the strength of the first two tracks. Hope the rest doesn't disappoint. Sucks I couldn't just walk into a Target or Best Buy to buy it.

Apparently this is the last album to have Burton C. Bell. Le suq.
Could give it a spin. Last time I gave them a shot was when I still couldn't apreciate more extreme forms of metal. To be fair I still can't get into more brutal forms of death metal and grind but I can say with certainty that I won't pussy out from just hearing the vocals this time around.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Inccubus on July 08, 2021, 06:46:04 AM
Lately I've been listening to a lot of techno/trance.
Mostly Deemphasis which I discovered when someone posted a video of a custom oversized Ravage figure made from a real VHS tape.

This sparked a quest to rediscover a trance song from a random-ass compilation CD I had back in the late 90's.
The only thing I remember about the song is that it was slow paced and reminded me of the ending of Silent Hill 2 due to the lyrics/sound bites it used.
It repeats in a lowish male voice "It's hot in here. The walls are burning."

I don't suppose anyone recognizes a song like that?
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on July 21, 2021, 09:19:48 PM
Been listening to some punk stuff lately:

I guess these guys are all from various metal bands. Yep, I believe it.

I really like the sound they get out of the guitar. Kind of reminds me of the sound from Samhain's third album.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Flame on October 09, 2021, 08:09:18 AM
Gonna raise the dead since I'm not sure this needs it's own topic etc.

My dad pulled out a trove of records he brought home from work years ago but forgot about and never looked at.
So we've been going through em, and among the jazz and such, there were these neat German gothic organ music records.


I couldn't find the exact one on  YouTube, but this is a close one: must be a different volume.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on October 09, 2021, 09:33:33 AM
Very cool find dude! Love the cover on that too.

I've been writing a lot on organ lately and this stuff is right down my alley right now.

Thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lumi Kløvstad on October 10, 2021, 04:52:05 PM
Don't know if it qualifies as "digging" the music but I've just been zoning out to all five volumes of Kitaro's "Sacred Journey of Ku-Kai" today.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on April 30, 2022, 02:58:29 AM
I think Autopsy's debut has probably the best performed and engineered bass out of any metal album.

This whole album is incredible. I've been kind of rediscovering it.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Belmontoya on April 30, 2022, 05:44:06 AM
Immutable by Meshuggah!
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Gunlord on May 01, 2022, 02:19:00 PM
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Holy Diver on May 02, 2022, 06:04:37 PM
I think Autopsy's debut has probably the best performed and engineered bass out of any metal album.

[ Invalid YouTube link ]

This whole album is incredible. I've been kind of rediscovering it.
God I need to get back on Autopsy, I've had that album on my to do list for a while. And yes, I love the bass on what little of this record I've heard. Off topic, I also really like the bass on those groovier Bolt Thrower albums (like For Those Once Loyal), but it's a different aproach doe.

As for me, lately I've been getting into Susumu Hirasawa's stuff outside of the OSTs he did. Fucking love it. ( (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on May 02, 2022, 06:55:52 PM
I think Autopsy's debut has probably the best performed and engineered bass out of any metal album.

I haven't heard a whole lot of Autopsy stuff, but damn, that's awesome cover art.

Been digging the new Devil Master lately. Not as instantly addictive as their previous, but I'm liking it more with every listen.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 03, 2022, 11:19:07 AM
I haven't heard a whole lot of Autopsy stuff, but damn, that's awesome cover art.

Carcass even paid tribute.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on May 12, 2023, 10:43:14 PM
It's been a while since I listened to Dimmu Borgir, but damn, I'm liking their demo version of Puritania:

Instead of being overproduced gothic black metal whatever (with the vocalist using a megaphone, wtf), this sounds like a war march. Pretty awesome.

I've really been into Hellripper lately, too:

I think it's pretty impressive how it's a one man band, and both the drums and guitar are this fast and tight. Very oldschool Motorhead-esque feeling to most songs, and I love the melodic part (and guitar solos!) in the middle of this one. Can't get enough of this. The only one man bands I can think of off the top of my head are Burzum and Mignight, and while Midnight is enjoyable too, it's nowhere near as tight as this. Just awesome.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on May 13, 2023, 09:59:02 AM
Speaking of Moterhead, I found this song. Apparently it's the 30th anniversary animated tribute. Both Ozzy and Moterhead do this tune. (
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Eric Roman on May 14, 2023, 10:10:44 PM
Lesse what we've here,... :o

Was about to get into some'a this ( when Apple Music fed me a track the other day, but I think I'll get my exercise on to that CV, thanks Gunlord!

EDIT: Yooo, why is this so Dracula MIDI Collection?  I'm confused by what's going on here.  ._.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on May 26, 2023, 10:46:26 PM
Speaking of Moterhead, I found this song. Apparently it's the 30th anniversary animated tribute. Both Ozzy and Moterhead do this tune.

"I keep sayin' that's it's getting too much, but I know that I'm a liar"

Hahaha, would've expected nothing less from Lemmy.  ;D

I've been digging Beast in Black lately. Some of their songs have been infectiously catchy, like Cry out for a Hero:

"With seven scars and fists of fury"

It's always nice when you hear a power metal song about Fist of the North Star, lol. Apparently these guys make a lot of songs about Berserk, too. Sign me up. I like the retro vibe on a lot of their synth work. This and Die by the Blade have been on repeat in my head lately.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: zangetsu468 on May 27, 2023, 05:23:59 AM
I can’t be the only Australian 90’s hip hop head in here..
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on May 27, 2023, 09:44:59 AM

Thanks for the introduction  :o

I snagged two songs from this group already: From Hell With Love and Unlimited Sin.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on June 02, 2023, 11:32:29 AM
Awesome, good to hear! I'm pretty new to them too, but they definitely have some bangers. I think Revengeance Machine might be my favorite song of theirs so far.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on June 02, 2023, 06:15:17 PM
To be honest it kinda reminds me of Man-O-War. The good classic-sounding rock with no profanity in the lyrics.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on June 03, 2023, 12:20:16 AM
I can definitely see that. Especially with a sprinkle of Rob Halford thrown in. Their vocalist can hit some crazy high notes!

 Orden Ogan is another good band I found recently, in the same vein. I guess I was on a drunk power metal binge, lol.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on June 17, 2023, 09:13:48 PM
Been on a bit of a death metal kick lately, mainly just stuff I used to listen to a lot but haven't recently since I sold off most my metal CDs around ten years ago. Been buying some of them back, the ones I like the most.

Arsis - A Celebration of Guilt
Autopsy - Severed Survival
Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines
Depresy - A Grand Magnificence
Children of Bodom - Hatebreeder (always thought of it as kinda power metal but I guess people say it's melodeath? I dunno)
Demilich - Nespithe

I also bought Death's Leprosy and Individual Thought Patterns (my two favorites of ol' Chuck's) but had to settle for Relapse reissues, which I found out upon arrival that they're remastered and actually sound supremely shitty, so I sent 'em back. I previously had the Century Media reprints so I might have to track those down on Discogs unless original pressings are affordable.

Never sell off the stuff you think you outgrew because the older you get, the more childlike you are, and all those fun things become relevant again.

I also started a new job a month ago where I work with the guitar player for Tipper Gore–lambasted '80s shock rockers Impaler, and that's pretty badass. I think our talks about music is what resparked my interest in metal.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on June 18, 2023, 09:55:17 AM
I also started a new job a month ago where I work with the guitar player for Tipper Gore–lambasted '80s shock rockers Impaler, and that's pretty badass. I think our talks about music is what resparked my interest in metal.

I'll say! Congratulations on your new job. Hope it woks out for you for quite some time  :)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on June 18, 2023, 01:28:38 PM
Thanks. My previous job was rapidly swirling down the toilet to the point where they didn't have money for payroll, so I had to get out before suddenly there was no job to go to.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: knightmere on June 19, 2023, 05:34:58 PM
Always Drum N Bass
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on June 24, 2023, 12:05:02 AM

Children of Bodom - Hatebreeder (always thought of it as kinda power metal but I guess people say it's melodeath? I dunno)

I always wondered the same. I always thought of it as power metal with Gothenburg-style vocals. Hatebreeder was a banger, though. My favorite, mostly because of the sound production. Black Widow was my gateway into CoB.

Same with In Their Darkened Shrines for Nile. Nile's gold standard for me. Sarcophagus is still my all-time favorite song of theirs. I didn't think of it until now, but their sound was similarly raw when compared to CoB's Hatebreeder. Both bands still sounded cool with more "modern" production, but nothing beats their earlier stuff.

Heard something tonight that sort of blew my mind. I've heard of Oingo Boingo, but I'm definitely not familiar with them. Then this song came along:

This is right up there with Siouxie and the Banshees and Devil Master as far as stuff I never knew I needed in my life. Good god, this is awesome.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on June 30, 2023, 08:52:39 PM
Oingo Boingo's got some good stuff. I particularly like their first two albums.

I had a chance to go see COB, wish I had. I was supposed to go with my sister but was too tired from work; who knew Alexi Laiho would die a few years later. She's got a cool pic with him. They definitely ramped up the bombastic production on FTR and HCDR. Still good, but Hatebreeder is my jam for its sounds and compositions.

Nile's ITDS was a gateway album for me. I'd already heard and loved Opeth's Blackwater Park and that's what got me into death metal, but Nile was just so raw and powerful, more straight-up death than prog. I picked up ITDS and t.A.T.u.'s debut on the same day, haha. Both had heavy rotation (2003, I think?).
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on July 01, 2023, 09:18:49 AM
Oingo Boingo's got some good stuff.

Yeah, they did the theme song for the movie Weird Science. Danny Elfman was in that band before he went solo. Surprised me when I first heard of it.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on July 07, 2023, 10:39:52 PM
Oingo Boingo's got some good stuff. I particularly like their first two albums.

I had a chance to go see COB, wish I had. I was supposed to go with my sister but was too tired from work; who knew Alexi Laiho would die a few years later. She's got a cool pic with him. They definitely ramped up the bombastic production on FTR and HCDR. Still good, but Hatebreeder is my jam for its sounds and compositions.

Nile's ITDS was a gateway album for me. I'd already heard and loved Opeth's Blackwater Park and that's what got me into death metal, but Nile was just so raw and powerful, more straight-up death than prog. I picked up ITDS and t.A.T.u.'s debut on the same day, haha. Both had heavy rotation (2003, I think?).

Yeah I liked both Hatebreeder and ITDS for their relatively raw production sounds. Hatebreeder sounded like vintage 80s metal, and ITDS definitely sounded like a step back into old-school DM. Both are my absolute favorites of those respective two bands.

Yeah, they did the theme song for the movie Weird Science. Danny Elfman was in that band before he went solo. Surprised me when I first heard of it.

That's how I found their Dead Man's Party song, lol. I had Weird Science on my playlist, and Spotify lead me to an awesome recommendation, for once!  ;D I still listen to that song daily.

Here's my newest like:

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on July 15, 2023, 09:23:07 AM
I know that song! I've had it on my PC for a few years now. Ultimately I like this one better then the rendition done by Great Big Sea. I'm just not into certain types of folk music I guess.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on July 15, 2023, 10:03:11 PM
I know that song! I've had it on my PC for a few years now. Ultimately I like this one better then the rendition done by Great Big Sea. I'm just not into certain types of folk music I guess.

Ooh, I'll have to check out that version, too. Didn't know it was a cover, but it makes sense because it really does sound kinda folksy. I'll have to check it out for sheer curiosity.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: X on July 16, 2023, 09:50:48 AM
Great Big Sea did the cover. Slade is the original British group that wrote the tune back in 1984. I learned something new today  :)
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on July 28, 2023, 11:25:06 PM
Ha! I'm surprised. The Slade version, at least to me, sounds adapted from something else.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on September 22, 2023, 10:31:34 PM

Just decided to give Edge of Sanity's older stuff a spin after listening to their stuff previously and being pretty meh about it. This album was pretty good, but Sacrificed is an absolute gem. It's as if Sisters of Mercy and Gargoyle Sox had a baby, lol. Imagine finding a solid, straight-up gothic rock song tucked away in a melodic death metal album  ;D
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on September 23, 2023, 05:48:09 PM
EOS has some good stuff. Only really heard Crimson and Purgatory Afterglow, but by far the best song I've heard from them is "Twilight". Like that's a top ten death metal song for me.

Just stumbled on this band Wargasm, digging this song a lot. It's like early 2000s electroindustrial-tinged nu-metal mixed with Lords of Acid and digital hardcore. And the singer's cute and sounds a bit like Poppy.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on October 02, 2023, 04:58:03 PM
Digging 3TEETH's new album. Mick Gordon features on a lot of tracks and I wish he'd become their full-time producer/collaborator.

This is probably my favorite song on it. Has some strong Antichrist Superstar/Mechanical Animals vibes.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on October 20, 2023, 10:58:13 PM
EOS has some good stuff. Only really heard Crimson and Purgatory Afterglow, but by far the best song I've heard from them is "Twilight". Like that's a top ten death metal song for me.

Just stumbled on this band Wargasm, digging this song a lot. It's like early 2000s electroindustrial-tinged nu-metal mixed with Lords of Acid and digital hardcore. And the singer's cute and sounds a bit like Poppy.

Damn, okay, that's pretty awesome. I like how they have a similar guitar tone to Entombed and Dismember, and Swano's vocals are just as great as they are on The Spectral Sorrows. But this is more my speed.

Suicide Commando led me to more electronic stuff lately. And I heard this Ministry cover and thought, "look at how they massacred by boy" at first, but damn, I was hooked as soon as the chorus comes in. Still, I missed the original riff.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Abnormal Freak on February 24, 2024, 01:52:31 PM
Haven't bought a KMFDM album since 2003's WWIII. Heard some tracks off the new one and decided to pick it up, and I think it's great.

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Eric Roman on February 24, 2024, 05:47:44 PM
At some point Apple Music started dripfeeding me random bits of Touhou arrangement albums and one day WORLD THEORY got me rocking out to all the sproingysproingy between the moemoe moments:

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: JR on March 16, 2024, 11:31:33 PM
Been listening to more of this band over the weekend:

I really like their sense of melody. I've had a song of theirs on my Spotify for a while, but I just haven't thought to check out more until now.

Also digging the new Midnight and Aborted albums. Still waiting for the new Zombeast and Benighted albums to drop, too.
Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Eric Roman on March 19, 2024, 03:12:55 PM
Towards the end of last year Redrum put me onto Shoegaze and when I thought it'd be neat if there was some VOCALOID tunes to that flavor he found this:

Title: Re: Music you've been digging lately
Post by: Lumi Kløvstad on April 27, 2024, 01:01:35 PM
Oh man, I've been dipping into SO MUCH Goth and Darkwave music lately. Gotta reconnect with my School-era roots, you know?