A minimum of three original posts in any of the other forums is required before one can post fan stuff here.
This is done in order to prevent spambots from posting here. As a side-effect, newbies (people with the 'newbie' status) cannot post up any stuff until they've mingled in the other forums.
You can also make a post in CV General Discussion, and send any Moderator a PM and they'll move the thread here.
After three original posts, a 'newbie' becomes a 'hunter in training' and will be allowed to post here.
I hope this clears up any confusion.
Plagiarism is strictly frowned upon and it's a major offense in Fan Stuff and in Fan Stuff Contests. Therefore, any material that is found out to be plagiarized, whether by being copied, downloaded, or PrintScreened, etc. and used in another work, or claimed as one's own work, will be met with an immediate cease-warning. We understand that sometimes people use sprites or other material without realizing they weren't meant for public use. Thus, the cease-warning is intended to inform those who don't know they're doing something inappropriate about what's happening and give them a chance to mend their transgression amicably.
Intentional and willful plagiarism, however, is extremely distasteful and has absolutely no place at the Castlevania Dungeon whatsoever. Thus, the cease-warning will be given to the user via PM, and tell them that they do not have permission to use the resource in question, that they are in violation of our anti-plagiarism rule, and if they do not remove the offending resource, whether it's art, music, etc. from their work, they will be banned from the forum without the possibility of a return. If the user refuses to edit the plagiarized resources from their work or remove it entirely if entirely plagiarized even after being given a cease-warning, the administration will promptly PermaBan them. Should they return, they will be in violation of the Ban Evasion rule, and further punishments will be dealt as needed.