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Re: Super Castlevania 3 Project--Progress Report
« Reply #270 on: May 24, 2014, 07:44:12 AM »
Looks good Las the level couldnt possibly look any better. love the bone bridge and the idea of it crumbling. You out did yourself this time. epic. 

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Re: Super Castlevania 3 Project--Progress Report
« Reply #271 on: May 24, 2014, 08:01:19 AM »
Yeah..this is one of those levels i never saw coming..i wasnt planning on touching it really..but all these ideas popped out of nowere..the whole cereberus fire scene..the molten lava field..for xtra props even added the lava at the bottom. Much more eye appealing now..

Next stop the geodes...

but i will leave you guys first with a slight update to the keep. Keep in mind it's not yet complete..i have some tweaks to do to it furhtermore:
First some things of what i need to do to it:
-added but must adjust pinwheels so players cna jump across better
-fix the room 4 door(it is a gapping whole their)
-fix the keep room window so that the parrelexed bed, bedroom, and furnishigns show up in it(my coordinates are way off)
-fix drac so he's propped down not up on his thrown
-possibly add new waterfalls to clockgears room
-add in something to room 1..i wont yet mention if i can pull it off properly..
-also room 3 and 4 have open wide areas for a reason..if you think about it long enough you'll know what retro and i are planning..
-changed room 5's look
-added a hallway for room 6 instead of start of keep area
-combined keep area(old room 6) and attached it to boss room
-added in flying bats by the moon> if you look closely you'l lsee them
-added in lit up gargoyle heads
-added in some drapes
-if possible will add in crumble stairs for the keep stairwell

Pretty much that is it so far..i may make slight adjustments but mostly fixes! enjoy!

SCV3_Castle Keep Update-(still wip revamp)
« Last Edit: May 24, 2014, 08:09:46 AM by Las »

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Re: Super Castlevania 3 Project--Progress Report
« Reply #272 on: May 24, 2014, 10:07:48 AM »
Great Job Las. you did an amazing job in dracs keep. i thought it looked great at first but now its Epic. one thing though is that id like to suggest that you remove the 2 curtain in the room with the pendelums. they look out of place and have already been used in other rooms. plus i feel that it hides the beauty of the room. just a suggestion.

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Re: Super Castlevania 3 Project--Progress Report
« Reply #273 on: May 24, 2014, 11:25:57 AM »
Looks good! Although I think the grand piano is a little out of place in 1476, lol. My only real concern is with regards to Alucard's height and the doors. The doors are rather small and should be one 16X16 block taller as you would see them in say SotN, DoS and PoR. And because of Alucard's height his head will collide with the door frame rather then him seamlessly walking through the door. It might take a little work to do this but in the end it'll all be worth the effort  ;)
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Re: Super Castlevania 3 Project--Progress Report
« Reply #274 on: May 24, 2014, 01:36:46 PM »
Looks good! Although I think the grand piano is a little out of place in 1476, lol. My only real concern is with regards to Alucard's height and the doors. The doors are rather small and should be one 16X16 block taller as you would see them in say SotN, DoS and PoR. And because of Alucard's height his head will collide with the door frame rather then him seamlessly walking through the door. It might take a little work to do this but in the end it'll all be worth the effort  ;)

@ X you are right, the doors should be the 16x like in sotn. it would look better. and lmbo good catch on the piano. but hey, it looks good there lol. but technically it wouldnt have been there. Las is really good at putting things together and making it look great. ol draula may want to play piano before trevor kills him lol. his dieing wish

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Re: Super Castlevania 3 Project--Progress Report
« Reply #275 on: May 24, 2014, 02:28:46 PM »
Yeah oddly when he was sprited cv3 alucard i believe was about 3 pixels highter than sotn one..something like maybe why he appears weird through the doors. I dont know about changing the doors..maybe if i find this to the case long as they all fit through a 48x16 size it should be ok.. keep in midn the door and the transitions through the door have to be lined up just right..or the player wil come through the door a block above or a blcok below where they are supposed not sure with obrecks system there is much that can be done.. thusly the rooms sizes have to be either the same size when transititiong or the door area must meet the x axis transition through door area of the next room. If you see how it's done then you'd know what i mean..the one level in which everything goes haywire for this is actually teh sunke city..and i have no clue why..perhaps something with the room width is bothering rooms 1 and and in every other level it seems fine though. Occasionlly you will get this jilt..but im not actually sure why..perhaps where the door is positioned in teh previous room your comign from. that'd be my only guess. I may dabble with upscaling the size of the doors..but i did that already..many of these are smaller doors to begin upscaling may come at a pixelation should at least nice..I'll have to re-evaluate some of that..

As of now..i wouldnt get to over-excited.i get the external error or unexepcted error which wont even run the game..when i attempt the geodes.. I think i may have too many objects in the rooms which causes this.( i have to play around with that) For all intended purposes..i think at some piont i may need to find someone with enough patience to port this over to studio..i hear it can handle so much more in terms of sprite sizes.. I sure as hell hope effects will be much easier to code..with built in shader effects as opposed to using..plugins. Time will tell i guess..for now i'll cut stuff i dont need from the engine to see if taht helps..I'm sure i'll come up with some viable solutions..

primitves currently seem to be a bust..i know what i want where i want..and that i may have to re-uv map some models especially teh ones by kaxblastard which are in multipel textures..but are so finely detailed and very nice. The problem isnt that i can't code them in..i am pretty sure i have done that..the problem is obreck's engien is throwing up some blue or black sreen..depending on if i have a drawn background or not.. This causes nothing in teh room to be visible execpt at times the primtives..but tehy seem distorted..

Normally if am to try this using loader scripts for say mosaic..they come out fine in other engines..not a problem..something in terms of obreck's code is conflicting. It maybe the obj_camera code..i'm not sure.. But i think if the 3d code were some how adapted to that it maybe do able..Sadly i have no solid coding abilities..just odds and end things..I cannot re-write camera code or add to it knowing nothing of what im doing.. I think Terin and i came to this conclusion.. Still they would be amzing if the problem got solved...i just know it!

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Re: Super Castlevania 3 Project--Progress Report
« Reply #276 on: May 24, 2014, 02:51:08 PM »
Gotcha. no big deal about the doors. hopefully you anf terin can figure out the 3d issue. and if obrecks camera coding is conflicting with it then I guess we can try to figure that out. hopefully its not too much trouble. ;) so far though we got the game looking good. im excited with how things are turning out. keep up the great work Laslund.

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Re: Super Castlevania 3 Project--Progress Report
« Reply #277 on: May 25, 2014, 06:48:11 AM »
Well the 3d primitves will probably have to get figured out afterwards. I do have some of them that would look amazing if we can ever figure out the blue/black screen issue. That is for a later time though. As for now,though, i have the external error which i can work with..which allows for now audio or snd fx..i am finding if i cut things down or out of the engine all togehter that arent needed this seems to help and eventually the game will run normal. Also i am finding that within the confounds of each room..i can't have too many tiles or objects or the game will have an unexpected error and not run at all. HOwever i believe through parrellex bacgrkounds..and room creation code their maybe a solution where i can have extra objects or tiles in a room.without ever placing the object of them in it. IF this is the case...and im' right..then it will allow me to do even more of what is literally no extra size in the engine.. This would be great. I'm prettty sure there is a way to do it(like instance coding within an object...just rooom creation code) say i wanna use a set of waterfalls from one waterfall. But place one object in teh room..yet have room creation code say instance_create(200,y) another say instance_creaty(400,y) i mean..if this is the case..i can accomplish more..with less.  IF things are more effecient they will simply run better and smoother. Which is what i'm curretnly trying to do before really hashing out the geode caves..

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Re: Super Castlevania 3 Project--Progress Report
« Reply #278 on: May 25, 2014, 12:42:03 PM »
Dude, again that molten lava cave is beast. also what happened to the fire on cerberus? Either way its kool. i just think that a little of the back ground in boss room should show the lava and fire. dont take the whole bg out just cut it by the creases of the wall and have the center show the lava anf fire. and if you add the little gremlings, id make red gremlings. exclusive to that level.  ;D

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Re: Super Castlevania 3 Project--Progress Report
« Reply #279 on: May 25, 2014, 05:10:13 PM »
Yeah..i will add the gremlins to that level. It's soemthing that crossed my mind a couple times now. I may fiddel with cerbererus's room background to show a little fire in the back gr0ound..but i'd like to keep the core room the same.. It does seem way to cliche to have the fire in the background during the drac x and sotn..i mean the level basically states or represents a hellish inferno anyways.. I do think the gremlins is a great ideas..if i can think of any other fire elemnt enemies tha'td be a good addition to that level maybe we can add them. As it is we've some some ideas for the geode caves..attempting some nice waterfalls and even icebergs.. Yeah..we'll suprise you with some enemies their..wont say what though..

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Re: Super Castlevania 3 Project--Progress Report
« Reply #280 on: May 25, 2014, 05:21:30 PM »
Alucard in bat form looks kinda small to me...I know it's regular bat size but shouldn't a bat form look a bit bigger than normal?

That lava needs a filter or an effect added to it as it looks pretty basic.

I like the idea of all the traps it adds a gameplay element to the game that wasn't there before.

You should add animation to all those portrait paintings. Glowing eyes, etc. at the minimum.

I would keep those scrolling clouds but the water line seems ways too high. Especially at the castle keep, half the castle would be underwater at that height!

A lot of the 3d primitives seemed forced. I know that you mentioned that you guys been working on them, but it seems like you are waaay further with your levels and now you are going back and trying to incorporate them after the fact into the levels. I wouldn't worry too much about them, I mean they don't add too much to the aesthetics of your levels, to be honest a lot look out of place. If you are going to incorporate them, then I would make the whole level around them such as that revolving room or just certain sections of a level. I.E. boss battle backgrounds. They also seem to be hampering your progress and honestly, the game doesn't seem to need them.

That's all I got right now, I must say I am enjoying the level revamp layouts and the incorporation of traps. I would focus more on having some unique trap obstacles for the player to navigate through that a unique and cool idea.

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Re: Super Castlevania 3 Project--Progress Report
« Reply #281 on: May 25, 2014, 06:48:30 PM »
Thanx for your observation and feedback darkmanx. yeah I agree about the water animation in the keep that it should be moved down more as it seems a little too high. as for alucards bat for, well we decided that sotn bat was to big. the bat we have could be a little bigger but not by much really. we want his size close to the other bats in game. and I like the idea of the animations in the paintiwith glowing eyes. i actually came up with that idea before in the past but we never got around to it yet.

@ Las, I have another idea about the spike traps. maye we can have them pop up out of the brond in different sequences. addind more ot a timed challenge to it. and yeah we can keep the boss room close to how it is now due to the level already advertising a hellish nightmare. even though we dont have 3d primitives all the way and corrected, just keep at it. we'll eventually get the results we are gunning for. it will just take time. twould been easier on us if we probably had added primitives during the build of the levels. but hey, Its ok, it was a late idea lol. but better now then never.

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Re: Super Castlevania 3 Project--Progress Report
« Reply #282 on: May 25, 2014, 10:00:07 PM »
Well after relooking at it again..the water level may be slightly high but only in the last room. Though the intended look was for it to be far away..the program we use doesnt really allow for it to carry much depth. Reiko would problay know more about it than i has to do with the ripples it produces.. Also the reason it may seem a bit high and not super that the clouds we use have a limit..tehy aren't generated by unless i hand sprite or edit fit a higher sizes( believe me it aint gonna happen) i am basically stuck with that unless we get someone who can code in cloud features like that(which i can then lower the water level).. I have been talking around and may have someone who can help with that.. sadly alot of old tutorials carry little in teh way of what cv games have for effect. The drac x effect being one of the rare few. So everything that is effects for the project is basically being made for it, and not borrowed from an old tutorials for the most part. From teh 3d chapel, to the mirrors, to reflective water code..all of that is someting that is not found elsewhere. Yes they stil lneed to be perfected..but that is something we'll have to deal with in time..and that is something anyone making a cv game in game maker would have to deal with up until studio,where the use of shaders makes things easier. A straight up conversion at some point may help,but only when we are ready.

As for the lava like the clouds..they aren't it sucks up more juice in teh engine. If they are coded in at some point..then things may run more smooth/effecient. The only things the lava doesnt have is the bubbles..but it be added through code..spawned bubbles..Not a big deal their.

Now onto the primitves..while you may not see the need to have them..and they may not appeaal to you..believe me when i say..they would hold great use in specific areas of our games..and if inserted properly you would know exaclty what im' talking about.. Especialy seeing how our 3d modelest kaxblastard made them speficifally to fit our game. If we can jsut get past the blue/black screen issue..then i'm certain things would shape up. I"m not sure if tiles can be used when 3d prims are in a room.. perhaps only objects.. This is not a problem as i can just use sprites/objects instead.. The primitives however are a learning process and only through the use of loaders will it be easier to do. The other way..drawing vertices might require the uvmapping of the models to have pin point accuracy, at least that's what i hear. And seeign how i didnt make's best to use a loader..

Yes this project has taken a while..and at times..we've struggled through hell to make things happen..but we must push forward..make a game that people are going  to fully wanna play,or at least that is the intended idea. With that being said..their maybe areas that need to be sacrifced..however to have little in terms of special effects done properly, no 3d primtives..and just hash things togehter for the sake of completeing it, seems to be of poor a process.. I'd stick with trying to make this game all it can be..before fully moving on to another project,and fully plan to do so... i think that is where too many people make their mistakes.. they take on 2-3 or more project..never fully completeing even one.. Why make it hard.. i say if we have a vision on the game..let's go for it!!

Oh and as for that alucard bat..yes it could be abit bigger..but not much reiko stated for a 320x240 screen size sotn alucard bat is just way too big in size..

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Re: Super Castlevania 3 Project--Progress Report
« Reply #283 on: May 26, 2014, 04:50:14 PM »
Hey Las, yeah man I need to fix those water ripples. ill get on that sometime. its an easy fix.

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Re: Super Castlevania 3 Project--Progress Report
« Reply #284 on: May 26, 2014, 09:30:52 PM »
Yeah as soon as im done with Geodes..i'll give you some of the regular backgroudns for it.. I'll have to fiddle with it looks like it's in tehr right area for water..But in all honesty...even if we do that..we'll need a cloud generator code..or it will not look correct. Though they dont pertian to what you'd do for water..the clouds would have to be roughly or slightly above or even at the moutains..several times i played with the y coordinates..and the clouds looked like they are coming out of the water..that's no good. But yeah..i will talk to you later about that..for now i'll keep pumping out the goede caves. It's comng along none the less.  ;D

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