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General Castlevania Discussion / Re: Domino’s Pizza
« Last post by zangetsu468 on October 18, 2024, 10:56:15 PM »
Anyone else plan on getting? or will I be the only one lol

I picked up like 5 copies for research and grading purposes
Fan Stuff / Re: A Konami shared universe might be fun
« Last post by Kaneda on October 18, 2024, 12:57:57 PM »
I could see Snatcher or Policenauts being connected with Contra in some way. Maybe even Metal Gear.

Personally, I'd like a Castlevania/TMNT game.
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: A Little Rant
« Last post by Belmontoya on October 14, 2024, 08:52:55 AM »
I think the Lecarde family deserves an official game.
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: A Little Rant
« Last post by GuyStarwind on October 13, 2024, 09:21:46 PM »
A lot of good points have been made. Unfortunately, I'm still not in favor for the lack of Belmont power. I'm just a simple guy and just like Belmonts as my main focus.

It was mentioned to erase everything after SotN. I'd be all for it. *as I look around for extreme fans* heck erase SotN too (I like it but don't love it. I mostly don't care for Alucard). I like the idea that the Belmonts have always been around and there isn't a set time-frame all this happens in. There really is a lot to work with here. And that's not to say they can use characters and themes from the Iga games but yeah a new approach is needed.

Finally. I've been playing OoE, and I wish it was more Simon's Quest in terms of exportation or even Infernax. The world on OoE isn't one big world, it's a bunch of little areas pretending to be one big world. In games like Simon's Quest, you had to actually travel to point A to B to C and not just teleport to them.
200 usd for 3 emulated ds games and some plastic crapabilia is a crazy deal
« Last post by Aceearly1993 on October 09, 2024, 04:56:37 AM »

There's ultimately a softlock hidden very deep by getting a game over when the save slot is empty and doing an iron soul-like, no save playstyle on the slot, which keeps hidden for all these checks until Fixed recently. By modifying this, the game's save logic will be finally on par with IGAvania games.
General Castlevania Discussion / Domino’s Pizza
« Last post by crisis on October 08, 2024, 04:49:01 PM »
So apparently this collection is getting a physical release, with all sorts of merchandise included. This will be the first time I’ve purchased a Castlevania game in over 10 years!

Pre-orders end this Sunday (the 13th) and although typically I’m not a fan of CV products not officially released by Konami, this Limited Run package caught my eye for some reason. Don’t know why. The standard edition will be the typical price $34.99 USD while the deluxe edition with all the additional goodies will set you back $200! The standard will ship in February while the deluxe won’t land until July unfortunately

My only gripe is that, they definitely should’ve included Adventure ReBirth (which is still inaccessible, legally) and a proper release of Grimoire of Souls, which I technically own but I dislike playing games on my phone.

Anyone else plan on getting? or will I be the only one lol
Fan Stuff / Re: A Konami shared universe might be fun
« Last post by The Puritan on October 07, 2024, 09:02:35 PM »
Contra; Metal Gear Solid almost made it in.

Aw, that would've been fun.  ;D Wait, is ParoVadius something you did? This sounds like something more true to the whimsy crossover spirit of Wai Wai World than the serious one I have in mind.

1988 wai wai world

I wouldn't have minded a third WWW before the Pachislot era ngl. Then again there's Otomedius.
Fan Stuff / Re: A Konami shared universe might be fun
« Last post by LuxKiller65 on October 07, 2024, 07:40:53 PM »
1988 wai wai world
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: A Little Rant
« Last post by theplottwist on October 06, 2024, 11:02:15 PM »
Wasn’t there an entire village full of Belmont relatives in OoE

If I recall that was a point of contention here back in 2008, a lot of fans were saying how it was “unrealistic” that a gang of Belmonts just so happen to be living amongst each other

They're distant relatives, not full on descendants. And the game explains they gathered in the same place because "it's the land where Dracula sleeps". Their blood seeks to crush Dracula, and it eventually leads to Shanoa doing exactly that. It's a literal miracle, not an "unrealistic coincidence".
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