I think what people will say as their #1 is very subjective. I agree that MoF is the absolute worst of the series and even though I haven't played LOS2 and people tell me how shit it is, I can't see it being any worse to be frank.
Now I'm going to address some things which you've stated that make no sense whatsoever:
9. Portrait of Ruin
Get a boost up because there isn't any seal. Still with that artwork, it ain't going up much.You can't praise a game because of the shortfall of another game, that is a straight-up bad opinion - I don't care how biased I sound. It's like me saying I don't like turkish delight, so when someone asks me of my opinion of chicken I respond "I like it because it's not Turkish delight", completely irrelevant. Your opinions of POR should be based on the game's merits and shortfalls, as your criteria states... Where does it state criteria about other games???
11. Circle of the Moon
Still a good game. This one has a better quality of graphic/music, but way too slow for Metroidvania."Still" in what context?? "Better" quality than what/which other games and in what context?? I understand it being relative to other games but which ones? Why do you keep basing your opinions on things which you're not properly explaining the context of?
19. Dracula X
Straight inferior version. Don't expect anything.Assuming you mean XX - Bullshit, it's widely considered the inferior version for several reasons. Namely, it missed content that ROB had. Playable Maria and two other women are missing, and this is the original version of the story of ROB.
Having said this, it's not everyone's opinion. In my experience XX's graphics are less crisp (maybe more scratchy), however, some of the effects such as the fire in the first level do appear superior. (It's difficult to compare the graphics because I've only seen ROB on an emulator, though I'd say it's graphics are noticeably better than XX)
The anime cut scenes are gone (no big loss) and the art style itself - which is 25% of your criteria - is vastly superior and more suited to Castlevania than ROB's imo.
The same goes for the level of challenge for a 16 bit game. (even on the normal route). Furthermore the game is completely different, the stages are not similar aside from the first level.
The music, also 25% of your criteria is technically better for certain tracks, so you can't say it's worse in a technical sense. If you believe the tracks are all garbage compared to Rondo's, then I'd listen carefully to both, because it's certainly not the way you're making it out to be.
17. Simon's Quest
shitty gameplay. Just play Zelda 2. If it's worse then this, you know that's not good.
No mate, this is a SHITTY opinion, but on top of this, it's an even worse analogy.
CVII/ Zelda II in open world design I understand, but ....How the fuck can you compare Castlevania's gameplay to CVII's gameplay and say CVII is shit?

It's the same fucking gameplay... Have you even played this game? Please tell me what differentiates the gameplay itself between CVI and CVII??
That's like someone else saying they didn't like Zelda II because the game was too similar to Zelda 1... WTF dude.. #badopinionsRbad How you can even compare the gameplay between CVII/ Zelda II is beyond me.
Criticise the design, the riddles, the puzzles, that you didn't like the open world or the weapons etc whatever, but the gameplay? Please... Your opinion is uninformed, it's the same as Castlevania 1 which you've listed as #5.... This opinion of your opinion is not biased nor an attack, it's analytical and informative that CV's gameplay was used in CVII.. Aye-yaye-yaye