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Do any other games from that era use whatever audio compression SotN uses?

I would say "Maybe they all have weird voices because they're vampires/possessed by vampires" but that wouldn't explain Maria talking like she has a slight Darth Vader filter too.

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I wonder if the reverb was done purposely to make it sound like the characters were talking inside of an immense castle. To try and give it a bit of an echo effect.
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Re: Why does everyone in SotN talk like they have gated reverb in their voice?
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2019, 01:30:31 AM »
It might have also been used to cover up something in the recordings that might have otherwise compromised the audio.  Didn't MGS recordings actually pick up traffic outside so they had to rerecord it when the game was remade?

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Re: Why does everyone in SotN talk like they have gated reverb in their voice?
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2019, 05:14:57 AM »
You definitely want to use a little reverb in a game where the entire thing takes place in the halls of a large castle. They just didn't have a very good reverb effect and it was used with a heavy hand.

It's also good to use because yes, it does help mask any unwanted room noise.

But being that the vocals were recorded in a studio (since this was before the days that every VA had a home recording set up) I would say they did this as an atmosphere effect.

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Re: Why does everyone in SotN talk like they have gated reverb in their voice?
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2019, 09:34:23 AM »
It might have also been used to cover up something in the recordings that might have otherwise compromised the audio.  Didn't MGS recordings actually pick up traffic outside so they had to rerecord it when the game was remade?

Is that what happened? I had heard the dialogue was redone for Twin Snakes and then used again for the clips in MGS4, but I didn't think it was due to traffic. That's interesting.
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