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Re: Konami, push more CV on steam!
« Reply #30 on: October 03, 2016, 09:49:47 PM »
I'll also chime in that I'm disappointed that DXC isn't compatible with the Playstation TV... That was actually one of the major reasons why I bought one off clearance for $20. Damn.

I bought the PSTV exclusively for DXC and Final Fantasy IV complete...I'd still say it'd be worth it just for FFIV on the big screen in HD, but I'm not too sure it's really Konami's fault for this one, Sony's "whitelist" seems to be more of the issue from what I've read.
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Re: Konami, push more CV on steam!
« Reply #31 on: October 03, 2016, 09:53:30 PM »
...However, not a total loss and there are some great games worth mentioning that actually make the PSTV worth owning. All of the PSP Ys games are purchasable and playable along with the Vita exclusive "Ys: Memories in Celceta". So the PSTV is my Ys machine, ha ha...

Well... that makes me wish I got the PSTV on clearance.  I've finished YsI&II, Oath in Felghana and VI, so knowing that I missed out a chance to play the remaining Ys games (excluding V, which is on the SNES and apparently a black sheep and VIII, which is not out in non-Japanese territories yet) for relatively cheap kind of bums me out.  (I'm counting Oath in Felghana and Memories in Celceta as versions of Ys III and Ys IV respectively).

Also, with SEGA's Genesis titles on Steam (as KaZudra pointed out), maybe Konami could reach out to SEGA and get their Genesis games released there.  At this point though, we're more likely to see the Tecnosoft library get released on digital platforms long before that ever becomes a thing... if it ever becomes a thing.

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Re: Konami, push more CV on steam!
« Reply #32 on: October 03, 2016, 10:44:18 PM »

I'm so there, dude; my money is ready. 

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Re: Konami, push more CV on steam!
« Reply #33 on: October 03, 2016, 10:49:40 PM »

I'm so there, dude; my money is ready.

Nothing's set in stone atm for SEGA apart from Thunder Force III... but you know, the fact they're not only acknowledging it, but also releasing it in a compilation does bring up high hopes.  Apparently they are looking into rereleasing the other titles, so might want to keep an eye out.  Hopefully this means Thunder Force IV and V releases that don't send your wallets down the wazoo!  That, and Hyper Duel.  Love me some transforming robots.

