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General Castlevania Discussion / Re: Castlevania: Marbles of Souls discovered
« Last post by Eric Roman on May 22, 2024, 11:35:40 AM »
Is Slogra in it?
The Funcoland SotN card is such a cool relic. Am I reading that right? Its a pre-order of SotN that includes 3 minutes of paid phone calls? I've never heard of such a thing.

I remember going to Funcoland as a kid, buying a used copy of Castlevania Adventure for like $7, and disliking it so much that I never bothered to play Belmont's Revenge... until much later, after reading about how much better it was than the original.
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: Castlevania: Marbles of Souls discovered
« Last post by crisis on May 22, 2024, 05:25:38 AM »
Those remind me of the Castlevania Phone Cards that were released as promotional material a while back. Obviously only available in Japan but I was lucky enough to snag most of them


Well, at least it isn’t another DLC.

I’ve wanted them to release more Castlevania related cards for a while now.  This is one way to get them, I suppose.

id kill for those cards. damn.
General Castlevania Discussion / Castlevania: Marbles of Souls discovered
« Last post by Reinhart77 on May 21, 2024, 08:34:45 AM »

Well, at least it isn’t another DLC.

I’ve wanted them to release more Castlevania related cards for a while now.  This is one way to get them, I suppose.
Fan Stuff / Re: Spritework Request & Showcase Thread
« Last post by whipsmemory on May 21, 2024, 07:09:43 AM »
I drew our beloved patriarch. My first attempt at some proper pixel art, Im finding it quite enjoyable! Im thinking of making more characters in the same format

A true-to-form stage-by-stager would be swell. 😎

I've given up on any halfway decent Castlevania game being made. Just look to the indie devs—and to that end, Odallus: The Dark Call is as good a Castlevania or Demon's Crest as any. It's ancient at this point (9 years) but still a gold standard. Then there's newer fare like Demons of Asteborg, or something in between like the GnG-inspired Battle Princess Madelyn: Royal Edition (Switch-exclusive but possibly better than the original multiplatform version). Konami would just pawn off CV to another developer and end up with something mediocre like Cuntra: Operation Gallagher.
A true-to-form stage-by-stager would be swell. 😎
The dual touch screen indeed poses a problem, but if they were dedicated they would think of a solution. It’s not impossible.

If a Switch DS collection would happen, then they could include: Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin (the weakest of the IGA trilogy but it does have its moments of greatness), Order of Ecclesia, and maybe even Mirror of Fate. As a extra bonus they should include Adventure ReBirth. I skipped the last collection but I would be ALL OVER this if they make it happen.
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