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Re: Castlevania Order of shadows gameplay trailer
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2007, 05:09:02 PM »
That is one terribly animated Belmont. =P

(WTF? He jjust walked through a waterfall of flames)

Offline John Capricorn

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Re: Castlevania Order of shadows gameplay trailer
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2007, 02:32:01 PM »
I'm not down with a CV game being on cell phones, it just doesn't seem right...


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Re: Castlevania Order of shadows gameplay trailer
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 2007, 06:04:32 PM »
Sounds like Desmond Belmont is destined to fade into obscurity along the ranks of Reinhardt and Sonia...

...except Sonia has quite the fanbase as a character, and Reinhardt is probably as popular as (lol) Hector.  If you're going to post, please make sure you know what you're talking about.

Anyway, I bought the game last night and have to say that it isn't terrible.  Now, notice how I worded that.  For a cell phone game, the controls aren't horrendous.  It's relatively short, but also more than a bit linear (you can freely roam the Order's mansion/grounds, but it's pretty useless to do so unless you have a compulsion to collect all items in the game).  The storyline and in-game text, while not super-complex, makes passing references to Renaldo Gandolfi (which even I have to admit is very cool, despite my dislike of LoI) and the Renard family.  All-in-all, it's a pretty good cell phone game, if not an average Castlevania game.  Though, to be honest, it's not as huge a departure as, say, DoS or CoD...all of the basic things needed to make it a CV game are there.  Hell, it's even got pretty good music (which is reminiscent of tracks from other games at times).  The only real problem is getting the best ending...which eludes me at present.

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Re: Castlevania Order of shadows gameplay trailer
« Reply #18 on: September 30, 2007, 07:29:26 PM »
Quote from: VoDkA
...except Sonia has quite the fanbase as a character,
Really? How many are there, a handful of people on a few message boards?

and Reinhardt is probably as popular as (lol) Hector.
Reinhardt is just as lame as Hector.

If you're going to post, please make sure you know what you're talking about.

I'm talking about Sonia & Reinhardt, the black sheep of the Belmont family. There always seem to be someone that wants to defend their honor, which is ridiculous IMO. Did I offend you by implying they're non-important?


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Re: Castlevania Order of shadows gameplay trailer
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2007, 09:15:05 PM »
Really? How many are there, a handful of people on a few message boards?

That, and apparently enough to influence Paul W.S. Anderson, who's making the Castlevania movie.  Apparently, that's not enough for you, though, so...

Reinhardt is just as lame as Hector.

Reinhardt was an actual Belmont, not some IGA Mary Sue who could (ZOMG) kill Dracula by looking at him pretty much.  Given that, I'd say Reinhardt is twice the character Hector is.

I'm talking about Sonia & Reinhardt, the black sheep of the Belmont family.

Right.  Black sheep.  And why is that?  Oh, right, because IGA has deemed them as such, and IGA's opinion is probably why you deem them as such, as well.  So...really, you have no basis for this claim other than "IGA agrees with me," which is no basis at all, IMO.

There always seem to be someone that wants to defend their honor, which is ridiculous IMO. Did I offend you by implying they're non-important?

No, you offended me by being ignorant/incorrect and claiming that they were "forgettable" which, at the very least, Sonia Belmont is not (if only for the reason that she is the only female Belmont protagonist in the whole series).  As for Reinhardt, I'm just telling you like it is.  It doesn't have so much to do with honor as it does with giving the devils their due.  It also has to do with the idea that, if IGA didn't exist, we wouldn't be having this conversaton right now because you'd more than likely side with whatever the current producer would have to say about Sonia, Reinhardt, Hector (if he'd even exist), and the series at large.  That's just how people like you are.  *shrugs*

And that's that.  Let's not deviate from the thread's intended purpose anymore, shall we?  We're here to talk about OoS.

Offline John Capricorn

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Re: Castlevania Order of shadows gameplay trailer
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2007, 09:42:37 PM »
I beleive it was you who deviated from the thread's topic.

Back on topic, CV cell phone graphics for teh losorz.


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Re: Castlevania Order of shadows gameplay trailer
« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2007, 09:54:36 PM »
I beleive it was you who deviated from the thread's topic.

Yeah, Crisis.  Stop doing that.

Back on topic, CV cell phone graphics for teh losorz.

In defense of the game, they're at least SNES quality.  On the downside, they're at least SNES quality.

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Re: Castlevania Order of shadows gameplay trailer
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2007, 10:00:49 PM »
Quote from: VoDkA
That, and apparently enough to influence Paul W.S. Anderson, who's making the Castlevania movie.


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Re: Castlevania Order of shadows gameplay trailer
« Reply #23 on: September 30, 2007, 10:15:18 PM »
He's not directing it anymore.

Well, then I guess that erases his intention to put her in it.  Oh, except it doesn't, since his intention was to put her in it--and that makes Sonia's fan club = more than a "handful" of people on a few message boards.

Mr. Schneider isn't even a full blooded Belmont.

Point being...?  Something related to a rule that was conceived for PoR, a game that came long after CV64 and LoD?

I guess I can give him points for having Simon's costume as an unlockable.. but whatever

Well, I'm glad you approve.  /sarcasm

You're assuming I cast them aside just because IGA did, which isn't the case. I never liked them, even before IGA came along  :o

Sure you didn't.  I believe you.  No, really.

Sounds like another "iga sucks the series would've been better without him" rant..

Uh...except that's not necessarily true, seeing as how I like some of what IGA has done...specifically, AoS, DoS, and  the godly SotN.  PoR wasn't the greatest, but it was serviceable.

the only reason some people seem to like Sonia/"keep Legends alive" is because of her last name, nothing more.

Actually, it's more likely because she's a lone main female protagonist in a series of male protagonists.  Also, she has an interesting backstory...trained by her grandfather to kill Dracula and that sort of thing.  But way to disregard all that in favor of some IGA-thumping propaganda.

With Reinhardt, he's amidst the ranks of Nathan Graves & to a lesser extent Desmond Belmont, other "lost causes". Just stirring some controversy, peoples  :-*

Unfounded controversy is more like it.  Support for this claim would be appreciated.

Hey, maybe if Ressurection wasn't cancelled Sonia would still stand a chance?  ;)

First of all, Resurrection was cancelled, not Ressurection.  Second, the reasoning behind the game's cancellation has little-to-nothing to do with Sonia's involvement in the storyline.  So...I fail to see where this is going.  Nice attempt at a slam, though.

But it was just starting to get interesting..  ;)

Getting your ass handed to you is something you find "interesting?"  That's a new one to me.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2007, 10:32:13 PM by VoDkA »

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Re: Castlevania Order of shadows gameplay trailer
« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2007, 11:06:13 PM »
Quote from: VoDkA
Well, then I guess that erases his intention to put her in it.


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Re: Castlevania Order of shadows gameplay trailer
« Reply #25 on: October 01, 2007, 12:03:51 AM »
Where was it stated that Sonia was to be in the movie? Do you have some inside info?

It's been around the 'net for awhile.  What, are you just joining the party...?

Point being he has just as much relevance to the bloodline as Nathan or Jonathan, 2 other lame--err "misunderstood" characters (I don't wanna offend any of the fanboys).

...oh, I get it.  You're new here, right?

First of all, Nate's not a Belmont.  Never had the Vampire Killer, never mentioned up front OR in passing that he's even remotely related to the Belmont family.

Second, Jonathan is kind of important (as is John Morris, his father), since he was holding onto the whip for the Belmonts because of blah blah blah retcon to the rules for holding the whip.  Assuming that Reinhardt is back in continuity (somewhere, citing the timeline that came with either CoD or PoR--I forget which), he most likely holds a similar role to the Morrises.  So it would seem that what you deem as "relevant" is quite subjective.  I mean, I'm sure the argument could be made that, for all Juste did (and didn't do in his game--a game that really adds nothing to the series and didn't even need to be made), he was a lot less relevant than Johnathan Morris...and he was a "main bloodline" Belmont.

Yeah, sure. I believe you. No, really.

...except I've never claimed otherwise on this board, or any other, and have even gone out of my way to defend those games several times. 

You really ARE new, aren't you?

Haaa... if that's your opinion on "interesting backstory" then you have poor taste in characterization. Her story is just as amusing as Grant's (except Grant's is slightly better).

More interesting than the plain, bare-bones "lol, go kill Dracula" backstory.  And i find it interesting that you don't seem to like Grant, one of the four main characters of CV3.  In fact, everything you write kinda smacks of n00b.

I'm guessing you're not much of a Simon fan, either.

You don't really provide a good argument on Reinhardt's behalf, Sonia's neither. Maybe others could share their views & challenge my opinion?

That's because all of the arguments have been provided time and again on this board, over and over and over.  If you think you're the first to bring these things to everyone's attention, you really need to lurk more.  As for other people chiming in, it's not likely; like I said, this has happened so much that I doubt anyone really cares anymore.  Even I'm having a hard time caring all that much.  Now, if you were IGA and had some actual bearing on something or other, people might be more vocal.  But, as of right now...meh.  You're just the new kid.

I like it when people start to pick at spelling errors.

I like it when people can't spell basic words. exists for a reason.

I also like it when double-standards exist.

Just by involving Sonia, the storyline is screwed.

Uh...the storyline was screwed, yes, but not because of Sonia.  The whole time-travel thing was the problem, and that existed somewhat independently of Sonia; that is, Sonia wasn't the trigger for the storyline.

Maybe the developers realized how lame it was turning out (on top of all the other headaches they had to deal with)& canned it?

If you've ever read any articles on why the thing was canned, you'd know that that's what was claimed by the dev team.  Apparently, the biggest headache was the gameplay mechanics.

Legends sucked, Resurrection probably would've sucked, and Sonia's the link between them.

And your logical fallacy seems to be that Sonia wasn't just the link, but the reason for the suckage--which is completely and utterly unfounded.  Legends sucked because the gameplay was a step back from Belmont's Revenge.  Resurrection was a problem primarily due to play mechanics.  In both cases, the storylines were secondary issues; case in point, look at CoD and its popularity on these boards.  The story is terrible, cliched, and hackneyed.  The characters are, mostly, stale and pedestrian.  Yet the gameplay and combo systems are reasonable and mostly smooth.  Gameplay has everything to do with what makes or breaks a game.

I don't think you handed me my ass.

It's okay, sonny-jim.  I'll let you limp away with your e-pride because you're new and because I really don't care all that much.

This isn't a fighting game or anything  ::) Unless you count correcting my typo.

I do.  Frankly, that was just me being a jerk, as is most of this post...but, yeah.

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Re: Castlevania Order of shadows gameplay trailer
« Reply #26 on: October 01, 2007, 06:17:29 AM »

Where was it stated that Sonia was to be in the movie? Do you have some inside info?

It's been around the 'net for awhile. What, are you just joining the party...?

...oh, I get it. You're new here, right?

In Anderson's intitial script, Simon and Christopher Belmont and some dude name Vals or Vlas are the heroes.
Maybe you guys should make a different topic for this arguement...

Back on topic, I think they've did a decent job with the game, rather than opting for just a bland port. It's nothing special, but then again it's for a cell phone, so...
the story could've used some work.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2007, 06:34:14 AM by Azmodan »
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Re: Castlevania Order of shadows gameplay trailer
« Reply #27 on: October 01, 2007, 09:01:17 AM »
Ressurection was cancelled because of the ps2 and they gave up on the dreamcast.
the ppl who made it said that
very sad would had been a very cool game and alot of ppl love sonia
not just for her last name what a crazy thing to
oh well like he said tho this has went on forever and its not something to even get into
you don't like them fine i'm happy for you.
they are ppl who do tho and whats the point of fighting over it?
i think sonia's bad ass wile you think she sucks.
i'm sure you like something that i think is dog shit
its the way life is ppl like many things and no one is just alike.
my self i like all the old and all the new i'm a rare one i

but if they ever make a castlevania game into a FPS or turnbase i'll never play that trash. ::)
as long as they don't do that i'll always love castlevania ;D

as for the cell phone game.
i really wish i could play it looks very cool:-[
anybody know of a cheap cell phone that'll play alot of cell phone games?
i hate cell phones with all my life but it's the only way to get these cool games :-\
i got an emu for cellphone games for my pc and i would buy them but you can only get cell games over a phone:(
wish they had a download buy kinda

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Re: Castlevania Order of shadows gameplay trailer
« Reply #28 on: October 01, 2007, 09:36:49 AM »
This is not the point of this thread, but my opinion is that Schneider was a passing belmont character.

On the other hand, i like Sonia very much and i would really love to see resurrection on a other console or a new game with her as the main character. Legends, was the first Castlevania to introduce a female as the main hero of the game and i really like that change. I just hope that IGA has some plan's for her.
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Re: Castlevania Order of shadows gameplay trailer
« Reply #29 on: October 01, 2007, 12:38:20 PM »
Quote from: VoDkA
blah blah i am vodka blah blah
Sorry but I stopped reading your response when I realized how pointless it was to continue. I apologize if I haven't come across your fun-filled posts from years ago (was doing more important things with my life), but I promise I won't sling anymore mud towards the Sonia/Reinhardt camp.

Hey, to make amends, maybe I'll start a petition for NECA to produce Sonia & Reinhardt in the next line. And, if we're lucky, IGA would decide to reinsert them in the timeline in maybe a stylized remake! Wouldn't that be neat? I'm sure that'll make the all-knowing, ancient poster of message boards veteran you claim to be happy..

Quote from: mgfcortez
oh well like he said tho this has went on forever and its not something to even get into
I agree!
