Just finished watching Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Movie again, and this being my sixth or seventh viewing of the film, bolstered by having seen the show through to the end and having read the original manga (I hadn't done either when I first encountered the movie), I can say the movie is FINALLY beginning to open its heart and reveal its secrets to me.
It's a lot like End of Evangelion, in that the film loves to screw with you and just be seemingly random for no reason (like that bit at the beginning of the last act when Utena suddenly turns into a car which Anthy then climbs into and drives away in, all with no explanation given and a side bonus that even Anthy is clearly weirded out and traumatized by what she just witnessed happen). It took all these repeat viewings over the years and context from the other versions of the story for me to realise what I think the intended symbolism was: representing how Utena's interactions with Anthy give her strength and enable her to escape her "prison of fate" and determine her own course in life for the first time. The tv show just had Anthy walk out the door on her own at the end to symbolise that, but I guess the movie felt that imagery was too subtle.
It doesn't help that there are no fewer than FIVE SEPARATE R.G.U CANONS(!): the original manga, the anime, the movie, the manga of the movie, and two light novels -- all of which are separate stories that are not linked with the others.
My advice to anyone watching this movie for the first time: watch the show first, read the original manga, and then make your own judgments upon watching the film -- the film's director and the manga's author have both stated that there's no right way to interpret the story and that all interpretations are correct.
But Revolutionary Girl Utena is not a thing to be missed for any reason; it's one of the greatest anime franchises ever made and the art style of the TV show and film ought to be displayed in museums.
Make like an Assassin1 and get on with it!
1Nothing is true, everything is permitted.