Currently rewatching Chobits with English dub. The world that human and very human-like computers living together kinda reminds me the world described in Mega Man ZX though the MMZX world is in a total war driven by some old shit piles and its purpose is to end the energy crisis and other troubles in a rather brutal way and much less daily life were shown in MMZX world
If some REALLY advanced computers like Chobits, with considerable destructive power, became stable models and mass produced by government, then it surely has the possibility to burn out some kind of wars as cruel as maverick reploids wars and cyber elf wars. Thanks goddess the designers of Chobits never let that happen; The model never get a chance to be mass produced in such a good and peaceful world... But who knows if the seed of war burns out anyway?
Chobits was great, even if it had the common CLAMP tropes, there was one particular episode that gives me heavy feels.
I've been wanting to watch Dragon Ball Super, but too hard to get episodes. Might have to just wait until the English duh comes out. I'm just over all the spoilers people are posting these days, especially on Instagram.
DBSuper is great story-wise, animation-wise it could be perfect if 1/3rd of it was just drawn out sequences (I understand this is to keep pace with the manga, but damn, I hope the US version can edit roughly 2 episodes into one). on the bright side, DBSuper brings a fresh approach to the series constantly throwing off fan theorists with bold curve-balls making it very hard to predict.
Asset reuse is very much common for animes.
The split screen is best, imo.
In a world where super sentai can shorten their henshin, Sailor moon sticks with it's guns (even though it's basically a FMA brotherhood approach)