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Playerunknown's Battlegrounds sells over 10,000,000 copies
« on: September 07, 2017, 07:48:07 PM »
and its still a few months young

Battle Royale novel and movie started the concept, which inspired other movies and games

its not some monolithic platform holder trying to make fetch a thing,

its not some AAA publisher throwing money at the press to hype the fuck out of whatever tepid iteration to a decade old formula they think is the new hotness,

and it isn't some focus tested lowest common denominator aggregated user analytics spawned skinner box.

Its a dude who played a game, made some suggestions to a game, and made a really fun new type of game from that.

Like DOTA before it, and like CS before that.
Its hitting it big because its fun and it resonates with people.
Its a genuine "grass roots" success.

Konami should make a Castlevania Battle Royale game.  and all hunters and monsters are playable in a giant dark gothic island with a castle in the middle (and they could hve towns and mansions, like a next gen 3D open world version of CV2's world), last one or team surviving wins.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2017, 09:35:29 AM by affinity »

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Re: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds sells over 10,000,000 copies
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2017, 01:41:50 PM »
Two of my friends got banned because they unknowingly took out some streamers they'd never heard of. 0/10. The game might be fun, but the way the moderation handles players doesn't seem to be.

Edit: One of the top reviews on Steam:

This game is incredibly enjoyable, exciting and gets my adrenaline rushing like nothing I've ever played....

BUT, until the devs stop banning people because streamers say they were "harassed", I'm giving it a thumbs down.

Devs, honking a horn is NOT harassment. Explain to me how that effects someones stream or is harassment? Kill the person if they're doing that, and if they're in your squad, don't play with that person again (DUH). Also, when you're constantly being thrown into random servers, the odds of actually "stream sniping" someone is virtually impossible. This isn't like other games where you can find the server name and follow the streamer into it. Who the hell made this decision?

Also, the broken promise regarding microtransactions. That is pretty goddamn shady. That's bad enough, but when there are so many glaring areas that need work, ignoring all of that to add a feature you said you wouldn't add until release is a straight kick in the nuts to your supporters.

Devs, don't forget: We made you successful, and we can undo that by choosing not to buy anymore games from someone who isn't trustworthy, and thinks prioritizing streaming to the point of BANNING legitimate players who may not even be aware the other person is streaming is INSANITY. Whoever made this decision needs to be FIRED.

You guys have created a PR nightmare for yourself and until you make it right it's only going to get worse. It's like you started out with a row boat and now you're flying around in a Yacht. Except now you decided to blow a hole in the bottom of the yacht, allowing it to take on water (which will inevitably sink it), but you choose to pretend the hole isn't there and that you didn't make it. GET BACK TO REALITY.

Actual hacks deserve a ban, not because someone did something that some sniveling streamer didn't like.

Oh hey another one:

How to make 100's of millions in a few months with barely any effort:

1: Take a really fun idea for a game (it has to be survival & multiplayer so your friends will pressure you into getting it)

2: Get an engine and make a handful of lazy assets (you can just asset flip them if you want extra super lazy dev points)

3: Make a map and fill it with the same boring assets over and over

4: Release game in barely playable state in Early Access but charge full price

5: Don't bother optimising or adding content but make sure you add microtransactions instead

6: Steal underpants

7: Don't bother doing any more work, you're already a millionaire so screw the people who paid for your game

And there you have it. An exact transcript from the preliminary development meeting at Bluehole...

PS: I have actually enjoyed about half the time I've spent in this game (when its not lagging crashing or bugging out), but the way things are going with the developers the future of this game looks extremely bleak. Just like DayZ standalone, it will never be finished because they don't have to care any more. Prove me wrong Bluehole, prove me wrong.

And another:


Aaaaand another:

Reasons I like PUBG (my opinions):
- Currently best game of its genre (Battle Royale)
- First person only mode (I don't like 3rd person shooters)
- Matchmaking is instant, 100-player games fill in seconds
- Being able to trade or sell loot boxes on steam market
- Updates are constantly fixing and improving things
- Despite its shortcomings, PUBG is still very fun to play with friends

Reasons why I'm currently giving the game a downvote (my opinions):
- Developers banning people for "stream-sniping" is disgusting
- Developers banning people for completely justified friendly-fire is disgusting
- Developers banning people for "exploits" in an early access game is disgusting
- There's still an enormous number of gamebreaking bugs
- Overall gameplay still feels incredibly clunky
- Looting is still headache inducing and feels really bad most of the time
- Vehicles can still glitch out and kill you for no reason
- Netcode and hit-detection aren't great, and I don't think they can ever completely fix that
- Horribly unoptimized (I can run it just fine, but most of friends cannot)
- Melee is still a sick joke

I don't regret my purchase (especially because I made most of my money back already by selling loot), but at $30 PUBG is a shakey recommendation at best. This is one of those games that feels like absolute trash, but you put up with because it has some really good moments. There's a lot of downtime where you're just walking or looting, but each time you win a match it's such an exhillirating feel. Overall I wouldn't recommend this to anyone in its current state, unless you've got a group of friends to play with, because it's just way too rough around the edges and the developers have been making some terrible decisions lately with the player bans and policy changes.

Generally I don't buy pre-order games or buy games on Early Access at all for a ton of reasons -- this is definitely among them. Wait until the game is finished before making a purchase guys. And in the world of Early Access Titles, that's a hefty sized "IF" instead of "until".

Tell devs to actually finish games before accepting money. Obviously, if you choose to buy it, I can't and won't stop you, and furthermore I honestly do hope that you enjoy the game. But the way I see it, these 10,000,000 sales are sitting on a throne of lies. It's not a runaway homegrown success story. It's a con-artist pretending to have a runaway homegrown success story so you'll buy into their scheme. "Buy this snake oil! Guaranteed to cure whatever ails you! Ten million bottles sold can't be wrong!"

Sales ≠ Quality.


This is obviously only true for as long as the game remains in Early Access. If it releases and the problems are fixed? Brilliant. That's all guys like me ever wanted from this situation. But based on top reviews and the first-hand accounts of friends, I really recommend you spend your money on something a lot more finished. Don't pay to be a playtester like apparently ten million people already have. Though with 10,000,000 beta testers, the data they ought to be collecting better be goddamn FLAWLESS.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2017, 05:58:19 PM by The Bloody Time Lord »
How not to be a dark lord: the answer to that is a terribly interesting answer that involves an almost Jedi-like adherence to keeping oneself under control and finding ways to be true to yourself in a way that doesn't encourage the worst parts of you to become dangerously exaggerated and instead feeds your better nature. Also, protip: don't fuck with Alchemy or strike up any deals with ancient Japanese Shinigami gods no matter how tempting the deal or how suavely dressed the Shinigami is.

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Re: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds sells over 10,000,000 copies
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2017, 12:33:17 PM »
banning stream snipers is dumb. if streamers play to win, they would not stream.      stream sniping is dumb too, but streaming in itself is a loophole that streamers get themselves into like a sitting duck, so they shouldn't complain, and they probably get real money from streaming no matter the results.

as for early access,  people that bought the early access game are getting their money's worth.   for something with technical issues, PUBG proves it doesn't need to be flawless to be playable and enjoyable, regardless of the kinks, most still play it daily overall.  it's not for everyone, but people already generated 100s of hours of entertainment from it, which is more than $60 polished games they only play once or get bored of the same day/week/month they bought it.

so yea whether early access for launch build, people can do their research and weight the pros and cons to decide if its current build is worthwhile.

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Re: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds sells over 10,000,000 copies
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2017, 03:24:02 AM »
I've recently bought this game with my friends and it's really fun, hopefully it doesn't stay in early access hell just because it's really popular (I'm looking at you, Rust).
Regarding the crates, they did the same thing Blizzard did with Overwatch, added some last minute gambling to cash in on the addicts, is it a good thing? no, but that's not the end of the world, i can live with microtransaction as long as they push quality updates (and possibly fix the performance as soon as possible).

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Re: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds sells over 10,000,000 copies
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2017, 07:13:23 AM »
when is the Battle Royale japanese girl playable? 

 I heard they are paid DLC, though that's better than trying to get that from a random loot crate.
