So as I might have mentioned,
I'm rather fail at fighting games.
But I've always wanted a fighting game to be good at.
Enter, as of this morning, Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower on PSP. Several friends have recommended Darkstalkers to me over the years (and I admit, I've always wanted to play the games but the PS1 games are a bit on the pricy side if you want them in good condition), but somehow failed to mention this gem of an integrated port. That should be a sin.
I say "integrated port" because it's 3 games in one. As in, you are quite literally playing 3 games at once. Ever wanted to find out how Morrigan from Darkstalkers 1 would fare against Demitri from Darkstalkers 3? Well prep that shit up and see how it goes. Which is a positive BEAUTY of this game: swappable movesets. Each character has the option of using their moves from any of the previous releases, which really should be a standard for these kinds of releases.
And the difficulty of the single player is marvelously customizable. I found a perfect little difficulty nook I was comfortable in, and started beating the crap out of anything and everything pretty quickly after a few warm-ups.
The game is well balanced, and ready for any and all comers.
There's also that little bit of Darkstalkers being entirely the kind of Castlevania fighting game we had always wanted and deserved.
Yes, I'm pretty fucking late to this party, but better late than never.
For those who haven't played it, BUY THIS GAME. You owe it to yourself to do so.
End gushing.