The more I've thought about it, the more I've convinced myself I really wanna get a 3DS XL at launch, lol.
The only troubling thing, and I've had this confirmed over several emails with Nintendo, is that I likely won't be able to do a GameStop trade-in, assuming they do one where they give extra credit for swapping a 3DS for an XL. Reason being is the only way to transfer system information, including all downloaded games (encompassing purchased games, Ambassador games, and Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition), is to link up two 3DS systems via Wi-Fi. So I'd need both my current 3DS and the XL in my possession in order to do this.
You'd think that since my Club Nintendo account is linked to my system, I could just deactivate it from the old unit, activate it on the new, and redownload all my games, but that won't do...Nintendo said so themselves. For all the innovative things they do, they're in a lot of ways behind the times. If I were to get a new PS3 or 360, I could simply link my PSN and Xbox Live accounts and download all my games again.
There ought also to be the option of downloading all your data to an SD card and transferring to a new system that way. But that doesn't work either. Come on...
Ah well. Perhaps GameStop won't give extra credit for a trade-in and I can just bring the 3DS in later and use it toward Xenoblade Chronicles and some other things. Or maybe employees/management will allow me to plug the new 3DS XL in and do the transfer in their store. :p
Which brings up another concern... Anyone know if it's true that a new device's battery should be charged fully before using the device? I've heard that not doing so impedes the battery's maximum charge. If the GameStop folks were to even allow me to transfer in their store, I'd be worried that turning the XL on right away while charging, transferring the data, and then interrupting the charge to bring the XL home would stunt the battery.