1) I made the death animation and now the message You are Dead is shown after the end of the animation.
2) I also changed the color of the menu buttons (Equipment, Usable Items, Enemy Data etc.)
3) I FINALLY and Successfully removed the damn walking freeze bug, where the character just saty one one place and perform his walking animation!
4) When you play the game and you save it the controls switch (Z and X) will be saved as well.
5) Now when you are hit you will can walk through the enemy for the duration of the invincibility (Around 1 sec)
I am still considering the change about the dagger and the sword. I do not know why do you guys want the sword as your starting weapon when you can get it 3 mins into the game if you explore a little

Btw some people said that when you collect Elexirs of Life and you level up you lose health ... well this is not true because you are added new health to your current health. Those things only give you more capacity to store health not actually HEAL you. I did this mainly because I want the game to be challenging because it will not have NEW GAME + etc.

I hope you understand my idea.
I will have to re-do the starting screen Name/logo of the game ("Castle of Nightmares").
So after that I will post the new link with the download and if there are no more problems I will continiue with the second castle are which will have some new features added to the game like Teleportation Chambers, Spell System and nice quest puzzles in order to continiue your exploration into the Castle.
PS: I just want to say that I know you all want a better product that is flexible and easy to use(navigate etc.) but this is my VERY first project, I have absolutely no programming background (I have marketing & management degree

). However I am doing everything I can so you can really like this game because Unfortunately I do not think Konami or any other company will make more 2D Castlevania games anymore