Deadline for submissions: August 31st (11:59 PM PST)
Judgement: by forum poll from Sept. 1st to Sept. 5th at midnight. Winners are announced when the votes are all in. Judges are welcome, just tell me in the thread.
Remix any Castlevania tune for a summer-y feel Rules:
Anything goes! (minus collabs)
Short tracks are OK.
Make sure you write the original title of the song + the game it came from in the description of the track.
Prizes: Award medals for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.

Guidelines for Participants:
- no deadline extensions
- post your entries as links on this thread
- contestants may update their entries freely before the submission deadline.
- you may withdraw any entry at any time before the judgement begins.
- the winner chooses next month's theme (if he/she declines, the forum members, or I shall decide on the theme)
CLOSED due to lack of entries