2- The Re-Creation of the beta Ver. of the Golem from RoB and in the future(if my skills "improve") the lost boss from the SotN screenshot from that old Dengeki hobby article.
Here is my 1st amptemt at Re-Creating the Golem and... I'm not satisfied with it because i messed up with the proportions.
So I'm gonna start all over again but I'm leaving the 1st Ver. here for introspect and feedback.

I just gave 1 tone of basic shading to have an idea for later on when i start fully shading it.
First of all, great post, thank you for keeping this forum's best thread alive. rips are very well put together, lizard tail is fitting, and the hammer dude looks great.
as for the golem, sucks that ya got so far before realizing it was off proportion. definitely been there before.

using the power of overlays, we can deduce a couple things. i overlayed a full screenshot with the lifebar and a sprite of richter in the same pose as the beta screen, and matched the proportions for both as closely as possible. lifebar was pushed right up against the top left of the screen it seems like? makes sense that they'd space it out a bit to account for overscan
secondly, i did some calculations (too sloppily for me to have recorded my work lol) to get the character-to-screen ratio for richter and the beta golem
and theeen i brought an overlay of the old golem against richter heights
i only needed to do one of those things but i wanted to triple check for accuracy, that the beta golem is almost exactly 3.6 jumping richters tall. taking into account the blurriness of the photo, the slight curvature as well, it's likely that the golem was either 168 or 176 pixels tall (21 or 22 tiles((if his sprites weren't moving around freely in the screenshot))). based on his pose he's probably just a little bit wider than the final golem.
also did a lil traceover of the guy once i had the beta screenshot as close as i could to the original pixel size.

about 50-60 pixels smaller than your iteration, but still absolutely colossive. hope this is useful!