LULZ @ Square Enix remaking Final Fantasy X for Vita instead of FF VII.
FFX won't fit 'remake' standards, just sprinkled with High Definition and maybe trophies, which don't enhance the gameplay or presentation much. (which isn't the same as updating the 3-D graphics to FFXIII standards, added content, extra cutscenes, and more like Resident Evil 1 remake and MGS remake.)
If anything, FFX on Vita should count more as a slightly updated "port" than labeling it as a "remake".
Well of course videos/screens of it has yet to be seen, but it will be no surprise if it turns out to be like Silent Hill Collection, which are basically the same exact thing as the originals with HD tagged over it.
I think even SE is aware that FFVII "HD" isn't going to be accepted as a remake people demanded for years (especially after seeing that FFVII PS3 Tech Demo), so that's probably why they are trying it with FFX instead.