If all else fails, just imagine Dark Souls is the next Castlevania game. It has whips as weapons, and a dark soundtrack!
That dog won't hunt, Monsignor!
Dark fantasy with a whip... that's how we got Lords of Shadow.
Interestingly enough, while I always love the medieval-set CVs, there's just something more about the 18th-19th century Enlightenment-Victorian era I like more. Like CV64, as far as 3D CVs are concerned, I'd love to see THAT ear tackled instead of medieval again. LoI, CoD, LoS, all fairly medieval worlds. Even though it might've been hoping for too much, when IGA started to talk about making a game that dealt with Quincy Morris and CV's version of Stoker's novel(how the events went down in the CV universe), to envision that setting, I kinda got giddy. We've had CotM, RoB, SotN, HoD, OoE and the CV64 games, but with the recent venture into 3D, it's a setting I'd love to see realized.