it's my opinion but I feel Cox is one of the last people that would care about 2D Castlevanias.
They are busy finding ways to make money themselves and make games THEY want to make, not what the fans want. They will twist and spit on the Belmont and Dracula names and people will still buy something like a LOS2 because it has Castlevania on the title, new graphics, a whip, names like Belmont and Dracula, and that bald Star Trek guy narrating it. But we know those things don't simply make a worthy Castlevania, even if it raised the graphics bar in the industry, that won't make up for the horrible uncastlevania gameplay and awful story direction Cox did with it.
As for Operation Akumajo, it is the best attempt the fanbase has ever made to give Konami a wake up call. But skeptical people shouldn't jump to conclusions that "if we say this, then Konami will do this." Fans should just go with it since there's nothing else fans can do besides rant on the boards about what Konami is not doing, and if it doesn't work, then try a different approach next time. If it doesn't work, Castlevania fan campaigns don't have to end with Operation Akumajo, people can learn from it afterwards and make the new campaign better instead of doubting everything.
Okay, some people don't like Castlevania HD, people don't need to buy it to show their support to this campaign that Cecil made. And people fear that if PSN Castlevania HD sells great, then all Konami will make is a Castlevania HD 2.
EVEN IF that were the case, that wouldn't be worse than Konami again outsourcing Castlevania to Cox or some other company of idiots that don't have a brain to make a brilliant quality 2-D Castlevania that fits in the main timeline, and have the benevolence to work with IGA as producer to get that 1999 Demon Castle War done (because honestly, IGA understands Castlevania better than anyone else in the industry. They created the metroidvania SOTN, they made the legendary DS games, and the onlinevania HD, as much as haters deny it, is a revolutionary Castlevania in many fun ways while staying true to the core 2-D gameplay. )
People really have nothing to lose supporting this campaign, if they really are Castlevania fans. Whether peoples contributions are big or small, whether they buy PSN Castlevania HD, or instead choose to simply submit their anniversary comments/suggestions on Facebook or through Youtube, etc.
Fans can help in different ways, even if they only do one of the things suggested in this campaign, it's
much better than being negative, cynical, and just plain useless as a Castlevania fan.