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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #30 on: September 13, 2011, 11:35:42 AM »
It's funny.  The general rhetoric here is so negative.  The complete opposite of the Mother fans from, which I frequent.  They're optimistic, and unite in record numbers when it comes to the series.  It's too bad the Castlevania fans are the complete opposite ...

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #31 on: September 13, 2011, 11:42:04 AM »
It's too bad the Castlevania fans are the complete opposite ...

Given Konami's actions as of late, how can you expect the CV fanbase to be optimistic?

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2011, 11:44:18 AM »
The way I look at it, is we've given Konami the chance, and they've time and again, not given the fans what they've wanted.  So, what's the next logical step?  Take that into our own hands anyway we can.  If we sit on our asses and mope, we won't get anything.  Not saying it's guaranteed if we tried, but it's sure a hell of a lot better than doing absolutely nothing at all.

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #33 on: September 13, 2011, 02:55:57 PM »
OMG, it`s the first time I agree with what affinity said.

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #34 on: September 13, 2011, 03:32:28 PM »
The way I look at it, is we've given Konami the chance, and they've time and again, not given the fans what they've wanted.  So, what's the next logical step?  Take that into our own hands anyway we can.  If we sit on our asses and mope, we won't get anything.  Not saying it's guaranteed if we tried, but it's sure a hell of a lot better than doing absolutely nothing at all.
Oh I know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna stop giving a shit about Castlevania, just like I did with Berserk, because the guys at Konami are full of shit. They think we're a bunch of morons who'll buy anything, just because it has the Castlevania name in it. I'm not going to buy Hod, Los or any other game that isn't convincing . There are other things more important  in life than "saving" a game franchise. 
Sorry for the negative post, but I've really had it with the attitude and logic of some of the members.

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #35 on: September 13, 2011, 04:52:45 PM »
I don't really understand your post.  If you're done with the series, please do us all a favor and move on, so we don't have to read useless posts, such as this.  My posts are aimed at people who still care about the franchise, in at least some capacity.  They are not meant to stir people who are already done with the series.  And I don't care for the personal attacks because I am at least still somewhat positive that a difference can be made.  When did being optimistic become such a hated and loathed thing?  Wow.  I mean, seriously?  This fan base has become cannibalistic, and just eats up and spits out anyone who still have a shred of hope for the series accomplishing something in 2D.

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #36 on: September 13, 2011, 05:01:59 PM »
fans sent in hand written letters.  I don't remember the number exactly, but they were mailed all at the same time, and it must have been some hundreds, because it really got Nintendo's attention!

Interesting, I suppose the disadvantage of sending emails is that they can easily just be deleted with the rest of the spam but if we sent 169 physical letters to konami then they would at the very least need to take enough notice to fit them all in their bin ;D
I like it!
« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 05:18:21 PM by C Belmont »

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #37 on: September 13, 2011, 05:12:24 PM »
I don't really understand your post.  If you're done with the series, please do us all a favor and move on, so we don't have to read useless posts, such as this.  My posts are aimed at people who still care about the franchise, in at least some capacity.  They are not meant to stir people who are already done with the series.  And I don't care for the personal attacks because I am at least still somewhat positive that a difference can be made.  When did being optimistic become such a hated and loathed thing?  Wow.  I mean, seriously?  This fan base has become cannibalistic, and just eats up and spits out anyone who still have a shred of hope for the series accomplishing something in 2D.
I still care about the franchise, even if it's just a little bit,  but if this goes on I'm not sure if I'll want to support it anymore .And I didn't mean you specifically by that comment. I'm just tired of how some people are naive, and seem to think that Konami will do what we want if we buy their games. Games that some of us like and some don't. Like it or not we can't do much for the series, because we're divided, and Castlevania isn't a major franchise. We can always voice our discontent to the road the series has taken, but Konami won't do much about it, because it's not MGS.I know these arguments have been brought up countless times before, but that's how things are.
 And to be honest, I'd rather see the franchise die, than seeing it take the LoS or Hod route. Call me pessimistic if you want, but we gave Konami a lot of chances to prove us wrong, and they always let us down.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 05:15:18 PM by Odile Kuronuma »

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #38 on: September 13, 2011, 05:44:51 PM »
Been googling the Mother 3 campaign(s) & it looks as though they sent both physical letters and emails

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #39 on: September 13, 2011, 06:04:56 PM »
The way I look at it, is we've given Konami the chance, and they've time and again, not given the fans what they've wanted.  So, what's the next logical step?  Take that into our own hands anyway we can.  If we sit on our asses and mope, we won't get anything.  Not saying it's guaranteed if we tried, but it's sure a hell of a lot better than doing absolutely nothing at all.

This is pretty much what I've been saying this entire time, yet people keep ignoring it and doing nothing or simply are content to bitch and it pisses me off.

When you've done everything in your power to try and change how things are, even knowing it might not get you anywhere, THEN you have the bitch to piss and moan because you KNOW you've done everything you could and it did nothing. THEN you have a real right to bitch and complain. Whether or not you agree with what Operation Akumajo is doing, at least it's a goddamn attempt to do SOMETHING other than whine about how Konami slighted the fans yet again. Get off yer duffs and do something!

It's no wonder they don't take the core fans seriously. From what is evident here, most are downers and don't deserve to be paid any mind anyhow.

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #40 on: September 13, 2011, 07:25:37 PM »
What we really need is to find some friends in high places, looking at how Soul Calibur V got rolling it was only because someone on the inside agreed with the fans voices. Unfortunately the only contact we know from Konami's ranks is David Cox & while some of the hate towards LOS has since been patted out of the operation it was still practically created in response to it (at the very least that’s what it looks like). Besides that I tried asking Cox about his thoughts on a decent 2D game via twitter & he has yet to reply & probably never intends to.

I suppose another option would be to seek help from individuals already with a strong desire to make a 2D or 2.5D Castlevania for Konami rather than going to Konami themselves since they’ve shown 0 interest what so ever.

After Castlevania Judgment, LoS, and HD's epic cheapness --The 25th Anniversary bust was the tipping point that got everyone really fired up.  If Cox is interested in supporting 2-D, that's certainly news to me.  Regardless, he's not a Konami employee and has little to no say in the future of 2-D Castlevania --remember Mercury Steam was specifically hire to reboot Castlevania in 3-D...  If there were an insider to help us plead our case, that person would need to working in Japan.

And the only person who might be willing is none other than Koji Igarashi.  He has a personal Facebook account and he has been accepting friend requests from many, many Castlevania fans...  I recently posted a message on his wall to thank him for his work delivering Rondo to American shores with the Dracula X Chronicles, but I'd hesitate to bombard him with any kind of campaign on his own personal account.  If it were a group page like Operation: Akumajo's I might feel differently...  Perhaps just one post to at least make him aware of our activities...

Although I agree with many of you that Igarashi was due for retirement, he is needed for the Demon Castle War.  And he could still be a big help to make sure 2-D Castlevania is left in good hands...

People really have nothing to lose supporting this campaign, if they really are Castlevania fans.   Whether peoples contributions are big or small, whether they buy PSN Castlevania HD, or instead choose to simply submit their anniversary comments/suggestions on Facebook or through Youtube, etc.   

Fans can help in different ways, even if they only do one of the things suggested in this campaign, it's much better than being negative, cynical, and just plain useless as a Castlevania fan.     :)

Very well put Affinity.  :-)

You know there's an obvious and elegant solution here.  For those who purchase HoD, write Konami a letter, and let them know you've done so because you support Castlevania, but also that it's not the kind of game you'd like to see released again in the future.  So the money talks, but so will the letters.  You'll have more credibility too, as a fan who supports the series, but has some criticisms on where it's headed.

BINGO!  JACKPOT!  FTW!  Kudos to you for reading the WHOLE STRATEGY!  :-D

Cecil-Kain, if you don't mind me asking, are you taking motivation from the Mother 3 movement by any chance?  Some of your ideas seems similar, such as posting YouTube videos from the fans.  The reason that movement was "successful" however (in terms of getting Nintendo's attention) is because fans sent in hand written letters.  I don't remember the number exactly, but they were mailed all at the same time, and it must have been some hundreds, because it really got Nintendo's attention!  Unfortunately, in the end, Nintendo decided to leave Mother 3 untranslated, but they did respond directly to the cause.  If you could do something similar with Castlevania, even if it was a hundred letters or so, all mailed at the same time, in combination with emails and the Facebook page, would definitely get their attention.

Also, I wouldn't rule out Cox.  I know at least one person has asked him about 2D Castlevania on his twitter page, and he obviously ignored it and didn't respond.  But imagine a flood or hundreds of questions regarding it non-stop.  He would have no choice but to respond, in some capacity.  At the very least, it would get his attention.  Just a thought.  We can use Shawshank Redemption as an example, haha!  Persistence will get you that library still.

I considered phone calls and snail mail as part of the overall strategy, but I had doubted the fans would be open to taking that kind of time...  Very well...  Let's get it out there.

Now the other contact info

Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.
2381 Rosecrans Ave, Suite 200
El Segundo, CA 90245
Tel: (310) 220-8100
Konami USA
9am - 5pm PST, M-F,
Fax: (310) 220-8200

9-7-2, Akasaka
Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-8323
Tel: 03-5770-0573
Fax: 03-5412-3300

Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd
9-7-2, Akasaka
Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-8324

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH
Frankfurt Head Office
Berner Str. 103-105
60437 Frankfurt am Main
TEL: +49 (0)69 985 573 0
FAX: +49 (0)69 985 573 62

Konami Digital Entertainment Limited
Romm Nos. 611B, 612 & 613, 6/F,
Tsmi Sha Tsui Centre,
66 Moody Road,
Kowloon, Hong Kon
Tel: 852-2956-0573
Fax: 852-2956-2300

but PLEASE do not send ANYTHING until 9/26/11!

Oh and to answer your other questions...  I was not familar with the Mother campaign you're speaking of --I'd probably save myself some trouble if I could find the time to study these other movements a bit more closely.  As for targeting Cox on his twitter --I just don't see that working out.  He's not even a Konami employee...

The way I look at it, is we've given Konami the chance, and they've time and again, not given the fans what they've wanted.  So, what's the next logical step?  Take that into our own hands anyway we can.  If we sit on our asses and mope, we won't get anything.  Not saying it's guaranteed if we tried, but it's sure a hell of a lot better than doing absolutely nothing at all.

Right on!

Interesting, I suppose the disadvantage of sending emails is that they can easily just be deleted with the rest of the spam but if we sent 169 physical letters to konami then they would at the very least need to take enough notice to fit them all in their bin ;D
I like it!

Perfectly logical.  And if you have the time, why not do both?

I still care about the franchise, even if it's just a little bit,  but if this goes on I'm not sure if I'll want to support it anymore .And I didn't mean you specifically by that comment. I'm just tired of how some people are naive, and seem to think that Konami will do what we want if we buy their games. Games that some of us like and some don't. Like it or not we can't do much for the series, because we're divided, and Castlevania isn't a major franchise. We can always voice our discontent to the road the series has taken, but Konami won't do much about it, because it's not MGS.I know these arguments have been brought up countless times before, but that's how things are.
 And to be honest, I'd rather see the franchise die, than seeing it take the LoS or Hod route. Call me pessimistic if you want, but we gave Konami a lot of chances to prove us wrong, and they always let us down.

Harmony of Despair is gonna cost -what?  $15?  $20?  That's less than half a tank of gas for my truck....  I probably paid $100.00 for Lords of Shadow's Limited Edition plus all the DLC...  Not to mention the $100 dollars or so spent on the PS2 Castlevanias...  HD is REALLY a small price to pay IMO --and remember, it's just a piece of a larger strategy...
« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 07:28:16 PM by cecil-kain »

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #41 on: September 13, 2011, 08:09:03 PM »
Harmony of Despair is gonna cost -what?  $15?  $20?  That's less than half a tank of gas for my truck....  I probably paid $100.00 for Lords of Shadow's Limited Edition plus all the DLC...  Not to mention the $100 dollars or so spent on the PS2 Castlevanias...  HD is REALLY a small price to pay IMO --and remember, it's just a piece of a larger strategy...
No thanks.

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #42 on: September 13, 2011, 08:48:34 PM »
Like Affinity Said, If Harmony Of Despair isn't your cup of tea, you should support the cause by purchasing Rebith.
as for me, I'll be purchasing both. (plus I already have HD on 360 + all DLC)

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #43 on: September 13, 2011, 08:50:15 PM »
Yeah I will, when I get a Wii.

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #44 on: September 13, 2011, 08:53:55 PM »
Yeah I will, when I get a Wii.
Same Here. with a price tag of $150 Including Mario Kart. this Console will be bought very soon (Plus I look forward to the Boss Wii Games and LoZ Skyward Sword)

"I ain't gonna let it get to me I'm just gonna let it get to me" -Knuckles
