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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #45 on: September 13, 2011, 10:07:25 PM »
If the operation was to win the approval/support of studios like wayforward or Vanillaware do you suppose that would help convince Konami of the potential profitability of a modern 2D castlevania.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 10:16:53 PM by C Belmont »

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #46 on: September 13, 2011, 11:51:38 PM »
WayForward: No. Not that they don't make quality games, just that their games, for whatever dumb reason, sell like twelve copies each. Which blows, because I fucking loved Contra 4.

Vanillaware: Maybe...? Depends on how much people like Dragon's Crown, I guess. It being only 30 bucks is a huge, huge incentive though. I don't know why more 2D console games haven't gone that kind of budget route; would make them seem like much less of a risk to publishers. I certainly hope Konami takes a look at this, because a similar route may be our only hope to ever see a new physical media 2D game on consoles ever again.

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #47 on: September 15, 2011, 03:36:35 PM »
Hey i got an Idea!

Download Bloodrayne: Betrayal and write on the Official Castlevania facebook wall and say you downloaded it because you wanted to remember what it used to feel like to play a Castlevania game lol

Ok don't do that lol

Loving BB btw its fun and hard

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #48 on: September 15, 2011, 04:06:52 PM »
Hey i got an Idea!

Download Bloodrayne: Betrayal and write on the Official Castlevania facebook wall and say you downloaded it because you wanted to remember what it used to feel like to play a Castlevania game lol

Ok don't do that lol

Loving BB btw its fun and hard
It's not a bad idea. If everyone would buy it, then Konami will realize that 2D games are still viable. And yeah we should write to them to explain our motives.
I honestly would love to play it. You don't see many 2D games that look so good, and fun to play .

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #49 on: September 15, 2011, 06:33:30 PM »
If you got the console and the money, i say get it XD

A lil repetitive yea and i wish they had more music (the music is good tho) but the difficulty is hard so it's a fun ride lol

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #50 on: September 16, 2011, 08:23:20 AM »
Ok. What im seeing here is two arguments.

"We should show our displeasure with our wallets. Not buying HD, and not buying Konami"

And Cecil kain's argument,

"we need to buy HD to show theres Castlevania support."

way i see it, the first is more logical, although both could end up a lose lose situation.

Say we pay konami and buy HD to support the franchise. We get HD 2, and Konami latches onto that new castlevania mold.

We boycott HD and dont buy it. they figure theres no interest in castlevania and dont make new games.

Except maaaybe LoS. maybe. if its sales do good by their books.

but the first argument is the more sensible one. Think about it.

there are many other ways to support the franchise. Buying merchanidse, buying virtual console games, etc. and just telling them outright, "we dont like HD and what its done and we wont buy it, the fans have spoken." and then proceed to boycott it.

You should look at what 100,000 Strong and the "Get Me Off The Moon" campaign is doing for Legends 3, or what many of its members are suggesting. simply not buying Capcom products that are not Mega Man. Some are not even buying those, Boycotting Capcom altogether, "Mega Man is dead, RIP Mega Man, Cancelled Man", etc.

Actually, now that I think about it, you need to narrow your focus.

TYou want konami to retain the original timeline, you want them to retain 2D, and you want them to discontinue the HD mold.

narrow your focus. one plan of action at a time. pick one, go with it, and later you can add others.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 08:25:09 AM by Flame »
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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #51 on: September 16, 2011, 11:00:51 AM »
I agree with Flame. I can't fully get behind Operation Akumajo because I don't feel like it represents me as a Castlevania fan (especially after urging everyone to buy HD, whether they agree with the game or not). And that's its problem with a lot of people, I think. It's taking stances that are just too divisive, and its numbers are suffering because of it. I think if it took a more basic stance in its aim, it would be much more succesful.

Look at the anniversary, for instance. Operation Akumajo could focus on only the anniversary (after it comes and goes with no acknowledgement from Konami, of course), and it would be much stronger for it. Celebrating the series 25th is something that nearly every fan can get behind. If Konami does something for the anniversary, then Operation Akumajo could focus on a different issue. But things like denying 3D, demanding a Demon Castle Wars or new CVIII game, or urging everyone to buy HD will only hinder potential support, IMO. The number of people who support this thing desperately needs to grow, and finding out how to get universal support from fans should probably be of utmost priority.
It's like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, but instead it's Who Wants Fried Chicken? I do.

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #52 on: September 16, 2011, 11:56:50 AM »
I agree with Flame. I can't fully get behind Operation Akumajo because I don't feel like it represents me as a Castlevania fan (especially after urging everyone to buy HD, whether they agree with the game or not). And that's its problem with a lot of people, I think. It's taking stances that are just too divisive, and its numbers are suffering because of it. I think if it took a more basic stance in its aim, it would be much more succesful.

That's why I suggested for the guy to get some kind of council together, because this is basically one guy saying, "I want this, this, this, this, oh, and THIS!" And there are only, like, twelve people who share exactly the same specific dream as that one guy, and it seems as if he's not willing to budge on his philosophy. Thus, he's going to take his twelve people to try to knock down Konami's door, while Konami doesn't notice and the rest of the fanbase chuckles.

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #53 on: September 16, 2011, 12:44:17 PM »
The thing I don't get is the people who support this seem to think they can get so many people to help, but of you look at the face book page it has about 170 members, and there are maybe 50 or so more who aren't on face book. Konami is not going to listen to 200 or so people. And like I've seen mentioned before, these people think that they represent the entire Castlevania community but they only represent a small fraction. I think it's a waste for people to get up in arms towards konami. I'm sure they have something planned but it's possible it may not be ready to announce yet. And there's also the possibility that they're waiting til the 30th anniversAry. Be patient and see what happens
What a horrible night to have a curse!

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #54 on: September 16, 2011, 01:53:32 PM »
I do think it is possible to get more people. It would just take more time, and advertising would have to go beyond The Castlevania Dungeon Forum. There are plenty of Castlevania fans that don't come here, and you may be surprised to learn that (in most cases of decently sized and established forums) most of a forum's visitors aren't posting members.

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #55 on: September 16, 2011, 02:25:47 PM »
If you guys don't feel like joining Operation Akumajo, you can still show your support to the series by joining CVSyndicate on twitter. They have something planned for the anniversary. If you wanna know more, visit the link below:
I'll be doing some fanart, and maybe a Youtube video.

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #56 on: September 16, 2011, 02:33:41 PM »
The thing I don't get is the people who support this seem to think they can get so many people to help, but of you look at the face book page it has about 170 members, and there are maybe 50 or so more who aren't on face book. Konami is not going to listen to 200 or so people. And like I've seen mentioned before, these people think that they represent the entire Castlevania community but they only represent a small fraction. I think it's a waste for people to get up in arms towards konami. I'm sure they have something planned but it's possible it may not be ready to announce yet. And there's also the possibility that they're waiting til the 30th anniversAry. Be patient and see what happens

It's a two way street.  The fanbase is just too divided.  The game series has been all over the map, which is the biggest problem.  You have people rallying for old school platforming, those rallying for the metroidvanias, there's actually quite a large fan base that likes HoD, those that like the 3D non-LoS installments, and finally those that like LoS.  And these groups can then be broken down even more into other sub-groups.  If you're going to claim that those 200 don't represent the fan base, that same finger needs to be pointed back at you, and all others.

I disagree that sitting on our asses, complaining and not supporting Konami is a sensible solution.  It just means we'll get more LoS in the future.  If you absolutely, positively, hate HoD with every burning fibre, then support Rebirth, and other similar offerings.  People have been tossing "we the fan base" around so much in this thread, but it means absolutely nothing.  There is no fan base, because we can't even agree on what Castlevania is or means to everyone, because it means something different to everyone.

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #57 on: September 16, 2011, 02:45:39 PM »

We'll get more LoS anyway. LoS is basically Konami's vision of how the Castlevania series should evolve. They seem happy with result - and more importantly - the sales.

I'm a fan of every type of Castlevania you've mentioned, and I don't necessarily prefer anyone over the other. I'll probably just go with the flow and see what happens. Yeah, I'm a bad fan. Or actually, I'm the ideal fan for gaming companies, I guess. That doesn't mean I swallow anything, but as long as I like the games I don't care if they're 2D or 3D, or "true" to the series roots. I've always supported the 2D games, but I'm not going out of my way to "direct" the series in any particular way. I am - dare I say it? - satisfied with the way things are. Though I wouldn't mind another Metroidvania someday soon...

But whatever... GO OPERATION AKUMAJO! I hope you get what you want :)

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #58 on: September 16, 2011, 03:03:09 PM »
What if Lords of Shadow 2 bombs?

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Re: Operation Akumajo preparing for Konami Campaign 9/26/11
« Reply #59 on: September 16, 2011, 03:08:44 PM »
What if Lords of Shadow 2 bombs?

They'll reboot it again and give it to Double Helix.

