Hello, fellow vaniaheads! I'm Wecoc, and I make mods for Symphony of the Night. I'm also a pixel artist, although some of my art is...
That aside, I'll be sharing some of my stuff for anyone to use on their hacks, so stay tuned.
For example, I guess here are some mockups I made some time ago.
I've done some collabs in the SOTN Randomizer as well, and I'm coauthor of the presets Beyond, Dog's Life, and Big Toss.
I've also built some challenges with LUA code, like weapon durability, floor is lava, "if you bonk you lose" and other silly (but fun) stuff like that

So, with all that, I'm here to have fun, share some of my stuff, and help others in this hard climb that is game development and modding;
as Alucard may say...
I'm interested in this.