I am posting in seeking a request for help in volunteers for composing music for some ROM hacks. Not sure where to exactly post this at so to the moderators I do apologize if it is in the wrong area so move at your discretion

Sad to say I'm looking for people that can help out on a ton of work and I don't mean that lightly as there is literally a ton of work to be done as I'm trying to find a team of people to help out in composing songs together on FamiTracker. Tons of songs that still need work on while others need to be reworked and composed. My current guy, nesfan, can't do it all so I am reaching out to this community for help while trying to find trustworthy people as most people me and my friends have ran in to try to withhold the work, attempt at stealing it for themselves or hold it hostage for money when we first posted up that we were looking for willing volunteers...yeah, people have done that to us.
I do have the FamiTracker sheets for my projects however only one that I do not have as it includes a ROM hack for the Super Nintendo. I'll go into that here soon

...and yes, I am fully aware on how much work can go into composing stuff in FamiTracker. However, need dedicated people that can pull this off in offering volunteer work.
Projects are as follows.
-Castlevania: Cadence of Agony
I do have the FamiTracker sheet to what nesfan was working on though some songs need to be adjusted and added on to while Sephirous has another list to do. We've been trying to find reliable people for over a year to compose this. We do have Optomon however we have him on programming only. Why this project isn't done is due to not finding anyone reliable to finish the music. The project itself has been on hold due to this issue. The person that Sephirous did have took 2 and a half months to put out a 10 second long track then disappeared. They were the one of many that either left or held stuff hostage to where we posted up on looking for volunteers. We would like to get this project done so Optomon can input the music into the game so he can finish up the programming.
-Castlevania Legends NES and Vengeance on Hell II VRC6
Yeah, these two projects are back on the table as word got out that I was doing them again so now openly posting the confirmation. Thanks to the help of an individual finding someone that can make an editor for Akumajou Densetsu so these are now permanently back. I have the FamiTracker sheets for both of these to what nesfan worked on though some do need slight reworking while other tracks need to be finished and I'm not gonna lie, its a lot. I do not need copy and pasting from someone else's work as I need someone that can do these by hand. I can give details and the music list to what needs to be done and reworked though need some people to help finish these while nesfan focuses on Umbral Genesis.
-Super Castlevania Legends
Trying to find someone that can compose SNES music for Super Castlevania IV to fit into a SNES ROM. There was a thread posted up some time back on here about the project but requested it to be taken down due to issues arising. Now that things have been ironed out between me and a buddy progress will be posted up in a new thread in time. We need reference music for this as there is also a list being put together right now for this ROM hack along with a small development team to have this a full blown SCIV hack with everything changed along with new bosses. Right now, we need music worked on while we work on other things. Details will be given to whoever wants to compose the reference music to be placed in. Dunno if there is a program out there like FamiTracker or what but we do need the help.
Tons of work needs to be done. I have the FamiTracker sheets for CoA, Legends NES and VoH II however nothing for Super Castlevania Legends (SCL.)
We need help on everything by looking for dedicated volunteers that are trustworthy and reliable along with keeping up communication on a daily basis. To inquire about this pop on my Discord server and let me know. It is safe to say that you will be working with others so be a team player and not a negative Nancy. All information relating to the projects especially the songs please keep them to yourself as whatever progress you make will be posted up on our YouTube and/or website with you credited and when the project is done your name will be in the in-game credits for the music.
Again, this is VOLUNTEER work. VOLUNTEER work. Can't express this enough