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Re: Super CV 3?
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2012, 03:30:22 PM »
Las has been using some of my resources with my permission, as we've been discussing stuff on and off.
So that Sypha is an edit of my old CVChronicles: Dracula's Curse Sypha, though only in colors (at best).

I wish my programmer would continue my game, or that a C++ programmer could continue my code.
However, as it stands, mine is on hiatus.
That sucks dude. I think that programming (in one form or another) is the major hurdle for most people that are trying to make their fan-games be it can't or don't have the time etc. It seems like everyone's an artist or can at least get their ideas down in picture for one way or another! lol Why do you just make a thread on the forum with all your pretty video and screenshots and ask for a new programmer? You are pretty well known here Jorge! I am sure someone would bite! lol

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Re: Super CV 3?
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2012, 05:38:21 PM »
Yeah darkmanx_429 programming is a hurdle. Especially when your starting from the basics. I do think gml is easier to learn, everyone  says it is and i think it's based off of c++ so it's just less complicated by the guy who wrote the program. In all honesty, game maker is very effecient. I've seen some kick ass games come out of it. It is all based on how good you can code really. You can do alot with good code and game maker. I really should start learning more in gml or c++ at the point. Any knowledge of how to code or script code would be hugh. I dislike the drag drop method. I think it doesn't teach you that well and in teh end you have to deal with it's limits and glitchiness which gml code or c++ code is far more effecient. Either way it's a step i should be taking.  Oh and hey Jorge good to hear from you. Yes i've asked jorge for permission to use some stuff from his open source game. It is really a shame that someone with great c++ skills doesnt' come along and help finish that masterpiece. I do know visual basic is not a bad idea for c++ learning. Someone told me that it has some kind of drag and drop thing too where it tells you what the code does???? Idk to be honest i haven't fooled around with it yet. But yeah i can't play jorge's game like many people(error??) but it  does look pretty awesome!!! As for sypha,no, i pretty much made her from scratch,except parts of her item crash, and backdash move that were konami's. The only player that is available in your demo was trevor(one sheet had a cool color edit[orange,yellow,brown)  i hadn't seen any other player in your sprites folder.The hair sypha version that i did's only piece i edited was her running sprites from an annette spritesheet(from Obreck's buddy). I used only her arms and her skirt(everything else was done by hand) that is the only pieces i morphed her from.OH before i forget jorge. I did wanna morph your trevor ending(if that is yours, i believe it is) to do the endings for the other players which i have. I just need permission to morph them together. I can even post them if you want(though some may not be 100% complete) I do remember talking to you back in the day about any other charcters you made and i thought you said you were working on a cv3 version alucard. Their are 3 versions of alucard in the scv3 : One version is Reiko's, one version is claimh's and mine, and the other is sotn style. Yeah your skull knight boss i wanted to use,though. He is really kick ass and well done. I had a long time back, been working on a Nasty grant, but Obreck didn't really want him in the game. SO i ditched it. He was a morphed dullahan head with a hellboar body. Yeah i know the legs were screwy. But anyway's Yeah idk. It would be nice with all the level building you had done for your game Jorge, to see a c++ coder come along and finish it. I seriously think too many coder who are good have to much pride. They are not willing to pick up a project and finish it for the better of the fan game community. So with that being said, most who'd agree to code a game would wanna start from scratch but never truly commit. I read your post on CVC 3  back in the day. Honeslty i'd have no patience for a guy like quasar. Honestly what did he do? talk about it? Man i do not get people like that. Why not make an honest effort. If they cannot commit simply say i can't come through. How hard is that???? Well when people learn to not blow others off things will be better. In all honesty Jorge, perhaps you and i can collectively contact konami and see what they'd think. It's a long shot i'm sure, but it would well worth the effort. Clearly they must know of your game by now and the time and effort you put into it. I am adament as hell about a cv3 remake like you. The only skill i lack and tremondously bad, is coding. I do feel i could help level design and sprite art too. I'm the kinda guy who will go over and over something until it looks like konami did it. No sense in throwing something together. Why not make it stellar and stand out? Well jorge i give you mad props on CVC3 though it is unfinished. It truly looks great!!!
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 05:41:32 PM by Las »

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Re: Super CV 3?
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2012, 12:03:32 PM »
I think the biggest thing with canned engines is that no one takes the time to go any deeper with them. If you took time to learn how a game should go together and then went beyond the canned features found in something like game maker then yes you could do something amazing even though it wouldn't be as great as something that came from raw code it would still be pretty nice.

That is also what I hope to show about construct with the current project I have going. It was meant to be simple but I can't help but keep expanding on it. When I get done I want to release my source materials so others can see how it was done.

After that I am going straight to code though. I should have learned enough C# by the time the current project is done to start putting together another game from code using the ORX framework as a base.
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