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Yeah that doesn't make any sense what-so-ever. I can only conclude that whomever wrote that story was a little too romantically infatuated with the Alucard & Maria thing in SotN to even think straight.
Ah the after effects of IGA's stint with TokiMemo....
http://www.castlevaniadungeon.net/features/cvporn.htmlI thought you already knew about that too, since they mentioned this in the very same topic.Thats why we are "insisting" in this joke.
I don't follow
LOL! Almost forgot about those. Seems like the Richter-Alucard romance pics were broken. Nevermind, such horrors were never meant to be seen anyway.
Just do a simple google search and lots of those things can pop up. But yeah, best left unseen.
So you tried eh? Naughty girl.
Well, duh, hehehehe. I also am knowledgeable of other pairings, but I'll keep them to myself.
You are wrong. (click to show/hide)Its Beelzebub and Legion. LOL
Zomg new OTP!!!!!!1!
Isaac and Hector?
This thread was so much nicer when it was about Maria getting killed in raunchy ways instead of yaoi porn.