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Offline CastlevaniaFan1981

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The Cure / Castlevania
« on: May 11, 2010, 06:03:23 AM »

If there is but one thing the soundtrack to our favorite game series and one of the UK's greatest goth-rock groups, The Cure (known for such songs as "Just Like Heaven," "Love Song" and "Friday I'm in Love"), have in common, it is, what else? Goth rock!

And what else? Our first hero -- and their bass player -- both share the first name of Simon.

Thus, has anyone ever played the songs of the Castlevania series using one or more of the following musical instruments (as used by members of The Cure)?

The hot sheet:
*Fender Jazzmaster electric guitar
*Hammond B3 or C3 organ
*ARP/Solina String Ensemble synthesizer
*Yamaha DX7/KX88 FM synthesizer
*Roland JX-8P synthesizer
*Korg Mono/Poly synthesizer

