If you're looking for an affordable engine to make your Castlevania fan-game without knowing any programming, this is the engine for you.
I'm not with the company mind you, but i've been working on my fangame using this engine, and folks have asked what i'm using.
Right now as of this date Feb 1st 2021 the software i use is only 28 dollars.. and the sell ends on February 11th. The usual cost is around 80 bucks.
I can't recommend this enough.
https://store.steampowered.com/app/837510/Pixel_Game_Maker_MV/ I'm sure there's some free engines out there that require programming know-how.. but if you want something easier than Game Maker Studio to make a fan-game, this is it!
I hope it was okay to post this here... if not, maybe move it to the appropriate section.
But this software has been great for making my CV fan-game... if you only want to make a 2D game and don't want to type out code.. this is what i use.
The software
Video showing what i've done so far.
VIDEO A screenshot showing what i've made.