* Standalone? So i don't need Doom2 to run it, right?Correct! Just grab Gzdoom, drop Castlevania.ipk3 in and you're ready to start your quest!
* Thing X isn't working properly.Please report it in this thread:
https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=57800, it's the main development thread, i can help you, and if it's a bug, i'll fix it!
* Is this supposed to be accurate to the NES Castlevania?It's not a 1:1 3D port of the original game, it's more of a reimagining of it.
* Are you gonna make a 3D Symphony Of The Night?No, simply because that game is a masterpiece, it's perfectly crafted in every single possible way, and even getting remotely close to it would be a really hard task.
* If SOTN is not an option, what about Simon's Quest, Dracula Curse, Bloodlines or Rondo Of Blood?If i had to work on a sequel, it would probably be Simon's Quest, but i have no plans for that at the moment
* Can i use your mod as a base to make my own Castlevania mod? Can i make addons for your mods?Sure! You can do whatever you want with it, just put me in the credits!
* I like your stuff, are you working on other mods?Yes! I'm working on Doom: The Golden Souls 2, a mix of oldschool games and Doom! Check it out here: