That's a very selective response.
It doesn't matter what your standards of "good" are or whether you dislike a specific game. People often dislike good games and like bad games, it's called an opinion. I accept opinions.
However to call a game 'shit' to everyone else when it's been reviewed by reputable reviewers and given an average score of around 70%+ is incredibly biased. It's not that you don't appreciate or like the game that I personally dislike, it's that lazy and inarticulate opinion of "Nah... It's shit" or reputable reviews "doesn't make it good". Saying you don't like the game is one thing, telling everyone else it's shit is a different story.
The games broke many a convention of their time and for 3d games in general, they were engaging and had more of a horror factor that the original CV games had than any other 2d/ 3d CV game of that Era, they nailed the music and atmosphere, presented a decent challenge factor and actually had good characters and character development (better than a lot of CV games) and despite the camera being funny the games for their time were still playable with, the gameplay which was most true to 2d lineage of classic Castlevania. You would be hard pressed to find another Castlevania game that achieved all of the above, albeit in 3d.
Being selective about responses is not assisting your opinion to look any more valuable to anyone reading this forum.
OP, if you can complete the whole game by Halloween, hats off to you.
You are way overthinkin this man. I think its shit... I dont need to back that up with anything. I played it when it was new and it was shit. I played it years later and it was shit. I played it a few years ago... guess what? Still shit. I dont care how it was reviewed. Im almost 40 years old and been playing games since the NES was released. Im more than capable of forming my own opinions about games.
I hated this one you may not. I dont really care!

My fav CV game out of all of em is CV2 and most ppl hate it. I dont argue with ppl about it on the internet. I didnt mention it was it shit to try to derail this awesome games thread so lets leave it at that