Heya! I have one for you guys.
Rather than a simple translation, I'm asking for a bit of a lesson.
十字架を胸に (Jūjika wo Mune, lit. "Cross at Chest")
I was updating the track list for Konami Game Music Collection Vol. 1 over on the Castlevania Wiki and for the sake of posterity and practice I re-translated the whole Haunted Castle soundtrack. I was primarily focused on literal translations and this track caught my attention because I'm not sure I'm understanding the original Japanese wording correctly.
I think I get the use of を as a particle that signifies a location.
I feel like I'm missing the context of the wording I need to be able to actually get the meaning across in a translation.
It seems to have two main interpretations as either "making the sign of the cross over your chest" as in "Cross Your Heart", and the other being the literal one I used of "a cross located your chest". I dunno, I feel like I'm missing something.
There's also the context of this being the theme for the game's first and it being set in a graveyard.
I have a similar doubt about the final stage theme:
夜まで待てない (Yorumade Matenai, lit. "Not Waiting Until Night")
Which I've seen translated as "I Can't Wait until Night" and more commonly as "Don't Wait until Night".
The first one sounds more like it conveys excitement where as the other is more like a warning.
Given that the actual stage appears to take place during the day, I'm thinking it should be something more like "No Waiting for the Night".
Any insight on these would be most appreciated.