well i undubbed a few movies before monkey king 1 and 2 and i just got done checking out the Symphony of the Night radio drama liked it so i said hay why not take the Japanese voices off of this and dub a fan English dub be cool so took the japanese voices off but kinda know if i dub it all by myself it won't sound as good as if i can find someone on here that might have some skill impression any of the people in the radio drama so do anybody want to help?
i posted the 1st eps undubbed in the fan part of the forums but don't know if everybody reads that part of the forums so here's the post it has a wav to download and the youtube video of it in this post
http://castlevaniadungeon.net/forums/index.php/topic,8960.0.htmlthanks for any help feel free to talk about it even if you don't want to do a voice maybe tell me if you think it be cool if i do it or what you think thanks again