Holy shit so much senseless butthurt over a game that WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT YET.
Can we PLEASE hold off on the Cox/MS/whoever bashing AT LEAST until we know a bit more about the game?
Yes I know it's hard to contain the fan rage within, but seriously. Even LoS Topics have less bashing, and at least there one can list legit reasons based on a game we have already played.
As for my own opinions here, well the name doesnt sound too bad, sounds no less silly than some of the titles we've gotten before. We'll have to see how it relates to the plot.
I dont have a 3DS, since after Legends 3 was cancelled I saw no reason to buy one, Ill wait and see how this game turns out before I decide on buying one.
I hope we still get a console sequel though. I'd hate to see the franchise relegated to handhelds again.
(plus, y'know, I HAVE a 360... >_>)