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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1740 on: March 20, 2020, 12:37:59 PM »
Downloading Doom Eternal. I thought the previous Doom was brilliant, cant wait play the new one later this afternoon.

Oh man, I couldn't follow you down that path. The last game gave me motion sickness, and I don't get motion sickness easily. That camera was a nightmare for me.

Enjoy your game, sturdy comrade! May your stomach be iron, and your chainsaw always fueled!
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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1741 on: March 23, 2020, 11:30:46 AM »
Oh man, I couldn't follow you down that path. The last game gave me motion sickness, and I don't get motion sickness easily. That camera was a nightmare for me.

Doom 2016 was already really fast paced, Doom Eternal is somehow even more so, by a significant amount. If the last game gave you motion sickness don't come anywhere near Doom Eternal.

It's a great sequel, better than simply giving us more of the same, but I definitely like 2016 more. The gameplay system in Doom Eternal is more varied, but it doesn't feel as tightly designed. There are more mechanics to worry about than before, and coupled with the crazy fast new gameplay speed, it feels a little too frantic and scattered. Still, I prefer that the developers experimented with these changes as opposed to playing it safe and sticking too closely to the formula of the old game. Not as good as 2016 imo, but still a must play if you liked 2016.

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1742 on: March 25, 2020, 06:04:13 PM »
Red Dead Redemption 2. But after having to delete my save file twice that I put a three digit hour amount into, I probably will never pick it up again. Was far too bug-riddled and luck-based to be enjoyable anyhow. A good story can't save a game with abyssmal gameplay. I just persevered to see the story, but it was ultimately not worth it at all. Felt like work, rather than fun.
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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1743 on: March 26, 2020, 11:09:07 AM »
Red Dead Redemption 2. But after having to delete my save file twice that I put a three digit hour amount into, I probably will never pick it up again. Was far too bug-riddled and luck-based to be enjoyable anyhow. A good story can't save a game with abyssmal gameplay. I just persevered to see the story, but it was ultimately not worth it at all. Felt like work, rather than fun.

I played the first six hours before I decided to quit. I felt like I barely did anything interesting in that time span. I don't know if my tastes have changed since the previous RDR, but I actually played all the way through that game. I don't remember RDR 1 having such a slow start.

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1744 on: March 27, 2020, 09:48:19 PM »
Downloading Doom Eternal. I thought the previous Doom was brilliant, cant wait play the new one later this afternoon.
I beat Wallachia on easy, may try to get through it on normal this weekend.

Playing this on Ultra Violence, and it's quite a bit tougher than the last one. It definitely separates itself from the last game, which could be good or bad.
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Offline Lumi Kløvstad

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1745 on: March 28, 2020, 10:35:12 PM »
Now that Borderlands 3 is finally on Steam, I've been playing it, and, *sighs*. It's fine. It's okay. Not horrid. It's a Borderlands game, for better AND for worse.

I have no idea if I'll finish it at all though; it's rapidly turning into a tryhard version of Borderlands 2.


Combined with a lot of story decisions concerning the gen 1 and 2 vault hunters that flat out anger me (THEY MURDERED MY GAL MAYA!), the writing of this game is really starting to grate. I kind of hope a mod emerges that somehow cuts all the spoken dialog and rewrites the subtitles so that it's less "forty year old writer trying to pretend to be an edgy teenager" and just settles for being a competent open world looter shooter, because I really do love the core gameplay loop. I just... am not overly fond of everything else, particularly the villains, who just annoy and irritate me where Handsome Jack entertained. And the Calypsos don't annoy me in a way that moves me to kill them, they just annoy me in a way that makes me want to put the game down and keep it down.
How not to be a dark lord: the answer to that is a terribly interesting answer that involves an almost Jedi-like adherence to keeping oneself under control and finding ways to be true to yourself in a way that doesn't encourage the worst parts of you to become dangerously exaggerated and instead feeds your better nature. Also, protip: don't fuck with Alchemy or strike up any deals with ancient Japanese Shinigami gods no matter how tempting the deal or how suavely dressed the Shinigami is.

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1746 on: March 29, 2020, 10:44:26 AM »
Lumi Kløvstad@

It's really unfortunate but they decided to play it safe with borderlands 3. The fault lies with the head of Gearbox studios Randy Pitchford. Borderlands 3 was the game people were clambering for ever since the Pre-Sequel, but because they played it safe our expectations had been dashed away. Jimquisition talks about Randy Pitchford in one of his videos and goes into details about they guy himself. To put it in simpler terms the man-child needs some help in the psychiatric department. Jim also did another video that talked about Borderlands 3 in general. It was a neutral video so there wasn't any judgements in it per usual. But it talked about the issues (especially the humour aspect or lack thereof) in the game itself. The humour in Borderlands 3 was made for a very specific demograph which is why it isn't hitting all the high notes with Borderlands fans. I personally did enjoy the game but it does leave a lot to be desired. Especially when it comes to its lack of traditional borderlands humour. That and the art style with the long-time characters isn't all that great either.
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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1747 on: March 30, 2020, 09:20:48 PM »
Civvie11 makes fun of Randy Pitchford a lot, especially in his videos of Build Engine games, and the one about Aliens: Colonial Marines. His channel is one of my favorites.
It's like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, but instead it's Who Wants Fried Chicken? I do.

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1748 on: March 31, 2020, 12:34:21 AM »
Civvie11 makes fun of Randy Pitchford a lot, especially in his videos of Build Engine games, and the one about Aliens: Colonial Marines. His channel is one of my favorites.

Aliens: Colonial Marines. Now there's another shit storm right there. And everybody was so looking forward to that title as well.
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Offline zangetsu468

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1749 on: April 12, 2020, 08:53:43 PM »
I’m currently on my third play through of Metroid: Samus Returns, playing Fusion Mode with 0% power ups.

                                 ^      l   v  ^    v                 ^
                                 ^      l   v  ^    +<<<<<<<BE
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                                 ^      l   v  ^    v     BE>>> VK<**   
                                 ^      l   v  ^    v     ^          ^   
            +<<<<<Legends>HC>OOS>LOD>64       ^
            v                           l              ^                ^
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            v                           l      ^               ^       ^
BE=Bad Ending
RE=Richter Ending

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1750 on: April 13, 2020, 07:13:08 AM »
I’m enjoying the FF7 remake quite a bit. I’m about ten hours in, so far I feel like Square completely nailed it.

The aspect of the game I wasn’t sold on after playing the demo was the battle system. At first it felt like simplistic button mashing, but after playing it more I now see how they basically tried to modernize the old turn based ATB system with a real time version of it that still retains a lot of that old battle system’s core mechanics. It’s actually great, I look forward to every single combat encounter.

I won’t spoil anything, but speaking of the visuals, this game includes some of the most jaw dropping scenery I’ve ever seen in a video game. I’ve never been so mesmerized by simply looking up.

I love all the new takes on the classic soundtrack. That soundtrack has aged like wine.

I’m really glad I played through the original one recently (at least disc 1), it really puts the fantastic work on the remake into context. So far, the remake is more than worthy of its name.

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1751 on: April 15, 2020, 11:56:45 PM »
(click to show/hide)

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1752 on: April 19, 2020, 07:30:01 AM »
Touhou Rock Maiden FC 2... looks and plays exactly like the real Mega Man 5 and even borrowed one whole stage from the real deal! Though it falls to the weak of originality it's still a considerable love-fueled work for diehard Mega Man fans.

Experienced Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth Early Access demo for a while, and when toying around the save data I found save data majorly compatible with Touhou Luna Nights' except for some minor changes in several flag strings; couldn't get past the initial stage available for demo as it's currently the only stage works in the map
« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 07:35:07 AM by Aceearly1993 »
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Offline zangetsu468

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1753 on: April 19, 2020, 08:05:03 PM »
Finally made it to Ridley in Samus Returns, playing Fusion mode on 0%. The Metroid Queen was tough, but definitely the most enjoyable boss fight of the game.

While it's cool they put
(click to show/hide)
in the game, I feel it would've been stronger to let the credits roll, then have the play pick up the console and play the prologue to Super Metroid. This would mean that new information would not be introduced specifically into SR388's canon and the player could still roam freely with
(click to show/hide)
to collect power ups throughout the maps. I almost feel like the addition of the Tourian music, with the ability to walk directly back to Samus' gunship would've been creepier than adding another boss in. But it is cool that your friend assists you in the final battle.

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                                 ^      l   v  ^    v     BE>>> VK<**   
                                 ^      l   v  ^    v     ^          ^   
            +<<<<<Legends>HC>OOS>LOD>64       ^
            v                           l              ^                ^
            v                           l     BE>> * <<<BE    RE
            v                           l      ^               ^       ^
BE=Bad Ending
RE=Richter Ending

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1754 on: April 20, 2020, 11:35:40 AM »
I've only ever finished Samus Returns once. Personally Ridley shouldn't have been in the game. The original Metroid II had nothing to do with the space pirates at all, but I guess they were looking at incorporating the Prime series into the main series (why we see Ridley only partially covered in his cyber armour). I also wasn't fond of the digger boss, specifically the whole 'bomb your way to it before the panning screen kills you dead' crap  >:(  I hated that segment, especially since I had to juggle between moving around quickly and using the radar function to know where to go without being trapped and killed. THAT should NOT have been in the game. Metroid isn't that kind of game. And considering the game's size in would've made more sense to leave out the clock mechanism and just treat it like the Prime games instead; Map coverage and item collection rates. Another thing I thought made the game less endearing was the aesthetic look to the environments. Primarily the Chozo bits. In my opinion they looked way too advanced and recent when they should have been like their original Metroid II counterpart; Ancient, ruinous and decaying, no advanced technology except for the artefacts you need to traverse. I also feel they emphasised too much on an Egyptian-esque look rather then what we see in the firsts three games (specifically Super Metroid which is more Mayan/Aztec themed). To me, while Samus Returns was okay it just wasn't the official Metroid II remake I was hoping to experience. I think they could have done things differently.
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