I recently played Assassin's Creed Valhalla and it's honestly one of the worst, if not the single worst game I have ever played. The bugs make the game virtually unplayable in certain parts, requiring patches or workarounds, the textures in many places look like they're from 2004, the voice acting is atrocious both in acting quality and in recording quality (did they record half the lines in a garage somewhere?), the story is an ever-repeating nonsense where the main quests are virtually all the same storyline in like 10+ different branches, the characters are dull, flat and uninteresting, the visuals are highly anarchronisting despite official claims to be accurate (Norse didn't have shaved biker-punk hair nor did they have tattoos all over their bodies), the side quests and gear are wholly useless as the game, even on highest setting, does not require any kind of readjustment of weapons or gear, the enemy variety is laughably small, the loading times are the most atrocious of any game since Vic-20 and Commodore 64 times (six minutes of loading times for fast travel, no joke), the business practices are criminal - if you wish for 100 % completion, you must buy through an in-game shop with real currency, spending something like 300 bucks to get everything, and it bears repeating that the story is horrendous. Instead of being a Norse raider looking for a new home, you play the reborn version of a super-human, all filled with sci-fi and pseudo-fantasy that may or may not be even more sci-fi. The game doesn't commit to any kind of tone, claiming time and again to be historically accurate and realistic and then fill it with anachronism, fantasy and sci-fi. This is a game that had no idea if it wanted to go full Skyrim or not and, in being unable to decide, achieved no atmosphere or tone. The music, when present, is decent but most of the time, you play through the game in dead silence.
Then again, I guess this is my fault. The last Ubisoft game I played was the first Rayman on PS1. I foolishly assumed that they still had some sort of quality standard, despite Ubisoft's reputation. I now learned that it is well-deserved. Will never buy a Ubisoft game again. 1/10