Understandable that people might want another open world game after LC2, but we wanted to do something more refined and polished this time and doing a more simple action based game is a good way to do that in making the jump to an original salable game.
We’re still essentially a 2 man crew so we’re trying to put out the most refined best game we can with the small team and limited resources we have.
Thanks for the comment on the music! To tell you guys a little about the new ost for Wallachia I’m currently working hard on. Expect a lot more guitar and performance based instruments this time. I chose to do mostly programming for LC2 but Wallachia will blend live instruments with the programming. It’s coming along very nice and I can’t wait to share it!
I'm looking forward to it. My love for castlevania is greatly associated to music since 1985

.The 4 part: battle of the holy, rise of the morning, dimming the holy light and violent nightmare, instantly hooked me into the game. I knew that from then on, I would be in for a treat for the rest of the game. Those four songs perfectly catch dracula's haunted countryside in my opinion. Beautiful, yet menacing. Other favorites of mine are: Guernon university, la tourvelle mansion(honestly the ambiance in this one is chilling) servigny mansion and the very simple yet hypnotic outside princely rooms. Nightmare plant boss is probably the best castlevania boss song I've ever heard. It's nod to bloody tears is masterfully done.
I know this may sound funny to some but as much as I love the melodies, I find this castlevania ost (and game) "scarier" than what the official games usually display. Some themes in the castle are quite disturbing. And the game is only better because of it. You've managed to create great music AND ambiance for the different parts of the game. That is no easy task as usually we see one or the other from composers, rarely both. (I hated the LOS games mainly because music was an ambiance affair only and hardly ever catchy or memorable).
So yeah...Can't wait for the next game lol. Sorry if my English is sometimes funny. It is not my first language. Keep up the good work man and all the rest of the team of course. LC2 was BIG step up from LC and to me is as great and even better than some of konami's best. I'm even curious as to how I will appreciate bloodstained after having played LC2. Ok enough with the wall of text

peace dudes.