I still dont understand how people DONT see the Castlevania in LoS. They are just blinded by their hatred of it.
on Cox lying: well, to be fair, he said there would be no QTE's, and there were.
also, the trailers used clever editing to make it seem like we would fight Dracula at the end. And instead, it turned out to be Satan, and we instead had the Belmont BECOME Dracula.
I'm sure that's what bothers more people, and what causes most of the fan rage. That the Belmonts were linked to the Draculas.
(even though Legends did it first)
personally, I can totally see the SC IV in LoS. The atmosphere in certain sections is definitely SC IV ish.
people also complain about the daytime areas, even though Daytime stages are nothing new to castlevania.
I just dont get it. people are entitled to their opinions, however bad taste they may be to me, but there is absolutely no reason to start a war in this topic. AT ALL. We know next to nothing about the game, and already we are complaining about who's making it. Which by the way, we dont know either. Cox is Konami, not MS. Granted it wouldnt surprise me if it was MS, and they seem most likely here, we still dont quite know that. Especially for the 3DS game here. Wayforward is definitely a valid guess.
also, another 2D 3DS game: Mighty Switchforce.
Is this thread going to be a constant bitchfest for the next two weeks?