Castlevania series, even 2D is best presented on consoles (Sony's fault for looking down on 2-D videogames since PS2. but with the growing digital market on PS3 and 360, Konami could bring any new 2-D Castlevanias on console.), even though the GBA/DS series have strong Castlevanias, those Castlevanias could have been just as easily developed for console and presented even BETTER than how the portables presented those games.
I mean the whole 'metroidvania' era and rejuvenation of the series popularity was thanks mainly to SOTN, which has playstation console roots. and the GBA/DS Castlevanias could have received more sales and fans being developed on PS2/PS3 instead of GBA/DS.
while portables have their fans, they can't reach the most mainstream, biggest audience and consumer market by going 3DS or Vita instead.
There are more PS3/360 owners than 3DS, PSP, Vita and DS combined. and only half of the fanbase would buy a portable for a Castlevania. There are many fans who would buy a portable, but just as many wouldn't or shouldn't because the portable would just be a paper weight with so much less to play on it compared to console, and the portable screen size/controls really don't provide the best Castlevania gaming experience that only consoles offer.
Personally Konami really has their priorities backwards. Castlevania should be getting as much funding and support than Metal Gear Solid, with Iga still in charge of new Castlevanias. Imagine if Metal Gear franchise only received the budget and support that Castlevania had been receiving during the DS era.
if Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 originally developed for GBA/DS and Metal Gear Solid 4 only for PSP. How much less attention they would get. That's how it seems to me Castlevania has been treated for the most part.
Of course Castlevania has received more effort from Konami than anything Nintendo has been doing with Star Fox lately. but handing the franchise over to foreigners like Cox is even more stupid than Capcom handing DMC over to Ninja Theory.
Those fools don't have a clue to make all Castlevania fans excited, and Cox is one of the reasons the Castlevania fanbase is divided now.
it's like if Nintendo decides to let Jay Wilson make a Mario game. How can fans accept LoS when it betrayed the foundations of Castlevania? It's like Classical music fans not minding Rappers remixing their favorite songs into abominations. LoS just leaves a bad taste that can't be forgiven.
who's the writer of MoF? Didn't Alvarez write LoS story? If so MoF's story is probably doomed already.