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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed(?) Castlevania: Mirror of Faith
« Reply #75 on: May 21, 2012, 10:36:36 AM »

I'm no idiot, I'm still somewhat skeptical about this. I hope you guys don't hate me too much if everything turns out to be BS in the end. :(

I for one don't hate you or anything, all I'm trying to pick out is where is the trustworthy wallmeat to trust the claims this person your believing come from, and if there's any serious levels of trust to be had. Making easy blanket assumptions that seem to be predictable choices to make do not seem like trustworthy sources, which is why I asked what else this person claimed. If all of it are assumptions based on popular guesses and hopes that people on Neogaf, /v/, and GameFAQs make, then there's not any genuine credibility to be had there.

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed(?) Castlevania: Mirror of Faith
« Reply #76 on: May 21, 2012, 10:38:56 AM »
First he told me he believes the protag is Alucard, but now he thinks it could be Trevor Belmont when he had no textures put on him at the time. Whoever it is, the protag uses a whip. There will be a Belmont clan, he assures me Alucard is present, and Trevor is the father of Simon Belmont.
"Stuff and things."

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed(?) Castlevania: Mirror of Faith
« Reply #77 on: May 21, 2012, 10:42:52 AM »
I for one don't hate you or anything, all I'm trying to pick out is where is the trustworthy wallmeat to trust the claims this person your believing come from, and if there's any serious levels of trust to be had. Making easy blanket assumptions that seem to be predictable choices to make do not seem like trustworthy sources, which is why I asked what else this person claimed. If all of it are assumptions based on popular guesses and hopes that people on Neogaf, /v/, and GameFAQs make, then there's not any genuine credibility to be had there.

Not that I trust the leaker completely either but he did point out that Cox's new Twitter pic is a cropped image of a poster that shows a pale red eyed Gabriel with a yellow eyed wolf behind him.

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed(?) Castlevania: Mirror of Faith
« Reply #78 on: May 21, 2012, 10:43:58 AM »
Maybe the battle will never end, but I have a Dream that iga lovers and cox lovers will get along in harmony...

No but seriously nothing moves forward right when folks argue about something I wonder if this falls under that obnoxiousness we were talking about a couple days ago.

I don't see how Iga lovers and the Cox Lovers could get along unless both are getting consistent releases of the types of CVs they enjoy. If Cox got kicked off CV after LoS, there'd be no reason for people who liked LoS to refrain from complaining 24/7. If Iga is now done with CV, Iga lovers have no reason to refrain from complaining 24/7. Such complaints will almost inevitably bring up counters from other factions in the fanbase based on their own personal preferences and feed a typical cycle of Internet conflict on many subjects.

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed(?) Castlevania: Mirror of Faith
« Reply #79 on: May 21, 2012, 10:46:24 AM »

Inccubus he can assure alot of things,but till then I am still not ready it could be like the time  those OOE images went around the internet at one point, but this is not the case this time so I am a bit skeptical. All what we can do is play the waiting game a bit longer now.
(click to show/hide)
Come on now this was going to happen eventually  :P

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed(?) Castlevania: Mirror of Faith
« Reply #80 on: May 21, 2012, 10:48:13 AM »
There's things I like about the rumors and things i hate:

1. the mention of metroidvania
2. 2.5d
3. Alucard, Trevor being present..possibly

1.Stages... It'd be nice to have a full explorable map for a 2d game. Not saying they are lazy but show us your creativity and let us truly explore everything! I hate the DOTTED LINE okay we are magically at the next location

2. No leveling up..I can see why some people dislike it but I love leveling up and seeing my stats increase constantly...

3. Whip... Okay I don't hate classic castlevania games but I sincerely hope there are more weapons than just a whip. One of the better things about the newer 2d castlevania games were finding new/unique weapons to mess around with.

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed(?) Castlevania: Mirror of Faith
« Reply #81 on: May 21, 2012, 10:48:41 AM »
Ahasverus on GAF:

I'm prettu sure people don't miss androgenous pretty boys and anime plots

And for your information, people, Dave Cox haven't only worked on LoS, he was in the CV team since Castlevania X68000 (or whatever) that is, BEFORE IGA, he was part of the SOTN team and the COTM team. He then was part of the localization team of all subsequent Cv titles until becoming main producer in Lords of Shadows.

Never change...

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed(?) Castlevania: Mirror of Faith
« Reply #82 on: May 21, 2012, 10:51:14 AM »
Well the original source is down, im getting flashbacks of the Harmony of Despair leak.

I think it's the real deal.

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed(?) Castlevania: Mirror of Faith
« Reply #83 on: May 21, 2012, 10:52:54 AM »
Oooooookay, too much information :o

So let´s think about this:

- Castlevania for 3DS? Great, that was exactly the reason I buyed one!

- Cox is involved? Argh, I kinda hoped it would be made by IGA... and Cox and his team would work on the new console game.

- Trevor or Alucard as the Main Protagonist? Okay, awesome?

Sooo.... I´m kinda dissapointed AND excited at the same time. ;D Okay, I guess you guys are right. We don´t know anything concrete right now...  so I´ll wait and see what comes out of this ^^
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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed(?) Castlevania: Mirror of Faith
« Reply #84 on: May 21, 2012, 10:53:49 AM »
Well the original source is down, im getting flashbacks of the Harmony of Despair leak.

I think it's the real deal.

It probably is, considering that.

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed(?) Castlevania: Mirror of Faith
« Reply #85 on: May 21, 2012, 10:53:58 AM »
From the same site:

It says:

Today we had a major scoop from the Konami front but we have just been approached by Konami who requested us to remove the information from our site. Apperently the news was not allowed to be made public yet and was supposed to be a E3 suprise. We apperently also misspelled the title of the game.

We respect this decesion and we therefore removed the article. We were not initially told that we could make this information public, which is the reason why we changed it regardless. It confirms in any case that our article is completely true. yadayadayada       

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed(?) Castlevania: Mirror of Faith
« Reply #86 on: May 21, 2012, 10:54:09 AM »
Well the original source is down, im getting flashbacks of the Harmony of Despair leak.

I think it's the real deal.
I never understand why companies think it's smart to shut down sources like that. It just makes it even more convincing whatever "leaked" was true. They would have been smarter to have just let it alone or "No comment at this time."

EDIT: Oh wow. It's really happening.

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed(?) Castlevania: Mirror of Faith
« Reply #87 on: May 21, 2012, 10:54:30 AM »
Twit question
what would you say if i said mirror of faith?

Dave Cox ‏@CastlevaniaLOS

@Wizpig - I would say wrong end of the stick....misinformed. I would also say the truth is ALWAYS better than fiction! :-)

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed(?) Castlevania: Mirror of Faith
« Reply #88 on: May 21, 2012, 10:57:15 AM »
Perhaps it's really called "Mirror of Fate"?

EDIT: You can change the thread title to "Confirmed" now, thanks to Konami.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 10:59:34 AM by OSM »

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed(?) Castlevania: Mirror of Faith
« Reply #89 on: May 21, 2012, 11:00:37 AM »
Well, if Cox says it false it's probably not just the title of the game being spelled wrong. So I'd say we should not yet consider this confirmed.

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