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Laura and Gabriel arrive in the deepest cave of the castle and... they find IGA.
Well, if Cox says it false it's probably not just the title of the game being spelled wrong. So I'd say we should not yet consider this confirmed.
Not at all in defense of that anonymous's rumors, but Cox isn't exactly known for telling the truth.
False. They don't restricts games from being 2D or 3D. There's a lot of 2D games on 3DS already, retail even.
better than it was? It was a length adventure, it was pretty robust, had great graphics, nice voice acting, and was critically accepted compared to the other 3d castlevanias that came out.I don't think he lied too much, I think it's just iGA fans being butthurt that we aren't getting over the top anime plots anymore lol
I don't think he lied too much, I think it's just iGA fans being butthurt that we aren't getting over the top anime plots anymore lol
Sorry CastleDan, poor use of words. I think "more ideal than it really was" is better.
Then you should have no problem listing them. Keep in mind 3DSware title don't count, they are under different regulations from Nintendo entirely. First party titles from Nintendo also are immune to restrictions. Please do list the remaining. There are at times very specific allowances for 'games' that don't quite qualify in the traditional sense, but perhaps make use of the current console gimmick in a way traditional games cannot or do not typically.