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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #3060 on: June 18, 2012, 07:53:02 PM »
one of my fav tracks from LoS2 "Dracula's Reckoning"

Hannibal - Aftermath

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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #3061 on: June 18, 2012, 08:15:47 PM »
I recall hearing that.

But I also recall hearing it being inspired by his SCIV I'm confused lol.
Its inspired by Simon's Quest. You cant mistake it for anything else. red armoring and shoulderpads, hangs past the waist a bit, black leggings and arms, white-ish boots and gauntlets

The Konami code even gives you a Simon's quest Simon sprite above your light/dark magic bar (forget which)
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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #3062 on: June 18, 2012, 08:29:40 PM »
Its inspired by Simon's Quest. You cant mistake it for anything else. red armoring and shoulderpads, hangs past the waist a bit, black leggings and arms, white-ish boots and gauntlets

The Konami code even gives you a Simon's quest Simon sprite above your light/dark magic bar (forget which)

Yea the others have already "enlightened" me on that.

I remembered MS and their public speaking of drawing so much inspiration from SCIV that I assumed his look was based off of Simon's SCIV as well.

Now that I actually think about it, I remember seeing many discussions on this forum about his suit being inspired by Simon's CV2's appearance lol.

Silly me lol, my mistake.

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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #3063 on: June 18, 2012, 10:37:11 PM »
Considering Aruajo won the "Best Original Score for a Video Game or Interactive Media" award for Lords of Shadow, I doubt they'll be changing the music style.

Eeewww. What the hell kind of garbage has been the BGMs of other games in recent years then?

Actually, I don't think I listen to the soundtracks of ANY modern games at all. Seriously. I just thought about it and I played through all of Zelda Skyward Sword and can't remember a single tune except the homages to the old overworld theme. That's sad.

Dracula-kun indeeds needs more love. They could always throw him into the next Judgment.   

I'm a pacifist by nature, but I swear to all that is holy that if anything even remotely like Judgement ever comes out again, I will personally fly to Konami's HQ and subsequently be arrested for assault and battery charges after I meet their CEO.

I've wanted to get my hands on Akumajo Dracula Arcade for awhile now. Wasn't able to find it while I was in Japan, though

I'm still at a complete loss as to why this never made it to Wii or at least PS3.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 10:49:58 PM by Inccubus »
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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #3064 on: June 18, 2012, 10:52:08 PM »
Eeewww. What the hell kind of garbage has been the BGMs of other games in recent years then?

Actually, I don't think I listen to the soundtracks of ANY modern games at all. Seriously. I just thought about it and I played through all of Zelda Skyward Sword and can't remember a single tune except the homages to the old overworld theme. That's sad.

Nier and The Last Remnant have VERY phenominal soundtracks. "Shadowlord" and "Struggle Eternal" are good examples respectively.

As well, pretty much EVERY Assassin's Creed title has amazing music, though Assassin's Creed: Revelations has a bit of a forgettable soundtrack, being like 2 or 3 songs that I found worth listening to on my free time.

Just saying while we're on the topic of that.

On your first sentence, however, I really don't understand why other Castlevania titles (Lament of Innocence being one huge example) didn't get awards for their soundtracks...
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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #3065 on: June 18, 2012, 11:02:57 PM »
And if you don't like the game (and understand that there is no way you can influence anything, just like absolute majority of the people here) - don't play, don't buy, don't pay attention. Everyone will benefit from it.

I find your defeatist attitude as well as your belittling of the power of individuals withing a group disturbing.

Nier and The Last Remnant have VERY phenominal soundtracks. "Shadowlord" and "Struggle Eternal" are good examples respectively.

As well, pretty much EVERY Assassin's Creed title has amazing music, though Assassin's Creed: Revelations has a bit of a forgettable soundtrack, being like 2 or 3 songs that I found worth listening to on my free time.

Thanks. I'll have to check those out some time. Incidentally, I've never played any of those games.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 11:05:08 PM by Inccubus »
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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #3066 on: June 18, 2012, 11:08:09 PM »
Thanks. I'll have to check those out some time. Incidentally, I've never played any of those games.

You're welcome. They're both RPGs by the way, TLR being an RPG where you control up to 25 party members at once and Nier being a hack-n-slash action RPG with excessive blood/gore and cursing that could shock a sailor. :D

On topic note: The more I watch the gameplay trailers, the more I think that I'll actually thoroughly enjoy Mirror of Fate... I kinda like the idea of a 2D hack-n-slash... It's kinda like Outland but with more attacks...
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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #3067 on: June 18, 2012, 11:18:09 PM »
I don't know why, but this behavior always seems to rise during the summer months.

Increase in sunspot activity might affect people sensitive to magnetic field anomalies?
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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #3068 on: June 18, 2012, 11:24:20 PM »
Just gonna throw it out there and say Nier has one of the greatest soundtrack's this generation. Hell even those who didn't really like the game think the soundtrack is amazing.

On topic: Another interview

Aside from what we already know, Mermen have been confirmed at least.

And Dracula will not sparkle in Lords of Shadow 2.

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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #3069 on: June 18, 2012, 11:25:00 PM »

Do not know what the heck people are saying the graphics are bad they look good enough too me hope MS make them better  :)

Anyone else notice the first thing the player did was try to break the lantern hanging on the pole? That made me lol.

And the graphics look fine to me. Still kinda gives me an overall SCV4 feeling. However that is definitely not going to be enough to assuage me if the combat is tedious and the soundtrack boring.

What award from what venue? That Film Music Critics Award?

If we're putting quantitative values on the soundtracks of the Castlevania games and how many "honors" that they are received, then I could probably point to all the major video game websites, blogs and magazines from the past 15-20 years and find "Top Lists" and "Best Soundtracks" where past Castlevania music is ranked high if not top-tier against some of the best gaming music of all time.

How exactly that stacks up to a single award given by a film critics association is all a matter of each individual person's opinion.

I swear, Sindra, if you a little older and I was a little younger...

...But anyway. Film critics don't know shit about what is "good" that much has been obvious to me for years. And it's doubly true for a medium they are not expert on, and/or likely not even familiar with.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 11:33:45 PM by Inccubus »
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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #3070 on: June 18, 2012, 11:36:40 PM »
I would've enjoyed a Simon Belmont costume or something, rather than the eyepatch.  I don't use the eyepatch but I do use the bandanna (Richter-ish?).

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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #3071 on: June 18, 2012, 11:38:43 PM »
You're welcome. They're both RPGs by the way, TLR being an RPG where you control up to 25 party members at once and Nier being a hack-n-slash action RPG with excessive blood/gore and cursing that could shock a sailor. :D

I'm a pirate on the weekends, so I look forward to a game attempting to shock me with curses.

On topic note: The more I watch the gameplay trailers, the more I think that I'll actually thoroughly enjoy Mirror of Fate... I kinda like the idea of a 2D hack-n-slash... It's kinda like Outland but with more attacks...

I think I'm pretty much on the other end of the spectrum with that. But, I'm willing to at least try it. The number one thing they teach game design students is to NEVER bore your users with tedium. So far I'm not impressed if the solution to tedious fighting is forced optional QTEs or not having to fight at all.
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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #3072 on: June 18, 2012, 11:51:21 PM »
I think I'm pretty much on the other end of the spectrum with that. But, I'm willing to at least try it. The number one thing they teach game design students is to NEVER bore your users with tedium. So far I'm not impressed if the solution to tedious fighting is forced optional QTEs or not having to fight at all.

Funny thing is...

One thing that bored me with the original series' normal enemy fights is that they were boringly easy. One or two hits and move on your way. I wanted some fights that MADE me move around and stuff...

But then LoS got a bit annoying wailing on the freakin' Giant Spiders and such simply because they appeared, like, EVERYWHERE.

I really hope the full release of Mirror of Fate has a good balance with this.

By the way, while we're on the subject of QTEs, go watch the first level of One Piece: Pirate Warriors on YouTube, then tell me LoS has too many of them.
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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #3073 on: June 18, 2012, 11:57:22 PM »
Anyone else notice the first thing the player did was try to break the lantern hanging on the pole? That made me lol.

And the graphics look fine to me. Still kinda gives me an overall SCV4 feeling. However that is definitely not going to be enough to assuage me if the combat is tedious and the soundtrack boring.

Agree with you on the graphics department, but to me combat in los was not tedious. Let me explain it without going into to much detail. Overall it reminds me of a fighting game in which I can pull off a bunch of crazy combos; so yeah at first the combat was a little something... I do not want to say slow or tedious, yet to me combat only got better as time went on for instance these two videos show just how quick the enemies can be killed off

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Combo Video Tribute

Castlevania Lords of Shadow Combo Video "Workshed"

I may not be the best at combos(always trying to learn new things) but experimentation pays off not too mention the weaknesses that enemies had, alongside the perfect block thing, and orb sucking the combat just seems non-tedious to me, but some enemies do get me at points like the big werewolfs and skeletons  :)
(click to show/hide)
Come on now this was going to happen eventually  :P

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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #3074 on: June 19, 2012, 12:00:46 AM »
I enjoyed LoS's combat more than I did Devil May Cry 4 or Bayonetta. :)
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