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Re: Simons Quest: Revamped Again (fan project, in development) Want Suggestions
« Reply #60 on: September 23, 2015, 08:15:01 PM »
is there a way to make the game run in a higher resolution?
Hey all,

Some of you know my project from 4 years ago, Simon's Quest: Revamped.

If you haven't played it, here's one of many links to the current version (circa 2011):

Well, I figured it was about time to give the game a little enhancement and code clean-up. I've started to re-factor the code and get it using GM Studio's latest compiler. As I've been doing that I've decided to add in some things that my fans have been asking for such as a gamepad and button configuration as well as enemy stunning. There are also a few other things I'm keeping to myself right now.

That being said.. I want to hear from YOU! Post your suggestions! Also, if you have an idea to replace a sprite that you feel would be better, please submit it.

Thank you!

Here's the task list so far:
  • update dialog/text
  • enemy stunning
  • button config
  • difficulty setting
  • # of lives setting
  • exit game confirmation
  • boss battle overhauls
  • better implementations of day/night transitions
  • "gloomify" some landscape graphics
  • more paralaxing

Offline metroidquest

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Re: Simons Quest: Revamped Again (fan project, in development) Want Suggestions
« Reply #61 on: September 24, 2015, 07:35:16 AM »
is there a way to make the game run in a higher resolution?

Well, you can run it in full screen or resize the window. Increasing the resolution would mean getting entirely new graphics and close to rebuilding the entire game. I don't think that will happen. I apologize.

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Re: Simons Quest: Revamped Again (fan project, in development) Want Suggestions
« Reply #62 on: September 24, 2015, 08:17:01 AM »
Well, you can run it in full screen or resize the window. Increasing the resolution would mean getting entirely new graphics and close to rebuilding the entire game. I don't think that will happen. I apologize.

Don't shoot things off too fast man! There are ways to add options for winow sizes 1x, 2x, 3x, etc. windows in game maker. Just make sure they're proportional to your resolution. Also, adding an option like that can reduce or get rid of the fullscreen blur effect some graphics cards have when you fullscreen smaller windows.
Just something like this:
Code: [Select]
//establish how much bigger the window will be. have the player set this from the options

//apply upscaling (step event & create event)
view_wport[0]= view_wview[0]*global.window_stretch
view_hport[0]= view_hview[0]*global.window_stretch

That's off the top of my head, there may be a little more. Sorry if you knew this already, just trying to help!  :)

Also, if you'd like some help adding some more variety and uniqueness in a RoB style to your tilesets, shoot me a PM. They would be made from mostly existing tiles, but I just wanna lend a hand in kind of tying all of those together.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2015, 08:28:42 AM by ronny14 »

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Re: Simons Quest: Revamped Again (fan project, in development) Want Suggestions
« Reply #63 on: September 24, 2015, 09:31:36 AM »
ronny14: increasing the window size and reducing blur is all good, but to make something truly high res you need to have the image for it. I'm not a fan of those smoothing filters either.

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Re: Simons Quest: Revamped Again (fan project, in development) Want Suggestions
« Reply #64 on: September 24, 2015, 10:18:46 AM »
ronny14: increasing the window size and reducing blur is all good, but to make something truly high res you need to have the image for it. I'm not a fan of those smoothing filters either.
I understand what you're saying, I thought they were refferring to just scaling the game up and not true hd, that's all.

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Re: Simons Quest: Revamped Again (fan project, in development) Want Suggestions
« Reply #65 on: September 29, 2015, 05:39:38 AM »
Here's the latest video showing new options, clue menu, music, sfx. I'll keep you all posted as I add more stuff.
Featured music by goat ( and  Friedrich Habetler Music.

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Re: Simons Quest: Revamped Again (fan project, in development) Want Suggestions
« Reply #66 on: September 30, 2015, 06:35:46 PM »
do you plan to add the cross and the axe sub-weapons?
they would be useful to kill flying enemies(spiders, bats and ravens).

Offline metroidquest

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do you plan to add the cross and the axe sub-weapons?
they would be useful to kill flying enemies(spiders, bats and ravens).

It wasn't on my list. I will defer that to the forum to come up with a compelling reason (other than making the game easier)

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I'll post something more in-depth later, but I'd suggest reworking some of the enemy IA. So far my biggest issue is with the Werewolves. From what I understand in the original Simon's Quest they mostly just follow the player and jump at them when they're close enough. They sort of function the same in this game, but their movements are very bizarre and disjointed. When you approach them, they often just randomly shoot themselves at you in a strange 45 or so degree angle and then after moving about 80px they suddenly stop, play their "standing" animation and begin falling to the floor, ready to repeat the cycle. Sometimes there is a bit of a delay between when they charge at the player, but it seems random as more often than not they just suddenly dart at you with no warning which makes them harder to avoid. In all honesty, their movement and animations seem broken and I'd really encourage you to rework them. Perhaps they can be modified to be more like the werewolves from the MetroidVania games? If not, I'd still really encourage you to fix their animations and movement issues.

Offline metroidquest

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I'll see what I can do. Thanks


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There's a nice feature in Fraps called "record RGB output" which will record the exact crisp pixels at HD quality.

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It wasn't on my list. I will defer that to the forum to come up with a compelling reason (other than making the game easier)

I feel like that's not a case of making the game easier, but making it more fair. The original Simon's quest has this issue too, as you have enemies that charge from above at fast speeds. Making a limited axe, or even a weapon that Simon swings over his head, makes a fight with these types of enemies a fair fight. I've always found the design around the axe pretty cool - It hits airborne enemies, but it still takes time to master, as it has a heavy arc. There's still strategy around using it.

A lot of enemies in your game seem awkwardly designed in regard to the arsenal available to Simon, again, a problem also present in Simon's quest; You get caught in moments where enemies from all directions kind of pile on top of you. I feel like a bigger variety of subweapons can help with some of the stranger enemy AI. As for some faster enemies like the harpies, werewolves, and eagles; have a more evident warning that they're about to do their attack. It's just so fast of an attack that it seems unfair sometimes. Also, the first time you see a new enemy, it's normally a good idea to have them do their attack once before Simon can reach an area they'd be hurt by it. You see this in a lot of the Castlevania games, it reduces the feeling that the enemy got a cheap shot.

A little touch up tip btw: I suggest making the black fade in when you enter new rooms a little longer, to prevent the player from seeing enemies drop into their places.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2015, 07:42:48 PM by ronny14 »

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I feel like that's not a case of making the game easier, but making it more fair. The original Simon's quest has this issue too, as you have enemies that charge from above at fast speeds. Making a limited axe, or even a weapon that Simon swings over his head, makes a fight with these types of enemies a fair fight. I've always found the design around the axe pretty cool - It hits airborne enemies, but it still takes time to master, as it has a heavy arc. There's still strategy around using it.
The axe was sorely missed in CVII, as with the other subweapons which did not make an appearance.

A lot of enemies in your game seem awkwardly designed in regard to the arsenal available to Simon, again, a problem also present in Simon's quest; You get caught in moments where enemies from all directions kind of pile on top of you. I feel like a bigger variety of subweapons can help with some of the stranger enemy AI.
What about a dagger with limited range but that shoots in multiple directions?


                                 ^      l   v  ^    v                 ^
                                 ^      l   v  ^    +<<<<<<<BE
                                 ^      l   v  ^    v                 ^  
                                 ^      l   v  ^    v     BE>>> VK<**   
                                 ^      l   v  ^    v     ^          ^   
            +<<<<<Legends>HC>OOS>LOD>64       ^
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            v                           l      ^               ^       ^
BE=Bad Ending
RE=Richter Ending

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Not that I don't want to add the axe... and I still may. It's not like the game doesn't have subweapons. First of all, I've already improved the holy water to have the DX style flame for multiple hits on an enemy. There's the diamond, the flame and all the various knives and daggers.

I agree that the axe would be a nice addition, but you need to acknowledge those weapons you can already use.

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Not that I don't want to add the axe... and I still may. It's not like the game doesn't have subweapons. First of all, I've already improved the holy water to have the DX style flame for multiple hits on an enemy. There's the diamond, the flame and all the various knives and daggers.

I agree that the axe would be a nice addition, but you need to acknowledge those weapons you can already use.
The knives and daggers are limited to a range straight in front of Simon. The flame only reaches so high. The diamond isn't quite useful if the room your in has an open sky (which is where airborne enemies tend to be.) I'm just trying to say the current aresenal feels incomplete (it did in Simon's Quest too) Most weapons are limited to straight in front of Simon or heavily rely on the environment you're in. What you got is great so far, I feel like a few more weapons to cover different ranges would sort of pull everything together. I've just been trying to help out with little details that would lead to a better experiences, I hope it isn't coming out in the wrong way  :-X
