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Castlevania Lords of Shadow DLCs and Why They Did Not Jive
« on: June 28, 2012, 05:40:14 PM »
Why The DLCs Just Don’t Jive

If you have not played the DLCs, please do not read any further. I do not want to shape your opinion before you even see or play the DLC. It would be unfair to dissuade would be players.
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Re: Castlevania Lords of Shadow DLCs and Why They Did Not Jive
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2012, 05:50:26 PM »
Wow........ very, VERY rarely do I take the time to read stuff like this on this forum.... let alone a post as long as the above one. But I did in this case, and I am glad I did.

To answer one question: Laura clearly stated that a human could NOT survive in the dimensional rift; a fact confirmed by Gabriel himself when he enters the rift and sees what it is like. Just teleporting there seems to have really hurt him.

Another point: his statement of "I cannot die" could not be a literal statement. Or it could mean that like Dracula in the metroidvanias he is resurrected constantly when killed. Your guess is as good as mine and that was taking into consideration how strong he is AND that he now has laura's power.

The necromancer's stages are in fact on earth; as you can see on the map. He is not in hell or the underworld (though you could have fooled me with some of the stages)

You answered your own question about why he became a vampire: at that point I'm pretty sure he had just stopped caring and given up hope. You can even see how despondent he is at the end of the game. He even said he cared not for the world when first told of the forgotten one.

Honestly.... I expected to respond to this thread with 2 words about why the DLC didn't jive: too expensive. But you truly brought up some excellent points.
- Esco... the original New Yurican and creator of the Castlevania: SOTN Hacked Engine!

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Re: Castlevania Lords of Shadow DLCs and Why They Did Not Jive
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2012, 05:57:42 PM »
I agree with your points. Coincidentialy this interview surfaced today
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow may have been a great game and the franchise's best selling entry, but the same simply cannot be said of its lackluster downloadable content.

"The problem was that the game's success caught everyone by surprise. It caught senior management by surprise and they wanted us to do DLC," Konami's Dave Cox told me during our lengthy interview in Los Angeles. "We never planned to do DLC, so we ended up doing DLC after the fact and in hindsight that was a mistake. It was rushed. We had to rush it to market."

The DLC in question consisted of "Reverie" and "Resurrection—both of which reviewed and sold poorly.

"I think we enriched the story that we wanted to tell, but I think if we were going to do DLC again it would have to be planned right from the get go. And it wouldn't be something that would try to build upon an ending—it would be something that's perhaps a side story that enriches the original story. If we were going to do DLC again it would be something much more carefully considered."

Cox and his team were not forced to create downloadable content for Lords of Shadow, but there was nonetheless pressure to do so.

"When you have success there's pressure on you to bring something else to market very quickly," he said. "And I think it was wrong of us to do that."

As to whether there will be DLC for the upcoming Lords of Shadow 2, Cox can't say. But if the tight lipped producer does have DLC up his sleeve—it will be much better than what was offered up for the first game.

"I'm not a big fan of most modern day DLC. I think if DLC is going to be done it has to compliment the main game—not be a continuation of the main story but more of a side story," he said.

"It should add to the experience, not take away from it."

As for his thoughts on the current DLC trends being pushed by the likes of EA, Cox says: "Well, there's a market for it—but I think people want to get value for their money so I think that in that respect you need to give them an expansion of the universe you've created. Like what they've done with Skyrim.

"Instead of giving players a part of the story and giving them the other part as DLC, I think the DLC has to expand the universe of an already whole product."

You can dive back into the universe of Castlevania with Mirror of Fate, which comes out for the 3DS later this year. Lords of Shadow 2 will be out on consoles in 2013.

I think they know it too. Hoping things turn out differently next time  ;)

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Re: Castlevania Lords of Shadow DLCs and Why They Did Not Jive
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2012, 06:09:28 PM »
thank you so much for thoughtful responses! ^__^ makes me warm in my heart. thanks for showing me that article Ahasverus, now i'm all kinds of happy.

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Re: Castlevania Lords of Shadow DLCs and Why They Did Not Jive
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2012, 06:27:45 PM »
To add to the article that Ahasversus posted, Gabriel's segement in Mirror of Fate was originally intended to be the finale of Resurrection but was forced to be cut by Konami and resulted in as a rushed and unfinished product.

So in a way, Konami is still selling the rest of the DLC through Mirror of Fate.

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Re: Castlevania Lords of Shadow DLCs and Why They Did Not Jive
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2012, 06:44:10 PM »

So in a way, Konami is still selling the rest of the DLC through Mirror of Fate.

nooooooooooooooooooo, say it ain't so! well... i was happy. >O<

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Re: Castlevania Lords of Shadow DLCs and Why They Did Not Jive
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2012, 07:45:47 PM »
Well, did he say "I cannot die" before or after getting TFO power? Because, well, Gabe could only damage him because he had all his power undoing the Founder Seals and kill him because he stole the power.

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Re: Castlevania Lords of Shadow DLCs and Why They Did Not Jive
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2012, 08:59:27 PM »
Hey Gort.... ;P You do know that during the QTEs between Gabriel, Orlox and Brauner that he (Gabriel) is actually bitten by the two twins, hence how he is able to accept the blood of you know who right? :P And the loose ends? I still think it was never about the "God Mask", it was rather more that Zobek wanted Gabriel to acquire the Devil's Mask. But I guess we'll find out more during MOF and LOS2 :D
« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 09:01:32 PM by jestercolony »

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Re: Castlevania Lords of Shadow DLCs and Why They Did Not Jive
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2012, 08:45:20 AM »
Hey Gort.... ;P You do know that during the QTEs between Gabriel, Orlox and Brauner that he (Gabriel) is actually bitten by the two twins, hence how he is able to accept the blood of you know who right? :P And the loose ends? I still think it was never about the "God Mask", it was rather more that Zobek wanted Gabriel to acquire the Devil's Mask. But I guess we'll find out more during MOF and LOS2 :D

I agree about the devil mask, since the God mask is no longer on earth. as for the twin demons biting gabriel, i don't think it was impressed enough to actually mean anything. ya know, since it was a OTE. but hey, that would put just the right amount of spin on the story. i mean, why not?

but if it were me... i'd focus more on why gabriel did not die at end game. there was something very odd about that.

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Re: Castlevania Lords of Shadow DLCs and Why They Did Not Jive
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2012, 09:47:45 AM »
I agree about the devil mask, since the God mask is no longer on earth. as for the twin demons biting gabriel, i don't think it was impressed enough to actually mean anything. ya know, since it was a OTE. but hey, that would put just the right amount of spin on the story. i mean, why not?

but if it were me... i'd focus more on why gabriel did not die at end game. there was something very odd about that.
If you're talking about when Zobek attacked him right before Satan made his appearance, the fact is that Gabriel did die.  The souls of the dead trapped on Earth by the spell temporary brought him back to life so that he could fight Satan and save them.  My guess is that when Gabriel prayed to God at the end of the battle, God turned that temporary resurrection into new life so that Gabriel could repent for his sins.  However, in doing so, He drove Gabriel further toward the darkness further setting the stage for him to become Dracula.
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Offline gortaithe

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Re: Castlevania Lords of Shadow DLCs and Why They Did Not Jive
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2012, 10:05:05 AM »
If you're talking about when Zobek attacked him right before Satan made his appearance, the fact is that Gabriel did die.  The souls of the dead trapped on Earth by the spell temporary brought him back to life so that he could fight Satan and save them.  My guess is that when Gabriel prayed to God at the end of the battle, God turned that temporary resurrection into new life so that Gabriel could repent for his sins.  However, in doing so, He drove Gabriel further toward the darkness further setting the stage for him to become Dracula.

not quite, i mean how he survived being stabbed during his fight with satan... but, again... i am grabbing at straws here LOL

even so. that's a heck of lot of intervention on god's part. that's what i'm getting at. the fact that his life is given back. it just feel it's a bit strange and not fully explained with the whole repentance thing. i'm thinking there is much more to it than that. i'm thinking god knew darn well gabriel would go down a dark path. the events of his death and resurrection might actually be the desired end result. perhaps making gabriel's 'transformation' complete.

