On December 12, 2012, I started planning out a Castlevania fan film. As the title suggests, it's based on Legends. I spent around a month planning the script, and then I started writing it, on and off, whenever I had the time (in all actuality, I took most of 2013 and around the first four months of 2014 off). The first draft is almost done. Just a few scenes left to write.
To be clear, I have very little experience with video. I still have a tape-based camera, though I hope to get a digital camcorder soon. I took two years of TV Production in high school (1994-1996) and have edited videos for YouTube and fan-edited some films for FanEdit.org. I have never, however, written, shot, and edited an entire movie before. I plan to create some original shorts to gain practice before I even attempt to produce and direct this movie, so this a few years away at least. However, with the first draft of the screenplay being so close to completion, I thought it would be appropriate to announce the film to the Castlevania community on the 17th anniversary of Dark Night Prelude's Japanese release.
My approach:
*write within my means (microbudget, no flashy effects, etc.)
*use what's in the instruction manual (English and Japanese) and game but also try to add real-world historical flavor
*Sonia-centric (so Alucard and Dracula don't appear very much)
*all of the games are canon (there are references to the LoI backstory, and Sonia has a dream/vision of the creation of the Vampire Killer - plus there are some references to Simon's Quest and other games)
*for the gameplay portion of the story, it's done realistically, not with floating platforms and such
*each enemy gets one or two starring appearances when Sonia faces them early on; later appearances will be in montages that breeze through redundant portions of the game
The tone of the screenplay is mostly serious, which is unusual for me, because I tend to write a lot of humor into my original stories. There are some moments of humor in this screenplay, too (perhaps an inappropriate moments), but it's mostly played straight.
Various themes explored are forgotten history, legends, the contrast between the aristocracy and the common people, interpretations of visions and intent, and personal free will versus expectations/duty/destiny.
A lot of the screenplay consists of talking. There are also some training montages. I'm wary of having to deal with the monsters, but I'm leaning toward trying to do on-location or green-screened practical effects instead of CG (though I'm not ruling out CG if it's needed).
Even though the screenplay has been difficult to write at times, I'm trying to add in some fun moments and references for the fans.
Trying to balance the game, the manual, the real world, and the wider Castlevania mythology has been no easy task, but it has made me think about Sonia's story (much more so than I'd ever done before) and how different interpretations could be made of various parts of the story.
The Sonia in my story is a girl that is born into wealth, and her supernatural abilities and destiny excuse her from more traditional expectations (notably needlepoint, getting married, and popping out kids), but it's also a bit frustrating for her. She's being guided by an ancient feud that she cares nothing about - toward some end goal that she can't see at the moment. I can't guarantee she'll be to everyone's liking, but I'm trying to not make her a complete bitch.
So...any questions?