Small update time!
Big shoutout to OSM for allowing me to expand upon his mockups!
Work on the project has been slow recently, however I've been adding some new features and ironing several bugs, so it's progress none the less. Trevor now has a dodge move - very similar to Richter's in RoB, however, it doesn't allow you to gain height. It's simply a quick jump back to dodge melee attacks. You perform the action the same as in RoB, however you must be a little closer to the ground. It's hard to explain, but at the moment it feels good.
I'm continuing to revise level one, this time considering the expanded maneuverability and different enemy AI. Once the level is beatable, you guys should expect a demo. I'm bad with time, but I would say within a week or two.
In other news, I would love if anybody was willing to help me with some character base sprites. Basically, it would be a great help if I could have someone draw 1 frame for the characters and enemies in this style, and I would finish animating and touching things up. While it's not necessary, the game would be prettier faster.
As for the music, I've actually taken a liking to YM2612VST. I'm still figuring out all the bells and whistles, but in combination with VOPM the results can be astounding. Thanks for the pointers Dracula9.