X, it's not slow.
-simon moves like paint dries
-attacking animations are slower than congress passing a bill
-all the enemies move around and animate just as slowly
-projectiles are so slow as to be self-defeating (enemy ones have so little gravity as to be zero threat at all, and player ones like the dagger don't move fast enough to be worth using--which is a problem considering the entire
point of the dagger is to be among the fastest things you can hit something with)
every one of these things contributes to overall gameplay being slow as movement speed and animation windups determine
everything and if they're slower than molasses then the entire thing's going to feel sluggish and uneventful
so yes, yes it is slow
it honestly feels like the thing's running at half the gamespeed it should be running at, as if the values for physics and animations were coded to run at 30fps and the game itself is running at 15fps for some reason
i'd be willing to bet you could probably increase every animation and physics value by 1.5x or even up to double their current values without causing any significant problems, the entire thing just runs
way too slow in terms of physics and animation speeds to even remotely be justified in trying to reproduce the classic CV formula and gamefeel
also you should probably create some custom particle systems for effects if the existing program defaults aren't just placeholder, the GM default particles are noticeable a mile away and have
never looked particularly good in any kind of polished game (or looked good at all, if i'm being honest)
Partial Blooverine, it doesn't suffer from "all the issues that plagued C2".
this is a matter of opinion and almost
entirely for your playerbase to decide, not you as a developer
i might be inclined to agree with bloo in some regards, but honestly the above criticisms of the thing being so universally slow as well as just how
empty the game looks/feels at this stage in development puts me in a position where i don't think it's quite ready/polished enough to even
be compared fairly to the original