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Offline djrunza

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Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (Chapter 3: Awakening)
« on: April 12, 2012, 08:10:43 AM »

Chapter 3 (Awakening)
The first scene for this chapter would be taking place right after Soma and Saint Germain teleporting themselves as they walking through at the place called as ‘Dance of Pales’ to send Soma Cruz back to the hideout. The second scene would be during at the hideout while everyone is actually waiting for Soma Cruz to be back safely and assuming that Soma Cruz has destroyed the time portal machine. Here comes the dialogue conversation scene base from some of my idea for the storyline.

-At the 'Dance of Pales' where they are about to returning to the hideout scene

*As Saint Germain and Soma Cruz walking through the ‘Dance of Pales’, Saint Germain has stop walking while Soma Cruz is still walking forward from 3-4 steps until he stops walking as well.*

Soma Cruz- ???. Why the glare Saint Germain? Why do you stop walking?

Saint Germain- Hmmmm. You know, I guess I should stop here by now.

Soma Cruz- What do you mean? I don’t understand. Don’t you want to introduce yourself to my friends there?

Saint Germain- Oh! Nope. It’s alright Soma. I’m doing fine here. Don’t worry about me.

Soma Cruz- Very well then. By forcing you to meet my friends at the hideout, it doesn’t make any difference because you will still refuse to meet them anyway. You are a weird man Saint Germain.

Saint Germain- Ohohoho! To tell you the truth Soma, and it doesn’t even make any difference if I met them anyway too.

Soma Cruz- Hah? And why is that?

Saint Germain- Ermm because…I’m sorry Soma! I got to go now. Take care young boy!

Soma Cruz- No WAIT A SEC…He disappeared just a blink of an eye. I wonder what is he up to actually. Alright then, I shall head to the hideout now.

-The hideout

Old Jonathan Morris- *deep breath* *SIGH*. I’ve been waiting for so long and Soma still never comes back. Why does it take so long to wait? Isn’t it over yet?

Yoko Belnades- I really hope he’s doing fine. I wonder what is he doing right now.

Julius Belmont- We just have to wait until he comes back. I really do believe that he will be able to return to us. Trust me.

Old Charlotte Aulin- Hmm.

Mina Hakuba- …*surprise expression*

Old Charlotte Aulin- What’s wrong Mina? Are you OK?

Mina Hakuba-…Look! Soma is coming! *big smile on her face*

Everyone- What?!

*Soma is approaching towards his friends*

Soma Cruz- Hello everyone. I’m back.

Hammer- HEY! Soma! You are back! I have a whole new lotsa weapons and items over here! Come and check it out!

Old Jonathan Morris- Yahoo! You are a hero you know Soma!

Old Charlotte Aulin- Fiuh! I’m really glad that you are back!

Yoko Belnades- *happy laugh* I knew you would come back to us safely Soma.

Mina Hakuba- sob..sob…Soma! *Mina runs towards Soma and
cuddle him*

Soma Cruz- Everyone! Mina! I’m back ☺

Julius Belmont- …

Old Jonathan- Hey Julius! Would you please put a smile on your face once in a while? Don’t you feel glad that Soma is already back safely?

Julius Belmont- *Julius gives with his fierce and suspicious look over Soma*

Old Jonathan Morris- Oh ho relax Julius, I was just kidding. Heh heh :P

Yoko Belnades- What’s Wrong Julius?

Soma Cruz- Mina, I’m sorry that you have to wait for me for so long.

Mina Hakuba- Soma…sob..Its OK Soma, as I’ve told you before, don’t worry about me, as long as you finish all your missions…I’m just too happy for you coming back to us.

Yoko Belnades- Have you destroyed the time portal machine Soma?

Soma Cruz- Don’t worry about it anymore Yoko. I already complete and fulfill the missions already. Julius, I finally destroyed the time portal machine. Are you happy?

Julius Belmont: …

Hammer- Hey what’s wrong Julius? Soma is asking you a question.

Julius Belmont: Hmph! Something is really fishy going on here right now. Especially YOU Soma. You lied.

*The music in the game is starting to change into a more sad dramatic song*

Everyone: WHAT?!


Yoko Belnades: M..Mina…

Old Charlotte Aulin: Mina calm down will you? Come here.

Soma Cruz: Julius…Why did you said that? I’m speaking the truth. Well, it’s up to you whether to believe it or not what I said, I’ve no right to force you.

Julius Belmont: …It’s obvious. It’s so obvious. YOU ARE NOT SOMA CRUZ THAT I KNEW ONCE BEFORE! SHOW YOURSELF DEMON! *Julius release his precious ultimate whip as he about to get ready to attack upon Soma*

*This time the music in the game is starting to change into a more suspicious song*

Everyone: JULIUS!

Mina Hakuba: JULUUS! STOP IT!

Soma Cruz: Julius! How could you said that to me! I AM YOUR FRIEND, YES?

Julius Belmont: *shocking expression and Julius shouted* MINA!! GET AWAY!!

Mina Hakuba: Haah?! *Mina responded in a frighten way and as
she look upon Soma’s appearance, his appearance is slightly changing into a young boy with a spiky blue hair, scars on his face and dark flames upon his both hands*

???: HEHEHEHE! *grab Mina and close her mouth as she was about to scream and fly up slowly on the air*

*This time the music in the game is changing into a darkness song*

Everyone: MINA!!


Julius Belmont: I KNEW IT ALL ALONG! It seems your power is stronger than I thought DEMON! RELEASE HER AT ONCE!

Old Jonathan Morris: Looks like we got COMPANY! CHARLOTTE! GET READY!

Old Charlotte Aulin: ALRIGHT!

Hammer: How…did he find out where our hideout is! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!

???: You look pretty curious I must say Mr. Military man! How do I find out?! HAH! IT’S SO EASY AS WE STEP AN ANT! I shall introduce myself!. I AM! SHADOW! ONE OF THE DIVISIONS OF THE 7 IMMORTAL VAMPIRES!

Julius Belmont: Shadow, one of the divisions of the 7 Immortal Vampires? A group? I’ve never heard such things like this before!

Old Jonathan Morris: Divisions of the 7 what??

Old Charlotte Aulin: What a sec…. The 7 Immortal Vampires….NO!.... COULD IT BE?! THE IMMORTAL VAMPIRES SURVIVORS OF DURING THE DEMON CASTLE WAR IN 1999?!?!

Yoko Belnades: *Shocking expression* WHAT?!

Shadow: HAHAHAHA! EXCELLENT MISS OLD LADY! You are such a SMART OLD LADY YOU ARE CHARLOTTE! THAT’S RIGHT! WE ARE THE SURVIRORS OF THE DEMON CASTLE WAR IN 1999! Sadly, Lord Dracula himself couldn’t even afford to survive during the bloody war. Thanks to YOU! JULIUS BELMONT FOR DEFEATING HIM FOR GOOD!



Julius Belmont, Old Jonathan Morris, Old Charlotte Aulin and Yoko Belnades: HE??

Shadow: HAHAHA! Soon, you will know who HE is. Now I shall take my leave and BRING THIS LITTLE GIRL BACK TO HIM! HAHAHAHAHAHA

*Julius Belmont, Old Jonathan Morris, Old Charlotte Aulin and Yoko Belnades attacks Shadow and unfortunately, Shadow manage to escape*

Julius Belmont: DARN!! DAMMIT!!

Old Jonathan Morris: We are too late!!


Yoko Belnades: Soma….Where are you?!....We need your aid now….

Soma is continuously exploring throughout the Castle. As usual, killing all demons who stand in his way, level up, gain EXP, collecting souls as ever, receiving a lot of items, money and weapons, absorbing new abilities. Fighting with some bosses and enemies, etc. Until the moment he reach to the hideout. When the player already reaches to the hideout and before reaches to the hideout, this is the dialogue conversation scene:

-Before reaches to the hideout scene

Soma Cruz: I can sense something is not right inside the hideout. I wonder what would that be?

-Already reaches to the hideout

Soma Cruz: *Shocking expression* Everyone!! What Happen?!

Julius Belmont: …

Old Jonathan Morris: …

Old Charlotte Aulin: …

Yoko Belnades: …

Hammer: …

Soma Cruz: Julius! Tell me! What happen?!

Julius Belmont: You are too late Soma. They had kidnapped Mina away from us.


Genya Arikado: That’s enough, Soma!

Everyone: A…Arikado!

Soma Cruz: You little….BASTARD!

*Soma is about to cast a spell upon Arikado and Arikado cast a spell upon Soma. In the end, Arikado wins*

Soma Cruz: Graaargh!!

Genya Arikado: Is this how you show to your enemy? Is this your true power?! You disappoint me Soma.

Soma Cruz: Who the hell do you think you are to judge my POWER?! I HAVE NO FATHER! I HAVE NO MOTHER! I AM NOTHING BUT A TRUE IMMORTAL! HAHAHA!

Julius Belmont, Old Charlotte Aulin, Old Jonathan Morris: SOMA!

Yoko Belnades: No, not again please. Soma, stop this.

Genya Arikado: Let see if you can control your evil spirit that lies within your soul and your body this time.

Evil Soma: As I’ve said before Arikado, I still have unfinished business with you! You brought me here just for the purpose of seeing Mina living AN AGONY AND PURE SUFFERING! AM I RIGHT! I’M GOING TO SAVE MINA RIGHT NOW NO MATTER WHAT! SHE IS ONE OF THE REASONS WHY I LIVE IN THIS WORLD!

Genya Arikado: Looks like the power of the evil spirit inside his body has finally awaken and be able to use it now.

Julius Belmont: Arikado, what do you mean by that?

Genya Arikado: Which means that Soma is now be able to control and use his evil personality power while killing the demons.

Old Jonathan Morris: WHAT?! It can’t be!

Old Charlotte Aulin: So you trying to say that Soma is getting way more stronger than before?

Genya Arikado: Precisely.


*The screen during the gameplay starting to flash out for a moment and back to normal screen*

Everyone: Soma! Is that you?!

Soma Cruz: Mina, I shall go and save you right now….Wait…I can control my evil spirit? How could this possible??

Genya Arikado: Congratulations Soma. You have made me proud of you. Try to change back to your evil personality right now.

Soma Cruz: …OK

*An electrical fusion transformation flash sound when everytime Soma changing from his good power personality to his evil power personality. This is similar to Devil May Cry’s own favorite gameplay system which to be called as ‘Devil Trigger’*

Evil Soma: Hmph! Kind of interesting to me!

Genya Arikado: Soma, now change back to your normal side.

*Soma chaning from his evil power personality to his good power personality*

Soma Cruz: What?! I can finally control it!

Julius Belmont: After all this while, finally you did it Soma!

Old Jonathan Morris: Yahoo! You finally can control it Soma!

Old Charlotte Aulin: Now, we have the high opportunity to actually destroy all the immortal demons that lies within this Castle!

Genya Arikado: Not really.

Old Charlotte Aulin: Why?

Genya Arikado: Because Soma still need to get use to it and be able to fully control himself when he transform into his evil personality.

Old Charlotte Aulin: I see. As long as there’s something great news about Soma’s power though.

Genya Arikado: Indeed.

Soma Cruz: Arikado,…

Genya Arikado: Yes Soma?

Soma Cruz: I do not mean to be rude to you…I can’t control my curiosity that keeps questioning in my mind. Before I go, I want to ask you some questions. Why are you calling me Son? Are you…my real Father?

Genya Arikado: Soma… Now it’s NOT the right time to talk about this, still. We have NO time to waste!. Death and Olrox are currently planning something really wicked. I don't know if you all can actually bear to listen to this or the other way round.

Julius Belmont: Why? What are they actually planning to do?
Genya Arikado: They trying to create chaos over the world and attempt to create a war with the humanity and destroy them to dust.

Julius Belmont: You mean they trying to bring back the DEMON CASTLE WAR BACK IN THIS ERA?!

Old Jonathan Morris, Old Charlotte Aulin and Yoko Belnades: NO! IT CAN’T BE!

Genya Arikado: I know. Whatever it is, the only matters now is to go save Mina and finish this mission once and for all!

Soma Cruz: Let’s go everyone, we have no much time left already.

Julius Belmont: Got it!

Yoko Belnades: Teamwork is the best way to go through this.

Old Charlotte Aulin: Yup I couldn’t agree more with you Yoko. Let’s do this!

Old Jonathan Morris: GOTCHA! Hey by the way Charlotte, do you remember our old days? I mean, the GREAT ol’ days? :D

Old Charlotte Aulin: Indeed! We defeated the evil twin sisters Loretta and Stella and their false father, Brauner! Which happen to be Olrox’s elder brother though.

Old Jonathan Morris: YEAH! And we actually had fun together defeating those demons and defeated that legendary Belmont clan during the evil twins QUEST!

Old Charlotte Aulin: Errmm…You know Jonathan, I guess this is a little bit awkward…

Old Jonathan Morris: Erm why? 0.o

Julius Belmont: Jonathan. Did you just said, Belmont?

Old Jonathan Morris: Errrk nothing Julius! It’s nothing at all! We were just ramblings and stuff you know. Heh heh heh heh heh heh.

Old Charlotte Aulin: -________-

Yoko Belnades: Sigh

Genya Arikado: OK Enough talking! Let’s get going shall we? Julius, Jonathan, Charlotte and you Soma, EXPLORE around the Castle and FIND the time portal machine and finally, you know what to do. DESTROY any Immortal demons that stands in your way!

Soma Cruz: What about you Arikado?

Genya Arikado: I’m staying here with Yoko and Hammer. BECAREFUL everyone!

Everyone: OK!

*Surprisingly, the gameplay system for this time is slightly changing, the player would be able to perform ‘Character Switch’ system just like the old times when we were once played Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow and Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin. Therefore, in Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow, the player would be able to control Soma, Julius Belmont, Jonathan Morris and Charlotte Aulin as well. 4 characters can be switching together and another new system in this game would be healing other characters for an example, if the player control Jonathan and have portion on the item screen, the player could be able use the portion to heal either Soma, Julius or Charlotte. Unfortunately, this is pretty challenging that I would like to put in this game for the Castlevania fans gamers which is, Soma is the ONLY one who can possess and collecting the enemy SOULS instead of Jonathan, Julius or Charlotte.*

Soma's new "Devil Trigger" gamelay system explanation- When everytime the player activate Soma's "Devil Trigger" from his good power personality to his evil power personality, Soma's STR, CON, INT and LCK will automatically increase for temporary duration and it depends on Soma's power gauge under his life bar.

Soma, Julius, Jonathan and Charlotte are continuously exploring the Castle together for the FIRST TIME EVER IN CASTLEVANIA HISTORY! As usual, killing all demons who stand in his way, level up, gain EXP, collecting souls as ever, receiving a lot of items, money and weapons, absorbing new abilities. Fighting with some bosses and enemies, etc. Until the player reaches into a new area called as “The Macabre Cave”. Soma, Julius, Jonathan and Charlotte found themselves in a dark cave made of bones and rotten. It was a creepy and terrible place filled with horror and stench of death. Near the entrance, a decomposing corpse of a Slogra and Gaibon lied lifeless on the ground. As the player walking through the Macabre Cave, the gameplay scene is changing into another scene between Death and Olrox in a dark luxurious place without any lights that are on, even the lights chandeliers on top of the ceiling remains, as it seems to be. Here comes the dialogue conversation scene:

*Olrox staring outside the window*

Death: What are you thinking Olrox? You never seem to be calm yourself as I can see it, are you not?

Olrox: … *Olrox look outside of the window with his fierce and hatred face*

Death: Hmph. Worrying too much can make you uncomfortable and not even a little calm in yourself too. So why don’t you…

*Olrox interrupt the conversation*

Olrox: Why don’t You KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT DEATH!! Hmph! Looks like that foolish young boy destroyed half of your skull face I see. And Why You Gave HIM SUCH FREEDOM! WHY DIDN’T YOU KILL HIM??

Death: *HAHAHA* It doesn’t matter to me Olrox. I’ve been through a lot of battle with legendary heroes from the past, the Belmont clan, the Morris clan and such. As long as I still live for eternity! *Death’s rise his right hand and cover on his face where the skull face were broken at and starting to heal back to normal* See?

Olrox: That’s none of my concern. All I care is about revenge for my dear elder brother, Brauner!. Brauner…Why, why you have to die in such vain, Why you have to live your life without me. Why…WHYY! I shall never, EVER FORGIVE HUMANITY! LIFE WILL NEVER BE FAIR TO ME!

Death: One of your pawns has come to deliver your present.

Shadow: Sorry for interrupting both of you. This is the little girl that you’ve always wanted right? Well, here you go. *Shadow pushes Mina quite strongly*

Mina Hakuba: W…Where am I? Please, let me go…

Death: Well well well, what do we have here? An innocent little
child trap in the middle of the dark maze!

Shadow: So, I already have done my mission for today. Where’s my prize huh? Don’t you two ever take me for granted! UNDERSTAND??

Olrox: Hahahaha Shadow, still the same as always. Very well then, as I promise to you, this, would be the prize for you.

*Olrox give a strong dark power souls upon Shadow’s both
hands in order to be more Immortality than before*

Shadow: HAH?! Thanks for that! Well, take good care of this little girl. She’s annoying me.

Mina Hakuba: Damn you….WOULD YOU PLEASE LET ME GO!

Shadow: SILENCE! YOU LITTLE *Shadow is about to cast his spell upon Mina*

Mina Hakuba: KYEEAAH!

Olrox: * Olrox use his lightning strike power upon the floor where Shadow’s standing position is.*

Shadow: …Such power…Hmph! You are lucky this time, little girl.

Olrox: Shadow, bring Maximo and Chibi over here. I need to see them both about something really important to talk about.

Shadow: Hah! That punk and that annoying gothic little girl? As you wish, Olrox. But remember, I can prove to you soon, very soon,*Shadow pointed his finger to Olrox with his devil eyes* that I am way MORE STRONGER THAN THE OTHER 7 IMMORTAL VAMPIRES! UNDERSTAND?? *Shadow walks away*

Olrox: *Evil smile while staring upon Shadow’s eyes*

Death: Such arrogant and over confident young immortal vampire boy indeed.

*Mina quickly runs away from that place and Olrox teleporting himself to in front of Mina’s face and fainted her with his green gas power on the palm on his hand*

Olrox: This would be one of our greatest resources for our plan.
This is it. Come, Soma, Julius, Jonathan and Charlotte, I’ve been waiting for you to CRUSH YOU INTO PIECES! *Evil laugh*

End of Chapter 3

*New ‘Gallery’ has been unlocked on the main menu.

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Re: Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (Chapter 3: Awakening)
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2012, 09:07:09 AM »
This is perfect in every way.

Offline djrunza

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Re: Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (Chapter 3: Awakening)
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2012, 09:38:27 AM »
This is perfect in every way.

Ahaha thank you so much beingthehero! I really do appreciate it. Hope you will like it and have more interest as you read it. Chapter 4 is in a progression currently. Stay tune! :D

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Re: Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (Chapter 3: Awakening)
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2012, 12:40:27 PM »
Interesting! Really good settings for a possible sequel. The only thing I dislike is that the Demon arrogantly claims that "even Lord Dracula himself didn't survive the 1999 war". My personal input would be that the demon is just not aware of Dracula's real powers, that he possibly only take advantage of the "7 vampires" in order to fully resurrect himself and at hand analyze the situation.

But that's just me, it's your story so my opinion shouldn't judge it.

Apart from that really nice!

Offline djrunza

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Re: Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (Chapter 3: Awakening)
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2012, 01:20:05 PM »
Interesting! Really good settings for a possible sequel. The only thing I dislike is that the Demon arrogantly claims that "even Lord Dracula himself didn't survive the 1999 war". My personal input would be that the demon is just not aware of Dracula's real powers, that he possibly only take advantage of the "7 vampires" in order to fully resurrect himself and at hand analyze the situation.

But that's just me, it's your story so my opinion shouldn't judge it.

Apart from that really nice!

Why thank you so much! I really appreciate it! :D Yes, even myself couldn't even bare for what he had said about Lord Dracula's demise by looking down on him and I created him as a MOST arrogant character among of all the 7 divisions od the Immotal Vampires. Exactly, he didn't even aware about Lord Dracula's real powers and take advantage among the 7 Immortal Vampires? Hmmm...Just wait and see until the end of this story whether or not he is actually take advantage on them. Chapter 4 is in a progression currently. Stay tune! Hehe :P

