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Anonymous soldier letter (translated from Hebrew)
« on: September 17, 2007, 12:33:25 PM »
This letter is dedicated to all soldiers, Israeli, as well as it is relevant to to brave American and European soldiers serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, or any other god-forgotten place the times might send you. I cannot say that this letter is real. In fact, most of the chances are that it's fake. But it still describes the feeling soldiers have. Maybe it would help you understand better.
Please read it and spread it at will.

To my Anonymous girl.

How can I explain my experiences? Words are so dull.
How can you explain things that you see and feel, to someone else?
How can I explain you, picture the situation, explain the injustice that I feel?
Why does a jobnik (non-fighting military personnel) live well? Surrounded by female soldiers, with all the options and time to do them? Too bad his good years pass quickly.
Why is it when I arrive home at Saturday, and try to pick on you, you say: "you're lovely, you're nice, but I will not sit a week, two weeks, a month, two months, for a guy to return stinky, dirty and tired, thanks God I'm beautiful and  got all the options before me."
And another Sunday passes.
Why is it that when we recruited, the guys at my unit had girlfriends, letters, packages, and now we're all alone?
Because of three fu**ing years?! (the obligation time for military service in Israel).
I'm sitting here, in ****, in an ocean of mud, snow is starting to fall slowly and I'm shivering, but my heart... My heart is colder, because while I'm lying here you're in your warm, dry bed, in your safe home, alone or with a lover, not thinking of anything, not even knowing that there are soldiers lying in the mud, shivering of cold, and dying to close their eyes... And get some sleep...
That are protecting you, Anonymous, so you could lie in your warm bed, calmly. While I'm on the guard, with my weapon, armor on, a helmet and much anger in my heart.
How could I explain that to you?
A feeling of nervousness and fear and love, when I'm coming home and telling of an encounter! Of the fear and excitement, and you just shake your heads as if you understand and talk of the new car. When I'm counting the rocks thrown at my jeep, and hearing how the suspect was planning to go up to Yizhar and shoot all the brothers that were with me since 2002, while in the media all they talk about are bad soldiers who shoot and kill.
When I'm running through the alleys and there's a 10-year-old boy running after me, cursing my mother and sister, shouting how he's gonna kill them and blow up anyone else, and I can't do anything about it. When I'm in Kastina and seeing a view you can only see abroad, but I just wanna see my home... And I see it, in photos and in my dreams. All I want is a good word!
When my back hurts and my eyes are red from sleepless night, I'm reading in the newspaper how from ideological reasons those dogs refuse to serve in Nablus, Tool-Karem, Kalkilliya, Ramallah, Janin, because it is against their moral views, there are other suckers who would do the dirty work for them.
So what are we? Are we the "niggers" of Israel? Don't they see where they live in, don't they understand that without us, they would be two meters below ground? I don't need your mercy, I don't mercy myself either, I'm talking of injustice!
Wise men said once, "He who doesn't work on Friday evening, won't eat on Saturday." They don't have any idea how we feel after three years of seeing only mosques, terrorists, weaponry and alleyways. You don't have any idea when we lie in bed with our girlfriends, and realize that people born five years before us are the ones protecting us now.
Because of such a stupid reality that seems lost I must protect my beloved mother and father, my brothers, my little sisters, my friends... Yes, I am proud!! I am a fighter!!
A month ago I arrived home, and my sister gave me a letter with chocolate, the letter simply said "Thank you". She is only 8 and she understands better than all the politicians in this blessed country. I was so excided, if I wasn't playing tough, I would have even shed a tear, because she is the reason I am here.
All we want is a compliment. Not the salary, we don't need a free car or vacations abroad, just a compliment!
Just a good word so we would know that a whole nation stands behind us, so we knew what for, so we feel that it was worth it, so we know we didn't make a mistake when we chose to be fighters. So everything would be easier, because we would do anything for you, beloved motherland!
Maybe it sounds too dull and as if we are just wasting time, but even today, some think and feel that way, so give us the power to proceed forward... Forever...
Signed by a simple soldier.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2007, 12:44:48 PM by Freddy Krueger »
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~Charlie Sheen

Offline DoctaMario

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Re: Anonymous soldier letter (translated from Hebrew)
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2007, 10:49:20 PM »
Beautiful words. It's funny to think that if the populaces of all these warring countries actually got together and hung out, they'd probably find they they had a lot in common. It's the ones in power who struggle to divide us up, and it's shameful that we give them that power so freely.
